em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Since paracetamol was first synthesized in 1878 it has become one of the most popular and widely used drugs for the first-line treatment of fever and pain. The reasons for this popularity are a wide variety of formulations, an assumed positive safety record and the wide availability as an over-the-counter drug. However, recently several studies questioned the positive risk-benefit ratio of paracetamol for postoperative pain by observing several possible adverse effects and limitations. The aim of the present review is to give an update of the recent literature on the efficacy of paracetamol for postoperative pain and on the value of the clinical relevance of different adverse effects of paracetamol. Finally, based on the current findings the authors try to assess the role of paracetamol for the treatment of postoperative pain.


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In this paper we describe the assessment and medical treatment of pain in children according to the concept of the Centre of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at the university of Freiburg, Germany. Opiate therapy in children as well as novel data about the association of paracetamol (acetaminophen) and wheezing/asthma bronchiale in children are discussed. Special aspects of analgesia for painful procedures and a nitrous oxide/oxygen mixture which has been recently introduced in Germany are described. The second part of the paper presents results of our prospective study about continuous infusion of fentanyl and midazolam in a fixed combination in 19 critically ill patients with a median age of 46 months, 40% of these patients had an ARDS. The mortality rate was 21%. A median dose of fentanyl of 3.9 microg/kg/h (midazolam 0.26 mg/kg/h) was infused. The fentanyl serum level (median 4.2 ng/ml, range 1.7-17.8 ng/ml) correlated significantly with the administered dose while the midazolam serum levels (median 911 ng/ml, range 234-4 651 ng/ml) correlated neither with the administered dose nor with any of the analysed parameters. Conclusion: A standard protocol for the assessment and treatment of pain should be established in every pediatric hospital. The data about the association of asthma bronchiale and paracetamol cannot be interpreted conclusively, but show that even for well known substances clinical trials may lead to new awareness. The study data about continuous infusion of fentanyl and midazolam show a good correlation of the fentanyl application to serum levels, while midazolam appears to be not the optimal substance for continuous sedation in this setting.


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BACKGROUND: Petasin (Ze 339) was recently introduced on the market as a potent herbal antiallergic drug for treatment of respiratory allergies such as hay fever. Few clinical studies have been performed so far addressing the clinical effectiveness of Ze 339. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the antiallergic properties of Ze 339 using skin prick tests with different stimuli, such as codeine, histamine, methacholine, and a relevant inhalant allergen. METHODS: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was performed in which Ze 339 was compared to acrivastine, a short-acting antihistamine, in 8 patients with respiratory allergy and in 10 nonatopic, healthy volunteers. Antiallergic activity of Ze 339 was determined by analyzing inhibitory potency in skin prick tests with codeine, histamine, methacholine, and an inhalant allergen. Wheal-and-flare reactions were assessed 90 minutes after a double dose of Ze 339, acrivastine, or placebo. An interval of at least 3 days was left between the skin tests. RESULTS: Acrivastine was identified as the only substance that significantly inhibited skin test reactivity to all solutions analyzed in all study subjects. In contrast, no significant inhibition could be demonstrated for Ze 339 with any test solution. Moreover, the results of Ze 339 did not differ significantly from placebo. CONCLUSIONS: In this study we found no antiallergic, particularly antihistaminic, effect of Ze 339 in skin tests using a variety of stimuli often used to evaluate immediate skin test reactivity. The mechanism by which Ze 339 is effective in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis still needs to be elucidated.


