11 resultados para More, Henry - Crítica i interpretació
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
Arterial hypertension is a widely prevalent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases with well documented harmful effects on the heart and the vascular system. Despite a broad antihypertensive drug armamentarium control of hypertension is worldwide suboptimal. Daily practice as well as large intervention trials show that single-drug therapy often fails to adequately control blood pressure (BP). Therefore, the early introduction of a combination therapy may lead to a better and more rapid BP lowering effect, particularly in patients with more than stage I hypertension or in patients with mild hypertension and high cardiovascular risk. In addition, side effects of an antihypertensive drug can be prevented by a meaningful (low dose) combination with a second antihypertensive agent. Moreover, combination of antihypertensive drugs, especially if provided fixed, may substantially improve compliance. However, the choice of the drug combination primarily relates on the demographic features and co-morbidities of the patient. Although BP lowering is the main determinant of cardiovascular risk reduction in the treatment of hypertension, some antihypertensive drugs may exhibit protective effects beyond BP reduction that have to be considered when antihypertensive drugs are combined. In recent large intervention studies, the combination of an ACE inhibitor with a calcium channel blocker was especially advantageous in high risk hypertensive patients. The addition of a thiazide type diuretic to a blocker of the renin-angiotensin system is also sensible and popular with numerous available fixed combinations.
Gastroesophageal reflux and pulmonary fibrosis in scleroderma: a study using pH-impedance monitoring
RATIONALE: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is considered a contributing factor in the pathogenesis of ILD. OBJECTIVES: To characterize GER (acid and nonacid) in patients with SSc with and without ILD. METHODS: Patients with SSc underwent pulmonary high-resolution computer tomography (HRCT) scan and 24-hour impedance-pH monitoring off-proton pump inhibitor therapy. The presence of pulmonary fibrosis was assessed using validated HRCT-scores. Reflux monitoring parameters included number of acid and nonacid reflux episodes, proximal migration of the refluxate, and distal esophageal acid exposure. Unless otherwise specified, data are presented as median (25th-75th percentile). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Forty consecutive patients with SSc (35 female; mean age, 53 yr; range, 24-71; 15 patients with diffuse and 25 with limited SSc) were investigated; 18 (45%) patients with SSc had pulmonary fibrosis (HRCT score >or= 7). Patients with SSc with ILD had higher (P < 0.01) esophageal acid exposure (10.3 [7.5-15] vs. 5.2 [1.5-11]), higher (P < 0.01) number of acid (41 [31-58] vs. 19 [10-23]) and nonacid (25 [20-35] vs. 17 [11-19]) reflux episodes, and higher (P < 0.01) number of reflux episodes reaching the proximal esophagus (42.5 [31-54] vs. 15 [8-22]) compared with patients with SSc with normal HRCT scores. Pulmonary fibrosis scores (HRCT score) correlated well with the number of reflux episodes in the distal (r(2) = 0.637) and proximal (r(2) = 0.644) esophagus. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with SSc with ILD have more severe reflux (i.e., more reflux episodes and more reflux reaching the proximal esophagus). Whether or not the development of ILD in patients with SSc can be prevented by reflux-reducing treatments needs to be investigated.
Implicit task sequence learning (TSL) can be considered as an extension of implicit sequence learning which is typically tested with the classical serial reaction time task (SRTT). By design, in the SRTT there is a correlation between the sequence of stimuli to which participants must attend and the sequence of motor movements/key presses with which participants must respond. The TSL paradigm allows to disentangle this correlation and to separately manipulate the presences/absence of a sequence of tasks, a sequence of responses, and even other streams of information such as stimulus locations or stimulus-response mappings. Here I review the state of TSL research which seems to point at the critical role of the presence of correlated streams of information in implicit sequence learning. On a more general level, I propose that beyond correlated streams of information, a simple statistical learning mechanism may also be involved in implicit sequence learning, and that the relative contribution of these two explanations differ according to task requirements. With this differentiation, conflicting results can be integrated into a coherent framework.
