27 resultados para RFID system, Authentication, Indistinguishability, Traceability, Strong-Privacy

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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This article synthesizes findings from a review of the state of research on sustainable land management in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and from an analysis of the interface between research and action. Using the Global Land Project (GLP 2005) analytical framework, we analyzed the distribution of 131 selected publications (including a clearly defined set of local and international academic and gray literature) across the framework's components and links in a social–ecological system. There is a strong emphasis in the literature on the impact of changes in land use and management on ecosystems; however, there is little research on the implications for ecosystem services. This finding is opposed to that of a similar analysis of publications at the global scale (Björnsen Gurung et al 2012). Another major gap was the lack of research on Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan regarding the influence of global factors on social and ecological systems, despite social, economic, and political integration into global structures since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the increasing influence of climate change. Our analysis disaggregated academic literature published in the region and international academic literature, revealing stark differences. These differences are partly attributable to the legacy of the late Soviet era principle of “rational use of land resources,” which fit the planned economy but lacks approaches for decentralized resource governance. Finally, the emphasis of research on systems knowledge, the lack of transdisciplinary research, and the critical feedback of stakeholders at a regional sustainable land management forum suggest that actionable sustainable land management research on Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan is rare. Recommendations are made for targeted, application-focused, multistakeholder research and knowledge sharing, including local and international researchers as well as practitioners, policy-makers, and land users.


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African cichlid fishes have undergone outbursts of explosive speciation in several lakes, accompanied by rapid radiations in coloration and ecology. Little is known about the evolutionary forces that triggered these events but a hypothesis, published by Wallace Dominey in 1984, has figured prominently. It states that the evolution of colour patterns is driven by sexual selection and that these colour patterns are important in interspecific mate choice, a combination which holds the potential for rapid speciation. Here we present phylogenetic analyses that describe major events in colour evolution and test predictions yielded by Dominey's hypothesis. We assembled information on stripe patterns and the presence or absence of nuptial coloration from more than 700 cichlid species representing more than 90 taxa for which molecular phylogenetic hypotheses were available. We show that sexual selection is most likely the selection force that made male nuptial coloration arise and evolve quickly. In contrast, stripe patterns, though phylogenetically not conserved either, are constrained ecologically. The evolution of vertical bar patterns is associated with structurally complex habitats, such as rocky substrates or vegetation. The evolution of a horizontal stripe is associated with a piscivorous feeding mode. Horizontal stripes are also associated with shoaling behaviour. Strength of sexual selection, measured in terms of the mating system (weak in monogamous, strong in promiscuous species), has no detectable effects on stripe pattern evolution. In promiscuous species the frequency of difference between sister species in nuptial hue is higher than in pair bonding and harem forming species, but the frequency of difference in stripe pattern is lower. We argue that differences between the two components of coloration in their exposure to natural selection explain their very different evolutionary behaviour. Finally, we suggest that habitat-mediated selection upon chromomotor flexibility, a special form of phenotypic plasticity found in the river-dwelling outgroups of the lake-dwelling cichlids, explains the rapid and recurrent ecology-associated radiation of stripe patterns in lake environments, a new hypothesis that yields experimentally testable predictions.


