em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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PURPOSE: We report the clinical, morphological, and ultrastructural findings of 13 consecutively explanted opacified Hydroview(R) (hydrogel) intraocular lenses (IOLs). Our purpose was to provide a comprehensive account on the possible factors involved in late postoperative opacification of these IOLs. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirteen consecutive opacified hydrogel IOLs (Hydroview H 60 M, Bausch ; Lomb) were explanted due to the significant visual impairment they caused. The IOLs underwent macroscopical examination, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and electrophoresis for protein detection. Three unused control Hydroview IOLs served for comparison. RESULTS: Macroscopical examination showed a diffuse or localized grey-whitish opacification within the IOL optic. TEM confirmed the presence of lesions inside the optic in all the explanted IOLs and revealed 3 patterns of deep deposits: a) diffuse, thick, granular, electron-dense ones; b) small, thin, lattice-like ones, with prominent electron-lucent areas; and c) elongated electron-dense formations surrounded by electron-lucent halos. SEM showed surface deposits on four IOLs. EDS revealed oxygen and carbon in all IOLs and documented calcium, phosphorus, silicon and/or iron in the deposits. Two of the patients with iron in their IOLs had eye surgery prior to their phacoemulsification. Iron correlated well with the second TEM pattern of deep lesions, whereas calcium with the third TEM pattern. No protein bands were detected on electrophoresis. Control lenses did not show any ultrastructural or chemical abnormality. CONCLUSIONS: The present study supports the presence of chemical alterations inside the polymer of the optic in late postoperative opacification of Hydroview IOLs. This opacification does not follow a unique pathway but may present under different ultrastructular patterns depending on the responsible factors. Mechanical stress during surgery may initiate a sequence of events where ions such as calcium, phosphorus, silicon, and/or iron, participate in a biochemical cascade that leads to gradual alteration of the polymer network. Intraocular inflammation due to previous operation may be a factor inducing opacification through increase of iron-binding capacity in the aqueous humour. Calcification accounts only partially for the opacification noted in this type of IOL.


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The activity of moxifloxacin was compared with ofloxacin and doxycycline against bacteria associated with periodontitis within a biofilm (single strain and mixed population) in vitro. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBCs) of moxifloxacin, ofloxacin and doxycyline were determined against single strains and mixed populations in a planktonic state. Single-species biofilms of two Porphyromonas gingivalis and two Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans strains and a multi-species biofilm consisting of 12 species were formed for 3 days. The minimal biofilm eradication concentrations (MBECs) were determined after exposing the biofilms to the antibacterials (0.002 - 512 µg ml-1) for 18 h, addition of nutrient broth for 3 days and subsequent subcultivation. Photographs were taken by using confocal laser scanning microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The MICs and MBCs did not differ between ofloxacin and moxifloxacin against A. actinomycetemcomitans, moxifloxacin was more active than the other tested antibacterials against anaerobes and the mixed population. The single-species biofilms were eradicated by moderate concentrations of the antibacterials, the lowest MBECs were always found for moxifloxacin (2-8 µg ml-1). MBECs against the multi-species biofilms were 128 µg ml-1, >512 µg ml-1 and >512 µg ml-1 for moxifloxacin, ofloxacin and doxycycline, respectively. In summary, moxifloxacin in a topical formulation may have potential as an adjunct to mechanical removal of the biofilms.


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BACKGROUND The use of reduced-size adult lung transplants could help solve the profound pediatric donor lung shortage. However, adequate long-term function of the mature grafts requires growth in proportion to the recipient's development. METHODS Mature left lower lobes from adult mini-pigs (age: 7 months; mean body weight: 30 kg) were transplanted into 14-week-old piglets (mean body weight: 15 kg). By the end of the 14-week holding period, lungs of the recipients (n = 4) were harvested. After volumetric measurements, the lung morphology was studied using light microscopy, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. Changes of alveolar airspace volume were determined using a computer aided image analysis system. Comparisons were made to age- and weight-matched controls. RESULTS Volumetric studies showed no significant differences (p = 0.49) between the specific volume (mL/kg body weight) of lobar grafts and left lower lobes of adult controls. Morphologic studies showed marked structural differences between the grafts and the right native lungs of the recipients, with increased average alveolar diameter of the grafts. On light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, alveoli appeared dilated and rounded compared to the normal polygonal shape in the controls. The computer generated semi-quantitative data of relative alveolar airspace volume tended to be higher in transplanted lobes. CONCLUSIONS The mature pulmonary lobar grafts have filled the growing left hemithorax of the developing recipient. Emphysema-like alterations of the grafts were observed without evidence of alveolar growth in the mature lobar transplants. Thus, it can be questioned whether mature pulmonary grafts can guarantee sufficient long-term gas exchange in growing recipients.


