63 resultados para Respiratory-distress-syndrome
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
BACKGROUND: The time course of impairment of respiratory mechanics and gas exchange in the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) remains poorly defined. We assessed the changes in respiratory mechanics and gas exchange during ARDS. We hypothesized that due to the changes in respiratory mechanics over time, ventilatory strategies based on rigid volume or pressure limits might fail to prevent overdistension throughout the disease process. METHODS: Seventeen severe ARDS patients {PaO2/FiO2 10.1 (9.2-14.3) kPa; 76 (69-107) mmHg [median (25th-75th percentiles)] and bilateral infiltrates} were studied during the acute, intermediate, and late stages of ARDS (at 1-3, 4-6 and 7 days after diagnosis). Severity of lung injury, gas exchange, and hemodynamics were assessed. Pressure-volume (PV) curves of the respiratory system were obtained, and upper and lower inflection points (UIP, LIP) and recruitment were estimated. RESULTS: (1) UIP decreased from early to established (intermediate and late) ARDS [30 (28-30) cmH2O, 27 (25-30) cmH2O and 25 (23-28) cmH2O (P=0.014)]; (2) oxygenation improved in survivors and in patients with non-pulmonary etiology in late ARDS, whereas all patients developed hypercapnia from early to established ARDS; and (3) dead-space ventilation and pulmonary shunt were larger in patients with pulmonary etiology during late ARDS. CONCLUSION: We found a decrease in UIP from acute to established ARDS. If applied to our data, the inspiratory pressure limit advocated by the ARDSnet (30 cmH2O) would produce ventilation over the UIP, with a consequent increased risk of overdistension in 12%, 43% and 65% of our patients during the acute, intermediate and late phases of ARDS, respectively. Lung protective strategies based on fixed tidal volume or pressure limits may thus not fully avoid the risk of lung overdistension throughout ARDS.
Polymyositis and interstitial lung diseases, predominantly nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP), are known to be frequent in antisynthetase syndrome, where anti-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase antibodies are often identified. An unusual case of acute respiratory distress syndrome, secondary to such proven NSIP of cellular type with predominant CD8 lymphocytes, is described herein. The patient described in the present case study initially had a poor recovery with high dose of steroids, but this was followed by a good improvement after the prescription of tacrolimus and a low dose of prednisone. A precise diagnosis in similar circumstances may be life-saving, allowing the successful application of new immunosuppressants.
A severe adult respiratory distress syndrome after bilateral lung contusion was successfully treated by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and subsequent double-lung transplantation in a 19-year-old man. The patient is fully rehabilitated 1 year after transplantation.
OBJECTIVE: Severe respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) caused by surfactant deficiency is described not only in preterm infants but also in (near-) term babies after caesarean section (CS), especially when carried out before the onset of labour. The aim of the present study was to document the severity of this theoretically avoidable entity in order to improve obstetric and perinatal care. PATIENTS: All neonates admitted to the paediatric intensive care unit of the University Hospital of Bern between 1988 and 2000 with RDS on the basis of hyaline membrane disease (HMD) needing mechanical ventilation (MV) after CS and with a birthweight > or = 2500 g were analysed. HMD was diagnosed when respiratory distress and the typical radiological signs were present. Patients were grouped into elective CS before onset of labour and before rupture of membranes (group 1, n = 34) and patients delivered by emergency CS or CS after onset of labour or rupture of membranes (group 2, n = 22). Analysed indices for severity of illness were duration of stay in intensive care unit and MV, ventilation mode, worst oxygenation index (OI), presence of pulmonary air leak, and systemic hypotension. RESULTS: Mean gestational age (GA) was 37 2/7 weeks in group 1 and 36 2/7 weeks in group 2; no patient had a GA of > or = 39 0/7 weeks. Duration of MV was 4.4 days in group 1 and 3.9 days in group 2. Thirteen patients (38%) of group 1 and 7 (32%) of group 2 had to be managed by rescue high-frequency ventilation. A total of 7 patients had an OI>40. Eight patients (24%) in group 1 and 4 (18%) in group 2 developed a pulmonary air leak. Fourteen neonates (41%) in group 1 had to be supported by catecholamines versus 5 (22%) in group 2. There was one death in group 1. CONCLUSION: Severe RDS on the basis of HMD can also occur in near-term babies after CS; even a fatal outcome can not be excluded. The severity of illness in elective CS without labour may be quite high and is comparable to newborns delivered by CS (after onset of labour and/or rupture of the membranes) who were 1 week younger. No case of HMD was found in our population when CS was carried out after completion of 39 post-menstrual weeks of gestation.
