29 resultados para Supersymmetric gauge theory

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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The transverse broadening of an energetic jet passing through a non-Abelian plasma is believed to be described by the thermal expectation value of a light-cone Wilson loop. In this exploratory study, we measure the light-cone Wilson loop with classical lattice gauge theory simulations. We observe, as suggested by previous studies, that there are strong interactions already at short transverse distances, which may lead to more efficient jet quenching than in leading-order perturbation theory. We also verify that the asymptotics of the Wilson loop do not change qualitatively when crossing the light cone, which supports arguments in the literature that infrared contributions to jet quenching can be studied with dimensionally reduced simulations in the space-like domain. Finally we speculate on possibilities for full four-dimensional lattice studies of the same observable, perhaps by employing shifted boundary conditions in order to simulate ensembles boosted by an imaginary velocity.


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We regularize compact and non-compact Abelian Chern–Simons–Maxwell theories on a spatial lattice using the Hamiltonian formulation. We consider a doubled theory with gauge fields living on a lattice and its dual lattice. The Hilbert space of the theory is a product of local Hilbert spaces, each associated with a link and the corresponding dual link. The two electric field operators associated with the link-pair do not commute. In the non-compact case with gauge group R, each local Hilbert space is analogous to the one of a charged “particle” moving in the link-pair group space R2 in a constant “magnetic” background field. In the compact case, the link-pair group space is a torus U(1)2 threaded by k units of quantized “magnetic” flux, with k being the level of the Chern–Simons theory. The holonomies of the torus U(1)2 give rise to two self-adjoint extension parameters, which form two non-dynamical background lattice gauge fields that explicitly break the manifest gauge symmetry from U(1) to Z(k). The local Hilbert space of a link-pair then decomposes into representations of a magnetic translation group. In the pure Chern–Simons limit of a large “photon” mass, this results in a Z(k)-symmetric variant of Kitaev’s toric code, self-adjointly extended by the two non-dynamical background lattice gauge fields. Electric charges on the original lattice and on the dual lattice obey mutually anyonic statistics with the statistics angle . Non-Abelian U(k) Berry gauge fields that arise from the self-adjoint extension parameters may be interesting in the context of quantum information processing.


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We revisit the supermultiplet structure of Noether currents for N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories. Using superfield identities and the field equations we show how to derive a superfield equation for the divergences of the Noether currents in terms of the supercurrent and anomaly superfields containing 16_B+16_F components. We refer to this as the natural supercurrent structure as it is invariant under all local symmetries of the theory. It corresponds to the S-multiplet of Komargodski and Seiberg. We clarify the on/off-shell nature of the currents appearing in this multiplet and we study in detail the effect of specific improvement transformations leading to 1) a Ferrara-Zumino multiplet and to 2) a multiplet containing the new improved energy-momentum tensor of Callan, Coleman and Jackiw. Our methods also apply to supersymmetric gauge theories with a Fayet-Iliopoulos term. We construct the natural supercurrent multiplet for such a theory and show how to improve this to a formally gauge-invariant Ferrara-Zumino multiplet by introducing a non-dynamical chiral superfield S to ensure superfield gauge invariance. Finally we study the coupling of this theory to supergravity and show that S remains non-dynamical if the theory is R-symmetric and that S becomes propagating if the theory is not R-symmetric, leading to non-minimal 16_B+16_F supergravity


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Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theories are of central importance in many areas of physics. In condensed matter physics, AbelianU(1) lattice gauge theories arise in the description of certain quantum spin liquids. In quantum information theory, Kitaev’s toric code is a Z(2) lattice gauge theory. In particle physics, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the non-Abelian SU(3) gauge theory of the strong interactions between quarks and gluons, is nonperturbatively regularized on a lattice. Quantum link models extend the concept of lattice gauge theories beyond the Wilson formulation, and are well suited for both digital and analog quantum simulation using ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices. Since quantum simulators do not suffer from the notorious sign problem, they open the door to studies of the real-time evolution of strongly coupled quantum systems, which are impossible with classical simulation methods. A plethora of interesting lattice gauge theories suggests itself for quantum simulation, which should allow us to address very challenging problems, ranging from confinement and deconfinement, or chiral symmetry breaking and its restoration at finite baryon density, to color superconductivity and the real-time evolution of heavy-ion collisions, first in simpler model gauge theories and ultimately in QCD.


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Among resummation techniques for perturbative QCD in the context of collider and flavor physics, soft-collinear effective theory (SCET) has emerged as both a powerful and versatile tool, having been applied to a large variety of processes, from B-meson decays to jet production at the LHC. This book provides a concise, pedagogical introduction to this technique. It discusses the expansion of Feynman diagrams around the high-energy limit, followed by the explicit construction of the effective Lagrangian - first for a scalar theory, then for QCD. The underlying concepts are illustrated with the quark vector form factor at large momentum transfer, and the formalism is applied to compute soft-gluon resummation and to perform transverse-momentum resummation for the Drell-Yan process utilizing renormalization group evolution in SCET. Finally, the infrared structure of n-point gauge-theory amplitudes is analyzed by relating them to effective-theory operators. This text is suitable for graduate students and non-specialist researchers alike as it requires only basic knowledge of perturbative QCD.