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PURPOSE To determine whether particulate debris is present in periprosthetic tissue from revised Dynesys(®) devices, and if present, elicits a biological tissue reaction. METHODS Five Dynesys(®) dynamic stabilization systems consisting of pedicle screws (Ti alloy), polycarbonate-urethane (PCU) spacers and a polyethylene-terephthalate (PET) cord were explanted for pain and screw loosening after a mean of 2.86 years (1.9-5.3 years). Optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to evaluate wear, deformation and surface damage, and attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to assess surface chemical composition of the spacers. Periprosthetic tissue morphology and wear debris were determined using light microscopy, and PCU and PET wear debris by polarized light microscopy. RESULTS All implants had surface damage on the PCU spacers consistent with scratches and plastic deformation; 3 of 5 exhibited abrasive wear zones. In addition to fraying of the outer fibers of the PET cords in five implants, one case also evidenced cord fracture. The pedicle screws were unremarkable. Patient periprosthetic tissues around the three implants with visible PCU damage contained wear debris and a corresponding macrophage infiltration. For the patient revised for cord fracture, the tissues also contained large wear particles (>10 μm) and giant cells. Tissues from the other two patients showed comparable morphologies consisting of dense fibrous tissue with no inflammation or wear debris. CONCLUSIONS This is the first study to evaluate wear accumulation and local tissue responses for explanted Dynesys(®) devices. Polymer wear debris and an associated foreign-body macrophage response were observed in three of five cases.


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PURPOSE: To report a case of bilateral central crystalline keratopathy in the anterior stroma occurring 4 years after Intacs implantation. METHODS: A 45-year-old woman underwent bilateral uncomplicated Intacs implantation for myopia. The postoperative course was uneventful. However, between 3 and 4 years after surgery, the patient developed central opacifications of the anterior stroma in both eyes, reducing best spectacle-corrected visual acuity. RESULTS: Intacs were explanted. Confocal microscopy, electron microscopy of the explanted ring segments, and microbiology studies were performed. Opacities were still detectable at the slit-lamp microscope up to 8 months after explantation. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report on central corneal opacifications after Intacs implantation for myopia. The opacities could be the result of chronic metabolic stress or the beginning of lipid-like changes in another more central corneal localization.


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Methods are described for working with Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae in the field and in the laboratory. For fieldwork, different sampling methods are described to determine colony level infections at a given point in time, but also for following the temporal infection dynamics. Suggestions are made for how to standardise field trials for evaluating treatments and disease impact. The laboratory methods described include different means for determining colony level and individual bee infection levels and methods for species determination, including light microscopy, electron microscopy, and molecular methods (PCR). Suggestions are made for how to standardise cage trials, and different inoculation methods for infecting bees are described, including control methods for spore viability. A cell culture system for in vitro rearing of Nosema spp. is described. Finally, how to conduct different types of experiments are described, including infectious dose, dose effects, course of infection and longevity tests


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Dentinal cracks are occasionally observed at the cut root face after root-end resection in apical surgery. The objective of this ex vivo study was to evaluate and compare the efficiency of visual aids to identify root-end dentinal cracks.


