19 resultados para Neurotoxic

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Pneumococcal meningitis (PM) is characterized by an intense inflammatory host reaction that contributes to the development of cortical necrosis and hippocampal apoptosis. Inflammatory conditions in the brain are known to induce tryptophan degradation along the kynurenine pathway, resulting in accumulation of neurotoxic metabolites. In the present study, we investigated the contribution of the kynurenine pathway to brain injury in experimental PM by measuring the concentration of its metabolites and the enzymatic activities and mRNA levels of its major enzymes in the vulnerable brain regions. In the late phase of acute PM, we found a significant transcriptional upregulation of kynurenine-3-hydroxylase and an accumulation of the neurotoxic metabolites 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HKYN) and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid in cortex and hippocampus. The positive correlation between the concentration of 3-HKYN and the extent of hippocampal apoptosis adds support to the concept that 3-HKYN contributes to brain injury in PM.


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Human narcolepsy with cataplexy is a neurological disorder, which develops due to a deficiency in hypocretin producing neurons in the hypothalamus. There is a strong association with human leucocyte antigens HLA-DR2 and HLA-DQB1*0602. The disease typically starts in adolescence. Recent developments in narcolepsy research support the hypothesis of narcolepsy being an immune-mediated disease. Narcolepsy is associated with polymorphisms of the genes encoding T cell receptor alpha chain, tumour necrosis factor alpha and tumour necrosis factor receptor II. Moreover the rate of streptococcal infection is increased at onset of narcolepsy. The hallmarks of anti-self reactions in the tissue--namely upregulation of major histocompatibility antigens and lymphocyte infiltrates--are missing in the hypothalamus. These findings are questionable because they were obtained by analyses performed many years after onset of disease. In some patients with narcolepsy autoantibodies to Tribbles homolog 2, which is expressed by hypocretin neurons, have been detected recently. Immune-mediated destruction of hypocretin producing neurons may be mediated by microglia/macrophages that become activated either by autoantigen specific CD4(+) T cells or superantigen stimulated CD8(+) T cells, or independent of T cells by activation of DQB1*0602 signalling. Activation of microglia and macrophages may lead to the release of neurotoxic molecules such as quinolinic acid, which has been shown to cause selective destruction of hypocretin neurons in the hypothalamus.


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This review on all spider venom components known by the end of 2010 bases on 1618 records for venom compounds from 174 spider species (= 0.41% of all known species) belonging to 32 families (= 29% of all existing spider families). Spiders investigated for venom research are either big (many mygalomorph species, Nephilidae, Ctenidae and Sparassidae) or medically important for humans (e.g. Loxosceles or Latrodectus species). Venom research widely ignored so far the two most species-rich families (Salticidae and Linyphiidae) and strongly neglected several other very abundant families (Araneidae, Lycosidae, Theridiidae, Thomisidae and Gnaphosidae). We grouped the known 1618 records for venom compounds into six categories: low molecular mass compounds (16 % of all compounds), acylpolyamines (11 %), linear peptides (6 %), cysteine-knotted mini-proteins (60 %), neurotoxic proteins (1 %) and enzymes (6 %). Low molecular mass compounds are known from many spider families and contain organic acids, nucleosides, nucleotides, amino acids, amines, polyamines, and some further substances, many of them acting as neurotransmitters. Acylpolyamines contain amino acids (Araneidae and Nephilidae) or not (several other families) and show a very high diversity within one species. Linear peptides, also called cytolytic, membranolytic or antimicrobial, exert a highly specific structure and are so far only known from Ctenidae, Lycosidae, Oxyopidae and Zodariidae. Cysteine-knotted mini-proteins represent the majority of venom compounds because research so far focused on them. They probably occur in most but not all spider families. Neurotoxic proteins so far are only known from theridiid spiders. Enzymes had been neglected for some time but meanwhile it becomes obvious that they play an important role in spider venoms. Sixteen enzymes either cleave polymers in the extracellular matrix or target phospholipids and related compounds in membranes. The overall structure of these compounds is given and the function, as far as it is known, is described. Since several of these component groups are presented in one average spider venom, we discuss the known interactions and synergisms and give reasons for such a functional redundancy. We also discuss main evolutionary pathways for spider venom compounds such as high variability among components of one group, synergistic interactions between cysteine-knotted mini-proteins and other components (low molecular mass compounds and linear peptides), change of function from ion-channel acting mini-proteins to cytolytic effects and replacement of mini-proteins by linear peptides, acylpolyamines, large proteins or enzymes. We also add first phylogenetic considerations.


