22 resultados para Pestivirus
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
The seroprevalence of pestivirus infections in small ruminants and new world camelids in Switzerland was determined. In 5'059 sera of sheep from 382 herds, 503 sera of goats from 54 herds and 109 sera of alpacas and lamas from 53 herds, population prevalences of 16.1% (sheep), 25.4% (goats) and 4.6% (new world camelids), respectively, were found. In order to determine the source of infection, the serological reactions were further characterized by cross-neutralization against two pestiviruses representing the genotypes BVDV (Bovine Virus Diarrhea Virus)-1 and BDV (Border Disease Virus)-1. Based on the ratio of respective antibody titres, 56.1% of the infections in sheep were induced by a BDV-1, 12.9% by a BVDV-1 and 31.0% by an unresolved pestivirus. In goats, the corresponding proportions were 23.4%, 10.2% and 66.4%, respectively. In Alpacas and Lamas, the source of infection of 1 animal was BDV-1 and that of 4 seropositive animals remained unresolved. In view of the phylogenetic relationship between pestiviruses, the unresolved source of infection is most probably attributable to other pestivirus genotypes circulating in small ruminants and new world camelids. Due to the predominance of pestiviral genotypes other than BVDV-1, the risk of transmission of BVDV from persistently infected small ruminants and new world camelids to cattle appears to be moderate, apart from close direct contact in mixed animal husbandry, communal pasturing and grazing in the Alps.
Animals persistently infected (PI) with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) retain a strain-specific B- and T-cell immunotolerance. Pestiviral RNA triggers interferon (IFN) synthesis, and the viral RNase E(rns) inhibits IFN expression induced by extracellular viral RNA. In addition, N(pro) promotes the degradation of the transcription factor IRF-3, which effectively blocks IFN expression in BVDV-infected cells. As not all the potential target cells are infected in PI animals, these are 'chimeric' with respect to BVDV. This suggests that N(pro) and E(rns) are non-redundant IFN antagonists that act in infected and non-infected cells, respectively. Moreover, E(rns) may take a paradoxical function, both as virulence as well as "attenuation" factor: The former by preventing the activation of the innate and, consequently, of the adaptive immune system, the latter by minimizing the detrimental effects of systemic IFN production. Thus, BVDV maintains "self-tolerance" by avoiding the induction of IFN while itself being largely resistant to it without, however, interfering with the IFN action against unrelated viruses ('nonself'). This unique extension of 'self' to a virus suggests that the host's own RNases may have evolved as a guard against inadvertent activation of the innate immune system by host RNA, thus establishing a state of "innate tolerance".
Pestivirus N(pro) is the first protein translated in the viral polypeptide, and cleaves itself off co-translationally generating the N-terminus of the core protein. Once released, N(pro) blocks the host׳s interferon response by inducing degradation of interferon regulatory factor-3. N(pro׳)s intracellular autocatalytic activity and lack of trans-activity have hampered in vitro cleavage studies to establish its substrate specificity and the roles of individual residues. We constructed N(pro)-GFP fusion proteins that carry the authentic cleavage site and determined the autoproteolytic activities of N(pro) proteins containing substitutions at the predicted catalytic sites Glu22 and Cys69, at Arg100 that forms a salt bridge with Glu22, and at the cleavage site Cys168. Contrary to previous reports, we show that N(pro׳)s catalytic activity does not involve Glu22, which may instead be involved in protein stability. Furthermore, N(pro) does not have specificity for Cys168 at the cleavage site even though this residue is conserved throughout the pestivirus genus.
We report the complete genome sequence of bovine pestivirus strain PG-2. The sequence data from this virus showed that PG-2 is closely related to the giraffe pestivirus strain H138. PG-2 and H138 belong to one pestivirus species that should be considered an approved member of the genus Pestivirus.
Because interactions between livestock and chamois occur on Alpine pastures, transmission of infectious diseases is considered possible. Thus, the occurrence of Chlamydiaceae, Mycoplasma conjunctivae, and pestiviruses in Alpine chamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra) of the Surselva region (eastern Swiss Alps) was investigated. In total, 71 sera, 158 eye swabs, 135 tissue samples, and 23 fecal samples from 85 chamois were analyzed. The sera were tested by 2 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits specific for Chlamydophila abortus. Eye swabs, tissue, and fecal samples were examined by a Chlamydiaceae-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Positive cases were further investigated by microarray method. One serum sample (1.4%) was positive in 1 of the ELISAs. Eye swabs of 3 chamois (3.8%) were positive for Chlamydiaceae. The microarray method revealed the presence of Chlamydophila abortus, C pecorum, and C pneumoniae. All tissue and fecal samples were negative. With real-time PCR, 3.9% of the chamois tested positive for Mycoplasma conjunctivae. One chamois had a simultaneous infection with Al. conjunctivae and 2 chlamydial species (C abortus, C. pecorum). Skin and tongue tissue samples of 35 chamois were negative for pestivirus antigen by immunohistochemistry. It was concluded that in contrast to the findings in Pyrenean chamois (Capra p. pyrenaica) of Spain, the occurrence of Chlamydiaceae in Alpine chamois of the Surselva region is low, and the transmission between domestic and wild Caprinae seems not to be frequent. Comparably, persistent pestiviral infections do not seem to be common in chamois of the Surselva region.