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BACKGROUND: Hypnotic depth but not haemodynamic response to painful stimulation can be measured with various EEG-based anaesthesia monitors. We evaluated the variation of pulse plethysmography amplitude induced by an electrical tetanic stimulus (PPG variation) as a potential measure for analgesia and predictor of haemodynamic responsiveness during general anaesthesia. METHODS: Ninety-five patients, ASA I or II, were randomly assigned to five groups [Group 1: bispectral index (BIS) (range) 40-50, effect site remifentanil concentration 1 ng ml(-1);Group 2: BIS 40-50, remifentanil 2 ng ml(-1); Group 3: BIS 40-50, remifentanil 4 ng ml(-1); Group 4: BIS 25-35, remifentanil 2 ng ml(-1); Group 5: BIS 55-65, remifentanil 2 ng ml(-1)]. A 60 mA tetanic stimulus was applied for 5 s on the ulnar nerve. From the digitized pulse oximeter wave recorded on a laptop computer, linear and non-linear parameters of PPG variation during the 60 s period after stimulation were computed. The haemodynamic response to subsequent orotracheal intubation was recorded. The PPG variation was compared between groups and between responders and non-responders to intubation (anova). Variables independently predicting the response were determined by logistic regression. RESULTS: The probability of a response to tracheal intubation was 0.77, 0.47, 0.05, 0.18 and 0.52 in Groups 1-5, respectively (P<0.03). The PPG variability was significantly higher in responders than in non-responders but it did not improve the prediction of the response to tracheal intubation based on BIS level and effect site remifentanil concentration. CONCLUSION: Tetanic stimulation induced PPG variation does not reflect the analgesic state in a wide clinical range of surgical anaesthesia.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA) is increasingly used for perioperative analgesia. If patients with TEA develop sepsis or systemic inflammatory response subsequent to extended surgery the question arises if it would be safe to continue TEA with its beneficial effects of improving gastrointestinal perfusion and augmenting tissue oxygenation. A major concern in this regard is hemodynamic instability that might ensue from TEA-induced vasodilation. The objective of the present study was to assess the effects of TEA on systemic and pulmonary hemodynamics in a sepsis model of hyperdynamic endotoxemia. METHODS: After a baseline measurement in healthy sheep (n = 14), Salmonella thyphosa endotoxin was continuously infused at a rate of 10 ngxkg(-1)xmin(-1) over 16 hours. The surviving animals (n = 12) were then randomly assigned to 1 of 2 study groups. In the treatment group (n = 6), continuous TEA was initiated with 0.1 mLxkg(-1) bupivacaine 0.125% and maintained with 0.1 mLxkg(-1)xh(-1). In the control group (n = 6) the same amount of isotonic sodium saline solution was injected at the same rate through the epidural catheter. RESULTS: In both experimental groups cardiac index increased and systemic vascular resistance decreased concurrently (each P < .05). Functional epidural blockade in the TEA group was confirmed by sustained suppression of the cutaneous (or panniculus) reflex. During the observational period of 6 hours neither systemic nor pulmonary circulatory variables were impaired by TEA. CONCLUSIONS: From a hemodynamic point of view, TEA presents as a safe treatment option in sepsis or systemic inflammatory response syndrome.


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Drug-induced respiratory depression is a common side effect of the agents used in anesthesia practice to provide analgesia and sedation. Depression of the ventilatory drive in the spontaneously breathing patient can lead to severe cardiorespiratory events and it is considered a primary cause of morbidity. Reliable predictions of respiratory inhibition in the clinical setting would therefore provide a valuable means to improve the safety of drug delivery. Although multiple studies investigated the regulation of breathing in man both in the presence and absence of ventilatory depressant drugs, a unified description of respiratory pharmacodynamics is not available. This study proposes a mathematical model of human metabolism and cardiorespiratory regulation integrating several isolated physiological and pharmacological aspects of acute drug-induced ventilatory depression into a single theoretical framework. The description of respiratory regulation has a parsimonious yet comprehensive structure with substantial predictive capability. Simulations relative to the synergistic interaction of the hypercarbic and hypoxic respiratory drive and the global effect of drugs on the control of breathing are in good agreement with published experimental data. Besides providing clinically relevant predictions of respiratory depression, the model can also serve as a test bed to investigate issues of drug tolerability and dose finding/control under non-steady-state conditions.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether preemptive administered lornoxicam changes perioperative platelet function during thoracic surgery. METHODS: A total of 20 patients scheduled for elective thoracic surgery were randomly assigned to receive either lornoxicam (16 mg, i.v.; n = 10) or placebo (n = 10) preoperatively. All patients underwent treatment of solitary lung metastasis and denied any antiplatelet medication within the past 2 weeks. Blood samples were drawn via an arterial catheter directly into silicone-coated Vacutainer tubes containing 0.5 mL of 0.129 M buffered sodium citrate 3.8% before, 15 min, 4 h and 8 h after the study medication was administered. Platelet aggregation curves were obtained by whole blood electrical impedance aggregometry (Chrono Log). RESULTS: Platelet aggregation was significantly reduced 15 min, 4 h and 8 h after lornoxicam administration compared to placebo (P < 0.05) for collagen, adenosine diphosphate and arachidonic acid as trigger substances. Adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet aggregation decreased by 85% 15 min after lornoxicam administration, and remained impaired for 8 h. CONCLUSION: Platelet aggregation assays are impaired for at least 8 h after lornoxicam application. Therefore perioperative analgesia by use of lornoxicam should be carefully administered under consideration of subsequent platelet dysfunction.