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The clinical signs, pathological and laboratory findings of cattle suffering from a tremorgenic syndrome are described. Animals on a farm with a total of 22 cows, 18 heifers and 9 calves were fed mouldy grass and spent malt-grain silage. Five heifers were affected with muscular tremor, hyperexcitability and hypersensitivity. They were ataxic or in sternal recumbency, while their appetite remained normal. Haematology and blood chemistry in two heifers as well as cerebrospinal fluid from one sick animal were unremarkable. The pathological examination of one animal brought no macroscopic changes to light. Histological examination, however, revealed the degeneration of motor neurones in the midbrain, brain stem and spinal cord. Analysis of a silage sample provided evidence of the presence of Aspergillus clavatus, a mould capable of producing neurotoxic tremorgenic mycotoxins. Epidemiology, clinical findings, pathology and microbiological examination suggest that the five cattle were suffering from neuromycotoxicosis.


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It is increasingly recognised that chronically activated glia contribute to the pathology of various neurodegenerative diseases, including glaucoma. One means by which this can occur is through the release of neurotoxic, proinflammatory factors. In the current study, we therefore investigated the spatio-temporal patterns of expression of three such cytokines, IL-1β, TNFα and IL-6, in a validated rat model of experimental glaucoma. First, only weak evidence was found for increased expression of IL-1β and TNFα following induction of ocular hypertension. Second, and much more striking, was that robust evidence was uncovered showing IL-6 to be synthesised by injured retinal ganglion cells following elevation of intraocular pressure and transported in an orthograde fashion along the nerve, accumulating at sites of axonal disruption in the optic nerve head. Verification that IL-6 represents a novel marker of disrupted axonal transport in this model was obtained by performing double labelling immunofluorescence with recognised markers of fast axonal transport. The stimulus for IL-6 synthesis and axonal transport during experimental glaucoma arose from axonal injury rather than ocular hypertension, as the response was identical after optic nerve crush and bilateral occlusion of the carotid arteries, each of which is independent of elevated intraocular pressure. Moreover, the response of IL-6 was not a generalised feature of the gp130 family of cytokines, as it was not mimicked by another family member, ciliary neurotrophic factor. Finally, further study suggested that IL-6 may be an early part of the endogenous regenerative response as the cytokine colocalised with growth-associated membrane phosphoprotein-43 in some putative regenerating axons, and potently stimulated neuritogenesis in retinal ganglion cells in culture, an effect that was additive to that of ciliary neurotrophic factor. These data comprise clear evidence that IL-6 is actively involved in the attempt of injured retinal ganglion cells to regenerate their axons.


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CsTx-1, the main neurotoxic acting peptide in the venom of the spider Cupiennius salei, is composed of 74 amino acid residues, exhibits an inhibitory cysteine knot motif, and is further characterized by its highly cationic charged C terminus. Venom gland cDNA library analysis predicted a prepropeptide structure for CsTx-1 precursor. In the presence of trifluoroethanol, CsTx-1 and the long C-terminal part alone (CT1-long; Gly-45-Lys-74) exhibit an α-helical structure, as determined by CD measurements. CsTx-1 and CT1-long are insecticidal toward Drosophila flies and destroys Escherichia coli SBS 363 cells. CsTx-1 causes a stable and irreversible depolarization of insect larvae muscle cells and frog neuromuscular preparations, which seem to be receptor-independent. Furthermore, this membranolytic activity could be measured for Xenopus oocytes, in which CsTx-1 and CT1-long increase ion permeability non-specifically. These results support our assumption that the membranolytic activities of CsTx-1 are caused by its C-terminal tail, CT1-long. Together, CsTx-1 exhibits two different functions; as a neurotoxin it inhibits L-type Ca(2+) channels, and as a membranolytic peptide it destroys a variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell membranes. Such a dualism is discussed as an important new mechanism for the evolution of spider venomous peptides.