BACKGROUND International travel contributes to the worldwide spread of multidrug resistant Gram-negative bacteria. Rates of travel-related faecal colonization with extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae vary for different destinations. Especially travellers returning from the Indian subcontinent show high colonization rates. So far, nothing is known about region-specific risk factors for becoming colonized. METHODS An observational prospective multicentre cohort study investigated travellers to South Asia. Before and after travelling, rectal swabs were screened for third-generation cephalosporin- and carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. Participants completed questionnaires to identify risk factors for becoming colonized. Covariates were assessed univariately, followed by a multivariate regression. RESULTS Hundred and seventy persons were enrolled, the largest data set on travellers to the Indian subcontinent so far. The acquired colonization rate with ESBL-producing Escherichia coli overall was 69.4% (95% CI 62.1-75.9%), being highest in travellers returning from India (86.8%; 95% CI 78.5-95.0%) and lowest in travellers returning from Sri Lanka (34.7%; 95% CI 22.9-48.7%). Associated risk factors were travel destination, length of stay, visiting friends and relatives, and eating ice cream and pastry. CONCLUSIONS High colonization rates with ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae were found in travellers returning from South Asia. Though risk factors were identified, a more common source, i.e. environmental, appears to better explain the high colonization rates.
At first sight, experimenting and modeling form two distinct modes of scientific inquiry. This spurs philosophical debates about how the distinction should be drawn (e.g. Morgan 2005, Winsberg 2009, Parker 2009). But much scientific practice casts serious doubts on the idea that the distinction makes much sense. There are two worries. First, the practices of modeling and experimenting are often intertwined in intricate ways because much modeling involves experimenting, and the interpretation of many experiments relies upon models. Second, there are borderline cases that seem to blur the distinction between experiment and model (if there is any). My talk tries to defend the philosophical project of distinguishing models from experiment and to advance the related philosophical debate. I begin with providing a minimalist framework of conceptualizing experimenting and modeling and their mutual relationships. The methods are conceptualized as different types of activities that are characterized by a primary goal, respectively. The minimalist framwork, which should be uncontroversial, suffices to accommodate the first worry. I address the second worry by suggesting several ways how to conceptualize the distinction in a more flexible way. I make a concrete suggestion of how the distinction may be drawn. I use examples from the history of science to argue my case. The talk concentrates and models and experiments, but I will comment on simulations too.
This research examines whether female consumers benefit from brand strategies that attempt to decrease their self-discrepancies by setting more realistic ideals (i.e., therapeutic advertising, such as Body Shop, Aerie, and Always). The results of our preliminary study reveal that therapeutic advertising leads to stronger self-conscious emotions than idealistic advertising. More specifically, it leads to stronger emotions of both pride and shame. However, the latter only holds true for female consumers low in self-liking and high difficulties in abandoning unattainable goals. Female consumers who like themselves and are able to abandon unattainable goals do not feel more ashamed when being exposed to therapeutic advertising compared to idealized advertising. These findings have implications for marketing managers and policy makers.
Can the concept of water as a socio-natural hybrid and the analysis of different users’ perceptions of water advance the study of water sustainability? In this article, I explore this question by empirically studying sustainability values and challenges, as well as distinct types of water as identified by members of five water user groups in a case study region in the Swiss Alps. Linking the concept of water as a socio-natural hybrid with the different water users’ perspectives provided valuable insights into the complex relations between material, cultural, and discursive practices. In particular, it provided a clearer picture of existing water sustainability challenges and the factors and processes that hinder more sustainable outcomes. However, by focusing on relational processes and individual stakeholder perspectives, only a limited knowledge could be created regarding a) what a more sustainable water future would look like and b) how current unsustainable practices can be effectively transformed into more sustainable ones. I conclude by arguing that the concept of water as a socio-natural hybrid provides an interesting analytical tool for investigating sustainability questions; however, if it is to contribute to water sustainability, it needs to be integrated into a broader transdisciplinary research perspective that understands science as part of a deliberative and reflective process of knowledge co-production and social learning between all actor groups involved.
