145 resultados para Jansen, Jon
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
The most consistent feature of Wiskott Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is profound thrombocytopenia with small platelets. The responsible gene encodes WAS protein (WASP), which functions in leucocytes as an actin filament nucleating agent -yet- actin filament nucleation proceeds normally in patient platelets regarding shape change, filopodia and lamellipodia generation. Because WASP localizes in the platelet membrane skeleton and is mobilized by alphaIIbbeta3 integrin outside-in signalling, we questioned whether its function might be linked to integrin. Agonist-induced alphaIIbbeta3 activation (PAC-1 binding) was normal for patient platelets, indicating normal integrin inside-out signalling. Inside-out signalling (fibrinogen, JON/A binding) was also normal for wasp-deficient murine platelets. However, adherence/spreading on immobilized fibrinogen was decreased for patient platelets and wasp-deficient murine platelets, indicating decreased integrin outside-in responses. Another integrin outside-in dependent response, fibrin clot retraction, involving contraction of the post-aggregation actin cytoskeleton, was also decreased for patient platelets and wasp-deficient murine platelets. Rebleeding from tail cuts was more frequent for wasp-deficient mice, suggesting decreased stabilisation of the primary platelet plug. In contrast, phosphatidylserine exposure, a pro-coagulant response, was enhanced for WASP-deficient patient and murine platelets. The collective results reveal a novel function for WASP in regulating pro-aggregatory and pro-coagulant responses downstream of integrin outside-in signalling.
Tobacco use has been identified as a major risk factor for oral disorders such as cancer and periodontal disease. Tobacco use cessation (TUC) is associated with the potential for reversal of precancer, enhanced outcomes following periodontal treatment, and better periodontal status compared to patients who continue to smoke. Consequently, helping tobacco users to quit has become a part of both the responsibility of oral health professionals and the general practice of dentistry. TUC should consist of behavioural support, and if accompanied by pharmacotherapy, is more likely to be successful. It is widely accepted that appropriate compensation of TUC counselling would give oral health professionals greater incentives to provide these measures. Therefore, TUC-related compensation should be made accessible to all dental professionals and be in appropriate relation to other therapeutic interventions. International and national associations for oral health professionals are urged to act as advocates to promote population, community and individual initiatives in support of tobacco use prevention and cessation (TUPAC) counselling, including integration in undergraduate and graduate dental curricula. In order to facilitate the adoption of TUPAC strategies by oral health professionals, we propose a level of care model which includes 1) basic care: brief interventions for all patients in the dental practice to identify tobacco users, assess readiness to quit, and request permission to re-address at a subsequent visit, 2) intermediate care: interventions consisting of (brief) motivational interviewing sessions to build on readiness to quit, enlist resources to support change, and to include cessation medications, and 3) advanced care: intensive interventions to develop a detailed quit plan including the use of suitable pharmacotherapy. To ensure that the delivery of effective TUC becomes part of standard care, continuing education courses and updates should be implemented and offered to all oral health professionals on a regular basis.
When estimating the effect of treatment on HIV using data from observational studies, standard methods may produce biased estimates due to the presence of time-dependent confounders. Such confounding can be present when a covariate, affected by past exposure, is both a predictor of the future exposure and the outcome. One example is the CD4 cell count, being a marker for disease progression for HIV patients, but also a marker for treatment initiation and influenced by treatment. Fitting a marginal structural model (MSM) using inverse probability weights is one way to give appropriate adjustment for this type of confounding. In this paper we study a simple and intuitive approach to estimate similar treatment effects, using observational data to mimic several randomized controlled trials. Each 'trial' is constructed based on individuals starting treatment in a certain time interval. An overall effect estimate for all such trials is found using composite likelihood inference. The method offers an alternative to the use of inverse probability of treatment weights, which is unstable in certain situations. The estimated parameter is not identical to the one of an MSM, it is conditioned on covariate values at the start of each mimicked trial. This allows the study of questions that are not that easily addressed fitting an MSM. The analysis can be performed as a stratified weighted Cox analysis on the joint data set of all the constructed trials, where each trial is one stratum. The model is applied to data from the Swiss HIV cohort study.
We discuss the computation of the kaon and D meson masses in the N_f = 2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD setup, where explicit heavy flavor and parity breaking occurs at finite lattice spacing. We present three methods suitable in this context and verify their consistency.