37 resultados para Salmon Oncorhynchus-nerka
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
When salmonid fish that have been raised in hatcheries spawn in the wild, they often produce fewer surviving adult offspring than wild fish. Recent data from steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Hood River (Oregon, USA) show that even one or two generations of hatchery culture can result in dramatic declines in fitness. Although intense domestication selection could cause such declines, it is worth considering alternative explanations. One possibility is heritable epigenetic changes induced by the hatchery environment. Here, we show, using methylation-sensitive amplified fragment length polymorphism, that hatchery and wild adult steelhead from the Hood River do not appear to differ substantially in overall levels of genomic methylation. Thus, although altered methylation of specific DNA sites or other epigenetic processes could still be important, the hatchery environment does not appear to cause a global hypo- or hypermethylation of the genome or create a large number of sites that are differentially methylated.
Binding of hydrophobic chemicals to colloids such as proteins or lipids is difficult to measure using classical microdialysis methods due to low aqueous concentrations, adsorption to dialysis membranes and test vessels, and slow kinetics of equilibration. Here, we employed a three-phase partitioning system where silicone (polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS) serves as a third phase to determine partitioning between water and colloids and acts at the same time as a dosing device for hydrophobic chemicals. The applicability of this method was demonstrated with bovine serum albumin (BSA). Measured binding constants (K(BSAw)) for chlorpyrifos, methoxychlor, nonylphenol, and pyrene were in good agreement with an established quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR). A fifth compound, fluoxypyr-methyl-heptyl ester, was excluded from the analysis because of apparent abiotic degradation. The PDMS depletion method was then used to determine partition coefficients for test chemicals in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) liver S9 fractions (K(S9w)) and blood plasma (K(bloodw)). Measured K(S9w) and K(bloodw) values were consistent with predictions obtained using a mass-balance model that employs the octanol-water partition coefficient (K(ow)) as a surrogate for lipid partitioning and K(BSAw) to represent protein binding. For each compound, K(bloodw) was substantially greater than K(S9w), primarily because blood contains more lipid than liver S9 fractions (1.84% of wet weight vs 0.051%). Measured liver S9 and blood plasma binding parameters were subsequently implemented in an in vitro to in vivo extrapolation model to link the in vitro liver S9 metabolic degradation assay to in vivo metabolism in fish. Apparent volumes of distribution (V(d)) calculated from the experimental data were similar to literature estimates. However, the calculated binding ratios (f(u)) used to relate in vitro metabolic clearance to clearance by the intact liver were 10 to 100 times lower than values used in previous modeling efforts. Bioconcentration factors (BCF) predicted using the experimental binding data were substantially higher than the predicted values obtained in earlier studies and correlated poorly with measured BCF values in fish. One possible explanation for this finding is that chemicals bound to proteins can desorb rapidly and thus contribute to metabolic turnover of the chemicals. This hypothesis remains to be investigated in future studies, ideally with chemicals of higher hydrophobicity.
Research on the endocrine role of estrogens has focused on the reproductive system, while other potential target systems have been less studied. Here, we investigated the possible immunomodulating role of 17beta-estradiol (E2) using rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) as a model. The aims of the study were to examine a) whether estrogens can modulate immune gene transcription levels, and b) whether this has functional implications for the resistance of trout towards pathogens. Trout were reared from fertilization until 6 months of age under (1) control conditions, (2) short-term E2-treatment (6-month-old juveniles were fed a diet containing 20 mg E2/kg for 2 weeks), or c) long-term E2-treatment (twice a 2-h-bath-exposure of trout embryos to 400 mug 17beta-estradiol (E2)/L, followed by rearing on the E2-spiked diet from start-feeding until 6 months of age). Analysis of plasma estrogen levels indicated that the internal estrogen concentrations of E2-exposed fish were within the physiological range and analysis of hepatic vitellogenin mRNA levels indicated that the E2 administration was effective in activating the endogenous estrogen receptor pathway. However, expression levels of the hepatic complement components C3-1, C3-3, and Factor H were not affected by E2-treatment. In a next step, 6-month-old juveniles were challenged with pathogenic bacteria (Yersinia ruckeri). In control fish, this bacterial infection resulted in significant up-regulation of the mRNA levels of hepatic complement genes (C3-1, C3-3, Factor B, Factor H), while E2-treated fish showed no or significantly lower up-regulation of the complement gene transcription levels. Apparently, the E2-treated trout had a lower capacity to activate their immune system to defend against the bacterial infection. This interpretation is corroborated by the finding that survival of E2-treated fish under bacterial challenge was significantly lower than in the control group. In conclusion, the results from this study suggest that estrogens are able to modulate immune parameters of trout with functional consequences on their ability to cope with pathogens.