Early detection of psychosis is an important topic in psychiatry. Yet, there is limited information on the prevalence and clinical significance of high-risk symptoms in children and adolescents as compared to adults. We examined ultra-high-risk (UHR) symptoms and criteria in a sample of individuals aged 8-40 years from the general population of Canton Bern, Switzerland, enrolled from June 2011 to May 2014. The current presence of attenuated psychotic symptoms (APS) and brief intermittent psychotic symptoms (BLIPS) and the fulfillment of onset/worsening and frequency requirements for these symptoms in UHR criteria were assessed using the Structured Interview for Psychosis Risk Syndromes. Additionally, perceptive and non-perceptive APS were differentiated. Psychosocial functioning and current non-psychotic DSM-IV axis I disorders were also surveyed. Well-trained psychologists performed assessments. Altogether, 9.9% of subjects reported APS and none BLIPS, and 1.3% met all the UHR requirements for APS. APS were related to more current axis I disorders and impaired psychosocial functioning, indicating some clinical significance. A strong age effect was detected around age 16: compared to older individuals, 8-15-year olds reported more perceptive APS, that is, unusual perceptual experiences and attenuated hallucinations. Perceptive APS were generally less related to functional impairment, regardless of age. Conversely, non-perceptive APS were related to low functioning, although this relationship was weaker in those below age 16. Future studies should address the differential effects of perceptive and non-perceptive APS, and their interaction with age, also in terms of conversion to psychosis.
Non-cage housing systems for laying hens such as aviaries provide greater freedom to perform species-specific behavior and thus are thought to improve welfare of the birds; however, aviaries are associated with a high prevalence of keel bone damage (fractures and deviations), which is a major welfare problem in commercial laying hens. Potential causes of keel bone damage are falls and collisions with internal housing structures that occur as birds move between tiers or perches in the aviary. The aim of this study was to investigate the scope for reducing keel bone damage by reducing falls and collisions through modifications of aviary design. Birds were kept in 20 pens in a laying hen house (225 hens per pen) that were assigned to four different treatments (n = 5 pens per treatment group) including (1) control pens and pens modified by the addition of (2) perches, (3) platforms and (4) ramps. Video recordings at 19, 22, 29, 36 and 43 weeks of age were used to analyze controlled movements and falls (including details on occurrence of collision, cause of fall, height of fall and behavior after fall) during the transitional dusk and subsequent dark phase. Palpation assessments (focusing on fractures and deviations) using 20 focal hens per pen were conducted at 18, 20, 23, 30, 37, 44, 52 and 60 weeks of age. In comparison to the control group, we found 44% more controlled movements in the ramp (P = 0.003) and 47% more controlled movements in the platform treatments (P = 0.014) as well as 45% fewer falls (P = 0.006) and 59% fewer collisions (P < 0.001) in the ramp treatment. There were no significant differences between the control and perch treatments. Also, at 60 weeks of age, 23% fewer fractured keel bones were found in the ramp compared with the control treatment (P = 0.0053). After slaughter at 66 weeks of age, no difference in keel bone damage was found between treatment groups and the prevalence of fractures increased to an average of 86%. As a potential mechanism to explain the differences in locomotion, we suggest that ramps facilitated movement in the vertical plane by providing a continuous path between the tiers and thus supported more natural behavior (i.e. walking and running) of the birds. As a consequence of reducing events that potentially damage keel bones, the installation of ramps may have reduced the prevalence of keel fractures for a major portion of the flock cycle. We conclude that aviary design and installation of specific internal housing structures (i.e. ramps and platforms) have considerable potential to reduce keel bone damage of laying hens in aviary systems.