10 resultados para SALICYLIC-ACID
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
Slugs and snails are important herbivores in many ecosystems. They differ from other herbivores by their characteristic mucus trail. As the mucus is secreted at the interface between the plants and the herbivores, its chemical composition may play an essential role in plant responses to slug and snail attack. Based on our current knowledge about host-manipulation strategies employed by pathogens and insects, we hypothesized that mollusks may excrete phytohormone-like substances into their mucus. We therefore screened locomotion mucus from thirteen molluscan herbivores for the presence of the plant defense hormones jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA) and abscisic acid (ABA). We found that the locomotion mucus of one slug, Deroceras reticulatum, contained significant amounts of SA, a plant hormone that is known to induce resistance to pathogens and to suppress plant immunity against herbivores. None of the other slugs and snails contained SA or any other hormone in their locomotion mucus. When the mucus of D. reticulatum was applied to wounded leaves of A. thaliana, the promotor of the SA-responsive gene pathogenesis related 1 (PR1) was activated, demonstrating the potential of the mucus to regulate plant defenses. We discuss the potential ecological, agricultural and medical implications of this finding.
Auxin (IAA) is an important regulator of plant development and root differentiation. Although recent studies indicate that salicylic acid (SA) may also be important in this context by interfering with IAA signaling, comparatively little is known about its impact on the plant’s physiology, metabolism, and growth characteristics. Using carbon-11, a short-lived radioisotope (t 1/2 = 20.4 min) administered as 11CO2 to maize plants (B73), we measured changes in these functions using SA and IAA treatments. IAA application decreased total root biomass, though it increased lateral root growth at the expense of primary root elongation. IAA-mediated inhibition of root growth was correlated with decreased 11CO2 fixation, photosystem II (PSII) efficiency, and total leaf carbon export of 11C-photoassimilates and their allocation belowground. Furthermore, IAA application increased leaf starch content. On the other hand, SA application increased total root biomass, 11CO2 fixation, PSII efficiency, and leaf carbon export of 11C-photoassimilates, but it decreased leaf starch content. IAA and SA induction patterns were also examined after root-herbivore attack by Diabrotica virgifera to place possible hormone crosstalk into a realistic environmental context. We found that 4 days after infestation, IAA was induced in the midzone and root tip, whereas SA was induced only in the upper proximal zone of damaged roots. We conclude that antagonistic crosstalk exists between IAA and SA which can affect the development of maize plants, particularly through alteration of the root system’s architecture, and we propose that the integration of both signals may shape the plant’s response to environmental stress.
Acidic or EDTA-containing oral hygiene products and acidic medicines have the potential to soften dental hard tissues. The low pH of oral care products increases the chemical stability of some fluoride compounds, favors the incorporation of fluoride ions in the lattice of hydroxyapatite and the precipitation of calcium fluoride on the tooth surface. This layer has some protective effect against an erosive attack. However, when the pH is too low or when no fluoride is present these protecting effects are replaced by direct softening of the tooth surface. Xerostomia or oral dryness can occur as a consequence of medication such as tranquilizers, anti-histamines, anti-emetics and anti-parkinsonian medicaments or of salivary gland dysfunction e.g. due to radiotherapy of the oral cavity and the head and neck region. Above all, these patients should be aware of the potential demineralization effects of oral hygiene products with low pH and high titratable acids. Acetyl salicylic acid taken regularly in the form of multiple chewable tablets or in the form of headache powder as well chewing hydrochloric acids tablets for treatment of stomach disorders can cause erosion. There is most probably no direct association between asthmatic drugs and erosion on the population level. Consumers, patients and health professionals should be aware of the potential of tooth damage not only by oral hygiene products and salivary substitutes but also by chewable and effervescent tablets. Additionally, it can be assumed that patients suffering from xerostomia should be aware of the potential effects of oral hygiene products with low pH and high titratable acids.
