14 resultados para Intrinsic Effective Vertical Stress
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The self-regeneration capacity of articular cartilage is limited, due to its avascular and aneural nature. Loaded explants and cell cultures demonstrated that chondrocyte metabolism can be regulated via physiologic loading. However, the explicit ranges of mechanical stimuli that correspond to favourable metabolic response associated with extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis are elusive. Unsystematic protocols lacking this knowledge produce inconsistent results. This study aims to determine the intrinsic ranges of physical stimuli that increase ECM synthesis and simultaneously inhibit nitric oxide (NO) production in chondrocyte-agarose constructs, by numerically re-evaluating the experiments performed by Tsuang et al. (2008). Twelve loading patterns were simulated with poro-elastic finite element models in ABAQUS. Pressure on solid matrix, von Mises stress, maximum principle stress and pore pressure were selected as intrinsic mechanical stimuli. Their development rates and magnitudes at the steady state of cyclic loading were calculated with MATLAB at the construct level. Concurrent increase in glycosaminoglycan and collagen was observed at 2300 Pa pressure and 40 Pa/s pressure rate. Between 0-1500 Pa and 0-40 Pa/s, NO production was consistently positive with respect to controls, whereas ECM synthesis was negative in the same range. A linear correlation was found between pressure rate and NO production (R = 0.77). Stress states identified in this study are generic and could be used to develop predictive algorithms for matrix production in agarose-chondrocyte constructs of arbitrary shape, size and agarose concentration. They could also be helpful to increase the efficacy of loading protocols for avascular tissue engineering. Copyright (c) 2010 John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.
OBJECTIVES Pelvic floor rehabilitation is the conservative therapy of choice for women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI). The success rate of surgical procedures in SUI patients with intrinsic sphincter deficiency (ISD) is low. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of a standardized physiotherapy on patients with SUI and normotonic urethra and ISD. METHODS In this study, 64 patients with ISD and 69 patients with normotonic urethra were enrolled. Maximum urethral pressure (MUCP) >20 cm H2 O was considered as normotonic urethral pressure. Before and after physiotherapy MUCP was measured and cough testing was performed. Additionally, patient reported outcome was assessed using the King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ). For statistical analyses Excel 2010 (Microsoft Inc; Redmond, Washington) and SPSS 20 (SPSS Inc; Chicago, Illinois) for Windows were used. Power calculation was based on the primary endpoint incontinence impact and general health. For power calculation, GraphPad Statmate version 2.00 for Windows was used. RESULTS Sixty-four patients with ISD and 69 patients with normotonic urethra were included in the study. In SUI patients with normotonic and hypotonic urethra KHQ-scores regarding the primary endpoins "general health" and "incontinence impact" significantly improved following standardized physiotherapy. In both groups MUCP increased after physiotherapy. In SUI patients with ISD standardized physiotherapy resulted in a decreased incidence of a positive cough test. CONCLUSIONS Standardized physiotherapy should be offered to patients with SUI and ISD. Long-term results are subject to future studies. Neurourol. Urodynam. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
BACKGROUND: Diverse psychological factors are involved in the pathophysiology of stress. In order to devise effective intervention strategies, it is important to elucidate which factors play the most important role in the association between psychological stress and exacerbation of Crohn's disease (CD). We hypothesized that the association between perceived stress and exacerbation of CD would remain after removal of mood and anxiety components, which are largely involved in stress perception. METHODS: In all, 468 adults with CD were recruited and followed in different hospitals and private practices of Switzerland for 18 months. At inclusion, patients completed the Perceived Stress Questionnaire and anxiety and depression were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. During the follow-up, gastroenterologists assessed whether patients presented with a CD exacerbation. By means of binary logistic regression analysis, we estimated the factor by which one standard deviation of perceived stress would increase the odds of exacerbation of CD with and without controlling for anxiety and depression. RESULTS: The odds of exacerbation of CD increased by 1.85 times (95% confidence interval 1.43-2.40, P < 0.001) for 1 standard deviation of perceived stress. After removing the anxiety and depression components, the residuals of perceived stress were no longer associated with exacerbation of CD. CONCLUSIONS: The association between perceived stress and exacerbation of CD was fully attributable to the mood components, specifically anxiety and depression. Future interventional studies should evaluate the treatment of anxiety and depression as a strategy for potential prevention of CD exacerbations. (Inflamm Bowel Dis 2011;).