BACKGROUND: In the context of the ongoing eradication campaign for bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in cattle in Switzerland, the role of South American camelids (SAC) as a possible virus reservoir needed to be evaluated. OBJECTIVE: To assess and characterize the prevalence of pestivirus infections in SAC in Switzerland. ANIMALS: Serum samples collected from 348 animals (40 herds) in 2008 and from 248 animals (39 herds) in 2000 were examined for antibodies against pestiviruses and for the presence of BVDV viral RNA. METHODS: Cross-sectional study using stratified, representative herd sampling. An indirect BVDV-ELISA was used to analyze serum samples for pestivirus antibodies, and positive samples underwent a serum neutralization test (SNT). Real-time RT-PCR to detect pestiviral RNA was carried out in all animals from herds with at least 1 seropositive animal. RESULTS: In 2008, the overall prevalence of animals positive for antibodies (ELISA) and pestiviral RNA or was 5.75 and 0%, respectively. In 2000, the corresponding prevalences were 3.63 and 0%, respectively. The seroprevalences (SNT) for BVDV, border disease virus or undetermined pestiviruses were estimated to be 0, 1.73, and 4.02% in 2008, and 0.40, 1.21, and 2.02% in 2000, respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: At the present time, SAC appear to represent a negligible risk of re-infection for the BVDV eradication program in cattle in Switzerland.
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), together with Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) and Border disease virus (BDV) of sheep, belongs to the genus Pestivirus of the Flaviviridae. BVDV is either cytopathic (cp) or noncytopathic (ncp), as defined by its effect on cultured cells. Infection of pregnant animals with the ncp biotype may lead to the birth of persistently infected calves that are immunotolerant to the infecting viral strain. In addition to evading the adaptive immune system, BVDV evades key mechanisms of innate immunity. Previously, we showed that ncp BVDV inhibits the induction of apoptosis and alpha/beta interferon (IFN-alpha/beta) synthesis by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). Here, we report that (i) both ncp and cp BVDV block the induction by dsRNA of the Mx protein (which can also be induced in the absence of IFN signaling); (ii) neither biotype blocks the activity of IFN; and (iii) once infection is established, BVDV is largely resistant to the activity of IFN-alpha/beta but (iv) does not interfere with the establishment of an antiviral state induced by IFN-alpha/beta against unrelated viruses. The results of our study suggest that, in persistent infection, BVDV is able to evade a central element of innate immunity directed against itself without generally compromising its activity against unrelated viruses ("nonself") that may replicate in cells infected with ncp BVDV. This highly selective "self" and "nonself" model of evasion of the interferon defense system may be a key element in the success of persistent infection in addition to immunotolerance initiated by the early time point of fetal infection.
The nonstructural protein NS2-3 of pestiviruses undergoes tightly regulated processing. For bovine viral diarrhea virus it was shown that uncleaved NS2-3 is required for infectious particle formation while cleaved NS3 is essential for genome replication. To further investigate the functions of NS2-3 and NS4A in the pestivirus life cycle, we established T7 RNA polymerase-dependent trans-complementation for p7-NS2-3-4A of classical swine fever virus (CSFV). Expression of NS2-3 and NS4A in trans restored the production of infectious particles from genomes lacking NS2-3 expression. Co-expression of cleaved NS4A was essential. None of the enzymatic activities harbored by NS2-3 were required for infectious particle formation. Importantly, expression of uncleavable NS2-3 together with NS4A rescued infectious particles from a genome lacking NS2, demonstrating that cleaved NS2 per se has no additional essential function. These data indicate that NS2-3 and NS3, each in association with NS4A, have independent functions in the CSFV life cycle.
Due to antigenic differences between BVDV1 and BVDV2 strains, both pestivirus species are included in U.S. vaccines. The efficacy of these vaccines in preventing acute infections is evaluated based on reduction of clinical disease. While high virulence BVDV2 strains are used in U.S. vaccine efficacy studies, the BVDV1 strain used (NY-1) produces very little in the way of clinical disease. In order to identify a BVDV1 strain that generates a more pronounced clinical presentation, three field strains were compared to NY-1. Infection with two of the field strains resulted in significantly more pronounced clinical disease compared to NY-1. Decreasing the inoculation of a field strain by two logs did not significantly change clinical presentation.
A 28-week-old sheep was presented at the animal hospital because of chronic emaciation, anemia and slight diarrhea. Due to poor general condition and bad prognosis the animal was euthanized and submitted for postmortem investigation. Multiple erosions and ulcerations were found in the dorsal region of the tongue, the pharynx, the hard palate, in the esophagus and the ruminal pillars. Histologically, these lesions consisted of necrosuppurative inflammation. The animal was tested positive for pestivirus antigen both by immunohistochemical and by virological examination (cell culture, antigen capture ELISA and RT-PCR). A non-cytopathic Border Disease Virus was identified, and sequencing revealed a virus belonging to the BDV-3 cluster. Based on the macroscopical, histological, immunohistological and virological results this case was diagnosed as Border Disease with mucosal lesions. This is the first report of such a case in Switzerland.
