27 resultados para NATURAL C-13 ABUNDANCE

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Distinguishing organic and conventional products is a major issue of food security and authenticity. Previous studies successfully used stable isotopes to separate organic and conventional products, but up to now, this approach was not tested for organic grassland hay and soil. Moreover, isotopic abundances could be a powerful tool to elucidate differences in ecosystem functioning and driving mechanisms of element cycling in organic and conventional management systems. Here, we studied the delta N-15 and delta C-13 isotopic composition of soil and hay samples of 21 organic and 34 conventional grasslands in two German regions. We also used Delta delta N-15 (delta N-15 plant - delta N-15 soil) to characterize nitrogen dynamics. In order to detect temporal trends, isotopic abundances in organic grasslands were related to the time since certification. Furthermore, discriminant analysis was used to test whether the respective management type can be deduced from observed isotopic abundances. Isotopic analyses revealed no significant differences in delta C-13 in hay and delta C-13 in both soil and hay between management types, but showed that delta C-13 abundances were significantly lower in soil of organic compared to conventional grasslands. delta C-15 values implied that management types did not substantially differ in nitrogen cycling. Only delta C-13 in soil and hay showed significant negative relationships with the time since certification. Thus, our result suggest that organic grasslands suffered less from drought stress compared to conventional grasslands most likely due to a benefit of higher plant species richness, as previously shown by manipulative biodiversity experiments. Finally, it was possible to correctly classify about two third of the samples according to their management using isotopic abundances in soil and hay. However, as more than half of the organic samples were incorrectly classified, we infer that more research is needed to improve this approach before it can be efficiently used in practice.


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The novel tabletop miniaturized radiocarbon dating system (MICADAS) at ETH Zurich features a hybrid Cs sputter negative ion source for the measurement of solid graphite and gaseous CO2 samples. The source produces stable currents of up to 6 mu A C- out of gaseous samples with an efficiency of 3-6%. A gas feeding system has been set up that enables constant dosing of CO2 into the Cs sputter ion source and ensures stable measuring conditions. The system is based on a syringe in which CO2 gas is mixed with He and then pressed continuously into the ion source at a constant flow rate. Minimized volumes allow feeding samples of 3-30 mu g carbon quantitatively into the ion source. In order to test the performance of the system, several standards and blanks have successfully been measured. The ratios of C-14/C-12 could be repeated within statistical errors to better than 1.0% and the C-13/C-12 ratios to better than 0.2%. The blank was < 1 pMC.


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During the last glacial cycle, greenhouse gas concentrations fluctuated on decadal and longer timescales. Concentrations of methane, as measured in polar ice cores, show a close connection with Northern Hemisphere temperature variability, but the contribution of the various methane sources and sinks to changes in concentration is still a matter of debate. Here we assess changes in methane cycling over the past 160,000 years by measurements of the carbon isotopic composition delta C-13 of methane in Antarctic ice cores from Dronning Maud Land and Vostok. We find that variations in the delta C-13 of methane are not generally correlated with changes in atmospheric methane concentration, but instead more closely correlated to atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We interpret this to reflect a climatic and CO2-related control on the isotopic signature of methane source material, such as ecosystem shifts in the seasonally inundated tropical wetlands that produce methane. In contrast, relatively stable delta C-13 values occurred during intervals of large changes in the atmospheric loading of methane. We suggest that most methane sources-most notably tropical wetlands-must have responded simultaneously to climate changes across these periods.


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Stable carbon isotope analysis of methane (delta C-13 of CH4) on atmospheric samples is one key method to constrain the current and past atmospheric CH4 budget. A frequently applied measurement technique is gas chromatography (GC) isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) coupled to a combustion-preconcentration unit. This report shows that the atmospheric trace gas krypton (Kr) can severely interfere during the mass spectrometric measurement, leading to significant biases in delta C-13 of CH4, if krypton is not sufficiently separated during the analysis. According to our experiments, the krypton interference is likely composed of two individual effects, with the lateral tailing of the doubly charged Kr-86 peak affecting the neighbouring m/z 44 and partially the m/z 45 Faraday cups. Additionally, a broad signal affecting m/z 45 and especially m/z 46 is assumed to result from scattered ions of singly charged krypton. The introduced bias in the measured isotope ratios is dependent on the chromatographic separation, the krypton-to-CH4 mixing ratio in the sample, the focusing of the mass spectrometer as well as the detector configuration and can amount to up to several per mil in delta C-13. Apart from technical solutions to avoid this interference, we present correction routines to a posteriori remove the bias.


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Compounds [NH3(CH2)4NH3]Cu3(hedp)2·2H2O (1) and [NH3(CH2)3NH3]Cu3(hedp)2·3.5H2O (2), where hedp represents 1-hydroxyethylidenediphosphonate, exhibit two-dimensional structures closely related to each other. The anionic layers with composition {Cu3(hedp)2}n2n- contain four- and eight-membered rings assembled from vertex-sharing {CuO4} units and {CPO3} tetrahedra. The protonated diamines and lattice water fill the interlayer spaces. Crystal data for 2:  space group P1̄, a = 8.0315(4), b = 11.3713(6), c = 13.3117(7) Å, α = 97.122(1), β = 103.187(1), γ = 108.668(1)°, V = 1095.5(1) Å3, Z = 2. Magnetic properties of the two compounds have been investigated. Both show typical metamagnetic behaviors at low temperature. The critical field at which the antiferromagnetic ground-state switches to a ferrimagnetic state is ∼48 Oe for 1 and 185 Oe for 2 at about 2 K.


