em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Granzyme B and perforin messenger RNA (mRNA) expression has been shown to be a specific in vivo activation marker for cytotoxic cells. The aim of this study was to assess the contribution of cell-mediated cytotoxicity in the pathogenesis of lichen sclerosus. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry were performed on serial tissue sections of lesional skin biopsies and normal skin as control. Immunohistochemical staining showed that the cellular infiltrate of diseased skin consisted predominantly of T cells (CD3+) and some B cells (CD20+). Among T cells CD4+ and CD8+ cells were found in about equal numbers. In normal skin samples perforin and granzyme B mRNA expressing cells were only rarely found. In contrast, in biopsies from diseased skin a high percentage of infiltrating cells expressed mRNA for perforin and granzyme B. The perforin and granzyme B expressing cells were found in the dermal infiltrate and intraepidermally in close proximity to keratinocytes suggesting in situ activation of these cells. These findings provide evidence that cell-mediated cytotoxicity plays a significant role in tissue destruction in lichen sclerosus.


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Cell death induction by apoptosis is an important process in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis as well as tissue destruction during various pathological processes. Consequently, detection of apoptotic cells in situ represents an important technique to assess the extent and impact of cell death in the respective tissue. While scoring of apoptosis by histological assessment of apoptotic cells is still a widely used method, it is likely biased by sensitivity problems and observed-based variations. The availability of caspase-mediated neo-epitope-specific antibodies offers new tools for the detection of apoptosis in situ. Here, we discuss the use of immunohistochemical detection of cleaved caspase 3 and lamin A for the assessment of apoptotic cells in paraffin-embedded liver tissue. Furthermore, we evaluate the effect of tissue pretreatment and antigen retrieval on the sensitivity of apoptosis detection, background staining and maintenance of tissue morphology.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of human recombinant erythropoietin (EPO) on the microcirculation and oxygenation of critically ischemic tissue and to elucidate the role of endothelial NO synthase in EPO-mediated tissue protection. Island flaps were dissected from the back skin of anesthetized male Syrian golden hamsters including a critically ischemic, hypoxic area that was perfused via a collateralized vasculature. Before ischemia, animals received an injection of epoetin beta at a dose of 5,000 U/kg body weight with (n = 7) or without (n = 7) blocking NO synthase by 30 mg/kg body weight L-NAME (Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride). Saline-treated animals served as control (n = 7). Ischemic tissue damage was characterized by severe hypoperfusion and inflammation, hypoxia, and accumulation of apoptotic cell nuclei after 5 h of collateralization. Erythropoietin pretreatment increased arteriolar and venular blood flow by 33% and 37%, respectively (P < 0.05), and attenuated leukocytic inflammation by approximately 75% (P < 0.05). Furthermore, partial tissue oxygen tension in the ischemic tissue increased from 8.2 to 15.8 mmHg (P < 0.05), which was paralleled by a 21% increased density of patent capillaries (P < 0.05) and a 50% reduced apoptotic cell count (P < 0.05). The improved microcirculation and oxygenation were associated with a 2.2-fold (P < 0.05) increase of endothelial NO synthase protein expression. Of interest, L-NAME completely abolished all the beneficial effects of EPO pretreatment. Our study demonstrates that, in critically ischemic and hypoxic collateralized tissue, EPO pretreatment improves tissue perfusion and oxygenation in vivo. This effect may be attributed to NO-dependent vasodilative effects and anti-inflammatory actions on the altered vascular endothelium.


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Objective: Feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions (FORL) are common in domestic cats. The disease is painful, and leads to root resorption and replacement by bone, and tooth loss. The cause of this non-curable disease has not been established. The present study focused on the periodontal ligament (PL) in clinically and histologically healthy teeth and in teeth exhibiting various degrees of FORL. Methods: A total of 176 tissue blocks from 29 teeth was available for light and transmission electron microscopy. An antibody against osteopontin (OPN) was used for high-resolution immunocytochemistry, since this protein is involved in bone remodeling, cell adhesion, and inflammation. Results: A partial low cell number and an occasional translucent perivascular zone characterized the PL in healthy looking teeth. In teeth exhibiting small or initial FORL, the perivascular hyalinization was more pronounced, cell number was reduced, and widened channels connected the PL with the alveolar bone. In teeth exhibiting severe forms of FORL, the PL tissue was drastically affected. PL regions with massive tissue destruction were characterized by a lack of both cells and extracellular matrix, while other regions were replaced by bone marrow stroma. OPN labeling was restricted to the PL-facing matrix portions of bone and cementum. Conclusion: PL alterations seem to be a common feature in feline teeth. PL degeneration may initially be associated with vasculitis and appeared to increase with the severity of FORL. Since the PL did not recover and bone marrow stroma occupied the degenerated PL, ankylosis and replacement resorption are regarded as unavoidable sequelae.