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We describe and test a nonperturbatively improved single-plaquette lattice action for 4-d SU(2) and SU(3) pure gauge theory, which suppresses large fluctuations of the plaquette, without requiring the naive continuum limit for smooth fields. We tune the action parameters based on torelon masses in moderate cubic physical volumes, and investigate the size of cut-off effects in other physical quantities, including torelon masses in asymmetric spatial volumes, the static quark potential, and gradient flow observables. In 2-d O(N) models similarly constructed nearest-neighbor actions have led to a drastic reduction of cut-off effects, down to the permille level, in a wide variety of physical quantities. In the gauge theories, we find significant reduction of lattice artifacts, and for some observables, the coarsest lattice result is very close to the continuum value. We estimate an improvement factor of 40 compared to using the Wilson gauge action to achieve the same statistical accuracy and suppression of cut-off effects.


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We explore the nature of the bulk transition observed at strong coupling in the SU(3) gauge theory with Nf=12 fermions in the fundamental representation. The transition separates a weak coupling chirally symmetric phase from a strong coupling chirally broken phase and is compatible with the scenario where conformality is restored by increasing the flavour content of a non abelian gauge theory. We explore the intriguing possibility that the observed bulk transition is associated with the occurrence of an ultraviolet fixed point (UVFP) at strong coupling, where a new theory emerges in the continuum.


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The (2 + 1)-d U(1) quantum link model is a gauge theory, amenable to quantum simulation, with a spontaneously broken SO(2) symmetry emerging at a quantum phase transition. Its low-energy physics is described by a (2 + 1)-d RP(1) effective field theory, perturbed by an SO(2) breaking operator, which prevents the interpretation of the emergent pseudo-Goldstone boson as a dual photon. At the quantum phase transition, the model mimics some features of deconfined quantum criticality, but remains linearly confining. Deconfinement only sets in at high temperature.


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We consider black probes of Anti-de Sitter and Schrödinger spacetimes embedded in string theory and M-theory and construct perturbatively new black hole geometries. We begin by reviewing black string configurations in Anti-de Sitter dual to finite temperature Wilson loops in the deconfined phase of the gauge theory and generalise the construction to the confined phase. We then consider black strings in thermal Schrödinger, obtained via a null Melvin twist of the extremal D3-brane, and construct three distinct types of black string configurations with spacelike as well as lightlike separated boundary endpoints. One of these configurations interpolates between the Wilson loop operators, with bulk duals defined in Anti-de Sitter and another class of Wilson loop operators, with bulk duals defined in Schrödinger. The case of black membranes with boundary endpoints on the M5-brane dual to Wilson surfaces in the gauge theory is analysed in detail. Four types of black membranes, ending on the null Melvin twist of the extremal M5-brane exhibiting the Schrödinger symmetry group, are then constructed. We highlight the differences between Anti-de Sitter and Schrödinger backgrounds and make some comments on the properties of the corresponding dual gauge theories.


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The analytic continuation needed for the extraction of transport coefficients necessitates in principle a continuous function of the Euclidean time variable. We report on progress towards achieving the continuum limit for 2-point correlator measurements in thermal SU(3) gauge theory, with specific attention paid to scale setting. In particular, we improve upon the determination of the critical lattice coupling and the critical temperature of pure SU(3) gauge theory, estimating r0Tc ≃ 0.7470(7) after a continuum extrapolation. As an application the determination of the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient from a correlator of colour-electric fields attached to a Polyakov loop is discussed.


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After reviewing how simulations employing classical lattice gauge theory permit to test a conjectured Euclideanization property of a light-cone Wilson loop in a thermal non-Abelian plasma, we show how Euclidean data can in turn be used to estimate the transverse collision kernel, C(k⊥), characterizing the broadening of a high-energy jet. First results, based on data produced recently by Panero et al, suggest that C(k⊥) is enhanced over the known NLO result in a soft regime k⊥ < a few T. The shape of k3⊥ C(k⊥) is consistent with a Gaussian at small k⊥.


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The quantum dimer model on the square lattice is a U(1) gauge theory that addresses aspects of the physics of high-Tc superconductors. Using a quantum Monte Carlo method, we show that the theory exists in a confining columnar valence bond solid phase. The interfaces separating distinct columnar phases display plaquette order, which, however, is not realized as a bulk phase. Static “electric” charges are confined by flux tubes that consist of multiple strands, each carrying a fractionalized flux ¼. A soft pseudo-Goldstone mode (which becomes exactly massless at the Rokhsar-Kivelson point) extends deep into the columnar phase, with potential implications for high-Tc physics.


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We explore a method developed in statistical physics which has been argued to have exponentially small finite-volume effects, in order to determine the critical temperature Tc of pure SU(3) gauge theory close to the continuum limit. The method allows us to estimate the critical coupling βc of the Wilson action for temporal extents up to Nτ∼20 with ≲0.1% uncertainties. Making use of the scale setting parameters r0 and t0−−√ in the same range of β-values, these results lead to the independent continuum extrapolations Tcr0=0.7457(45) and Tct0−−√=0.2489(14), with the latter originating from a more convincing fit. Inserting a conversion of r0 from literature (unfortunately with much larger errors) yields Tc/ΛMS¯¯¯¯¯=1.24(10).