23 resultados para Ni(II) octahedral complexes
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
The new ligand 4,5-bis (2-pyridylmethylsulfanyl)-4',5'-bis(cyanoethylthio)tetrathiafulvalene (BPM-BCET-TTF) and its nickel(II) complex have been prepared and crystallographically characterized. The Ni(II) complex shows octahedral geometry around the metal ion with the coordination site occupied by the pyridyl nitrogen atoms, the thioether sulfur atoms of the ligand and cis coordination of the halide ions.
The preparations, X-ray structures, and magnetic characterizations are presented for two new pentadecanuclear cluster compounds: [NiII{NiII(MeOH)3}8(μ-CN)30{MV(CN)3}6]·xMeOH·yH2O (MV = MoV (1) with x = 17, y = 1; MV = WV (2) with x = 15, y = 0). Both compounds crystallize in the monoclinic space group C2/c, with cell dimensions of a = 28.4957(18) Å, b = 19.2583(10) Å, c = 32.4279(17) Å, β = 113.155(6)°, and Z = 4 for 1 and a = 28.5278(16) Å, b = 19.2008(18) Å, c = 32.4072(17) Å, β = 113.727(6)°, and Z = 4 for 2. The structures of 1 and 2 consist of neutral cluster complexes comprising 15 metal ions, 9 NiII and 6 MV, all linked by μ-cyano ligands. Magnetic susceptibilities and magnetization measurements of compounds 1 and 2 in the crystalline and dissolved state indicate that these clusters have a S = 12 ground state, originating from intracluster ferromagnetic exchange interactions between the μ-cyano-bridged metal ions of the type NiII−NC−MV. Indeed, these data show clearly that the cluster molecules stay intact in solution. Ac magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal that the cluster compounds exhibit magnetic susceptibility relaxation phenomena at low temperatures since, with nonzero dc fields, χ‘ ‘M has a nonzero value that is frequency dependent. However, there appears no out-of-phase (χ‘ ‘M) signal in zero dc field down to 1.8 K, which excludes the expected signature for a single molecule magnet. This finding is confirmed with the small uniaxial magnetic anisotropy value for D of 0.015 cm-1, deduced from the high-field, high-frequency EPR measurement, which distinctly reveals a positive sign in D. Obviously, the overall magnetic anisotropy of the compounds is too low, and this may be a consequence of a small single ion magnetic anisotropy combined with the highly symmetric arrangement of the metal ions in the cluster molecule.
The explorative coordination chemistry of the bridging ligand TTF-PPB is presented. Its strong binding ability to Co(II) and then to Ni(II) or Cu(II) in the presence of hexafluoroacetylacetonate (hfac(-)), forming new mono-and dinuclear complexes 1-3, is described. X-ray crystallographic studies have been conducted in the case of the free ligand TTF-PPB as well as its complexes [Co(TTF-PPB)(hfac)(2)] (1) and [Co(hfac)(2)(mu-TTF-PPB)Ni(hfac)(2)] (2). Each metal ion is bonded to two bidentate hfac-anions through their oxygen atoms and two nitrogen atoms of the PPB moiety with a distorted octahedral coordination geometry. Specifically, nitrogen donor atoms of TTF-PPB adopt a cis-coordination but not in the equatorial plane, which is quite rare. Electronic absorption, photoinduced intraligand charge transfer ((1)ILCT), and electrochemical behaviour of 1-3 have been investigated. UV-Vis spectroscopy shows very strong bands in the UV region consistent with ligand centred pi-pi* transitions and an intense broad band in the visible region corresponding to a spin-allowed pi-pi* (1)ILCT transition. Upon coordination, the (1)ILCT band is bathochromically shifted by 3100, 6100 and 5900 cm(-1) on going from 1 to 3. The electrochemical studies reveal that all of them undergo two reversible oxidation and one reversible reduction processes, ascribed to the successive oxidations of the TTF moiety and the reduction of the PPB unit, respectively.
Three divalent transition metal complexes of 4,5-bis(2-pyridylmethylsulfanyl)-4‘,5‘-ethylenedithiotetrathiafulvalene have been prepared and crystallographically characterized. The isostructural Co(II) and the Ni(II) complexes show octahedral geometries around the metal ions with the coordination sites occupied by the pyridyl nitrogen atoms and the thioether sulfur atoms of the ligand and cis coordination of the halide ions. Cyclic voltammetry reveals that the complexation leads to a small anodic shift in the first oxidation potential of the TTF system.