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ABSTRACT: Particulate air pollution has been associated with respiratory and cardiovascular disease. Evidence for cardiovascular and neurodegenerative effects of ambient particles was reviewed as part of a workshop. The purpose of this critical update is to summarize the evidence presented for the mechanisms involved in the translocation of particles from the lung to other organs and to highlight the potential of particles to cause neurodegenerative effects.Fine and ultrafine particles, after deposition on the surfactant film at the air-liquid interface, are displaced by surface forces exerted on them by surfactant film and may then interact with primary target cells upon this displacement. Ultrafine and fine particles can then penetrate through the different tissue compartments of the lungs and eventually reach the capillaries and circulating cells or constituents, e.g. erythrocytes. These particles are then translocated by the circulation to other organs including the liver, the spleen, the kidneys, the heart and the brain, where they may be deposited. It remains to be shown by which mechanisms ultrafine particles penetrate through pulmonary tissue and enter capillaries. In addition to translocation of ultrafine particles through the tissue, fine and coarse particles may be phagocytized by macrophages and dendritic cells which may carry the particles to lymph nodes in the lung or to those closely associated with the lungs. There is the potential for neurodegenerative consequence of particle entry to the brain. Histological evidence of neurodegeneration has been reported in both canine and human brains exposed to high ambient PM levels, suggesting the potential for neurotoxic consequences of PM-CNS entry. PM mediated damage may be caused by the oxidative stress pathway. Thus, oxidative stress due to nutrition, age, genetics among others may increase the susceptibility for neurodegenerative diseases. The relationship between PM exposure and CNS degeneration can also be detected under controlled experimental conditions. Transgenic mice (Apo E -/-), known to have high base line levels of oxidative stress, were exposed by inhalation to well characterized, concentrated ambient air pollution. Morphometric analysis of the CNS indicated unequivocally that the brain is a critical target for PM exposure and implicated oxidative stress as a predisposing factor that links PM exposure and susceptibility to neurodegeneration.Together, these data present evidence for potential translocation of ambient particles on organs distant from the lung and the neurodegenerative consequences of exposure to air pollutants.


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Snake venoms contain components that affect the prey either by neurotoxic or haemorrhagic effects. The latter category affect haemostasis either by inhibiting or activating platelets or coagulation factors. They fall into several types based upon structure and mode of action. A major class is the snake C-type lectins or C-type lectin-like family which shows a typical folding like that in classic C-type lectins such as the selectins and mannose-binding proteins. Those in snake venoms are mostly based on a heterodimeric structure with two subunits alpha and beta, which are often oligomerized to form larger molecules. Simple heterodimeric members of this family have been shown to inhibit platelet functions by binding to GPIb but others activate platelets via the same receptor. Some that act via GPIb do so by inducing von Willebrand factor to bind to it. Another series of snake C-type lectins activate platelets by binding to GPVI while yet another series uses the integrin alpha(2)beta(1) to affect platelet function. The structure of more and more of these C-type lectins have now been, and are being, determined, often together with their ligands, casting light on binding sites and mechanisms. In addition, it is relatively easy to model the structure of the C-type lectins if the primary structure is known. These studies have shown that these proteins are quite a complex group, often with more than one platelet receptor as ligand and although superficially some appear to act as inhibitors, in fact most function by inducing thrombocytopenia by various routes. The relationship between structure and function in this group of venom proteins will be discussed.