The thiazolide nitazoxanide (2-acetolyloxy-N-(5-nitro 2-thiazolyl) benzamide; NTZ) is composed of a nitrothiazole- ring and a salicylic acid moiety, which are linked together through an amide bond. NTZ exhibits a broad spectrum of activities against a wide range of helminths, protozoa, enteric bacteria, and viruses infecting animals and humans. Since the first synthesis of the drug, a number of derivatives of NTZ have been produced, which are collectively named thiazolides. These are modified versions of NTZ, which include the replacement of the nitro group with bromo-, chloro-, or other functional groups, and the differential positioning of methyl- and methoxy-groups on the salicylate ring. The presence of a nitro group seems to be the prerequisite for activities against anaerobic or microaerophilic parasites and bacteria. Intracellular parasites and viruses, however, are susceptible to non-nitro-thiazolides with equal or higher effectiveness. Moreover, nitro- and bromo-thiazolides are effective against proliferating mammalian cells. Biochemical and genetic approaches have allowed the identification of respective targets and the molecular basis of resistance formation. Collectively, these studies strongly suggest that NTZ and other thiazolides exhibit multiple mechanisms of action. In microaerophilic bacteria and parasites, the reduction of the nitro group into a toxic intermediate turns out to be the key factor. In proliferating mammalian cells, however, bromo- and nitro-thiazolides trigger apoptosis, which may also explain their activities against intracellular pathogens. The mode of action against helminths may be similar to mammalian cells but has still not been elucidated.
Acidic or EDTA-containing oral hygiene products and acidic medicines have the potential to soften dental hard tissues. The low pH of oral care products increases the chemical stability of some fluoride compounds and favours the incorporation of fluoride ions in the lattice of hydroxyapatite and the precipitation of calcium fluoride on the tooth surface. This layer has some protective effect against an erosive attack. However, when the pH is too low or when no fluoride is present these protecting effects are replaced by direct softening of the tooth surface. Oral dryness can occur as a consequence of medication such as tranquilizers, antihistamines, antiemetics and antiparkinsonian medicaments or of salivary gland dysfunction. Above all, patients should be aware of the potential demineralization effects of oral hygiene products with low pH. Acetyl salicylic acid taken regularly in the form of multiple chewable tablets or in the form of headache powder, as well as chewing hydrochloric acids tablets for the treatment of stomach disorders, can cause erosion. There is most probably no direct association between asthmatic drugs and erosion on the population level. Consumers and health professionals should be aware of the potential of tooth damage not only by oral hygiene products and salivary substitutes but also by chewable and effervescent tablets. Several paediatric medications show a direct erosive potential in vitro. Clinical proof of the occurrence of erosion after use of these medicaments is still lacking. However, regular and prolonged use of these medicaments might bear the risk of causing erosion. Additionally, it can be assumed that patients suffering from xerostomia should be aware of the potential effects of oral hygiene products with low pH and high titratable acidity.
Thrombocytosis (defined as platelets >450 x 10(9)/l) has several aetiologies. After having excluded spurious thrombocytosis (e. g., due to microspherocytes, schistocytes, cryoglobulins, or bacteria), the differential diagnosis of true thrombocytosis encompasses secondary causes (as diverse as inflammation, infection, malignancy, iron deficiency, or asplenia), primary hereditary (rare forms of familial thrombocytosis) and primary acquired entities (either in the context of a myelodysplastic syndrome or more frequently a myeloproliferative neoplasia). This manuscript addresses the following aspects: 1) diagnostic approach to thrombocytosis; 2) various mechanisms leading to a high platelet count; 3) potential of some of these mechanisms to modulate platelet function, producing hyper-reactive platelets and thus exerting a direct impact on the thrombotic risk; 4) indication of anti-thrombotic treatment in patients with thrombocytosis. There is a single prospective randomized clinical trial showing the benefit of acetyl-salicylic acid in polycythaemia vera. For other types of primary thrombocytosis and for secondary forms, treatment decisions have to be individualized according to the patient thrombotic and bleeding risks, taking into account the mechanism causing thrombocytosis. This manuscript discusses experimental and clinical data suggesting that besides patients with essential thrombocythaemia and other forms of primary thrombocytosis also those with thrombocytosis in the context of chronic inflammation, malignancy, or exposure to high altitude might benefit from anti-platelet treatment.
Induced defenses play a key role in plant resistance against leaf feeders. However, very little is known about the signals that are involved in defending plants against root feeders and how they are influenced by abiotic factors. We investigated these aspects for the interaction between rice (Oryza sativa) and two root-feeding insects: the generalist cucumber beetle (Diabrotica balteata) and the more specialized rice water weevil (Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus). Rice plants responded to root attack by increasing the production of jasmonic acid (JA) and abscisic acid, whereas in contrast to in herbivore-attacked leaves, salicylic acid and ethylene levels remained unchanged. The JA response was decoupled from flooding and remained constant over different soil moisture levels. Exogenous application of methyl JA to the roots markedly decreased the performance of both root herbivores, whereas abscisic acid and the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid did not have any effect. JA-deficient antisense 13-lipoxygenase (asLOX) and mutant allene oxide cyclase hebiba plants lost more root biomass under attack from both root herbivores. Surprisingly, herbivore weight gain was decreased markedly in asLOX but not hebiba mutant plants, despite the higher root biomass removal. This effect was correlated with a herbivore-induced reduction of sucrose pools in asLOX roots. Taken together, our experiments show that jasmonates are induced signals that protect rice roots from herbivores under varying abiotic conditions and that boosting jasmonate responses can strongly enhance rice resistance against root pests. Furthermore, we show that a rice 13-lipoxygenase regulates root primary metabolites and specifically improves root herbivore growth.