UV filters belong to a group of compounds that are used by humans and are present in municipal waste-waters, effluents from sewage treatment plants and surface waters. Current information regarding UV filters and their effects on fish is limited. In this study, the occurrence of three commonly used UV filters - 2-phenylbenzimidazole-5-sulfonic acid (PBSA), 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone (benzophenone-3, BP-3) and 5-benzoyl-4-hydroxy-2-methoxy-benzenesulfonic acid (benzophenone-4, BP-4) - in South Bohemia (Czech Republic) surface waters is presented. PBSA concentrations (up to 13μgL(-1)) were significantly greater than BP-3 or BP-4 concentrations (up to 620 and 390ngL(-1), respectively). On the basis of these results, PBSA was selected for use in a toxicity test utilizing the common model organism rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish were exposed to three concentrations of PBSA (1, 10 and 1000µgL(-1)) for 21 and 42 days. The PBSA concentrations in the fish plasma, liver and kidneys were elevated after 21 and 42 days of exposure. PBSA increased activity of certain P450 cytochromes. Exposure to PBSA also changed various biochemical parameters and enzyme activities in the fish plasma. However, no pathological changes were obvious in the liver or gonads.
To provide an integrated perspective on mineral particle effects in salmonids, juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were exposed to daily mica particle pulses for 8 and 24 days. On day 8, increased immature erythrocyte proportions indicated a previous stress response. This response was absent on day 24, on which condition factor as well as plasma protein and aspartate aminotransferase activity decreased. The latter two related negatively to the hepato-somatic index, suggesting metabolic adaptations. The hepato-somatic index increased on days 8 and 24, while spleen-somatic index increased on day 24. No histopathological damage occurred in gills, liver, spleen, or kidney. However, splenic melano-macrophages increased on both days, and hyaline degenerations of kidney tubular cells were apparent on day 24. Overall, particle pulses affected rainbow trout more via turbidity rather than by physical damage. We conclude that (i) rainbow trout may adapt to sediment pulses as early as 8 days of exposure and (ii) particle pulses over 24 days can cause structural and metabolic changes in rainbow trout, even when gill damage is absent and apical effects on condition are moderate.
Standard protocols are given for assessing metabolic stability in rainbow trout using the liver S9 fraction. These protocols describe the isolation of S9 fractions from trout livers, evaluation of metabolic stability using a substrate depletion approach, and expression of the result as in vivo intrinsic clearance. Additional guidance is provided on the care and handling of test animals, design and interpretation of preliminary studies, and development of analytical methods. Although initially developed to predict metabolism impacts on chemical accumulation by fish, these procedures can be used to support a broad range of scientific and risk assessment activities including evaluation of emerging chemical contaminants and improved interpretation of toxicity testing results. These protocols have been designed for rainbow trout and can be adapted to other species as long as species-specific considerations are modified accordingly (e.g., fish maintenance and incubation mixture temperature). Rainbow trout is a cold-water species. Protocols for other species (e.g., carp, a warm-water species) can be developed based on these procedures as long as the specific considerations are taken into account.
Atenolol is a highly prescribed anti-hypertensive pharmaceutical and a member of the group of β-blockers. It has been detected at concentrations ranging from ng L(-1) to low μg L(-1) in waste and surface waters. The present study aimed to assess the sub-lethal effects of atenolol on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and to determine its tissue-specific bioconcentration. Juvenile rainbow trout were exposed for 21 and 42 days to three concentration levels of atenolol (1 μg L(-1) - environmentally relevant concentration, 10 μg L(-1), and 1000 μg L(-1)). The fish exposed to 1 μg L(-1) atenolol exhibited a higher lactate content in the blood plasma and a reduced haemoglobin content compared with the control. The results show that exposure to atenolol at concentrations greater than or equal to 10 μg L(-1) significantly reduces both the haematocrit value and the glucose concentration in the blood plasma. The activities of the studied antioxidant enzymes (catalase and superoxide dismutase) were not significantly affected by atenolol exposure, and only the highest tested concentration of atenolol significantly reduced the activity of glutathione reductase. The activities of selected CYP450 enzymes were not affected by atenolol exposure. The histological changes indicate that atenolol has an effect on the vascular system, as evidenced by the observed liver congestion and changes in the pericardium and myocardium. Atenolol was found to have a very low bioconcentration factor (the highest value found was 0.27). The bioconcentration levels followed the order liver>kidney>muscle. The concentration of atenolol in the blood plasma was below the limit of quantification (2.0 ng g(-1)). The bioconcentration factors and the activities of selected CYP450 enzymes suggest that atenolol is not metabolised in the liver and may be excreted unchanged.
