37 resultados para Plastid biogenesis

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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The expressional profile of mitochondrial transcripts and of genes involved in the mitochondrial biogenesis pathway induced by ALCAR daily supplementation in soleus muscle of control and unloaded 3-month-old rats has been analyzed. It has been found that ALCAR treatment is able to upregulate the expression level of mitochondrial transcripts (COX I, ATP6, ND6, 16 S rRNA) in both control and unloaded animals. Interestingly, ALCAR feeding to unloaded rats resulted in the increase of transcript level for master factors involved in mitochondrial biogenesis (PGC-1alpha, NRF-1, TFAM). It also prevented the unloading-induced downregulation of mRNA levels for kinases able to transduce metabolic (AMPK) and neuronal stimuli (CaMKIIbeta) into mitochondrial biogenesis. No significant effect on the expressional level of such genes was found in control ALCAR-treated rats. In addition, ALCAR feeding was able to prevent the loss of mitochondrial protein content due to unloading condition. Correlation analysis revealed a strong coordination in the expression of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis only in ALCAR-treated suspended animals, supporting a differentiated effect of ALCAR treatment in relation to the loading state of the soleus muscle. In conclusions, we demonstrated the ability of ALCAR supplementation to promote only in soleus muscle of hindlimb suspended rats an orchestrated expression of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, which might counteract the unloading-induced metabolic changes, preventing the loss of mitochondrial proteins.


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The formation of alpha1beta2gamma2epsilon receptors suggests that the epsilon subunit does not displace the single gamma2 subunit in alpha1beta2gamma2 receptors. Thus, epsilon must replace alpha and/or beta subunit(s) if the pentameric receptor structure is to be preserved. To assess the potential for which subunit is replaced in alphabetaepsilon and alphabetagammaepsilon receptors we analyzed the assembly and functional expression of the epsilon subunit with respect to alpha1, beta2 and gamma2 subunits. Using concatenated subunits, we have determined that epsilon is capable of substituting for either (but not both) of the alpha subunits, one of the beta subunits, and possibly the gamma2 subunit. However, the most likely sites at which the epsilon subunit may contribute to receptor function appears to be at position 1 (replaces alpha1) in alphabetagammaepsilon (varepsilon-beta2-alpha1-beta2-gamma2) receptors, or at position 4 (replaces beta2) in alphabetaepsilon (alpha1-beta2-alpha1-varepsilon-beta2) receptors. In both cases, it appears that only a single GABA binding site is present.


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Recently divergent species that can hybridize are ideal models for investigating the genetic exchanges that can occur while preserving the species boundaries. Petunia exserta is an endemic species from a very limited and specific area that grows exclusively in rocky shelters. These shaded spots are an inhospitable habitat for all other Petunia species, including the closely related and widely distributed species P. axillaris. Individuals with intermediate morphologic characteristics have been found near the rocky shelters and were believed to be putative hybrids between P. exserta and P. axillaris, suggesting a situation where Petunia exserta is losing its genetic identity. In the current study, we analyzed the plastid intergenic spacers trnS/trnG and trnH/psbA and six nuclear CAPS markers in a large sampling design of both species to understand the evolutionary process occurring in this biological system. Bayesian clustering methods, cpDNA haplotype networks, genetic diversity statistics, and coalescence-based analyses support a scenario where hybridization occurs while two genetic clusters corresponding to two species are maintained. Our results reinforce the importance of coupling differentially inherited markers with an extensive geographic sample to assess the evolutionary dynamics of recently diverged species that can hybridize. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Most of what we know about mitochondrial biogenesis stems from work in yeast and mammals, which are quite closely related. To understand the conserved features of mitochondria and the evolutionary forces that shaped it, it is important to study a more diverse group of eukaryotes. The parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma brucei and its relatives are excellent systems to do so, since they appear to have diverged from other eukaryotes very early in evolution. This is reflected in a number of unique and extreme features in their mitochondrial biology, including a single continuous mitochondrion that contains a one unit mitochondrial genome that is physically connected across the two membranes with the basal body of the flagellum. Moreover, many mitochondrial transcripts have to be extensively edited in order to become functional mRNAs and organellar translation requires extensive import of cytosolic tRNAs. In my talk I will focus on the discovery and characterization of the elusive mitochondrial protein import system of the mitochondrial outer membrane of trypanosomes. In addition I will present data on a central outer membrane component of the mitochondrial genome inheritance system of T. brucei and compare it to the better characterized system of yeast. - I hope that I can convince you in my talk, that a better understanding of the mitochondrial biology in T. brucei will provide insights into both fundamentally conserved and fundamentally diverged aspects of mitochondrial biogenesis and thus of the evolutionary hstory of mitochondria in general.