The temporal bone is ideal for low-dose CT because of its intrinsic high contrast. The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate image quality and radiation doses of a new low-dose versus a standard high-dose pediatric temporal bone CT protocol and to review dosimetric data from the literature.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Epidemiologic research of the last half-century has clearly shown that psychosocial factors related to the social environment, personality characteristics, and negative affect increase the risk of incident CVD and also impact prognosis of cardiac patients. Several mechanisms may explain this link, including a genetic predisposition, poor lifestyle choices, low adherence to health recommendations, and direct pathophysiologic perturbations. The latter include alteration of the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis and autonomic dysfunction resulting in endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, and a prothrombotic state further downstream. Screening for psychosocial factors seems appropriate as part of the standard history and based on the clinician's knowledge of the patient and the purpose of the visit. Psychological interventions generally alleviate distress in cardiac patients, but whether they reduce the risk of hard cardiovascular endpoints and all-cause mortality is less evident. Cardiac patients with more severe depression may particularly profit from antidepressant medications. Due to their pharmacologic properties, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors were shown to improve cardiovascular outcome. The most effective psychosocial treatment is multicomponent therapy that combines elements of cognitive behaviour therapy ("stress management") and changes in health behaviours, including the adoption of a regular exercise regimen. Gender-specific issues should probably be considered. The field of behavioural cardiology has accumulated a wealth of epidemiological, mechanistic and clinical knowledge that undoubtedly has furthered our understanding about the important role of psychosocial risk factors in patients with a heart disease.
Noninvasive stress testing might guide the use of aspirin and statins for primary prevention of coronary heart disease, but it is unclear if such a strategy would be cost effective.
Pathogenesis-related proteins, chitinases (CHT) and β-1,3-glucanases (GLU), are stress proteins up-regulated as response to extrinsic environmental stress in plants. It is unknown whether these PR proteins are also influenced by inbreeding, which has been suggested to constitute intrinsic genetic stress, and which is also known to affect the ability of plants to cope with environmental stress. We investigated activities of CHT and GLU in response to inbreeding in plants from 13 Ragged Robin (Lychnis flos-cuculi) populations. We also studied whether activities of these enzymes were associated with levels of herbivore damage and pathogen infection in the populations from which the plants originated. We found an increase in pathogenesis-related protein activity in inbred plants from five out of the 13 investigated populations, which suggests that these proteins may play a role in how plants respond to intrinsic genetic stress brought about by inbreeding in some populations depending on the allele frequencies of loci affecting the expression of CHT and the past levels of inbreeding. More importantly, we found that CHT activities were higher in plants from populations with higher levels of herbivore or pathogen damage, but inbreeding reduced CHT activity in these populations disrupting the increased activities of this resistance-related enzyme in populations where high resistance is beneficial. These results provide novel information on the effects of plant inbreeding on plant–enemy interactions on a biochemical level.
BACKGROUND: Suburethral slings are commonly used for the surgical treatment of female stress incontinence; occasionally they can cause erosion and dyspareunia. OBJECTIVES: The primary aim of this study is to determine the outcome after reclosure of the vaginal epithelium for suburethral sling erosion. Sexual function was assessed before and after intervention using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This was a prospective case-controlled study in which, between December 2005 and December 2007, we included patients who were referred to the Department of Urogynaecology because of vaginal erosion after suburethral sling insertion for urinary stress incontinence. For evaluation of sexual function, all patients filled in an FSFI questionnaire before intervention and at follow-up. All patients underwent gynaecological examination including colposcopy, and the site and size of the defect were noted. INTERVENTION: The edge of the vaginal epithelium was trimmed, mobilized, and closed with interrupted vertical Vicryl mattress sutures in a single layer. MEASUREMENTS: FSFI questionnaire and clinical findings. RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS: Twenty-one patients were included in the study. Eighteen patients with larger defects were operated on, and three defects healed after topical application of estrogen cream. In 16 patients, the defect had healed at follow-up; two patients with persisting defects were brought back to surgery and the procedure was repeated, paying particular attention to tension-free adaptation of vaginal tissue. In one patient, partial sling removal was performed after the second failed intervention. The domains of desire (p<0.0001), arousal (p<0.0003), lubrication (p<0.0001), satisfaction (p<0.0130), and pain (p<0.0001) improved significantly. Orgasm remained unchanged (p=0.4130; all two-tailed t-test). CONCLUSION: Suburethral erosion can be treated effectively by resuturing. Sexual function is improved in regard to desire, arousal, lubrication, satisfaction, and pain, but not orgasm. In septic patients and patients with a history of radiation, grossly infected tissue, or severe pain, excision of the mesh needs to be considered.