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In animal models of Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis, rifampin is neuroprotective in comparison to ceftriaxone. So far it is not clear whether this can be generalized for other protein synthesis-inhibiting antimicrobial agents. We examined the effects of the bactericidal protein synthesis-inhibiting clindamycin (n = 12) on the release of proinflammatory bacterial components, the formation of neurotoxic compounds and neuronal injury compared with the standard therapy with ceftriaxone (n = 12) in a rabbit model of pneumococcal meningitis. Analysis of the CSF and histological evaluation were combined with microdialysis from the hippocampal formation and the neocortex. Compared with ceftriaxone, clindamycin reduced the release of lipoteichoic acids from the bacteria (p = 0.004) into the CSF and the CSF leucocyte count (p = 0.011). This led to lower extracellular concentrations of hydroxyl radicals (p = 0.034) and glutamate (p = 0.016) in the hippocampal formation and a subsequent reduction of extracellular glycerol levels (p = 0.018) and neuronal apoptosis in the dentate gyrus (p = 0.008). The present data document beneficial effects of clindamycin compared with ceftriaxone on various parameters linked with the pathophysiology of pneumococcal meningitis and development of neuronal injury. This study suggests neuroprotection to be a group effect of bactericidal protein synthesis-inhibiting antimicrobial agents compared with the standard therapy with beta-lactam antibiotics in meningitis.


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In the immature brain hydrogen peroxide accumulates after excitotoxic hypoxia-ischemia and is neurotoxic. Immature hippocampal neurons were exposed to N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), a glutamate agonist, and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and the effects of free radical scavenging and transition metal chelation on neurotoxicity were studied. alpha-Phenyl-N-tert.-butylnitrone (PBN), a known superoxide scavenger, attenuated both H(2)O(2) and NMDA mediated toxicity. Treatment with desferrioxamine (DFX), an iron chelator, at the time of exposure to H(2)O(2) was ineffective, but pretreatment was protective. DFX also protected against NMDA toxicity. TPEN, a metal chelator with higher affinities for a broad spectrum of transition metal ions, also protected against H(2)O(2) toxicity but was ineffective against NMDA induced toxicity. These data suggest that during exposure to free radical and glutamate agonists, the presence of iron and other free metal ions contribute to neuronal cell death. In the immature nervous system this neuronal injury can be attenuated by free radical scavengers and metal chelators.


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Multiplication of bacteria within the central nervous system compartment triggers a host response with an overshooting inflammatory reaction which leads to brain parenchyma damage. Some of the inflammatory and neurotoxic mediators involved in the processes leading to neuronal injury during bacterial meningitis have been identified in recent years. As a result, the therapeutic approach to the disease has widened from eradication of the bacterial pathogen with antibiotics to attenuation of the detrimental effects of host defences. Corticosteroids represent an example of the adjuvant therapeutic strategies aimed at downmodulating excessive inflammation in the infected central nervous system. Pathophysiological concepts derived from an experimental rat model of bacterial meningitis revealed possible therapeutic strategies for prevention of brain damage. The insights gained led to the evaluation of new therapeutic modalities such as anticytokine agents, matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors, antioxidants, and antagonists of endothelin and glutamate. Bacterial meningitis is still associated with persistent neurological sequelae in approximately one third of surviving patients. Future research in the model will evaluate whether the neuroprotective agents identified so far have the potential to attenuate learning disabilities as a long-term consequence of bacterial meningitis.


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To identify neurotoxic factors in meningitis, a neuronal cell line (HN33.1) was exposed to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) obtained from rabbits with pneumococcal meningitis or Escherichia coli meningitis or 2 h and 6 h after meningitis was induced by proinflammatory bacterial products (pneumococcal cell walls, endotoxin). CSF from all types of meningitis induced similar degrees of cytotoxicity. When a soluble tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor that completely blocked TNF-mediated toxicity at 10(-7) M was used, all toxicity in meningitis caused by E. coli, endotoxin, or pneumococcal cell wall administration (2 h afterwards) was mediated by TNF. In contrast, CSF from animals with meningitis caused by live pneumococci or pneumococcal cell wall injection (6 h afterwards) retained cytotoxicity in the presence of the TNF receptor. Thus, in established pneumococcal meningitis, but not in the other forms of meningitis, TNF is not the only component toxic in this neuronal cell line.


