em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Hybrid molds enable the fabrication of polymeric parts with features of different length scales by injection molding. The resulting polymer microelements combine optical or biological functionalities with designed mechanical properties. Two applications are chosen for illustration of this concept: As a first example, microelements for optical communication via fiber-to-fiber coupling are manufactured by combining two molds to a small mold insert. Both molds are fabricated using lithography and electroplating. As a second example, microcantilevers (μCs) for chemical sensing are surface patterned using a modular mold composed of a laser-machined cavity defining the geometry of the μCs, and an opposite flat tool side which is covered by a patterned polymer foil. Injection molding results in an array of 35 μm-thick μCs with microscale surface topographies. In both cases, when the mold is assembled and closed, reliefs are transferred onto one surface of the molded element whose outlines are defined by the micromold cavity. The main advantage of these hybrid methods lies in the simple integration of optical surface structures and gratings onto the surface of microcomponents with different sizes and orientations. This allows for independent development of functional properties and combinations thereof.


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A new online method to analyse water isotopes of speleothem fluid inclusions using a wavelength scanned cavity ring down spectroscopy (WS-CRDS) instrument is presented. This novel technique allows us simultaneously to measure hydrogen and oxygen isotopes for a released aliquot of water. To do so, we designed a new simple line that allows the online water extraction and isotope analysis of speleothem samples. The specificity of the method lies in the fact that fluid inclusions release is made on a standard water background, which mainly improves the δ D robustness. To saturate the line, a peristaltic pump continuously injects standard water into the line that is permanently heated to 140 °C and flushed with dry nitrogen gas. This permits instantaneous and complete vaporisation of the standard water, resulting in an artificial water background with well-known δ D and δ18O values. The speleothem sample is placed in a copper tube, attached to the line, and after system stabilisation it is crushed using a simple hydraulic device to liberate speleothem fluid inclusions water. The released water is carried by the nitrogen/standard water gas stream directly to a Picarro L1102-i for isotope determination. To test the accuracy and reproducibility of the line and to measure standard water during speleothem measurements, a syringe injection unit was added to the line. Peak evaluation is done similarly as in gas chromatography to obtain &delta D; and δ18O isotopic compositions of measured water aliquots. Precision is better than 1.5 ‰ for δ D and 0.4 ‰ for δ18O for water measurements for an extended range (−210 to 0 ‰ for δ D and −27 to 0 ‰ for δ18O) primarily dependent on the amount of water released from speleothem fluid inclusions and secondarily on the isotopic composition of the sample. The results show that WS-CRDS technology is suitable for speleothem fluid inclusion measurements and gives results that are comparable to the isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) technique.