38 resultados para INTEGRINS

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Integrins and other cell adhesion molecules regulate numerous physiological and pathological mechanisms by mediating the interaction between cells and their extracellular environment. Although the significance of integrins in the evolution and progression of certain cancers is well recognized, their involvement in nonmalignant processes, such as organ fibrosis or inflammation, is only beginning to emerge. However, accumulating evidence points to an instrumental role of integrin-mediated signaling in a variety of chronic and acute noncancerous diseases, particularly of the liver.


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Immature dendritic cells (DC) reside in tissues where they initiate immune responses by taking up foreign antigens. Since DC have a limited tissue half-life, the DC pool in tissues has to be replenished constantly. This implies that precursor/immature DC must be able to cross non-activated endothelium using as yet unknown mechanisms. Here we show that immature, but not mature bone marrow-derived murine DC migrate across resting endothelial monolayers in vitro. We find that endothelial intercellular adhesion molecule-2 (ICAM-2) is a major player in transendothelial migration (TEM) of immature DC, accounting for at least 41% of TEM. Surprisingly, the ICAM-2-mediated TEM was independent of beta2-integrins, the known ICAM-2 ligands, since neither blocking of beta2-integrins with antibodies nor the use of CD18-deficient DC affected the ICAM-2-specific TEM. In humans, the C-type lectin DC-specific ICAM-3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN) was shown to interact with ICAM-2, suggesting a similar role in mice. However, we find that none of the murine DC-SIGN homologues mDC-SIGN, murine DC-SIGN-related molecule-1 (mSIGN-R1) and mSIGN-R3 is expressed on the surface of bone marrow-derived mouse DC. Taken together, this study shows that ICAM-2 strongly supports transmigration of immature DC across resting endothelium by interacting with ligands that are distinct from beta2-integrins and DC-SIGN homologues.


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Cardiovascular diseases involve abnormal cell-cell interactions leading to the development of atherosclerotic plaque, which when ruptured causes massive platelet activation and thrombus formation. Parts of a loose thrombus may detach to form an embolus, blocking circulation at a more distant point. The integrins are a family of adhesive cell receptors interacting with adhesive proteins or with counterreceptors on other cells. There is now solid evidence that the major integrin on platelets, the fibrinogen receptor alpha IIb beta 3, has an important role in several aspects of cardiovascular diseases and that its regulated inhibition leads to a reduction in incidence and mortality due to these disorders. The development of alpha IIb beta 3 inhibitors is an important strategy of many pharmaceutical companies which foresee a large market for the treatment of acute conditions in surgery, the symptoms of chronic conditions and, it is hoped, maybe even the successful prophylaxis of these conditions. Although all the associated problems have not been solved, the undoubted improvements in patient care resulting from the first of these treatments in the clinic have stimulated further research on the role of integrins on other vascular cells in these processes and in the search for new inhibitors. Both the development of specific inhibitors and of mice with specific integrin subunit genes ablated have contributed to a better understanding of the function of integrins in development of the cardiovascular system.


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The process of epidermal renewal persists throughout the entire life of an organism. It begins when a keratinocyte progenitor leaves the stem cell compartment, undergoes a limited number of mitotic divisions, exits the cell cycle, and commits to terminal differentiation. At the end of this phase, the postmitotic keratinocytes detach from the basement membrane to build up the overlaying stratified epithelium. Although highly coordinated, this sequence of events is endowed with a remarkable versatility, which enables the quiescent keratinocyte to reintegrate into the cell cycle and become migratory when necessary, for example after wounding. It is this versatility that represents the Achilles heel of epithelial cells allowing for the development of severe pathologies. Over the past decade, compelling evidence has been provided that epithelial cancer cells achieve uncontrolled proliferation following hijacking of a "survival program" with PI3K/Akt and a "proliferation program" with growth factor receptor signaling at its core. Recent insights into adhesion receptor signaling now propose that integrins, but also cadherins, can centrally control these programs. It is suggested that the two types of adhesion receptors act as sensors to transmit extracellular stimuli in an outside-in mode, to inversely modulate epidermal growth factor receptor signaling and ensure cell survival. Hence, cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesion receptors likely play a more powerful and wide-ranging role than initially anticipated. This Perspective article discusses the relevance of this emerging field for epidermal growth and differentiation, which can be of importance for severe pathologies such as tumorigenesis and invasive metastasis, as well as psoriasis and Pemphigus vulgaris.