This study aimed to investigate the male-to-female morphological and physiological transdifferentiation process in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to exogenous estrogens. The first objective was to elucidate whether trout develop intersex gonads under exposure to low levels of estrogen. To this end, the gonads of an all-male population of fry exposed chronically (from 60 to 136 days post fertilization--dpf) to several doses (from environmentally relevant 0.01 µg/L to supra-environmental levels: 0.1, 1 and 10 µg/L) of the potent synthetic estrogen ethynylestradiol (EE2) were examined histologically. The morphological evaluations were underpinned by the analysis of gonad steroid (testosterone, estradiol and 11-ketotestosterone) levels and of brain and gonad gene expression, including estrogen-responsive genes and genes involved in sex differentiation in (gonads: cyp19a1a, ER isoforms, vtg, dmrt1, sox9a2; sdY; cyp11b; brain: cyp19a1b, ER isoforms). Intersex gonads were observed from the first concentration used (0.01 µg EE2/L) and sexual inversion could be detected from 0.1 µg EE2/L. This was accompanied by a linear decrease in 11-KT levels, whereas no effect on E2 and T levels was observed. Q-PCR results from the gonads showed downregulation of testicular markers (dmrt1, sox9a2; sdY; cyp11b) with increasing EE2 exposure concentrations, and upregulation of the female vtg gene. No evidence was found for a direct involvement of aromatase in the sex conversion process. The results from this study provide evidence that gonads of male trout respond to estrogen exposure by intersex formation and, with increasing concentration, by morphological and physiological conversion to phenotypic ovaries. However, supra-environmental estrogen concentrations are needed to induce these changes.
The efficacy and tolerance of a novel microbial 6-phytase were investigated in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, and Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Reference diets were sufficient in available phosphorus (P). The test diet limiting in available P was supplemented with phytase at 500, 1000, or 2000 phytase units/kg feed. The enzyme was effective in increasing total P apparent digestibility coefficient in relation to increasing the dose of phytase in rainbow trout and Nile tilapia. Zinc apparent digestibility improved in relation to phytase supplementation in rainbow trout. P release due to phytase supplementation ranged from 0.06 to 0.18% P/kg feed in rainbow trout and from 0.13 to 0.26% P/kg feed in Nile tilapia. A 58-d performance trial was conducted to evaluate tolerance of fish to phytase supplementation. Dietary treatments consisted of a basal diet without phytase or supplemented with 2000 and 200,000 phytase units/kg feed. Results indicate that this novel microbial 6-phytase is well tolerated by fish. Significant improvements for growth as well as feed conversion ratio were observed when the phytase was fed at 2000 phytase units/kg feed. This phytase is proven efficient in releasing P from phytate and could be added when plants are used for fish meal replacement in diets for salmonid and omnivorous fish.
Intensified aquaculture has strong impact on fish health by stress and infectious diseases and has stimulated the interest in the orchestration of cytokines and growth factors, particularly their influence by environmental factors, however, only scarce data are available on the GH/IGF-system, central physiological system for development and tissue shaping. Most recently, the capability of the host to cope with tissue damage has been postulated as critical for survival. Thus, the present study assessed the combined impacts of estrogens and bacterial infection on the insulin-like growth factors (IGF) and tumor-necrosis factor (TNF)-α. Juvenile rainbow trout were exposed to 2 different concentrations of 17β-estradiol (E2) and infected with Yersinia ruckeri. Gene expressions of IGF-I, IGF-II and TNF-α were measured in liver, head kidney and spleen and all 4 estrogen receptors (ERα1, ERα2, ERβ1 and ERβ2) known in rainbow trout were measured in liver. After 5 weeks of E2 treatment, hepatic up-regulation of ERα1 and ERα2, but down-regulation of ERß1 and ERß2 were observed in those groups receiving E2-enriched food. In liver, the results further indicate a suppressive effect of Yersinia-infection regardless of E2-treatment on day 3, but not of E2-treatment on IGF-I whilst TNF-α gene expression was not influenced by Yersinia-infection but was reduced after 5 weeks of E2-treatment. In spleen, the results show a stimulatory effect of Yersinia-infection, but not of E2-treatment on both, IGF-I and TNF-α gene expressions. In head kidney, E2 strongly suppressed both, IGF-I and TNF-α. To summarise, the treatment effects were tissue- and treatment-specific and point to a relevant role of IGF-I in infection.