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AIMS: To assess rates of periodontal disease progression in subjects with cleft lip, alveolus and palate (CLAP) over a 25-year period without regular maintenance care in a specialist setting and to compare those with those of subjects without alveolar clefts, i.e. cleft lip (CL) or cleft palate (CP). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ten subjects with CLAP and 10 subjects with CL/CP were examined in 1979, 1987, 1993 and 2004. Probing pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment level (CAL), bleeding on probing (BoP) and plaque control record (PCR) scores were recorded in all 20 subjects. RESULTS: High plaque and BoP scores were recorded at all examinations in both groups. Over 25 years, a statistically significant loss of mean full-mouth CAL of 1.52 +/- 0.12 mm (SD) and 1.66 +/- 0.15 mm occurred in the CLAP and CL/CP group respectively (p<0.05). A statistically significant increase (p<0.05) in mean full-mouth PPD of 0.35 +/- 0.12 mm was observed in the CL/CP group, whereas only a trend for a mean full-mouth increase in PPD of 0.09 +/- 0.11 mm was observed in the CLAP group. In subjects with CLAP, a statistically significant increase (p<0.05) in PPD of 0.92 +/- 1.13 mm at cleft sites was observed compared with that of 0.17 +/- 0.76 mm at control sites. With respect to CAL, the loss at the corresponding sites amounted to 2.71 +/- 1.46 and to 2.27 +/- 1.62 mm, respectively (p=0.36). CONCLUSIONS: When stringent and well-defined supportive periodontal therapy was not provided, subjects with orofacial clefts were at high risk for periodontal disease progression. Over 25 years, alveolar cleft sites tended to have more periodontal tissue destruction compared with control sites.


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OBJECTIVES: To report a novel observation of neutrophil signal transduction abnormalities in patients with localized aggressive periodontitis (LAP) that are associated with an enhanced phosphorylation of the nuclear signal transduction protein cyclic AMP response element-binding factor (CREB). METHOD AND MATERIALS: Peripheral venous blood neutrophils of 18 subjects, 9 patients with LAP and 9 race-, sex-, and age-matched healthy controls, were isolated and prepared using the Ficoll-Hypaque density-gradient technique. Neutrophils (5.4 x 10(6)/mL) were stimulated with the chemoattractant FMLP (10(-6) mol/L) for 5 minutes and lysed. Aliquots of these samples were separated by SDS-PAGE (60 microg/lane) on 9.0% (w/v) polyacrylamide slab gels and transferred electrophoretically to polyvinyl difluoride membranes. The cell lysates were immunoblotted with a 1:1,000 dilution of rabbit-phospho-CREB antibody that recognizes only the phosphorylated form of CREB at Ser133. The activated CREB was visualized with a luminol-enhanced chemoluminescence detection system and evaluated by laser densitometry. RESULTS: In patients with LAP, the average activation of CREB displayed an overexpression for the unstimulated peripheral blood neutrophils of 80.3% (17.5-fold) compared to healthy controls (4.6%). CONCLUSION: LAP neutrophils who express their phenotype appear to be constitutively primed, as evidenced by activated CREB in resting cells compared to normal individuals. The genetically primed neutrophil phenotype may contribute to neutrophil-mediated tissue damage in the pathogenesis of LAP.