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Laying hens in loose-housing systems select a nest daily in which to lay their eggs among many identical looking nests, they often prefer corner nests. We investigated whether heterogeneity in nest curtain appearance – via colours and symbols – would influence nest selection and result in an even distribution of eggs among nests. We studied pre-laying behaviour in groups of 30 LSL hens across two consecutive trials with eight groups per trial. Half of the groups had access to six identical rollaway group-nests, while the others had access to six nests of the same type differing in outer appearance. Three colours (red, green, yellow) and three black symbols (cross, circle, rectangle) were used to create three different nest curtain designs per pen. Nest position and the side of entrance to the pens were changed at 28 and 30 weeks of age, respectively, whereby the order of changes was counterbalanced across trials. Nest positions were numbered 1–6, with nest position 1 representing the nest closest to the pen entrance. Eggs were counted per nest daily from week of age 18 to 33. Nest visits were recorded individually with an RFID system for the first 5 h of light throughout weeks 24–33. Hens with access to nests differing in curtain appearance entered fewer nests daily than hens with identical nests throughout the study but both groups entered more nests with increasing age. We found no other evidence that curtain appearance affected nest choice and hens were inconsistent in their daily nest selection. A high proportion of eggs were laid in corner nests especially during the first three weeks of lay. The number of visits per egg depended upon nest position and age: it increased with age and was higher after the nest position change than before in nest position 1, whereas it stayed stable over time in nest position 6. At 24 weeks of age, gregarious nest visits (hens visiting an occupied nest when there was at least one unoccupied nest) and solitary nest visits (hens visiting an unoccupied nest when there was at least one occupied nest) accounted for a similar amount of nest visits, however, after the door switch, gregarious nest visits made up more than half of all nest visits, while the number of solitary nest visits had decreased. The visual cues were too subtle or inadequate for hens to develop individual preferences while nest position, entrance side, age and nest occupancy affected the quantity and type of nest visits.


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Tumor budding is recognized by the World Health Organization as an additional prognostic factor in colorectal cancer but remains unreported in diagnostic work due to the absence of a standardized scoring method. This study aims to assess the most prognostic and reproducible scoring systems for tumor budding in colorectal cancer. Tumor budding on pancytokeratin-stained whole tissue sections from 105 well-characterized stage II patients was scored by 3 observers using 7 methods: Hase, Nakamura, Ueno, Wang (conventional and rapid method), densest high-power field, and 10 densest high-power fields. The predictive value for clinicopathologic features, the prognostic significance, and interobserver variability of each scoring method was analyzed. Pancytokeratin staining allowed accurate evaluation of tumor buds. Interobserver agreement for 3 observers was excellent for densest high-power field (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.83) and 10 densest high-power fields (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.91). Agreement was moderate to substantial for the conventional Wang method (κ = 0.46-0.62) and moderate for the rapid method (κ = 0.46-0.58). For Nakamura, moderate agreement (κ = 0.41-0.52) was reached, whereas concordance was fair to moderate for Ueno (κ = 0.39-0.56) and Hase (κ = 0.29-0.51). The Hase, Ueno, densest high-power field, and 10 densest high-power field methods identified a significant association of tumor budding with tumor border configuration. In multivariate analysis, only tumor budding as evaluated in densest high-power field and 10 densest high-power fields had significant prognostic effects on patient survival (P < .01), with high prognostic accuracy over the full 10-year follow-up. Scoring tumor buds in 10 densest high-power fields is a promising method to identify stage II patients at high risk for recurrence in daily diagnostics; it is highly reproducible, accounts for heterogeneity, and has a strong predictive value for adverse outcome.


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RATIONALE: ABCA3 mutations are known to cause fatal surfactant deficiency. OBJECTIVE: We studied ABCA3 protein expression in full-term newborns with unexplained respiratory distress syndrome (URDS) as well as the relevance of ABCA3 mutations for surfactant homeostasis. METHODS: Lung tissue of infants with URDS was analyzed for the expression of ABCA3 in type II pneumocytes. Coding exons of the ABCA3 gene were sequenced. Surfactant protein expression was studied by immunohistochemistry, immunoelectron microscopy, and Western blotting. RESULTS: ABCA3 protein expression was found to be greatly reduced or absent in 10 of 14 infants with URDS. Direct sequencing revealed distinct ABCA3 mutations clustering within vulnerable domains of the ABCA3 protein. A strong expression of precursors of surfactant protein B (pro-SP-B) but only low levels and aggregates of mature surfactant protein B (SP-B) within electron-dense bodies in type II pneumocytes were found. Within the matrix of electron-dense bodies, we detected precursors of SP-C (pro-SP-C) and cathepsin D. SP-A was localized in small intracellular vesicles, but not in electron-dense bodies. SP-A and pro-SP-B were shown to accumulate in the intraalveolar space, whereas mature SP-B and SP-C were reduced or absent, respectively. CONCLUSION: Our data provide evidence that ABCA3 mutations are associated not only with a deficiency of ABCA3 but also with an abnormal processing and routing of SP-B and SP-C, leading to severe alterations of surfactant homeostasis and respiratory distress syndrome. To identify infants with hereditary ABCA3 deficiency, we suggest a combined diagnostic approach including immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and mutation analysis.