The viral RNase E(rns) prevents IFN type-I triggering by pestiviral single- and double-stranded RNAs
Interferon (IFN) type-I is of utmost importance in the innate antiviral defence of eukaryotic cells. The cells express intra- and extracellular receptors that monitor their surroundings for the presence of viral genomes. Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV), a Pestivirus of the family Flaviviridae, is able to prevent IFN synthesis induced by poly(IC), a synthetic dsRNA. The evasion of innate immunity might be a decisive ability of BVDV to establish persistent infection in its host. We report that ds- as well as ssRNA fragments of viral origin are able to trigger IFN synthesis, and that the viral envelope glycoprotein E(rns), that is also secreted from infected cells, is able to inhibit IFN expression induced by these extracellular viral RNAs. The RNase activity of E(rns) is required for this inhibition, and E(rns) degrades ds- and ssRNA at neutral pH. In addition, cells infected with a cytopathogenic strain of BVDV contain more dsRNA than cells infected with the homologous non-cytopathogenic strain, and the intracellular viral RNA was able to excite the IFN system in a 5'-triphosphate-, i.e. RIG-I-, independent manner. Functionally, E(rns) might represent a decoy receptor that binds and enzymatically degrades viral RNA that otherwise might activate the IFN defence by binding to Toll-like receptors of uninfected cells. Thus, the pestiviral RNase efficiently manipulates the host's self-nonself discrimination to successfully establish and maintain persistence and immunotolerance.
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether sheep grazing communal alpine pastures with cattle can transmit Border disease virus (BDV) to cattle. A total of 1170 sheep and 923 cattle were tested for BDV using RT-PCR (sheep) and for pestivirus antibodies using an ELISA (cattle), respectively, before being moved to one of 4 pastures (A, B, C and D). Eight sheep from pasture C were viraemic. 396 of 923 cattle examined before the pasture season were seronegative. The latter were re-examined after the pasture season and 99 were seropositive or indeterminate. Antibody specificity was determined in 25 of these using a serum neutralization test (SNT). BDV infection was confirmed in 10 cattle and was considered likely in 8 others. BVDV infection was confirmed in 4 cattle and considered likely in 3 after pasturing. The study has shown that the transmission of BDV from sheep to cattle is possible on communal alpine pastures.
The purpose of this study was to examine the occurrence of sheep persistently infected with Border disease virus (BDV) on 76 mixed cattle and sheep farms and whether seroconversion to BDV infection occurred in cattle of these farms. Seroprevalence of BDV and bovine viral disease virus (BVDV) infection in sheep was also investigated. Quantitative RT-PCR for pestivirus detection and an ELISA to detect pestivirus antibodies were used in 2'384 and 2'291 ovine blood samples, respectively. Another 27 seropositive sheep from ten flocks underwent serum neutralization testing to differentiate between BDV and BVDV antibodies. A BDV titre that was at least four times higher than the BVDV titre was interpreted as the result of BDV infection. Titres against BVDV were interpreted in an analogous fashion. All examined sheep were pestivirus-negative, 310 sheep were seropositive, 119 had an indeterminate titre and 1'862 were seronegative. The flock seroprevalence ranged from 0.0 to 73.9 %. Three of the 27 flocks that underwent serum neutralization testing were interpreted as BDV-infected because of 6 sheep with higher BDV titres, and 6 flocks were interpreted as BVDV-infected because of 14 sheep with higher BVDV titres.
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is endemic worldwide. Together with classical swine fever and border disease viruses, it belongs to the genus Pestivirus of the family Flaviviridae. Most infections with BVDV take a transient, acute, course. Only rarely BVDV persists in its hosts. Due to the early time point of infection in utero, persistently infected (PI) animals are immunotolerant to the infecting non-cytopathic BVDV. In such animals the virus may mutate to a cytopathic biotype, causing lethal mucosal disease. In BVD-endemic regions, approximately 1% of the animals are PI. Removal of all PI animals leads to extinction of BVD. This approach to BVD eradication has been vindicated in Scandinavia. Following the same principles, regional and country-wide eradication programs are run in different parts of the world. These programs differ in the way PI animals are detected and in the role of vaccines. The Scandinavian two-step method of detecting PI animals is based on (i) the high level of seroprevalence in herds where PI animals are present and (ii) on testing all animals for virus in such herds. However, the high average herd seroprevalence in Switzerland made it impossible to define a reasonable threshold for virus testing. Therefore, all animals were directly tested for virus in the year 2008 and all newborn calves until the end of 2012, when the PI prevalence had dropped to 0.02%. Vaccination remains prohibited. Since 2013, surveillance for BVD is accomplished by serology. As a unique consequence of eradication, over 7500 viral strains are available to us for genetic studies.