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Acute or even hyperacute humoral graft rejection, mediated by classical pathway complement activation, occurs in allo- and xenotransplantation due to preformed anti-graft antibodies. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) preparations can prevent complement-mediated tissue injury and delay hyperacute xenograft rejection. It is known that IgM-enriched IVIg (IVIgM) has a higher capacity to block complement than IVIgG. Different IVIgs were therefore tested for specificity of complement inhibition and effect on anti-bacterial activity of human serum. IVIgM-I (Pentaglobin), 12% IgM), IVIgM-II (IgM-fraction of IVIgM-I, 60% IgM), and three different IVIgG (all >95% IgG) were used. The known complement inhibitor dextran sulfate was used as control. Hemolytic assays were performed to analyze pathway-specificity of complement inhibition. Effects of IVIg on complement deposition on pig cells and Escherichia coli were assessed by flow cytometry and cytotoxicity as well as bactericidal assays. Complement inhibition by IVIgM was specific for the classical pathway, with IC50 values of 0.8 mg/ml for IVIgM-II and 1.7 mg/ml for IVIgM-I in the CH50 assay. Only minimal inhibition of the lectin pathway was seen with IVIgM-II (IC50 15.5 mg/ml); no alternative pathway inhibition was observed. IVIgG did not inhibit complement in any hemolytic assay. Classical pathway complement inhibition by IVIgM was confirmed in an in vitro xenotransplantation model with PK15 cells. In contrast, IVIgM did not inhibit (mainly alternative pathway mediated) killing of E. coli by human serum. In conclusion, IgM-enriched IVIg is a specific inhibitor of the classical complement pathway, leaving the alternative pathway intact, which is an important natural anti-bacterial defense, especially for immunosuppressed patients.


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Gingipains are cysteine proteases that represent major virulence factors of the periodontopathogenic bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis. Gingipains are reported to degrade extracellular matrix (ECM) of periodontal tissues, leading to tissue destruction and apoptosis. The exact mechanism is not known, however. Fibronectin and tenascin-C are pericellular ECM glycoproteins present in periodontal tissues. Whereas fibronectin mediates fibroblast adhesion, tenascin-C binds to fibronectin and inhibits its cell-spreading activity. Using purified proteins in vitro, we asked whether fibronectin and tenascin-C are cleaved by gingipains at clinically relevant concentrations, and how fragmentation by the bacterial proteases affects their biological activity in cell adhesion. Fibronectin was cleaved into distinct fragments by all three gingipains; however, only arginine-specific HRgpA and RgpB but not lysine-specific Kgp destroyed its cell-spreading activity. This result was confirmed with recombinant cell-binding domain of fibronectin. Of the two major tenascin-C splice variants, the large but not the small was a substrate for gingipains, indicating that cleavage occurred primarily in the alternatively spliced domain. Surprisingly, cleavage of large tenascin-C variant by all three gingipains generated fragments with increased anti-adhesive activity towards intact fibronectin. Fibronectin and tenascin-C fragments were detected in gingival crevicular fluid of a subset of periodontitis patients. We conclude that cleavage by gingipains directly affects the biological activity of both fibronectin and tenascin-C in a manner that might lead to increased cell detachment and loss during periodontal disease.


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Only limited data are available about the precise mechanism leading to tissue inflammation and damage in patients with hidradenits suppurativa (HS). The central pathogenetic event in HS is the occlusion of the upper parts of the hair follicle leading to a perifollicular lympho-histiocytic inflammation. In early lesions, neutrophilic abscess formation and influx of mainly macrophages, monocytes and dendritic cells predominate. In chronic disease, the infiltrate expand with increased frequencies of B cells and plasma cells. In the inflammatory infiltrates toll like receptor 2 (TLR2) was highly expressed by infiltrating macrophages and dendritic cells indicating that stimulation of inflammatory cells by TLR2 activating microbial products may be important trigger factors in the chronic inflammatory process. Furthermore, the pro inflammatory cytokines IL-12 and IL-23 are abundantly expressed by macrophages infiltrating papillary and reticular dermis of HS skin. Both of these cytokines are believed to be important mediators in autoimmune tissue destruction and its blocking by biologics has been shown to be effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Especially IL-23 has been shown to be involved in the induction of a T helper cell subset producing IL-17, therefore, named Th17, which is distinct from the classical Th1/Th2 subsets. In chronic HS lesions IL-17-producing T helper cells were found to infiltrate the dermis. An overexpression of various other cytokines like IL-1beta, CYCL9 (MIG), IL-10 , IL-11 and BLC has been described in HS lesion whereas IL-20 and IL-22 have been shown to be down regulated. Similar to psoriasis also in HS the antimicrobial peptides beta defensin 2 and psoriasin are highly upregulated. This may at least in part explain the clinical finding that HS patients suffer only rarely from skin infections. Taken together the inflammatory reaction leading to HS are only poorly understood, but they show many similarity with other inflammatory reactions as e.g. in psoriasis.