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In the present in situ hybridization and immunocytochemical studies in the mouse central nervous system (CNS), a strong expression of spastin mRNA and protein was found in Purkinje cells and dentate nucleus in the cerebellum, in hippocampal principal cells and hilar neurons, in amygdala, substantia nigra, striatum, in the motor nuclei of the cranial nerves and in different layers of the cerebral cortex except piriform and entorhinal cortices where only neurons in layer II were strongly stained. Spastin protein and mRNA were weakly expressed in most of the thalamic nuclei. In selected human brain regions such as the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, amygdala, substania nigra and striatum, similar results were obtained. Electron microscopy showed spastin immunopositive staining in the cytoplasma, dendrites, axon terminals and nucleus. In the mouse pilocarpine model of status epilepticus and subsequent temporal lobe epilepsy, spastin expression disappeared in hilar neurons as early as at 2h during pilocarpine induced status epilepticus, and never recovered. At 7 days and 2 months after pilocarpine induced status epilepticus, spastin expression was down-regulated in granule cells in the dentate gyrus, but induced expression was found in reactive astrocytes. The demonstration of widespread distribution of spastin in functionally different brain regions in the present study may provide neuroanatomical basis to explain why different neurological, psychological disorders and cognitive impairment occur in patients with spastin mutation. Down-regulation or loss of spastin expression in hilar neurons may be related to their degeneration and may therefore initiate epileptogenetic events, leading to temporal lobe epilepsy.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the expression and presence of surfactant protein (SP) A and SP-D in the lacrimal apparatus, at the ocular surface, and in tears in healthy and pathologic states. METHODS: Expression of mRNA for SP-A and SP-D was analyzed by RT-PCR in healthy lacrimal gland, conjunctiva, cornea, and nasolacrimal ducts as well as in a spontaneously immortalized conjunctival epithelial cell line (HCjE; IOBA-NHC) and a SV40-transfected cornea epithelial cell line (HCE). Deposition of SP-A and SP-D was determined by Western blot, dot blot, and immunohistochemistry in healthy tissues, in tears, aqueous humor, and in sections of different corneal abnormalities (keratoconus, herpetic keratitis, and Staphylococcus aureus-based ulceration). Cell lines were stimulated with different cytokines and bacterial components and were analyzed for the production of SP-A and SP-D by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: The presence of SP-A and SP-D on mRNA and protein levels was evidenced in healthy lacrimal gland, conjunctiva, cornea, and nasolacrimal duct samples. Moreover, both proteins were present in tears but were absent in aqueous humor. Immunohistochemistry revealed the production of both peptides by acinar epithelial cells of the lacrimal gland and epithelial cells of the conjunctiva and nasolacrimal ducts, whereas goblet cells revealed no reactivity. Healthy cornea revealed weak reactivity on epithelial surface cells only. In contrast, SP-A and SP-D revealed strong reactivity in patients with herpetic keratitis and corneal ulceration surrounding lesions and in several immigrated defense cells. Reactivity in corneal epithelium and endothelium was also seen in patients with keratoconus. Cell culture experiments revealed that SP-A and SP-D are produced by both epithelial cell lines without and after stimulation with cytokines and bacterial components. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that SP-A, in addition to SP-D, is a peptide of the tear film. Based on the known direct and indirect antimicrobial effects of collectins, the surfactant-associated proteins A and D seem to be involved in several ocular surface diseases.