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Isotopic ratios in comets provide keys for the understanding of the origin of cometary material, and the physical and chemical conditions in the early Solar Nebula. We review here measurements acquired on the D/H, N-14/N-15, O-16/O-18, C-12/C-13, and S-32/S-34 ratios in cometary grains and gases, and discuss their cosmogonic implications. The review includes analyses of potential cometary material available in collections on Earth, recent measurements achieved with the Herschel Space Observatory, large optical telescopes, and Rosetta, as well as recent results obtained from models of chemical-dynamical deuterium fractionation in the early solar nebula. Prospects for future measurements are presented.


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Characterization of dissolved CO2 and alkane gas in clayrocks may help assessing the confinement properties of geological barriers considered as potential host rocks for a deep geological disposal as well as for caprocks of gas storages. A monitoring of alkanes with CO2, combined with carbon isotopes was performed on core samples coming from Underground Research Laboratories (Bure, Mont Terri, Tournemire) and the Schlattingen borehole in France and Switzerland. Composition of hydrocarbon gas and delta C-13 of methane strongly suggest a dominant thermogenic origin of methane which is mixed with a bacterial origin for the Toarcian shales, Pliensbachien and Callovian-Oxfordian clayrocks. Results also evidence the contrasted behavior of CO2, which is controlled by chemical equilibrium between pore water and carbonate mineralogy, compared to the alkanes which are present in the porosity as a stock of dissolved gases which can be depleted during degassing experiments. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Glycogen is a major substrate in energy metabolism and particularly important to prevent hypoglycemia in pathologies of glucose homeostasis such as type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). (13) C-MRS is increasingly used to determine glycogen in skeletal muscle and liver non-invasively; however, the low signal-to-noise ratio leads to long acquisition times, particularly when glycogen levels are determined before and after interventions. In order to ease the requirements for the subjects and to avoid systematic effects of the lengthy examination, we evaluated if a standardized preparation period would allow us to shift the baseline (pre-intervention) experiments to a preceding day. Based on natural abundance (13) C-MRS on a clinical 3 T MR system the present study investigated the test-retest reliability of glycogen measurements in patients with T1DM and matched controls (n = 10 each group) in quadriceps muscle and liver. Prior to the MR examination, participants followed a standardized diet and avoided strenuous exercise for two days. The average coefficient of variation (CV) of myocellular glycogen levels was 9.7% in patients with T1DM compared with 6.6% in controls after a 2 week period, while hepatic glycogen variability was 13.3% in patients with T1DM and 14.6% in controls. For comparison, a single-session test-retest variability in four healthy volunteers resulted in 9.5% for skeletal muscle and 14.3% for liver. Glycogen levels in muscle and liver were not statistically different between test and retest, except for hepatic glycogen, which decreased in T1DM patients in the retest examination, but without an increase of the group distribution. Since the CVs of glycogen levels determined in a "single session" versus "within weeks" are comparable, we conclude that the major source of uncertainty is the methodological error and that physiological variations can be minimized by a pre-study standardization. For hepatic glycogen examinations, familiarization sessions (MR and potentially strenuous interventions) are recommended. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Epothilones are bacterial macrolides with potent microtubule-stabilizing and antiproliferative activity, which have served as successful lead structures for the discovery of several clinical candidates for cancer treatment. Overall, seven epothilone-type agents have been advanced to clinical evaluation in humans so far and one of these has been approved by the FDA in 2007 for clinical use in breast cancer patients. Notwithstanding these impressive numbers, however, the structural diversity represented by the collection of epothilone analogs that have been (or still are) investigated clinically is rather limited and their individual structures show little divergence from the original natural product leads. In contrast, we have elaborated a series of epothilone-derived macro-lactones, whose overall structural features significantly deviate from those of the natural epothilone scaffold and thus define new structural families of microtubule-stabilizing agents. Key elements of our hypermodification strategy are the change of the natural epoxide geometry from cis to trans, the incorporation of conformationally constrained side chains, the removal of the C(3)-hydroxyl group, and the replacement of C(12) with nitrogen. The latter modification leads to aza-macrolides that may be described as 'non-natural natural products'.


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An efficient new synthesis has been elaborated for non-natural (-)-dactylolide ((-)-2) and its 13-desmethylene analogue 4, employing a HWE-based macrocyclization approach with beta-keto-phosphonate/aldehyde 19 and the respective 13-desmethylene derivative as the key intermediates. Both (-)-2 and 4 as well as the corresponding C20 alcohols inhibit human cancer cell proliferation with IC(50) values in the sub-micromolar range and induce the polymerization of tubulin in vitro.


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Despite its appeal to explain plant invasions, the enemy release hypothesis (ERH) remains largely unexplored for tropical forest trees. Even scarcer are ERH studies conducted on the same host species at both the community and biogeographical scale, irrespective of the system or plant life form. In Cabrits National Park, Dominica, we observed patterns consistent with enemy release of two introduced, congeneric mahogany species, Swietenia macrophylla and S. mahagoni, planted almost 50 years ago. Swietenia populations at Cabrits have reproduced, with S. macrophylla juveniles established in and out of plantation areas at densities much higher than observed in its native range. Swietenia macrophylla juveniles also experienced significantly lower leaf-level herbivory (~3.0%) than nine co-occurring species native to Dominica (8.4–21.8%), and far lower than conspecific herbivory observed in its native range (11%–43%, on average). These complimentary findings at multiple scales support ERH, and confirm that Swietenia has naturalized at Cabrits. However, Swietenia abundance was positively correlated with native plant diversity at the seedling stage, and only marginally negatively correlated with native plant abundance for stems ≥1-cm dbh. Taken together, these descriptive patterns point to relaxed enemy pressure from specialized enemies, specifically the defoliator Steniscadia poliophaea and the shoot-borer Hypsipyla grandella, as a leading explanation for the enhanced recruitment of Swietenia trees documented at Cabrits.