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In 1992, it was shown that monoclonal antibodies blocking alpha(4)-integrins prevent the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, an animal model for multiple sclerosis (MS). As alpha(4)beta(1)-integrin was demonstrated to mediate the attachment of immune-competent cells to inflamed brain endothelium in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, the therapeutic effect was attributed to the inhibition of immune cell extravasation and inflammation in the central nervous system. This novel therapeutic approach was rapidly and successfully translated into the clinic. The humanized anti-alpha(4)-integrin antibody natalizumab demonstrated an unequivocal therapeutic effect in preventing relapses and slowing down the pace of neurological deterioration in patients with relapsing-remitting MS in phase II and phase III clinical trials. The occurrence of 3 cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in patients treated with natalizumab led to the voluntary withdrawal of the drug from the market. After a thorough safety evaluation of all patients receiving this drug in past and ongoing studies for MS and Crohn's disease, natalizumab again obtained approval in the US and the European Community. A treatment targeting leukocyte trafficking in MS has now re-entered the clinic. Further thorough evaluation is necessary for a better understanding of the risk-benefit balance of this new treatment option for relapsing MS. In this review, we discuss the basic mechanism of action, key clinical results of clinical trials and the emerging indication of natalizumab in MS.


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Inhibiting the alpha(4) subunit of the integrin heterodimers alpha(4)beta(1) and alpha(4)beta(7) with the monoclonal antibody natalizumab is an effective treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS). However, the pharmacological action of natalizumab is not understood conclusively. Previous studies suggested that natalizumab inhibits activation, proliferation, or extravasation of inflammatory cells. To specify which mechanisms, cell types, and alpha(4) heterodimers are affected by the antibody treatment, we studied MS-like experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in mice lacking the beta(1)-integrin gene either in all hematopoietic cells or selectively in T lymphocytes. Our results show that T cells critically rely on beta(1) integrins to accumulate in the central nervous system (CNS) during EAE, whereas CNS infiltration of beta(1)-deficient myeloid cells remains unaffected, suggesting that T cells are the main target of anti-alpha(4)-antibody blockade. We demonstrate that beta(1)-integrin expression on encephalitogenic T cells is critical for EAE development, and we therefore exclude alpha(4)beta(7) as a target integrin of the antibody treatment. T cells lacking beta(1) integrin are unable to firmly adhere to CNS endothelium in vivo, whereas their priming and expansion remain unaffected. Collectively, these results suggest that the primary action of natalizumab is interference with T cell extravasation via inhibition of alpha(4)beta(1) integrins.


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The mechanisms that regulate the formation of multinucleated muscle fibers from mononucleated myoblasts are not well understood. We show here that extracellular matrix (ECM) receptors of the beta1 integrin family regulate myoblast fusion. beta1-deficient myoblasts adhere to each other, but plasma membrane breakdown is defective. The integrin-associated tetraspanin CD9 that regulates cell fusion is no longer expressed at the cell surface of beta1-deficient myoblasts, suggesting that beta1 integrins regulate the formation of a protein complex important for fusion. Subsequent to fusion, beta1 integrins are required for the assembly of sarcomeres. Other ECM receptors such as the dystrophin glycoprotein complex are still expressed but cannot compensate for the loss of beta1 integrins, providing evidence that different ECM receptors have nonredundant functions in skeletal muscle fibers.


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Mice that lack all beta1-class integrins in neurons and glia die prematurely after birth with severe brain malformations. Cortical hemispheres and cerebellar folia fuse, and cortical laminae are perturbed. These defects result from disorganization of the cortical marginal zone, where beta1-class integrins regulate glial endfeet anchorage, meningeal basement membrane remodeling, and formation of the Cajal-Retzius cell layer. Surprisingly, beta1-class integrins are not essential for neuron-glia interactions and neuronal migration during corticogenesis. The phenotype of the beta1-deficient mice resembles pathological changes observed in human cortical dysplasias, suggesting that defective integrin-mediated signal transduction contributes to the development of some of these diseases.