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CONTEXT: The success of pancreatic islet transplantation depends largely on the capacity of the islet graft to survive the initial phase immediately after transplantation until revascularization is completed. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a strong vasoconstrictor which has been involved in solid organ graft failure but is also known to be a potent mitogenic/anti-apoptotic factor which could also potentially enhance the survival of the transplanted islets. OBJECTIVE: Characterization of the endothelin system with regard to a potential endothelin agonist/antagonist treatment. DESIGN: Regulated expression of the endothelin system in human and rat pancreatic islets and beta-cell lines was assessed by means of immunohistochemistry, competition binding studies, western blot, RT-PCR, real-time PCR and transplant studies. RESULTS: ET-1, ETA- and ETB-receptor immunoreactivity was identified in the endocrine cells of human and rat pancreatic islets. The corresponding mRNA was detectable in rat beta-cell lines and isolated rat and human pancreatic islets. Competition binding studies on rat islets revealed binding sites for both receptor types. ET-1 stimulated the phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase, which was prevented by ETA- and ETB-receptor antagonists. After exposure to hypoxia equal to post-transplant environment oxygen tension, mRNA levels of ET-1 and ETB-receptor of human islets were robustly induced whereas ETA-receptor mRNA did not show significant changes. Immunostaining signals for ET-1 and ETA-receptor of transplanted rat islets were markedly decreased when compared to native pancreatic sections. CONCLUSIONS: In pancreatic islets, ET-1 and its receptors are differentially expressed by hypoxia and after transplantation. Our results provide the biological basis for the study of the potential use of endothelin agonists/antagonists to improve islet transplantation outcome.


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The near-surface wind and temperature regime at three points in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile is described using two-year multi-level measurements from 80-m towers located in an altitude range between 2100 and 2700 m ASL. The data reveal the frequent development of strong nocturnal drainage flows at all sites. Down-valley nose-shaped wind speed profiles are observed with maximum values occurring at heights between 20 m and 60 m AGL. The flow intensity shows considerable inter-daily variability and a seasonal modulation of maximum speeds, which in the cold season can attain hourly average values larger than 20 m s−1. Turbulent mixing appears significant over the full tower layer, affecting the curvature of the nighttime temperature profile and possibly explaining the observed increase of surface temperatures in the down-valley direction. Nocturnal valley winds and temperatures are weakly controlled by upper-air conditions observed at the nearest aerological station. Estimates of terms in the momentum budget for the development and the quasi-stationary phases of the down-valley flows suggest that the pressure gradient force due to the near-surface cooling along the sloping valley axes plays an important role in these drainage flows. A scale for the jet nose height of equilibrium turbulent down-slope jets is proposed, based on surface friction velocity and surface inversion intensity. At one of the sites this scale explains about 70% of the case-to-case observed variance of jet nose heights. Further modeling and observational work is needed, however, in order to better define the dynamics, extent and turbulence structure of this flow system, which has significant wind-energy, climatic and environmental implications.


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The intention of an authentication and authorization infrastructure (AAI) is to simplify and unify access to different web resources. With a single login, a user can access web applications at multiple organizations. The Shibboleth authentication and authorization infrastructure is a standards-based, open source software package for web single sign-on (SSO) across or within organizational boundaries. It allows service providers to make fine-grained authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources. The Shibboleth system is a widely used AAI, but only supports protection of browser-based web resources. We have implemented a Shibboleth AAI extension to protect web services using Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Besides user authentication for browser-based web resources, this extension also provides user and machine authentication for web service-based resources. Although implemented for a Shibboleth AAI, the architecture can be easily adapted to other AAIs.


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Since the emergence of the Internet and Social Media, privacy concerns and need for regulation in this area have been a frequent subject on the agenda of numerous stakeholders and policy-makers worldwide. Contributing to this debate, this paper builds on the responses of 553 Internet users to uncover users’ current privacy concerns and their attitudes towards legal assurances in this context. Our findings suggest that users have a complex attitude towards these issues. While they express strong concerns about privacy when asked directly, they often have difficulties formulating the exact nature of these concerns. In the Facebook context, Facebook itself is often mentioned as the primary source of threat, closely followed by marketing organizations. Users feel ill-protected by existing legal framework, especially when using Social Networking Sites. Reasons include common beliefs that the law is unable to address complexities of the Internet; local character of laws; possibilities to disregard the law, particularly since enforcement is difficult. Overall, positive changes in legal framework are desirable, with many respondents willing to pay more in taxes to ensure progress in this area.