BACKGROUND Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may occur in patients after exposure to a life-threatening illness. About one out of six patients develop clinically relevant levels of PTSD symptoms after acute myocardial infarction (MI). Symptoms of PTSD are associated with impaired quality of life and increase the risk of recurrent cardiovascular events. The main hypothesis of the MI-SPRINT study is that trauma-focused psychological counseling is more effective than non-trauma focused counseling in preventing posttraumatic stress after acute MI. METHODS/DESIGN The study is a single-center, randomized controlled psychological trial with two active intervention arms. The sample consists of 426 patients aged 18 years or older who are at 'high risk' to develop clinically relevant posttraumatic stress symptoms. 'High risk' patients are identified with three single-item questions with a numeric rating scale (0 to 10) asking about 'pain during MI', 'fear of dying until admission' and/or 'worrying and feeling helpless when being told about having MI'. Exclusion criteria are emergency heart surgery, severe comorbidities, current severe depression, disorientation, cognitive impairment and suicidal ideation. Patients will be randomly allocated to a single 45-minute counseling session targeting either specific MI-triggered traumatic reactions (that is, the verum intervention) or the general role of psychosocial stress in coronary heart disease (that is, the control intervention). The session will take place in the coronary care unit within 48 hours, by the bedside, after patients have reached stable circulatory conditions. Each patient will additionally receive an illustrated information booklet as study material. Sociodemographic factors, psychosocial and medical data, and cardiometabolic risk factors will be assessed during hospitalization. The primary outcome is the interviewer-rated posttraumatic stress level at three-month follow-up, which is hypothesized to be at least 20% lower in the verum group than in the control group using the t-test. Secondary outcomes are posttraumatic stress levels at 12-month follow-up, and psychosocial functioning and cardiometabolic risk factors at both follow-up assessments. DISCUSSION If the verum intervention proves to be effective, the study will be the first to show that a brief trauma-focused psychological intervention delivered within a somatic health care setting can reduce the incidence of posttraumatic stress in acute MI patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01781247.
Despite the astounding success of the fast fashion retailers, the management practices leading to these results have not been subject to extensive research so far. Given this background, we analyze the impact of information sharing and vertical integration on the performance of 51 German apparel companies. We find that the positive impact of vertical integration is mediated by information sharing, i.e. that the ability to improve the information flow is a key success factor of vertically integrated apparel supply chains. Thus, the success of an expansion strategy based on vertical integration critically depends on effective ways to share logistical information.
Grassland is an important ecosystem type which is not only used agriculturally, but also covers sites which cannot be used for other purposes, e.g. in very steep locations or above timberlines. Prolonged summer droughts in the mid-term future, as are predicted for Central Europe, are expected to have a major impact on such ecosystems. To address this topic, rainfall exclusion via shelters was performed on three grassland sites at different altitudes (393, 982 and 1978 m above sea level) in Switzerland. Diurnal drought treatment effects were studied at each study site on a completely sunny day towards the end of an 8–10 week shelter period. Ecophysiological parameters including gas exchange (An, gs and intrinsic WUE) and chlorophyll a fluorescence (Fv/Fm, ΦPSII and NPQ) were considered for several species. The lowland and the Alpine field site were more strongly affected by soil drought than the pre-Alpine site. At all sites, grasses showed different patterns of reductions in stomatal conductance under soil drought compared to legumes and forbs. In addition, grasses were significantly more affected by reductions in assimilation rates at all sites. Time courses of reductions in assimilation rates relative to controls differed between species at the Alpine site, as some species showed reduced assimilation rates at this site in the early morning. Thus, similar rainfall exclusion treatments can trigger different reactions in various species at different sites, which might not become obvious during mere midday measurements. Overall, results suggest strong impacts of prolonged summer drought on grassland net photosynthesis especially at the Alpine site and, within sites, for grasses
INTRODUCTION Distraction-based spinal growth modulation by growing rods or vertical expandable prosthetic titanium ribs (VEPTRs) is the mainstay of instrumented operative strategies to correct early onset spinal deformities. In order to objectify the benefits, it has become common sense to measure the gain in spine height by assessing T1-S1 distance on anteroposterior (AP) radiographs. However, by ignoring growth changes on vertebral levels and by limiting measurement to one plane, valuable data is missed regarding the three-dimensional (3D) effects of growth modulation. This information might be interesting when it comes to final fusion or, even more so, when the protective growing implants are removed and the spine re-exposed to physiologic forces at the end of growth. METHODS The goal of this retrospective radiographic study was to assess the growth modulating impact of year-long, distraction-based VEPTR treatment on the morphology of single vertebral bodies. We digitally measured lumbar vertebral body height (VBH) and upper endplate depth (VBD) at the time of the index procedure and at follow-up in nine patients with rib-to-ileum constructs (G1) spanning an anatomically normal lumbar spine. Nine patients with congenital thoracic scoliosis and VEPTR rib-to-rib constructs, but uninstrumented lumbar spines, served as controls (G2). All had undergone more than eight half-yearly VEPTR expansions. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for statistical comparison of initial and follow-up VBH, VBD and height/depth (H/D) ratio (significance level 0.05). RESULTS The average age was 7.1 years (G1) and 5.2 year (G2, p > 0.05) at initial surgery; the average overall follow-up time was 5.5 years (p = 1). In both groups, VBH increased significantly without a significant intergroup difference. Group 1 did not show significant growth in depth, whereas VBD increased significantly in the control group. As a consequence, the H/D ratio increased significantly in group 1 whereas it remained unchanged in group 2. The growth rate for height in mm/year was 1.4 (group 1) and 1.1 (group 2, p = 0.45), and for depth, it was -0.3 and 1.1 (p < 0.05), respectively. CONCLUSIONS VEPTR growth modulating treatment alters the geometry of vertebral bodies by increasing the H/D ratio. We hypothesize that the implant-related deprivation from axial loads (stress-shielding) impairs anteroposterior growth. The biomechanical consequence of such slender vertebrae when exposed to unprotected loads in case of definitive VEPTR removal at the end of growth is uncertain.
