7 resultados para Kinetoplastid

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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In trypanosomes, as in other eukaryotes, more than 95% of all mitochondrial proteins are imported into the mitochondrion. The recently characterized multisubunit ATOM complex mediates import of essentially all proteins across the outer mitochondrial membrane in T. brucei. Moreover, an additional protein termed pATOM36, which is loosely associated with the ATOM complex, has been implicated in the import of only a subset of mitochondrial matrix proteins. Here we have investigated more precisely which role pATOM36 plays in mitochondrial protein import. RNAi mediated ablation of pATOM36 specifically depletes a subset of ATOM complex subunits and as a consequence results in the collapse of the ATOM complex as shown by Blue native PAGE. In addition, a SILAC-based global proteomic analysis of uninduced and induced pATOM36 RNAi cells together with in vitro import experiments suggest that pATOM36 might be a novel protein insertase acting on a subset of alpha-helically anchored mitochondrial outer membrane proteins. Identification of pATOM36 interaction partners by co-immunoprecipitation together with immunofluorescence analysis furthermore shows that unexpectedly a fraction of the protein is associated with the tripartite attachment complex (TAC). This complex is essential for proper inheritance of the kDNA as it forms a physical connection between the kDNA and the basal body of the flagellum throughout the cell cycle. Thus, the presence of pATOM36 in the TAC provides an exciting link between mitochondrial protein import and kDNA inheritance.


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RNA editing in kinetoplastid protozoa is a post-transcriptional process of uridine insertion or deletion in mitochondrial mRNAs. The process involves two RNA species, the pre-edited mRNA and in most cases a trans-acting guide RNA (gRNA). Sequences within gRNAs define the position and extend of mRNA editing. Both mRNAs and gRNAs are encoded by mitochondrial genes in the kinetoplast DNA (kDNA), which consists of thousands of small circular DNA molecules, called minicircles, encoding thousands of gRNAs, catenated together and with a few mRNA encoding larger circles, the maxicircles, to form a huge DNA network. Editing has been shown to result in translatable mRNAs of bona fide mitochondrial genes as well as novel alternatively edited transcripts that are involved in the maintenance of the kDNA itself. RNA editing occurs within large protein-RNA complexes, editosomes, containing gRNA, preedited and partially edited mRNAs and also structural and catalytically active proteins. Editosomes are diverse in both RNA and protein composition and undergoe structural remodeling during the maturation. The compositional and structural diversity of editosomes further underscores the complexity of the RNA editing process.


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Flagellar-mediated motility is an indispensable function for cell types as evolutionarily distant as mammalian sperm and kinetoplastid parasites, a large group of flagellated protozoa that includes several important human pathogens. Despite the obvious importance of flagellar motility, little is known about the signalling processes that direct the frequency and wave shape of the flagellar beat, or those that provide the motile cell with the necessary environmental cues that enable it to aim its movement. Similarly, the energetics of the flagellar beat and the problem of a sufficient ATP supply along the entire length of the beating flagellum remain to be explored. Recent proteome projects studying the flagella of mammalian sperm and kinetoplastid parasites have provided important information and have indicated a surprising degree of similarities between the flagella of these two cell types.


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Lipid metabolism is of crucial importance for pathogens. Lipids serve as cellular building blocks, signalling molecules, energy stores, posttranslational modifiers, and pathogenesis factors. Parasites rely on a complex system of uptake and synthesis mechanisms to satisfy their lipid needs. The parameters of this system change dramatically as the parasite transits through the various stages of its life cycle. Here we discuss the tremendous recent advances that have been made in the understanding of the synthesis and uptake pathways for fatty acids and phospholipids in apicomplexan and kinetoplastid parasites, including Plasmodium, Toxoplasma, Cryptosporidium, Trypanosoma and Leishmania. Lipid synthesis differs in significant ways between parasites from both phyla and the human host. Parasites have acquired novel pathways through endosymbiosis, as in the case of the apicoplast, have dramatically reshaped substrate and product profiles, and have evolved specialized lipids to interact with or manipulate the host. These differences potentially provide opportunities for drug development. We outline the lipid pathways for key species in detail as they progress through the developmental cycle and highlight those that are of particular importance to the biology of the pathogens and/or are the most promising targets for parasite-specific treatment.