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Receptors of the Eph family and their ligands (ephrins) mediate developmental vascular assembly and direct axonal guidance. Migrating cell processes identify appropriate targets within migratory fields based on topographically displayed ephrin gradients. Here, EphB1 regulated cell attachment by discriminating the density at which ephrin-B1 was displayed on a reconstituted surface. EphB1-ephrin-B1 engagement did not promote cell attachment through mechanical tethering, but did activate integrin-mediated attachment. In endothelial cells, attachment to RGD peptides or fibrinogen was mediated through alphavbeta3 integrin. EphB1 transfection conferred ephrin-B1-responsive activation of alpha5beta1 integrin-mediated cell attachment in human embryonic kidney cells. Activation-competent but signaling-defective EphB1 point mutants failed to stimulate ephrin-B1 dependent attachment. These findings lead us to propose that EphB1 functions as a 'ligand density sensor' to signal integrin-mediated cell-matrix attachment.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) within the CNS are recognized to play an important role in the effector phase and propagation of the immune response in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a mouse model for multiple sclerosis. However, the mechanisms regulating DC trafficking into the CNS still need to be characterized. In this study, we show by performing intravital fluorescence videomicroscopy of the inflamed spinal cord white-matter microvasculature in SJL mice with EAE that immature, and to a lesser extent, LPS-matured, bone marrow-derived DCs efficiently interact with the CNS endothelium by rolling, capturing, and firm adhesion. Immature but not LPS-matured DCs efficiently migrated across the wall of inflamed parenchymal microvessels into the CNS. Blocking alpha4 integrins interfered with the adhesion but not the rolling or capturing of immature and LPS-matured DCs to the CNS microvascular endothelium, inhibiting their migration across the vascular wall. Functional absence of beta1 integrins but not of beta7 integrins or alpha4beta7 integrin similarly reduced the adhesion of immature DCs to the CNS microvascular endothelium, demonstrating that alpha4beta1 but not alpha4beta7 integrin mediates this step of immature DCs interaction with the inflamed blood-brain barrier during EAE. Our study shows that during EAE, especially immature DCs migrate into the CNS, where they may be crucial for the perpetuation of the CNS-targeted autoimmune response. Thus therapeutic targeting of alpha4 integrins affects DC trafficking into the CNS and may therefore lead to the resolution of the CNS autoimmune inflammation by reducing the number of CNS professional APCs.


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Naive T cells continuously recirculate between secondary lymphoid tissue via the blood and lymphatic systems, a process that maximizes the chances of an encounter between a T cell and its cognate antigen. This recirculation depends on signals from chemokine receptors, integrins, and the sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor. The authors of previous studies in other cell types have shown that Rac GTPases transduce signals leading to cell migration and adhesion; however, their roles in T cells are unknown. By using both 3-dimensional intravital and in vitro approaches, we show that Rac1- and Rac2-deficient T cells have multiple defects in this recirculation process. Rac-deficient T cells home very inefficiently to lymph nodes and the white pulp of the spleen, show reduced interstitial migration within lymph node parenchyma, and are defective in egress from lymph nodes. These mutant T cells show defective chemokine-induced chemotaxis, chemokinesis, and adhesion to integrin ligands. They have reduced lateral motility on endothelial cells and transmigrate in-efficiently. These multiple defects stem from critical roles for Rac1 and Rac2 in transducing chemokine and sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 signals leading to motility and adhesion.


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Cultured fibroblasts adhere to extracellular substrates by means of cell-matrix adhesions that are assembled in a hierarchical way, thereby gaining in protein complexity and size. Here we asked how restricting the size of cell-matrix adhesions affects cell morphology and behavior. Using a nanostencil technique, culture substrates were patterned with gold squares of a width and spacing between 250 nm and 2 µm. The gold was functionalized with RGD peptide as ligand for cellular integrins, and mouse embryo fibroblasts were plated. Limiting the length of cell-matrix adhesions to 500 nm or less disturbed the maturation of vinculin-positive focal complexes into focal contacts and fibrillar adhesions, as indicated by poor recruitment of ?5-integrin. We found that on sub-micrometer patterns, fibroblasts spread extensively, but did not polarize. Instead, they formed excessive numbers of lamellipodia and a fine actin meshwork without stress fibers. Moreover, these cells showed aberrant fibronectin fibrillogenesis, and their speed of directed migration was reduced significantly compared to fibroblasts on 2 µm square patterns. Interference with RhoA/ROCK signaling eliminated the pattern-dependent differences in cell morphology. Our results indicate that manipulating the maturation of cell-matrix adhesions by nanopatterned surfaces allows to influence morphology, actin dynamics, migration and ECM assembly of adhering fibroblasts.