The capacity to perceive and respond is integral to biological immune systems, but to what extent can plants specifically recognize and respond to insects? Recent findings suggest that plants possess surveillance systems that are able to detect general patterns of cellular damage as well as highly specific herbivore-associated cues. The jasmonate (JA) pathway has emerged as the major signaling cassette that integrates information perceived at the plant–insect interface into broad-spectrum defense responses. Specificity can be achieved via JA-independent processes and spatio-temporal changes of JA-modulating hormones, including ethylene (ET), salicylic acid (SA), abscisic acid (ABA), auxin, cytokinins (CK), brassinosteroids (BR) and gibberellins (GB). The identification of receptors and ligands and an integrative view of hormone-mediated response systems are crucial to understand specificity in plant immunity to herbivores.
The role of the salicylic acid (SA) glycosides SA 2-O-β-D-glucose (SAG), SA glucose ester (SGE) and the glycosyl transferases UGT74F1 and UGT74F2 in the establishment of basal resistance of Arabidopsis against Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000 (Pst) was investigated. Both mutants altered in the corresponding glycosyl transferases (ugt74f1 and ugt74f2) were affected in their basal resistance against Pst. The mutant ugt74f1 showed enhanced susceptibility, while ugt74f2 showed enhanced resistance against the same pathogen. Both mutants have to some extent, altered levels of SAG and SGE compared to wild type plants, however, in response to the infection, ugt74f2 accumulated higher levels of free SA until 24 hpi compared to wild type plants while ugt74f1 accumulated lower SA levels. These SA levels correlated well with reduced expression in PR1 and EDS1 in ugt74f1. In contrast, ugt74f2 has enhanced expression of Enhanced Disease Susceptibility 1 (EDS1) but a strong reduction in the expression of several jasmonate (JA)-dependent genes. Bacterial infection interfered with the expression of Fatty Acid Desaturase (FAD), Lipoxygenase2 (LOX2), carboxyl methyltransferase1 (BSMT1) and 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED3) genes in ugt74f1, thus promoting an antagonistic effect with SA-signalling and leading to enhanced bacterial growth. UGT74F2 might be a target for bacterial effectors since bacterial mutants affected in effector synthesis were impaired in inducing UGT74F2 expression. These results suggest that UGT74F2 negatively influences the accumulation of free SA, hence leading to an increased susceptibility due to reduced SA levels and increased expression of the JA and ABA markers LOX-2, FAD and NCED-3.
The jasmonic acid (JA) pathway plays a central role in plant defense responses against insects. Some phloem-feeding insects also induce the salicylic acid (SA) pathway, thereby suppressing the plant’s JA response. These phenomena have been well studied in dicotyledonous plants, but little is known about them in monocotyledons. We cloned a chloroplast-localized type 2 13-lipoxygenase gene of rice, OsHI-LOX, whose transcripts were up-regulated in response to feeding by the rice striped stem borer (SSB) Chilo suppressalis and the rice brown planthopper (BPH) Niaparvata lugens, as well as by mechanical wounding and treatment with JA. Antisense expression of OsHI-LOX (as-lox) reduced SSB- or BPH-induced JA and trypsin protease inhibitor (TrypPI) levels, improved the larval performance of SBB as well as that of the rice leaf folder (LF) Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, and increased the damage caused by SSB and LF larvae. In contrast, BPH, a phloem-feeding herbivore, showed a preference for settling and ovipositing on WT plants, on which they consumed more and survived better than on as-lox plants. The enhanced resistance of as-lox plants to BPH infestation correlated with higher levels of BPH-induced H2O2 and SA, as well as with increased hypersensitive response-like cell death. These results imply that OsHI-LOX is involved in herbivore-induced JA biosynthesis, and plays contrasting roles in controlling rice resistance to chewing and phloem-feeding herbivores. The observation that suppression of JA activity results in increased resistance to an insect indicates that revision of the generalized plant defense models in monocotyledons is required, and may help develop novel strategies to protect rice against insect pests.