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Solutions containing tin and fluoride exhibit remarkable anti-erosive properties with tin ions as a major agent. To elucidate its mechanism of action in dentine, the tin uptake on and in the tissue was investigated and related to histological findings and substance loss. Samples were treated twice daily, each treatment lasting for 2 min, with fluoride solutions [pH 4.5; 1,500 parts per million (p.p.m.) F] containing 2,100, 1,400, or 400 p.p.m. Sn as SnCl(2). In experiments 1 and 2, samples were eroded with citric acid (pH 2.3) six times each day, each treatment lasting for 5 min; in experiment 2, the demineralized organic matrix was continuously digested by collagenase; in experiment 3, no erosive challenges were performed. Sample surfaces and cross-sections were investigated using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and profilometry. Surface retention of tin was found in almost all treatment groups and was highest in experiment 2. On cross-sections, tin was retained within the organic matrix; in mineralized areas, tin was found mainly within a depth of 10 mum. Test solutions inhibited substance loss significantly; in experiment 2, the effect was dose-dependent. Erosion inhibition seemed to depend mainly on the incorporation of tin in the mineralized dentine when the organic portion was preserved, but on surface precipitation when the organic portion was continuously digested.


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Lightmicroscopical (LM) and electron microscopi cal (EM) techniques, have had a major influence on the development and direction of cell biology, and particularly also on the investigation of complex host-parasite relationships. Earlier, microscopy has been rather descriptive, but new technical and scientific advances have changed the situation. Microscopy has now become analytical, quantitative and three-dimensional, with greater emphasis on analysis of live cells with fluorescent markers. The new or improved techniques that have become available include immunocytochemistry using immunogold labeling techniques or fluorescent probes, cryopreservation and cryosectioning, in situ hybridization, fluorescent reporters for subcellular localization, micro-analytical methods for elemental distribution, confocal laser scanning microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy and live-imaging. Taken together, these tools are providing both researchers and students with a novel and multidimensional view of the intricate biological processes during parasite development in the host.


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Tin-containing fluoride solutions can reduce erosive tissue loss, but the effects of the reaction between tin and enamel are still not clear. During a 10-d period, enamel specimens were cyclically demineralized (0.05 M citric acid, pH 2.3, 6 x 5 min d(-1)) and remineralized (between the demineralization cycles and overnight). In the negative-control group, no further treatment was performed. Three groups were treated (2 x 2 min d(-1)) with tin-containing fluoride solutions (400, 1,400 or 2,100 ppm Sn2+, all 1,500 ppm F-, pH 4.5). Three additional groups were treated with test solutions twice daily, but without demineralization. Tissue loss was determined profilometrically. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was used to measure the tin content on and within three layers (10 mum each) beneath the surface. In addition, scanning electron microscopy was conducted. All test preparations significantly reduced tissue loss. Deposition of tin on surfaces was higher without erosion than with erosion, but no incorporation of tin into enamel was found without demineralization. Under erosive conditions, both highly concentrated solutions led to the incorporation of tin up to a depth of 20 mum; the less-concentrated solution led to small amounts of tin in the outer 10 mum. The efficacy of tin-containing solutions seems to depend mainly on the incorporation of tin into enamel.


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During postnatal growth the parenchymal septa of rat lung undergo an impressive restructuring. While immature septa are thick and contain two capillary layers, mature septa are slender and contain a single microvascular network. Using the Mercox casting technique and scanning electron microscopy, we investigated the mode and the timing of the transformation of the pulmonary capillary bed. During the third postnatal week the parenchymal septa rapidly mature to match adult morphology. Even in adult lungs, however, remnants of the immature status are present: A capillary bilayer is regularly found at the base and the tip of the septa. Our observations support the concept that reduction of intervening tissue, partial fusion of the two capillary networks, and preferential growth lead to the mature vascular arrangement. The fact that true mature interalveolar septa show a denser capillary network than alveolar walls abutting onto pleura, bronchi, or larger vessels is consonant with the fusion theory. Towards the nonparenchyma, the capillary network surrounding every airspace had no counterpart to fuse with. From quantitative data it can be calculated that owing to lung growth, mesh size should increase more than four times between birth and adult age. The adult lung network, however, is denser than the one in young animals. This means that new meshes must be added during growth. We propose that small holes observed in sheet-like regions of the microvasculature enlarge to form new capillary meshes. With this mechanism of in-itself or intussusceptional growth, sprouting of individual capillary segments to increase network size is no longer needed.