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Type 1 diabetes is caused by autoimmune-mediated β cell destruction leading to insulin deficiency. The histone deacetylase SIRT1 plays an essential role in modulating several age-related diseases. Here we describe a family carrying a mutation in the SIRT1 gene, in which all five affected members developed an autoimmune disorder: four developed type 1 diabetes, and one developed ulcerative colitis. Initially, a 26-year-old man was diagnosed with the typical features of type 1 diabetes, including lean body mass, autoantibodies, T cell reactivity to β cell antigens, and a rapid dependence on insulin. Direct and exome sequencing identified the presence of a T-to-C exchange in exon 1 of SIRT1, corresponding to a leucine-to-proline mutation at residue 107. Expression of SIRT1-L107P in insulin-producing cells resulted in overproduction of nitric oxide, cytokines, and chemokines. These observations identify a role for SIRT1 in human autoimmunity and unveil a monogenic form of type 1 diabetes.


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BACKGROUND CONTEXT In canine intervertebral disc (IVD) extrusion, a spontaneous animal model of spinal cord injury, hemorrhage is a consistent finding. In rodent models, hemorrhage might be involved in secondary tissue destruction by biochemical mechanisms. PURPOSE This study aimed to investigate a causal association between the extents of intramedullary, subdural and epidural hemorrhage and the severity of spinal cord damage following IVD extrusion in dogs. STUDY DESIGN/SETTING A retrospective study using histologic spinal cord sections from 83 dogs euthanized following IVD extrusion was carried out. METHODS The degree of hemorrhage (intramedullary, subdural, epidural), the degree of spinal cord damage in the epicenter (white and gray matter), and the longitudinal extent of myelomalacia were graded. Associations between the extent of hemorrhage and the degree of spinal cord damage were evaluated statistically. RESULTS Intramedullary and subdural hemorrhages were significantly associated with the degree of white (p<.001/ p=.004) and gray (both p<.001) matter damage, and with the longitudinal extension of myelomalacia (p<.001/p=.005). Intriguingly, accumulation of hemorrhagic cord debris inside or dorsal to a distended and ruptured central canal in segments distant to the epicenter of the lesion was observed exhibiting a wave-like pattern on longitudinal assessment. The occurrence of this debris accumulation was associated with high degrees of tissue destruction (all p<.001). CONCLUSIONS Tissue liquefaction and increased intramedullary pressure associated with hemorrhage are involved in the progression of spinal cord destruction in a canine model of spinal cord injury and ascending or descending myelomalacia. Functional and dynamic studies are needed to investigate this concept further.


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Immune responses have the important function of host defense and protection against pathogens. However, the immune response also causes inflammation and host tissue injury, termed immunopathology. For example, hepatitis B and C virus infection in humans cause immunopathological sequel with destruction of liver cells by the host's own immune response. Similarly, after infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) in mice, the adaptive immune response causes liver cell damage, choriomeningitis and destruction of lymphoid organ architecture. The immunopathological sequel during LCMV infection has been attributed to cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells. However, we now show that during LCMV infection CD4(+) T cells selectively induced the destruction of splenic marginal zone and caused liver cell damage with elevated serum alanin-transferase (ALT) levels. The destruction of the splenic marginal zone by CD4(+) T cells included the reduction of marginal zone B cells, marginal zone macrophages and marginal zone metallophilic macrophages. Functionally, this resulted in an impaired production of neutralizing antibodies against LCMV. Furthermore, CD4(+) T cells reduced B cells with an IgM(high)IgD(low) phenotype (transitional stage 1 and 2, marginal zone B cells), whereas other B cell subtypes such as follicular type 1 and 2 and germinal center/memory B cells were not affected. Adoptive transfer of CD4(+) T cells lacking different important effector cytokines and cytolytic pathways such as IFNγ, TNFα, perforin and Fas-FasL interaction did reveal that these cytolytic pathways are redundant in the induction of immunopathological sequel in spleen. In conclusion, our results define an important role of CD4(+) T cells in the induction of immunopathology in liver and spleen. This includes the CD4(+) T cell mediated destruction of the splenic marginal zone with consecutively impaired protective neutralizing antibody responses.