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Most of what we know about mitochondrial biogenesis stems from work in yeast and mammals, which are quite closely related. To understand the conserved features of mitochondria and the evolutionary forces that shaped it, it is important to study a more diverse group of eukaryotes. The parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma brucei and its relatives are excellent systems to do so, since they appear to have diverged from other eukaryotes very early in evolution. This is reflected in a number of unique and extreme features in their mitochondrial biology, including a single continuous mitochondrion that contains a one unit mitochondrial genome that is physically connected across the two membranes with the basal body of the flagellum. Moreover, many mitochondrial transcripts have to be extensively edited in order to become functional mRNAs and organellar translation requires extensive import of cytosolic tRNAs. In my talk I will focus on the discovery and characterization of the elusive mitochondrial protein import system of the mitochondrial outer membrane of trypanosomes. In addition I will present data on a central outer membrane component of the mitochondrial genome inheritance system of T. brucei and compare it to the better characterized system of yeast. - I hope that I can convince you in my talk, that a better understanding of the mitochondrial biology in T. brucei will provide insights into both fundamentally conserved and fundamentally diverged aspects of mitochondrial biogenesis and thus of the evolutionary history of mitochondria in general.


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In the unicellular parasite Trypanosoma brucei, as in other eukaryotes, more than 95% of all mitochondrial proteins are imported from the cytosol. The recently characterized multisubunit ATOM complex, the functional analogue of the TOM complex of yeast, mediates import of essentially all proteins across the outer mitochondrial membrane in T. brucei. Moreover, an additional protein termed pATOM36, which is loosely associated with the ATOM complex, has been implicated in the import of only a subset of mitochondrial proteins. Here we have investigated more precisely which role pATOM36 plays in mitochondrial protein import. RNAi mediated ablation of pATOM36 specifically depletes a subset of outer mitochondrial membrane proteins including ATOM complex subunits and as a consequence results in the collapse of the ATOM complex as shown by Blue native PAGE. In addition, a SILAC-based global proteomic analysis of uninduced and induced pATOM36 RNAi cells together with in vitro import experiments suggest that pATOM36 might be a novel protein import factor acting on a subset of alpha-helically anchored mitochondrial outer membrane proteins. Identification of pATOM36 interaction partners by co-immunoprecipitation together with immunofluorescence analysis shows that unexpectedly a fraction of the protein is associated with the tripartite attachment complex (TAC). This complex is essential for proper inheritance of the mitochondrial DNA in T. brucei. It forms a physical connection between the single unit mitochondrial DNA and the basal body of the flagellum that is stable throughout the cell cycle. Thus, pATOM36 simultaneously mediates ATOM assembly, and thus protein import, as well as mitochondrial DNA inheritance since it is an essential component of the TAC.


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Lamellar bodies are the storage sites for lung surfactant within type II alveolar epithelial cells. The structure-function models of lamellar bodies are based on microscopic analyses of chemically fixed tissue. Despite available alternative fixation methods that are less prone to artifacts, such as cryofixation by high-pressure freezing, the nature of the lung, being mostly air filled, makes it difficult to take advantage of these improved methods. In this paper, we propose a new approach and show for the first time the ultrastructure of intracellular lamellar bodies based on cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections in the range of nanometer resolution. Thus, unspoiled by chemical fixation, dehydration and contrasting agents, a close to native structure is revealed. Our approach uses perfluorocarbon to substitute the air in the alveoli. Lung tissue was subsequently high-pressure frozen, cryosectioned and observed in a cryo-electron microscope. The lamellar bodies clearly show a tight lamellar morphology. The periodicity of these lamellae was 7.3 nm. Lamellar bifurcations were observed in our cryosections. The technical approach described in this paper allows the examination of the native cellular ultrastructure of the surfactant system under near in vivo conditions, and therefore opens up prospectives for scrutinizing various theories of lamellar body biogenesis, exocytosis and recycling.


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In the last decade, few areas of biology have been transformed as thoroughly as RNA molecular biology. Without any doubt, one of the most significant advances has been the discovery of small (20-30 nucleotide) noncoding RNAs that regulate genes and genomes. The effects of small RNAs on gene expression and control are generally inhibitory, and the corresponding regulatory mechanisms are therefore collectively subsumed under the heading of RNA silencing and/or RNA interference. Two primary categories of these small RNAs - short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs) - act in both somatic and germline lineages of eukaryotic species to regulate endogenous genes and to defend the genome from invasive nucleic acids. Recent advances have revealed unexpected diversity in their biogenesis pathways and the regulatory mechanisms that they access. Our understanding of siRNA and miRNA-based regulation has direct implications for fundamental biology as well as disease aetiology and treatment as it is discussed in this review on 'new techniques in molecular biology'.