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are immunotoxicants in fish. In mammals, phase I metabolites are believed to be critically involved in the immunotoxicity of PAHs. This mechanism has been suggested for fish as well. The present study investigates the capacity of immune organs (head kidney, spleen) of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, to metabolize the prototypic PAH, benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). To this end, we analyzed 1) the induction of enzymatic capacity measured as 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity in immune organs compared with liver, 2) the organ profiles of BaP metabolites generated in vivo, and 3) rates of microsomal BaP metabolite production in vitro. All measurements were done for control fish and for fish treated with an intraperitoneal injection of 15 mg BaP/kg body weight. In exposed trout, the liver, head kidney, and spleen contained similar levels of BaP, whereas EROD induction differed significantly between the organs, with liver showing the highest induction factor (132.8×), followed by head kidney (38.4×) and spleen (1.4×). Likewise, rates of microsomal metabolite formation experienced the highest induction in the liver of BaP-exposed trout, followed by the head kidney and spleen. Microsomes from control fish displayed tissue-specific differences in metabolite production. In contrast, in BaP-exposed trout, microsomes of all organs produced the potentially immunotoxic BaP-7,8-dihydrodiol as the main metabolite. The findings from this study show that PAHs, like BaP, are distributed into immune organs of fish and provide the first evidence that immune organs possess inducible PAH metabolism leading to in situ production of potentially immunotoxic PAH metabolites.
The existence of a resident population of intrahepatic immune cells (IHICs) is well documented for mammalian vertebrates, however, it is uncertain whether IHICs are present in the liver of teleostean fish. In the present study we investigated whether trout liver contains an IHIC population, and if so, what the relative cellular composition of this population is. The results provide clear evidence for the existence of an IHIC population in trout liver, which constitutes 15-29% of the non-hepatocytes in the liver, and with a cellular composition different to that of the blood leukocyte population. We also analyzed the response of IHICs to a non-infectious liver challenge with the hepatotoxic and immunotoxic chemical, benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). Juvenile trout were treated with BaP (25 or 100mg/kgbw) at levels sufficient to induce the molecular pathway of BaP metabolism while not causing pathological and inflammatory liver changes. The IHIC population responded to the BaP treatments in a way that differed from the responses of the leukocyte populations in trout blood and spleen, suggesting that IHICs are an independently regulated immune cell population.
Thyroid hormones are involved in modulating the immune system in mammals. In contrast, there is no information on the role played by these hormones in the immune system of teleost fish. Here we provide initial evidence for the presence of active thyroid signaling in immune organs and cells of teleosts. We demonstrate that immune organs (head kidney and spleen) and isolated leukocytes (from head kidney and peripheral blood) of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) express both thyroid receptor α (THRA) and β (THRB). Absolute mRNA levels of THRA were significantly higher than those of THRB. THRA showed higher expression in immune organs and isolated immune cells compared to the reference organ, liver, while THRB showed the opposite. In vivo exposure of trout to triiodothryronine (T3) or the anti-thyroid agent propylthiouracil (PTU) altered THR expression in immune organs and cells. Effect of T3 and PTU over the relative expression of selected marker genes of immune cell subpopulations was also studied. Treatments changed the relative expression of markers of cytotoxic, helper and total T cells (cd4, cd8a, trb), B lymphocytes (mIgM) and macrophages (csf1r). These findings suggest that the immune system of rainbow trout is responsive to thyroid hormones.
Three groups of Atlantic salmon were kept at a constant temperature of 4, 10 and 14 °C. The adipose fins were removed; six fish/group were sampled at 11 subsequent time points post-clipping. Samples were prepared for histopathological examination to study the course of re-epithelization. A score sheet was developed to assess the regeneration of epidermal and dermal cell types. Wounds were covered by a thin epidermal layer between 4 and 6 h post-clipping at 10 and 14 °C. In contrast, wound closure was completed between 6 and 12 h in fish held at a constant temperature of 4 °C. By 18 h post-clipping, superficial cells, cuboidal cells, prismatic basal cells and mucous cells were discernible in all temperature groups, rapidly progressing towards normal epidermal structure and thickness. Within the observation period, only minor regeneration was found in the dermal layers. A positive correlation between water temperature and healing rates was established for the epidermis. The rapid wound closure rate, epidermal normalization and the absence of inflammatory reaction signs suggest that adipose fin clipping under anaesthesia constitutes a minimally invasive method that may be used to mark large numbers of salmon presmolts without compromising fish welfare.