In analogy to the [M(II)(bpy)(3)](2+) cations, where M(II) is a divalent transition-metal and bpy is 2,2'-bipyridine, the tris-chelated [M(III)(bpy)(3)](3+) cations, where M(III) is Cr(III) or Co(III), induce the crystallization of chiral, anionic three-dimensional (3D) coordination polymers of oxalate-bridged (&mgr;-ox) metal complexes with stoichiometries [M(II)(2)(ox)(3)](n)()(2)(n)()(-) or [M(I)M(III)(ox)(3)](n)()(2)(n)()(-). The tripositive charge is partially compensated by inclusion of additional complex anions like ClO(4)(-), BF(4)(-), or PF(6)(-) which are encapsulated in cubic shaped cavities formed by the bipyridine ligands of the cations. Thus, an elaborate structure of cationic and anionic species within a polymeric anionic network is realized. The compounds isolated and structurally characterized include [Cr(III)(bpy)(3)][ClO(4)] [NaCr(III)(ox)(3)] (1), [Cr(III)(bpy)(3)][ClO(4)][Mn(II)(2)(ox)(3)] (2), [Cr(III)(bpy)(3)][BF(4)] [Mn(II)(2)(ox)(3)] (3), [Co(III)(bpy)(3)][PF(6)][NaCr(III)(ox)(3)] (4). Crystal data: 1, cubic, P2(1)3, a = 15.523(4) Å, Z = 4; 2, cubic, P4(1)32, a = 15.564(3) Å, Z = 4; 3, cubic, P4(1)32, a = 15.553(3) Å, Z = 4; 4, cubic, P2(1)3, a = 15.515(3) Å, Z = 4. Furthermore, it seemed likely that 1,2-dithiooxalate (dto) could act as an alternative to the oxalate bridging ligand, and as a result the compound [Ni(II)(phen)(3)][NaCo(III)(dto)(3)].C(3)H(6)O (5) has successfully been isolated and structurally characterized. Crystal data: 5, orthorhombic, P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 16.238(4) Å, b = 16.225(4) Å, c = 18.371(5) Å, Z = 4. In addition, the photophysical properties of compound 1 have been investigated in detail. In single crystal absorption spectra of [Cr(III)(bpy)(3)][ClO(4)][NaCr(III)(ox)(3)] (1), the spin-flip transitions of both the [Cr(bpy)(3)](3+) and the [Cr(ox)(3)](3)(-) chromophores are observed and can be clearly distinguished. Irradiating into the spin-allowed (4)A(2) --> (4)T(2) absorption band of [Cr(ox)(3)](3)(-) results in intense luminescence from the (2)E state of [Cr(bpy)(3)](3+) as a result of rapid energy transfer processes.
CD4(+) T cells play a central role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Generation, activation and effector function of these cells crucially depends on their interaction with MHC II-peptide complexes displayed by antigen presenting cells (APC). Processing and presentation of self antigens by different APC therefore influences the disease course at all stages. Selection by thymic APC leads to the generation of autoreactive T cells, which can be activated by peripheral APC. Reactivation by central nervous system APC leads to the initiation of the inflammatory response resulting in demyelination. In this review we will focus on how MHC class II antigenic epitopes are created by different APC from the thymus, the periphery and from the brain, and will discuss the relevance of the balance between creation and destruction of such epitopes in the context of MS. A solid understanding of these processes offers the possibility for designing future therapeutic strategies.
Three new coordination polymers [M(Pht)(1-MeIm)2]n (where M=Cu (1), Zn (2), Co (3); Pht2−=dianion of o-phthalic acid; 1-MeIm=1-methylimidazole) and two compounds [M(1-MeIm)6](HPht)2 · 2H2O (M=Co (4), Ni (5)) have been synthesized and characterized by X-ray crystallography. The structures of 1–3 (2 is isostructural to 3) consist of [M(1-MeIm)2] building units connected by 1,6-bridging phthalate ions to form infinite chains. In complex 1, each copper(II) center adopts a square coordination mode of N2O2 type by two O atoms from different phthalate ions and two N atoms of 1-MeIm, whereas in 3 two independent metal atoms are tetrahedrally (N2O2) coordinated to a pair of Pht ligands and a pair of 1-MeIm molecules. There are only van der Waals interactions between the chains in 1, while the three-dimensional network in 3 is assembled by C–H⋯O contacts. In contrast to polymers 1–3 the structures of 4 and 5 (complexes are also isostructural) are made up of the [M(1-MeIm)6]2+ cation, two hydrogen phthalate anions (HPht−) and two H2O solvate molecules. The coordination around each metal(II) atom is octahedral with six nitrogen atoms of 1-MeIm. Extended hydrogen bonding networks embracing the solvate water molecules and a phthalate residue as well as the weak C–H⋯O interactions stabilize the three-dimensional structures. Magnetic studies clearly show that the magnetic ions do not interact with each other. Furthermore, in compound 4 we have another example of a highly anisotropic Co2+ ion with a rhombic g-tensor and large zero-field-splitting. The complexes were also characterized by IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and all data are discussed in the terms of known structures.
Three-dimensional oxalate-based {[Ru(bpy)3][Cu2xNi2(1-x)(ox)3]}n (0≤ x ≤ 1, ox = C2O42-, bpy = 2,2‘bipyridine) were synthesized. The structure was determined for x = 1 by X-ray diffraction on single crystal. The compound crystallizes in the cubic space group P4132. It shows a three-dimensional 10-gon 3-connected (10,3) anionic network where copper(II) has an unusual tris(bischelated) environment. X-ray powder diffraction patterns and their Rietveld refinement show that all the compounds along the series are isostructural and single-phased. According to X-ray absorption spectroscopy, copper(II) and nickel(II) have an octahedral environment, respectively elongated and trigonally distorted. As shown by natural circular dichroism, the optically active forms of {[Ru(bpy)3][CuxNi2(1-x)(ox)3]}n are obtained starting from resolved Δ- or Λ-[Ru(bpy)3]2+. The Curie−Weiss temperatures range between −55 (x = 1) and −150 K (x = 0). The antiferromagnetic exchange interaction thus decreases when the copper contents increases in agreement with the crystallographic structure of the compounds and the electronic structure of the metal ions. At low temperature, the compounds exhibit complex long-range ordered magnetic behavior.