BACKGROUND Pelvic floor muscle training is effective and recommended as first-line therapy for female patients with stress urinary incontinence. However, standard pelvic floor physiotherapy concentrates on voluntary contractions even though the situations provoking stress urinary incontinence (for example, sneezing, coughing, running) require involuntary fast reflexive pelvic floor muscle contractions. Training procedures for involuntary reflexive muscle contractions are widely implemented in rehabilitation and sports but not yet in pelvic floor rehabilitation. Therefore, the research group developed a training protocol including standard physiotherapy and in addition focused on involuntary reflexive pelvic floor muscle contractions. METHODS/DESIGN The aim of the planned study is to compare this newly developed physiotherapy program (experimental group) and the standard physiotherapy program (control group) regarding their effect on stress urinary incontinence. The working hypothesis is that the experimental group focusing on involuntary reflexive muscle contractions will have a higher improvement of continence measured by the International Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire Urinary Incontinence (short form), and - regarding secondary and tertiary outcomes - higher pelvic floor muscle activity during stress urinary incontinence provoking activities, better pad-test results, higher quality of life scores (International Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire) and higher intravaginal muscle strength (digitally tested) from before to after the intervention phase. This study is designed as a prospective, triple-blinded (participant, investigator, outcome assessor), randomized controlled trial with two physiotherapy intervention groups with a 6-month follow-up including 48 stress urinary incontinent women per group. For both groups the intervention will last 16 weeks and will include 9 personal physiotherapy consultations and 78 short home training sessions (weeks 1-5 3x/week, 3x/day; weeks 6-16 3x/week, 1x/day). Thereafter both groups will continue with home training sessions (3x/week, 1x/day) until the 6-month follow-up. To compare the primary outcome, International Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire (short form) between and within the two groups at ten time points (before intervention, physiotherapy sessions 2-9, after intervention) ANOVA models for longitudinal data will be applied. DISCUSSION This study closes a gap, as involuntary reflexive pelvic floor muscle training has not yet been included in stress urinary incontinence physiotherapy, and if shown successful could be implemented in clinical practice immediately. TRIAL REGISTRATION NCT02318251 ; 4 December 2014 First patient randomized: 11 March 2015.
The three anti-malarial drugs artemiside, artemisone, and mefloquine, and the naphthoquinone buparvaquone known to be active against theileriosis in cattle and Leishmania infections in rodents, were assessed for activity against Neospora caninum infection. All four compounds inhibited the proliferation of N. caninum tachyzoites in vitro with IC50 in the sub-micromolar range, but artemisone and buparvaquone were most effective (IC50 = 3 and 4.9 nM, respectively). However, in a neosporosis mouse model for cerebral infection comprising Balb/c mice experimentally infected with the virulent isolate Nc-Spain7, the three anti-malarial compounds failed to exhibit any activity, since treatment did not reduce the parasite burden in brains and lungs compared to untreated controls. Thus, these compounds were not further evaluated in pregnant mice. On the other hand, buparvaquone, shown earlier to be effective in reducing the parasite load in the lungs in an acute neosporosis disease model, was further assessed in the pregnant mouse model. Buparvaquone efficiently inhibited vertical transmission in Balb/c mice experimentally infected at day 7 of pregnancy, reduced clinical signs in the pups, but had no effect on cerebral infection in the dams. This demonstrates proof-of-concept that drug repurposing may lead to the discovery of an effective compound against neosporosis that can protect offspring from vertical transmission and disease.