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The ability of anesthetic agents to provide adequate analgesia and sedation is limited by the ventilatory depression associated with overdosing in spontaneously breathing patients. Therefore, quantitation of drug induced ventilatory depression is a pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic problem relevant to the practice of anesthesia. Although several studies describe the effect of respiratory depressant drugs on isolated endpoints, an integrated description of drug induced respiratory depression with parameters identifiable from clinically available data is not available. This study proposes a physiological model of CO2 disposition, ventilatory regulation, and the effects of anesthetic agents on the control of breathing. The predictive performance of the model is evaluated through simulations aimed at reproducing experimental observations of drug induced hypercarbia and hypoventilation associated with intravenous administration of a fast-onset, highly potent anesthetic mu agonist (including previously unpublished experimental data determined after administration of 1 mg alfentanil bolus). The proposed model structure has substantial descriptive capability and can provide clinically relevant predictions of respiratory inhibition in the non-steady-state to enhance safety of drug delivery in the anesthetic practice.


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Foreign mRNA was expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Newly expressed ion currents localized in defined plasma membrane areas were measured using the two-electrode voltage clamp technique in combination with a specially designed chamber, that exposed only part of the surface on the oocytes to channel agonists or inhibitors. Newly expressed currents were found to be unequally distributed in the surface membrane of the oocyte. This asymmetry was most pronounced during the early phase of expression, when channels could almost exclusively be detected in the animal hemisphere of the oocyte. 4 d after injection of the mRNA, or later, channels could be found at a threefold higher density at the animal than at the vegetal pole area. The pattern of distribution was observed to be similar with various ion channels expressed from crude tissue mRNA and from cRNAs coding for rat GABAA receptor channel subunits. Electron microscopical analysis revealed very similar microvilli patterns at both oocyte pole areas. Thus, the asymmetric current distribution is not due to asymmetric surface structure. Upon incubation during the expression period in either colchicine or cytochalasin D, the current density was found to be equal in both pole areas. The inactive control substance beta-lumicolchicine had no effect on the asymmetry of distribution. Colchicine was without effect on the amplitude of the expressed whole cell current. Our measurements reveal a pathway for plasma membrane protein expression endogenous to the Xenopus oocyte, that may contribute to the formation and maintenance of polarity of this highly organized cell.


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Prolonged ischemia of skeletal muscle tissue, followed by reperfusion, leads to ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI), which is a feared local and systemic inflammatory reaction. With respect to the 3Rs, we wanted to determine which parameters for assessment of IRI require a reperfusion time of 24 h and for which 2 h of reperfusion are sufficient. Rats were subjected to 3 h of hind limb ischemia and 2 h or 24 h of reperfusion. Human plasma derived C1 inhibitor was used as a drug to prevent reperfusion injury. For 2 h of reperfusion the rats stayed under anesthesia throughout (severity grade 1), whereas for 24 h they were awake under analgesia during reperfusion (grade 2). The femoral artery was clamped and a tourniquet was placed, under maintenance of venous return. C1 esterase inhibitor was systemically administered 5 min before the induction of ischemia. No differences in local muscle edema formation and depositions of immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M were observed between 2 h and 24 h (P > 0.05), whereas lung edema was only observed after 24 h. Muscle viability was significantly lower after 24 h vs 2 h reperfusion (P < 0.05). Increased plasma creatine kinase (CK)-MM and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-bb could be detected after 2 h, but not after 24 h of reperfusion. By contrast, depositions of C3b/c and fibrin in muscle were only detected after 24 h (P < 0.001). In conclusion, for a first screening of drug candidates to reduce IRI, 2 h reperfusions are sufficient, and these reduce the severity of the animal experiment. Twenty-four-hour reperfusions are only needed for in-depth analysis of the mechanisms of IRI, including lung damage.