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The mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) separates the mitochondria from the cytoplasm, serving both as a barrier and as a gateway. Protein complexes residing in the MOM orchestrate protein and tRNA import, metabolite exchange and lipid metabolism. African trypanosomes are among the earliest diverging eukaryotes that have bona fide mitochondria capable of oxidative phosphorylation. The MOM of T. brucei is essentially unchartered territory. It lacks a canonical TOM-complex and proteins are imported across the MOM using ATOM, which is related to both Tom40 and to the bacterial Omp85-protein family. The beta barrel membrane proteins ATOM, VDAC and Sam50 are the only MOM proteins that have been characterized in T. brucei so far. Using biochemical fractionation and correlated protein abundance-profiling we were able to identify a cluster of 82 candidate proteins that can be localized to the trypanosomal MOM with high confidence Two-thirds of these polypeptides have never been associated with mitochondria before. 40 proteins share homology with proteins of known functions. The function of 42 proteins remains unknown. 11 proteins are essential for the disease-causing bloodstream form of T. brucei and therefore may be exploited as novel drug targets. A comparison with the outer membrane proteome of yeast defines a set of 17 common proteins that are likely present in the MOM of all eukaryotes. Known factors involved in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology are virtually absent in T. brucei. Interestingly, RNAi-mediated ablation of three outer membrane proteins of unknown function resulted in a collapse of the network-like mitochondrion of procyclic cells and therefore directly or indirectly are involved in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology in T. brucei.


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Kinetoplastids are defined by the unique organization of their mitochondrial DNA (kDNA). It forms a highly concatenated DNA network that is linked to the basal body of the flagellum by the tripartite attachment complex (TAC). The TAC encompasses intra and extramitochondrial filaments and a highly differentiated region of the two mitochondrial membranes. Here we identify and characterize a mitochondrial outer membrane protein of Trypanosoma brucei that is predominantly localized in the TAC. The protein is essential for growth in both life cycle stages. Immunofluorescence shows that ablation of the protein does not affect kDNA replication but abolishes the segregation of the replicated kDNA network causing rapid loss of kDNA. Besides its role in kDNA maintenance in vivo and in vitro experiments show that the protein is involved in mitochondrial protein import and that it interacts with a recently discovered protein import factor. RNAi experiments in a T. brucei cell line in which the kDNA is dispensable suggest that the essential function is linked to kDNA maintenance. Bioinformatic analysis shows that the studied outer membrane protein has beta-barrel topology and that it belongs to the mitochondrial porin family comprising VDAC, Tom40 and Mdm10. Interestingly, Mdm10 has so far only been found in yeast. Its function in protein import and mitochondrial DNA maintenance suggests that the protein in our study is the functional homologue of Mdm10. Thus, the TAC – a defining structure of Kinetoplastids – contains a conserved protein which in yeast and trypanosomes performs the same function. Our study therefore provides an example that trypanosomal biology, rather than being unique, often simply represents a more extreme manifestation of a conserved biological concept.


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Mitochondrial protein import is an essential function of the unique mitochondrion in T. brucei as roughly 1000 different nuclear encoded proteins need to be correctly localized to their mitochondrial subcompartment. For this reason the responsible import machinery is expected to be similarly complex as in other Eukaryotes. This was recently demonstrated for the translocation machinery in the outer mitochondrial membrane. In contrast, the composition of the inner membrane import machinery and the exact molecular pathway(s) taken by various substrates are still ill-defined. To elucidate this further, we performed a pulldown analysis of epitope tagged TbTim17 in combination with quantitative mass spectrometry. By this we identified novel components of the mitochondrial import machinery in trypanosomes. One of these, TimX, is an essential mitochondrial membrane protein of 42 kDa that is unique to kinetoplastids. This protein migrates on Blue Native PAGE in a high molecular weight complex similar to TbTim17. Ablation of either of the two proteins leads to a destabilization of the complex containing the other protein. Furthermore, its involvement in protein import could be demonstrated by in vivo and in vitro protein import assays. This corroborates that TimX together with TbTim17 forms a protein import complex in the inner mitochondrial membrane. As TbTim17 the TimX protein was subjected to pulldown analysis in combination with quantitative mass spectrometry. The overlap of candidates defined by these two sets of IPs likely defines further components of the inner membrane translocase which are presently being analyzed. In summary our study on novel components of the trypanosome mitochondrial protein import system gives us fascinating new insights into evolution of the mitochondrion.