Six full-term newborn infants are described who suffered from severe adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The triggering event was intrauterine/perinatal asphyxia in five, and group B streptococcal (GBS) septicemia in three. All had severe respiratory distress/failure and were ventilated mechanically with high concentrations of inspired oxygen and positive end-expiratory pressure. Radiography of the chest showed dense bilateral consolidation with air bronchograms and reduced lung volume. Persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPH) was documented in all cases. The coincidence of ARDS and PPH rendered respiratory management extremely difficult. For this reason high-frequency ventilation was instituted in all patients in order to improve CO2 elimination and induce respiratory alkalosis. Acute complications of respiratory therapy were encountered in five patients (pneumothorax, pulmonary interstitial emphysema, pneumopericardium). Three infants died (irreversible septic shock, progressive severe hypoxemia, and sudden cardiac arrest) after 17, 80, and 175 h of life. Histologic examination of the lungs was possible in all fatal cases and revealed typical changes of acute to subacute stages of ARDS. Three infants survived, the mean time of mechanical respiratory support being 703 h. Two patients were still dependent on oxygen after 1 month of life, and all survivors had increased interstitial markings and increased lung volumes on their chest roentgenograms at this time.
OBJECTIVE Cyclic recruitment and derecruitment of atelectasis can occur during mechanical ventilation, especially in injured lungs. Experimentally, cyclic recruitment and derecruitment can be quantified by respiration-dependent changes in PaO2 (ΔPaO2), reflecting the varying intrapulmonary shunt fraction within the respiratory cycle. This study investigated the effect of inspiration to expiration ratio upon ΔPaO2 and Horowitz index. DESIGN Prospective randomized study. SETTING Laboratory investigation. SUBJECTS Piglets, average weight 30 ± 2 kg. INTERVENTIONS At respiratory rate 6 breaths/min, end-inspiratory pressure (Pendinsp) 40 cm H2O, positive end-expiratory pressure 5 cm H2O, and FIO2 1.0, measurements were performed at randomly set inspiration to expiration ratios during baseline healthy and mild surfactant depletion injury. Lung damage was titrated by repetitive surfactant washout to induce maximal cyclic recruitment and derecruitment as measured by multifrequency phase fluorimetry. Regional ventilation distribution was evaluated by electrical impedance tomography. Step changes in airway pressure from 5 to 40 cm H2O and vice versa were performed after lavage to calculate PO2-based recruitment and derecruitment time constants (TAU). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS In baseline healthy, cyclic recruitment and derecruitment could not be provoked, whereas in model acute respiratory distress syndrome, the highest ΔPaO2 were routinely detected at an inspiration to expiration ratio of 1:4 (range, 52-277 torr [6.9-36.9 kPa]). Shorter expiration time reduced cyclic recruitment and derecruitment significantly (158 ± 85 torr [21.1 ± 11.3 kPa] [inspiration to expiration ratio, 1:4]; 25 ± 12 torr [3.3 ± 1.6 kPa] [inspiration to expiration ratio, 4:1]; p < 0.0001), whereas the PaO2/FIO2 ratio increased (267 ± 50 [inspiration to expiration ratio, 1:4]; 424 ± 53 [inspiration to expiration ratio, 4:1]; p < 0.0001). Correspondingly, regional ventilation redistributed toward dependent lung regions (p < 0.0001). Recruitment was much faster (TAU: fast 1.6 s [78%]; slow 9.2 s) than derecruitment (TAU: fast 3.1 s [87%]; slow 17.7 s) (p = 0.0078). CONCLUSIONS Inverse ratio ventilation minimizes cyclic recruitment and derecruitment of atelectasis in an experimental model of surfactant-depleted pigs. Time constants for recruitment and derecruitment, and regional ventilation distribution, reflect these findings and highlight the time dependency of cyclic recruitment and derecruitment.
