em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Dynamic core-shell nanoparticles have received increasing attention in recent years. This paper presents a detailed study of Au-Hg nanoalloys, whose composing elements show a large difference in cohesive energy. A simple method to prepare Au@Hg particles with precise control over the composition up to 15 atom% mercury is introduced, based on reacting a citrate stabilized gold sol with elemental mercury. Transmission electron microscopy shows an increase of particle size with increasing mercury content and, together with X-ray powder diffraction, points towards the presence of a core-shell structure with a gold core surrounded by an Au-Hg solid solution layer. The amalgamation process is described by pseudo-zero-order reaction kinetics, which indicates slow dissolution of mercury in water as the rate determining step, followed by fast scavenging by nanoparticles in solution. Once adsorbed at the surface, slow diffusion of Hg into the particle lattice occurs, to a depth of ca. 3 nm, independent of Hg concentration. Discrete dipole approximation calculations relate the UV-vis spectra to the microscopic details of the nanoalloy structure. Segregation energies and metal distribution in the nanoalloys were modeled by density functional theory calculations. The results indicate slow metal interdiffusion at the nanoscale, which has important implications for synthetic methods aimed at core-shell particles.


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We present a comprehensive analytical study of radiative transfer using the method of moments and include the effects of non-isotropic scattering in the coherent limit. Within this unified formalism, we derive the governing equations and solutions describing two-stream radiative transfer (which approximates the passage of radiation as a pair of outgoing and incoming fluxes), flux-limited diffusion (which describes radiative transfer in the deep interior) and solutions for the temperature-pressure profiles. Generally, the problem is mathematically under-determined unless a set of closures (Eddington coefficients) is specified. We demonstrate that the hemispheric (or hemi-isotropic) closure naturally derives from the radiative transfer equation if energy conservation is obeyed, while the Eddington closure produces spurious enhancements of both reflected light and thermal emission. We concoct recipes for implementing two-stream radiative transfer in stand-alone numerical calculations and general circulation models. We use our two-stream solutions to construct toy models of the runaway greenhouse effect. We present a new solution for temperature-pressure profiles with a non-constant optical opacity and elucidate the effects of non-isotropic scattering in the optical and infrared. We derive generalized expressions for the spherical and Bond albedos and the photon deposition depth. We demonstrate that the value of the optical depth corresponding to the photosphere is not always 2/3 (Milne's solution) and depends on a combination of stellar irradiation, internal heat and the properties of scattering both in optical and infrared. Finally, we derive generalized expressions for the total, net, outgoing and incoming fluxes in the convective regime.


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The abundance of atmospheric oxygen and its evolution through Earth's history is a highly debated topic. The earliest change of the Mo concentration and isotope composition of marine sediments are interpreted to be linked to the onset of the accumulation of free O2 in Earth's atmosphere. The O2 concentration needed to dissolve significant amounts of Mo in water is not yet quantified, however. We present laboratory experiments on pulverized and surface-cleaned molybdenite (MoS2) and a hydrothermal breccia enriched in Mo-bearing sulphides using a glove box setup. Duration of an experiment was 14 days, and first signs of oxidation and subsequent dissolution of Mo compounds start to occur above an atmospheric oxygen concentration of 72 ± 20 ppmv (i.e., 2.6 to 4.6 × 10−4 present atmospheric level (PAL)). This experimentally determined value coincides with published model calculations supporting atmospheric O2 concentrations between 1 × 10−5 to 3 × 10−4 PAL prior to the Great Oxidation Event and sets an upper limit to the molecular oxygen needed to trigger Mo accumulation and Mo isotope variations recorded in sediments. In combination with the published Mo isotope composition of the rock record, this result implies an atmospheric oxygen concentration prior to 2.76 Ga of below 72 ± 20 ppmv.