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OBJECTIVES: Magnesium aspartate hydrochloride (Magnesiocard, Mg-Asp-HCl) is proposed as a substitute of magnesium sulfate for the treatment of preeclampsia and premature labor. After an i.v. administration of a dose equivalent to that used in the treatment of preeclampsia to nonpregnant volunteers, a 10-fold increase of aspartic acid (Asp) over the physiological level was observed. Animal experiments have demonstrated that highly increased fetal levels of acidic amino acids such as Asp could be associated with neurotoxic damage in the fetal brain. The influence of such an elevation of Asp concentration in the maternal circuit on the fetal level, using the in vitro perfusion model of human placenta, was investigated. STUDY DESIGN: After a control phase (2h), a therapeutic dose of Mg combined with Asp (Magnesiocard, Mg-Asp-HCl) was applied to the maternal circuit approaching 10 times the physiological level of Asp. The administration was performed in two different phases simulating either a peak of maximum concentration (bolus application, 2h) or a steady state level (initially added, 4h). RESULTS: In four experiments, during experimental phases (6h) a slow increase in concentration in the fetal circuit was seen for Mg, AIB (alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, artificial amino acid) and creatinine confirming previous observations. In contrast, no net transfer of Asp across the placenta was seen. A continuous decrease in the concentration of Asp on both maternal and fetal side suggests active uptake and metabolization by the placenta. Viability control parameters remained stable indicating the absence of an effect on placental metabolism, permeability and morphology. CONCLUSION: Elevation of Asp concentration up to 10 times the physiological level by the administration of Mg-Asp-HCl to the maternal circuit under in vitro perfusion conditions of human placenta has no influence on the fetal level of Asp suggesting no transfer of Asp from the maternal to fetal compartment. Therefore, the administration of Mg-Asp-HCl to preeclamptic patients would be beneficial for the patients without any impact on placental or fetal physiology.


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BACKGROUND Bacterial meningitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae leads to death in up to 30% of patients and leaves up to half of the survivors with neurological sequelae. The inflammatory host reaction initiates the induction of the kynurenine pathway and contributes to hippocampal apoptosis, a form of brain damage that is associated with learning and memory deficits in experimental paradigms. Vitamin B6 is an enzymatic cofactor in the kynurenine pathway and may thus limit the accumulation of neurotoxic metabolites and preserve the cellular energy status. The aim of this study in a pneumococcal meningitis model was to investigate the effect of vitamin B6 on hippocampal apoptosis by histomorphology, by transcriptomics and by measurement of cellular nicotine amide adenine dinucleotide content. METHODS AND RESULTS Eleven day old Wistar rats were infected with 1x10(6) cfu/ml of S. pneumoniae and randomized for treatment with vitamin B6 or saline as controls. Vitamin B6 led to a significant (p > 0.02) reduction of hippocampal apoptosis. According to functional annotation based clustering, vitamin B6 led to down-regulation of genes involved in processes of inflammatory response, while genes encoding for processes related to circadian rhythm, neuronal signaling and apoptotic cell death were mostly up-regulated. CONCLUSIONS Our results provide evidence that attenuation of apoptosis by vitamin B6 is multi-factorial including down-modulation of inflammation, up-regulation of the neuroprotective brain-derived neurotrophic factor and prevention of the exhaustion of cellular energy stores. The neuroprotective effect identifies vitamin B6 as a potential target for the development of strategies to attenuate brain injury in bacterial meningitis.


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Exploitation of the extensive polymetallic deposits of the Andean Altiplano in South America since precolonial times has caused substantial emissions of neurotoxic lead (Pb) into the atmosphere; however, its historical significance compared to recent Pb pollution from leaded gasoline is not yet resolved. We present a comprehensive Pb emission history for the last two millennia for South America, based on a continuous, high-resolution, ice core record from Illimani glacier. Illimani is the highest mountain of the eastern Bolivian Andes and is located at the northeastern margin of the Andean Altiplano. The ice core Pb deposition history revealed enhanced Pb enrichment factors (EFs) due to metallurgical processing for silver production during periods of the Tiwanaku/Wari culture (AD 450–950), the Inca empires (AD 1450–1532), colonial times (AD 1532–1900), and tin production at the beginning of the 20th century. After the 1960s, Pb EFs increased by a factor of 3 compared to the emission level from metal production, which we attribute to gasoline-related Pb emissions. Our results show that anthropogenic Pb pollution levels from road traffic in South America exceed those of any historical metallurgy in the last two millennia, even in regions with exceptional high local metallurgical activity.