10 resultados para Species description

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Earlier investigations have shown that 'Haemophilus somnus', 'Haemophilus agni' and 'Histophilus ovis' represent the same species. In the present investigation, the taxonomic position of this species is explored further by sequencing the 16S rRNA and rpoB genes of strains that were investigated previously by DNA-DNA hybridization. These results clearly support the allocation of this species to a novel genus within the family PASTEURELLACEAE: The phenotypic separation of Histophilus somni gen. nov., sp. nov. from other members of the family can, for most strains, be based on capnophilia, yellowish pigmentation and indole production. However, due to phenotypic variation, the use of a species-specific PCR test based on the 16S rRNA gene is included in the species description. This is justified by the high sequence similarity of the 16S rRNA gene within the species and the fact that the highest sequence similarity to any other taxon within the family is 93.4 %. The type strain, 8025(T)=ATCC 43625(T)=CCUG 36157(T), was isolated in the USA from a bovine brain with lesions of thromboembolic meningoencephalitis.


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Principles and guidelines are presented to ensure a solid scientific standard of papers dealing with the taxonomy of taxa of Pasteurellaceae Pohl 1981. The classification of the Pasteurellaceae is in principle based on a polyphasic approach. DNA sequencing of certain genes is very important for defining the borders of a taxon. However, the characteristics that are common to all members of the taxon and which might be helpful for separating it from related taxa must also be identified. Descriptions have to be based on as many strains as possible (inclusion of at least five strains is highly desirable), representing different sources with respect to geography and ecology, to allow proper characterization both phenotypically and genotypically, to establish the extent of diversity of the cluster to be named. A genus must be monophyletic based on 16S rRNA gene sequence-based phylogenetic analysis. Only in very rare cases is it acceptable that monophyly can not be achieved by 16S rRNA gene sequence comparison. Recently, the monophyly of genera has been confirmed by sequence comparison of housekeeping genes. In principle, a new genus should be recognized by a distinct phenotype, and characters that separate the new genus from its neighbours should be given clearly. Due to the overall importance of accurate classification of species, at least two genotypic methods are needed to show coherence and for separation at the species level. The main criterion for the classification of a novel species is that it forms a monophyletic group based on 16S rRNA gene sequence-based phylogenetic analysis. However, some groups might also include closely related species. In these cases, more sensitive tools for genetic recognition of species should be applied, such as DNA-DNA hybridizations. The comparison of housekeeping gene sequences has recently been used for genotypic definition of species. In order to separate species, phenotypic characters must also be identified to recognize them, and at least two phenotypic differences from existing species should be identified if possible. We recommend the use of the subspecies category only for subgroups associated with disease or similar biological characteristics. At the subspecies level, the genotypic groups must always be nested within the boundaries of an existing species. Phenotypic cohesion must be documented at the subspecies level and separation between subspecies and related species must be fully documented, as well as association with particular disease and host. An overview of methods previously used to characterize isolates of the Pasteurellaceae has been given. Genotypic and phenotypic methods are separated in relation to tests for investigating diversity and cohesion and to separate taxa at the level of genus as well as species and subspecies.


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The application of non-invasive imaging technologies using X-radiation (diagnostic radioentomology, ‘DR’) is demonstrated for the study of amber-entombed social bees. Here, we examine the external and internal morphology of an Early Miocene (Burdigalian) stingless bee (Apinae: Meliponini) from the Dominican Republic using non-destructive X-ray microtomography analysis. The study permits the accurate reconstruction of features otherwise obscured or impossible to visualize without destroying the sample and allows diagnosis of the specimen as a new species, Proplebeia adbita Greco and Engel.