OBJECTIVE: To describe clinical respiratory parameters in cats and dogs with respiratory distress and identify associations between respiratory signs at presentation and localization of the disease with particular evaluation between the synchrony of abdominal and chest wall movements as a clinical indicators for pleural space disease. Design - Prospective observational clinical study. SETTING: Emergency service in a university veterinary teaching hospital. ANIMALS: Cats and dogs with respiratory distress presented to the emergency service between April 2008 and July 2009. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The following parameters were systematically determined at time of admission: respiratory rate, heart rate, temperature, type of breathing, movement of the thoracic and abdominal wall during inspiration, presence of stridor, presence and type of dyspnea, and results of thoracic auscultation. Abdominal and chest wall movement was categorized as synchronous, asynchronous, or inverse. Diagnostic test results, diagnosis, and outcome were subsequently recorded. Based on the final diagnoses, animals were assigned to 1 or more of the following groups regarding the anatomical localization of the respiratory distress: upper airways, lower airways, lung parenchyma, pleural space, thoracic wall, nonrespiratory causes, and normal animals. One hundred and seventy-six animals (103 cats and 73 dogs) were evaluated. Inspiratory dyspnea was associated with upper airway disease in dogs and expiratory dyspnea with lower airway disease in cats. Respiratory noises were significantly associated and highly sensitive and specific for upper airway disease. An asynchronous or inverse breathing pattern and decreased lung auscultation results were significantly associated with pleural space disease in both dogs and cats (P<0.001). The combination is highly sensitive (99%) but not very specific (45%). Fast and shallow breathing was not associated with pleural space disease. Increased or moist pulmonary auscultation findings were associated with parenchymal lung disease. CONCLUSIONS: Cats and dogs with pleural space disease can be identified by an asynchronous or inverse breathing pattern in combination with decreased lung sounds on auscultation.
Severe acute respiratory failure of varying etiology may require the temporary use of artificial gas exchange devices. So far, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal have been used successfully for this purpose. A totally implantable intravascular oxygenator (IVOX) recently became available. The authors have used IVOX in three patients who presented with severe respiratory failure secondary to pneumonia (n = 2) and post-traumatic adult respiratory distress syndrome (n = 1). At the time of implantation, all patients had hypoxemia (PaO2 less than 60) despite a 100% inspired oxygen concentration and forced mechanical ventilation. The duration of IVOX therapy ranged from 12 to 71 hr. All patients initially showed improvement in arterial oxygenation, allowing for moderate reduction of ventilator therapy after several hours. In one patient the pulmonary status deteriorated further, and she died from multiple organ failure despite IVOX therapy. One patient could be stabilized but died from other causes. The third patient is a long-term survivor 18 months after IVOX therapy. Gas transfer capabilities of IVOX are limited when compared to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, and this may restrict its clinical applicability in cases of severe adult respiratory distress syndrome. However, IVOX may be used successfully in selected patients with less severe respiratory failure.
INTRODUCTION: The simple bedside method for sampling undiluted distal pulmonary edema fluid through a normal suction catheter (s-Cath) has been experimentally and clinically validated. However, there are no data comparing non-bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage (mini-BAL) and s-Cath for assessing lung inflammation in acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure. We designed a prospective study in two groups of patients, those with acute lung injury (ALI)/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and those with acute cardiogenic lung edema (ACLE), designed to investigate the clinical feasibility of these techniques and to evaluate inflammation in both groups using undiluted sampling obtained by s-Cath. To test the interchangeability of the two methods in the same patient for studying the inflammation response, we further compared mini-BAL and s-Cath for agreement of protein concentration and percentage of polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs). METHODS: Mini-BAL and s-Cath sampling was assessed in 30 mechanically ventilated patients, 21 with ALI/ARDS and 9 with ACLE. To analyse agreement between the two sampling techniques, we considered only simultaneously collected mini-BAL and s-Cath paired samples. The protein concentration and polymorphonuclear cell (PMN) count comparisons were performed using undiluted sampling. Bland-Altman plots were used for assessing the mean bias and the limits of agreement between the two sampling techniques; comparison between groups was performed by using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney-U test; continuous variables were compared by using the Student t-test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, analysis of variance or Student-Newman-Keuls test; and categorical variables were compared by using chi-square analysis or Fisher exact test. RESULTS: Using protein content and PMN percentage as parameters, we identified substantial variations between the two sampling techniques. When the protein concentration in the lung was high, the s-Cath was a more sensitive method; by contrast, as inflammation increased, both methods provided similar estimates of neutrophil percentages in the lung. The patients with ACLE showed an increased PMN count, suggesting that hydrostatic lung edema can be associated with a concomitant inflammatory process. CONCLUSIONS: There are significant differences between the s-Cath and mini-BAL sampling techniques, indicating that these procedures cannot be used interchangeably for studying the lung inflammatory response in patients with acute hypoxaemic lung injury.
OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS Study of the clinical evolution of a primary ear, nose, and throat infection complicated by septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein. STUDY DESIGN Retrospective case-control study. PATIENTS AND METHODS From 1998 to 2010, 23 patients at our institution were diagnosed with a septic thrombosis of the internal jugular vein. Diagnostics included microbiologic analysis and imaging such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound. Therapy included broad-spectrum antibiotics, surgery of the primary infectious lesion, and postoperative anticoagulation. The patients were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS The primary infection sites were found in the middle ear (11), oropharynx (8), sinus (3), and oral cavity (1). Fourteen patients needed intensive care unit treatment for a mean duration of 6 days. Seven patients were intubated, and two developed severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. An oropharynx primary infection site was most prone to a prolonged clinical evolution. Anticoagulation therapy was given in 90% of patients. All 23 patients survived the disseminated infection without consecutive systemic morbidity. CONCLUSION In the pre-antibiotic time, septic internal jugular vein thrombophlebitis was a highly fatal condition with a mortality rate of 90%. Modern imaging techniques allow early and often incidental diagnosis of this clinically hidden complication. Anticoagulation, intensive antibiotic therapy assisted by surgery of the primary infection site, and intensive supportive care can reach remission rates of 100%. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE 3b. Laryngoscope, 2014.
BACKGROUND: While viral myocarditis and heart failure are recognized and feared complications of seasonal influenza A infection, only limited information is available for 2009 influenza A(H1N1)-induced heart failure. METHODS AND MAIN FINDINGS: This case series summarizes the disease course of four patients with 2009 influenza A(H1N1) infection who were treated at our institution from November 2009 until September 2010. All patients presented with severe cardiac dysfunction (acute heart failure, cardiogenic shock or cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation) as the leading symptom of influenza A(H1N1) infection. Two patients most likely had pre-existent cardiac pathologies, and three required catecholamine therapy to maintain hemodynamic function. Except for one patient who died before influenza A(H1N1) infection had been diagnosed, all patients received antiviral therapy with oseltamivir and supportive critical care. Acute respiratory distress syndrome due to influenza A(H1N1) infection developed in one patient. Heart function normalized in two of the three surviving patients but remained impaired in the other one at hospital discharge. CONCLUSIONS: Influenza A(H1N1) infection may be associated with severe cardiac dysfunction which can even be the leading clinical symptom at presentation. During an influenza pandemic, a thorough history may reveal flu-like symptoms and should indicate testing for H1N1 infection also in critically ill patients with acute heart failure.
Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) improves gas exchange in about 60% of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Recruitment of atelectatic lung areas may improve responsiveness and preservation of spontaneous breathing (SB) may cause recruitment. Accordingly, preservation of SB may improve effectiveness of iNO. To test this hypothesis, iNO was evaluated in experimental acute lung injury (ALI) during SB. In 24 pigs with ALI, effects of 10 ppm iNO were evaluated during controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) and SB in random order. Preservation of SB was provided by 4 different modes: Unassisted SB was enabled by biphasic positive airway pressure (BIPAP), moderate inspiratory assist was provided by pressure support (PS) and volume-assured pressure support (VAPS), maximum assist was ensured by assist control (A/C). Statistical analysis did not reveal gas exchange improvements due to SB alone. Significant gas exchange improvements due to iNO were only achieved during unassisted SB with BIPAP (P <.05) but not during CMV or assisted SB. The authors conclude that effectiveness of iNO may be improved by unassisted SB during BIPAP but not by assisted SB. Thus combined iNO and unassisted SB is possibly most effective to improve gas exchange in severe hypoxemic ARDS.