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At birth, the mammalian lung is still immature. The alveoli are not yet formed and the interairspace walls contain two capillary layers which are separated by an interstitial core. After alveolarization (first 2 postnatal weeks in rats) the alveolar septa mature: their capillary layers merge, the amount of connective tissue decreases, and the mature lung parenchyma is formed (second and third week). During the first 3 wk of life the role of tissue transglutaminase (tTG) was studied in rat lung by immunostaining of cryostat and paraffin sections, by Northern and Western blotting, and by a quantitative determination of gamma-glutamyl-epsilon-lysine. While enzyme activity and intracellular tTG were already present before term, the enzyme product (gamma-glutamyl-epsilon-lysine-crosslink) and extracellular tTG appeared between postnatal days 10 and 19 in the lung parenchyma. In large blood vessels and large airways, which mature earlier than the parenchyma, both the enzyme product and extracellular tTG had already appeared at the end of the first postnatal week. We conclude that tTG is expressed and externalized into the extracellular matrix of lung shortly before maturation of an organ area. Because tTG covalently and irreversibly crosslinks extracellular matrix proteins, we hypothesize that it may prevent or delay further remodeling of basement membranes and may stabilize other extracellular components, such as microfibrils.


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Acute vascular rejection (AVR), in particular microvascular thrombosis, is an important barrier to successful pig-to-primate xenotransplantation. Here, we report the generation of pigs with decreased tissue factor (TF) levels induced by small interfering (si)RNA-mediated gene silencing. Porcine fibroblasts were transfected with TF-targeting small hairpin (sh)RNA and used for somatic cell nuclear transfer. Offspring were analyzed for siRNA, TF mRNA and TF protein level. Functionality of TF downregulation was investigated by a whole blood clotting test and a flow chamber assay. TF siRNA was expressed in all twelve liveborn piglets. TF mRNA expression was reduced by 94.1 ± 4.7% in TF knockdown (TFkd) fibroblasts compared to wild-type (WT). TF protein expression in PAEC stimulated with 50 ng/mL TNF-α was significantly lower in TFkd pigs (mean fluorescence intensity TFkd: 7136 ± 136 vs. WT: 13 038 ± 1672). TF downregulation significantly increased clotting time (TFkd: 73.3 ± 8.8 min, WT: 45.8 ± 7.7 min, p < 0.0001) and significantly decreased thrombus formation compared to WT (mean thrombus coverage per viewing field in %; WT: 23.5 ± 13.0, TFkd: 2.6 ± 3.7, p < 0.0001). Our data show that a functional knockdown of TF is compatible with normal development and survival of pigs. TF knockdown could be a valuable component in the generation of multi-transgenic pigs for xenotransplantation.


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Cell-cell intercalation is used in several developmental processes to shape the normal body plan. There is no clear evidence that intercalation is involved in pathologies. Here we use the proto-oncogene myc to study a process analogous to early phase of tumour expansion: myc-induced cell competition. Cell competition is a conserved mechanism driving the elimination of slow-proliferating cells (so-called 'losers') by faster-proliferating neighbours (so-called 'winners') through apoptosis and is important in preventing developmental malformations and maintain tissue fitness. Here we show, using long-term live imaging of myc-driven competition in the Drosophila pupal notum and in the wing imaginal disc, that the probability of elimination of loser cells correlates with the surface of contact shared with winners. As such, modifying loser-winner interface morphology can modulate the strength of competition. We further show that elimination of loser clones requires winner-loser cell mixing through cell-cell intercalation. Cell mixing is driven by differential growth and the high tension at winner-winner interfaces relative to winner-loser and loser-loser interfaces, which leads to a preferential stabilization of winner-loser contacts and reduction of clone compactness over time. Differences in tension are generated by a relative difference in F-actin levels between loser and winner junctions, induced by differential levels of the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate. Our results establish the first link between cell-cell intercalation induced by a proto-oncogene and how it promotes invasiveness and destruction of healthy tissues.