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The taxonomic position of Actinobacillus capsulatus, a member of the family Pasteurellaceae found in rabbits, hares and hamsters, has been challenged. 16S rRNA gene (rrs) sequence data show the species to be heterogeneous. Using a polyphasic approach, 23 strains that were identified previously as belonging, or closely related, to A. capsulatus were analysed. Eighty characters were included in the phenotypic analysis. Phylogenetic analysis was done based on rrs, rpoB, infB and recN sequences. In addition, the recN sequence similarities were used to calculate the whole-genome sequence relatedness of all strains investigated as well as that with other members of the family Pasteurellaceae. The phenotypic analysis allowed identification of five groups. The major group of 17 strains could be classified as A. capsulatus. Two hamster isolates were closely related to A. capsulatus but differed in a few characters. Single isolates from a rabbit and snowshoe-hare were phenotypically related to Actinobacillus suis. One rabbit isolate was related to the genus Mannheimia, while another isolate could not be classified phenotypically with known taxa. The phylogenetic analysis confirmed the phenotypic grouping. In contrast to the rrs-based tree, the A. capsulatus strains clustered unambiguously with the type species and related species of the genus Actinobacillus in the rpoB-, infB- and recN-based trees. Genome similarity comparison using recN finally confirmed the high genomic relationship of the A. capsulatus strains with the type species and related species of the genus Actinobacillus and allowed a clear assignment of the other unrelated strains to the phenotypic and phylogenetic clusters outlined. The present findings allow the description of A. capsulatus to be emended and separate it more clearly from other species, both phenotypically and genotypically. The type strain of A. capsulatus is CCUG 12396(T) (=Frederiksen 243(T)=ATCC 51571(T)=NCTC 11408(T)=CIP 103283(T)).


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This investigation was based on 23 isolates from several European countries collected over the past 30 years, and included characterization of all isolates. Published data on amplified fragment length polymorphism typing of isolates representing all biovars as well as protein profiles were used to select strains that were then further characterized by polyamine profiling and sequencing of 16S rRNA, infB, rpoB and recN genes. Comparison of 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed a monophyletic group within the avian 16S rRNA group of the Pasteurellaceae, which currently includes the genera Avibacterium, Gallibacterium and Volucribacter. Five monophyletic subgroups related to Gallibacterium anatis were recognized by 16S rRNA, rpoB, infB and recN gene sequence comparisons. Whole-genome similarity between strains of the five subgroups and the type strain of G. anatis calculated from recN sequences allowed us to classify them within the genus Gallibacterium. In addition, phenotypic data including biochemical traits, protein profiling and polyamine patterns clearly indicated that these taxa are related. Major phenotypic diversity was observed for 16S rRNA gene sequence groups. Furthermore, comparison of whole-genome similarities, phenotypic data and published data on amplified fragment length polymorphism and protein profiling revealed that each of the five groups present unique properties that allow the proposal of three novel species of Gallibacterium, for which we propose the names Gallibacterium melopsittaci sp. nov. (type strain F450(T) =CCUG 36331(T) =CCM 7538(T)), Gallibacterium trehalosifermentans sp. nov. (type strain 52/S3/90(T) =CCUG 55631(T) =CCM 7539(T)) and Gallibacterium salpingitidis sp. nov. (type strain F150(T) =CCUG 15564(T) =CCUG 36325(T) =NCTC 11414(T)), a novel genomospecies 3 of Gallibacterium and an unnamed taxon (group V). An emended description of the genus Gallibacterium is also presented.


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The Mycoplasma mycoides cluster consists of six pathogenic mycoplasmas causing disease in ruminants, which share many genotypic and phenotypic traits. The M. mycoides cluster comprises five recognized taxa: Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides Small Colony (MmmSC), M. mycoides subsp. mycoides Large Colony (MmmLC), M. mycoides subsp. capri (Mmc), Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum (Mcc) and M. capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae (Mccp). The group of strains known as Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 of Leach (MBG7) has remained unassigned, due to conflicting data obtained by different classification methods. In the present paper, all available data, including recent phylogenetic analyses, have been reviewed, resulting in a proposal for an emended taxonomy of this cluster: (i) the MBG7 strains, although related phylogenetically to M. capricolum, hold sufficient characteristic traits to be assigned as a separate species, i.e. Mycoplasma leachii sp. nov. (type strain, PG50(T) = N29(T) = NCTC 10133(T) = DSM 21131(T)); (ii) MmmLC and Mmc, which can only be distinguished by serological methods and are related more distantly to MmmSC, should be combined into a single subspecies, i.e. Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri, leaving M. mycoides subsp. mycoides (MmmSC) as the exclusive designation for the agent of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia. A taxonomic description of M. leachii sp. nov. and emended descriptions of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides and M. mycoides subsp. capri are presented. As a result of these emendments, the M. mycoides cluster will hereafter be composed of five taxa comprising three subclusters, which correspond to the M. mycoides subspecies, the M. capricolum subspecies and the novel species M. leachii.