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Leucocyte migration into the central nervous system is a key stage in the development of multiple sclerosis. While much has been learnt regarding the sequential steps of leucocyte capture, adhesion and migration across the vasculature, the molecular basis of leucocyte extravasation is only just being unravelled. It is now recognized that bidirectional crosstalk between the immune cell and endothelium is an essential element in mediating diapedesis during both normal immune surveillance and under inflammatory conditions. The induction of various signalling networks, through engagement of cell surface molecules such as integrins on the leucocyte and immunoglobulin superfamily cell adhesion molecules on the endothelial cell, play a major role in determining the pattern and route of leucocyte emigration. In this review we discuss the extent of our knowledge regarding leucocyte migration across the blood-brain barrier and in particular the endothelial cell signalling pathways contributing to this process.


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RTX toxins are bacterial pore-forming toxins that are particularly abundant among pathogenic species of Pasteurellaceae, in which they play a major role in virulence. RTX toxins of several primary pathogens of the family of Pasteurellaceae are directly involved in causing necrotic lesions in the target organs. Many RTX toxins are known as haemolysins because they lyse erythrocytes in vitro, an effect that is non-specific, but which serves as a useful marker in bacteriological identification and as an easily measurable signal in vitro in experimental studies. More recent studies have shown that the specific targets of most RTX toxins are leukocytes, with RTX toxins binding to the corresponding beta-subunit (CD18) of beta2 integrins and then exerting cytotoxic activity. After uptake by the target cell, at sub-lytic concentrations, some RTX toxins are transported to mitochondria and induce apoptosis. For several RTX toxins the binding to CD18 has been shown to be host specific and this seems to be the basis for the host range specificity of these RTX toxins. Observations on two very closely related species of the Pasteurellaceae family, Actinobacillus suis, a porcine pathogen particularly affecting suckling pigs, and Actinobacillus equuli subsp. haemolytica, which causes pyosepticaemia in new-born foals (sleepy foal disease), have revealed that they express different RTX toxins, named ApxI/II and Aqx, respectively. These RTX toxins are specifically cytotoxic for porcine and equine leukocytes, respectively. Furthermore, the ApxI and Aqx toxins of these species, when expressed in an isogenetic background in Escherichia coli, are specifically cytotoxic for leukocytes of their respective hosts. These data indicate the determinative role of RTX toxins in host specificity of pathogenic species of Pasteurellaceae.


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Lipoprotein T (LppT), a membrane-located 105-kDa lipoprotein of Mycoplasma conjunctivae, the etiological agent of infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC) of domestic sheep and wild Caprinae, was characterized. LppT was shown to promote cell attachment to LSM 192 primary lamb joint synovial cells. Adhesion of M. conjunctivae to LSM 192 cells is inhibited by antibodies directed against LppT. The RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) motif of LppT was found to be a specific site for binding of M. conjunctivae to these eukaryotic host cells. Recombinant LppT fixed to polymethylmethacrylate slides binds LSM 192 cells, whereas LppT lacking the RGD site is deprived of binding capacity to LSM 192, and LppT containing RGE rather than RGD shows reduced binding. Synthetic nonapeptides derived from LppT containing RGD competitively inhibit binding of LSM 192 cells to LppT-coated slides, whereas nonapeptides containing RAD rather than RGD do not inhibit. RGD-containing, LppT-derived nonapeptides are able to directly inhibit binding of M. conjunctivae to LSM 192 cells by competitive inhibition, whereas the analogous nonapeptide containing RAD rather than RGD or the fibronectin-derived RGD hexapeptide has no inhibitory effect. These results reveal LppT as the first candidate of a RGD lectin in Mycoplasma species that is assumed to bind to beta integrins.