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The aim of this study was to improve the definition and identification of a group of veterinarily important bacteria referred to as the [Pasteurella] aerogenes-[Pasteurella] mairii-[Actinobacillus] rossii complex. These organisms have mainly been isolated from the reproductive and intestinal tracts of pigs and in most cases have been considered as opportunistic pathogens. A collection of 87 strains were characterized by phenotypic analysis from which 41 strains were selected for 16S rRNA gene sequence comparison, out of which 23 have been sequenced in the present study. One group of 21 strains phenotyped as biovars 1, 3-5, 9-11, 19 and 25-27, including the type strain of [P.] aerogenes, showed 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities of 99.6 % or higher; another group of 18 strains including biovars 2, 6-8, 12-15, 21, 23, 24 and 26A and the type strain of [A.] rossii showed 97.8 % or higher 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity. Between the two groups, 93.8-95.7 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity was observed. Strains of [P.] mairii showed 99.5 % similarity, with 95.5-97.2 and 93.8-95.5 % similarity to strains of [P.] aerogenes and [A.] rossii, respectively. Four strains could not be classified with any of these groups and belonged to other members of Pasteurellaceae. Comparisons were also made to DNA-DNA hybridization data. Biovars 1, 9, 10, 11 and 19, including the type strain of [P.] aerogenes, linked at 70 % DNA reassociation, whereas strains identified as biovars 2, 6, 7, 8, 12, 15 and 21 of [P.] aerogenes linked at 81 %. The latter group most likely represents [A.] rossii based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons. DNA reassociation between the [P.] aerogenes and [A.] rossii groups was at most 37 %, whereas 47 % was the highest DNA reassociation found between [P.] aerogenes and [P.] mairii. The study showed that [P.] aerogenes, [P.] mairii and [A.] rossii can not be easily separated and may consequently be misidentified based on current knowledge of their phenotypic characteristics. In addition, these taxa are difficult to separate from other taxa of the Pasteurellaceae. A revised scheme for separation based upon phenotypic characters is suggested for the three species [P.] aerogenes emend., [P.] mairii emend. and [A.] rossii emend., with the respective type strains ATCC 27883T, NCTC 10699T and ATCC 27072T.


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For a hundred years semi-natural species-rich meadow vegetation has been described from various areas of Switzerland. The first description dates from 1892 by Stebler and Schröter. In the present study, relevés of 65 semi-natural mesophilous meadow associations and communities reported by 26 authors, which were collected throughout the century, are summarized. An increasing number of descriptions dating from the 1980s and 1990s is included. A numerical classification of these 65 types resulted in four main groups of meadow-types. When compared with the existing literature of alliances a high correlation is found with the Polygono-Trisetion Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. ex Marshall 1947, the Arrhenatherion W. Koch 1926, the Agrostio-Festucion Puscaru et al. 1956, the Mesobromion Br.-Bl. et Moor 1938 em. Oberdorfer 1957, and with the Chrysopogonetum W. Koch 1943. The Agrostio-Festucion is characteristic for the montane belt in southern Switzerland and was until recently poorly known. This alliance is discussed in detail. Some classifications of meadow types by the original authors had to be rearranged for the present purpose. The present classification coincides well with the one Stebler and Schröter gave in 1892. Today, after a century of intensive changes in land use, their four main types are still valid.