43 resultados para Human Neuronal Protein

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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We developed a gel- and label-free proteomics platform for comparative studies of human serum. The method involves the depletion of the six most abundant proteins, protein fractionation by Off-Gel IEF and RP-HPLC, followed by tryptic digestion, LC-MS/MS, protein identification, and relative quantification using probabilistic peptide match score summation (PMSS). We evaluated performance and reproducibility of the complete platform and the individual dimensions, by using chromatograms of the RP-HPLC runs, PMSS based abundance scores and abundance distributions as objective endpoints. We were interested if a relationship exists between the quantity ratio and the PMSS score ratio. The complete analysis was performed four times with two sets of serum samples containing different concentrations of spiked bovine beta-lactoglobulin (0.1 and 0.3%, w/w). The two concentrations resulted in significantly differing PMSS scores when compared to the variability in PMSS scores of all other protein identifications. We identified 196 proteins, of which 116 were identified four times in corresponding fractions whereof 73 qualified for relative quantification. Finally, we characterized the PMSS based protein abundance distributions with respect to the two dimensions of fractionation and discussed some interesting patterns representing discrete isoforms. We conclude that combination of Off-Gel electrophoresis (OGE) and HPLC is a reproducible protein fractionation technique, that PMSS is applicable for relative quantification, that the number of quantifiable proteins is always smaller than the number of identified proteins and that reproducibility of protein identifications should supplement probabilistic acceptance criteria.


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Progress toward elucidating the 3D structures of eukaryotic membrane proteins has been hampered by the lack of appropriate expression systems. Recent work using the Xenopus oocyte as a novel expression system for structural analysis demonstrates the capability of providing not only the significant amount of protein yields required for structural work but also the expression of eukaryotic membrane proteins in a more native and functional conformation. There is a long history using the oocyte expression system as an efficient tool for membrane transporter and channel expression in direct functional analysis, but improvements in robotic injection systems and protein yield optimization allow the rapid scalability of expressed proteins to be purified and characterized in physiologically relevant structural states. Traditional overexpression systems (yeast, bacteria, and insect cells) by comparison require chaotropic conditions over several steps for extraction, solubilization, and purification. By contrast, overexpressing within the oocyte system for subsequent negative-staining transmission electron microscopy studies provides a single system that can functionally assess and purify eukaryotic membrane proteins in fewer steps maintaining the physiological properties of the membrane protein.


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This paper presents a comparative proteomic analysis of human maternal plasma and amniotic fluid (AF) samples from the same patient at term of pregnancy in order to find specific AF proteins as markers of premature rupture of membranes, a complication frequently observed during pregnancy. Maternal plasma and the corresponding AF were immunodepleted in order to remove the six most abundant proteins before the systematic analysis of their protein composition. The protein samples were then fractionated by IEF Off-Gel electrophoresis (OGE), digested and analyzed with nano-LC-MS/MS separation, revealing a total of 73 and 69 proteins identified in maternal plasma and AF samples, respectively. The proteins identified in AF have been compared to those identified in the mother plasma as well as to the reference human plasma protein list reported by Anderson et al. (Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2004, 3, 311-326). This comparison showed that 26 proteins were exclusively present in AF and not in plasma among which 10 have already been described to be placenta or pregnancy specific. As a further validation of the method, plasma proteins fractionated by OGE and analysed by nano-LC-MS/MS have been compared to the Swiss 2-D PAGE reference map by reconstructing a map that matches 2-D gel and OGE experimental data. This representation shows that 36 of 49 reference proteins could be identified in both data sets, and that isoform shifts in pI are well conserved in the OGE data sets.


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Despite efforts implicating the cationic channel transient receptor potential melastatin member 4 (TRPM4) to cardiac, nervous, and immunological pathologies, little is known about its structure and function. In this study, we optimized the requirements for purification and extraction of functional human TRPM4 protein and investigated its supra-molecular assembly. We selected the Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system because it lacks endogenous TRPM4 expression, it is known to overexpress functional human membrane channels, can be used for structure-function analysis within the same system, and is easily scaled to improve yield and develop moderate throughput capabilities through the use of robotics. Negative-stain electron microscopy (EM) revealed various sized low-resolution particles. Single particle analysis identified the majority of the projections represented the monomeric form with additional oligomeric structures potentially characterized as tetramers. Two-electrode voltage clamp electrophysiology demonstrated that human TRPM4 is functionally expressed at the oocyte plasma membrane. This study opens the door for medium-throughput screening and structure-function determination of this important therapeutically relevant target.


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Expression and purification of human membrane proteins for structural studies represent a great challenge. This is because micro- to milligram amounts of pure isolated protein are required. To this aim, we successfully expressed the human vitamin C transporter-1 (hSVCT1; SLC23A1) in Xenopus laevis oocytes and isolated highly pure protein in microgram amounts. Recombinant hSVCT1 was functional when expressed in oocytes and glycosylated. Structural analysis of purified hSVCT1 by transmission electron microscopy and single particle analysis unveiled its shape, dimensions and low-resolution structure as well as the existence of a major monomeric and minor dimeric population. Chemical crosslinking of isolated oocyte membranes containing expressed hSVCT1 indicated similar oligomeric states of hSVCT1 in lipid bilayers. This work reports the first purification and structural analysis of a human SVCT protein and opens the way for future functional and structural studies using purified hSVCT1.


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The susceptibility of humans to the variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is greatly influenced by polymorphisms within the human prion protein gene (PRNP). Similar genetic differences exist in sheep, in which PRNP polymorphisms modify the susceptibility to scrapie. However, the known coding polymorphisms within the bovine PRNP gene have little or no effect on bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) susceptibility in cattle. We have recently found a tentative association between PRNP promoter polymorphisms and BSE susceptibility in German cattle (Sander, P., Hamann, H., Pfeiffer, I., Wemheuer, W., Brenig, B., Groschup, M., Ziegler, U., Distl, O., and Leeb, T. (2004) Neurogenetics 5, 19-25). A plausible hypothesis explaining this observation could be that the bovine PRNP promoter polymorphisms cause changes in PRNP expression that might be responsible for differences in BSE incubation time and/or BSE susceptibility. To test this hypothesis, we performed a functional promoter analysis of the different bovine PRNP promoter alleles by reporter gene assays in vitro and by measuring PRNP mRNA levels in calves with different PRNP genotypes in vivo. Two variable sites, a 23-bp insertion/deletion (indel) polymorphism containing a RP58-binding site and a 12-bp indel polymorphism containing an SP1-binding site, were investigated. Band shift assays indicated differences in transcription factor binding to the different alleles at the two polymorphisms. Reporter gene assays demonstrated an interaction between the two postulated transcription factors and lower expression levels of the ins/ins allele compared with the del/del allele. The in vivo data revealed substantial individual variation of PRNP expression in different tissues. In intestinal lymph nodes, expression levels differed between the different PRNP genotypes.


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BACKGROUND: FGFRL1, the gene for the fifth member of the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) family, is found in all vertebrates from fish to man and in the cephalochordate amphioxus. Since it does not occur in more distantly related invertebrates such as insects and nematodes, we have speculated that FGFRL1 might have evolved just before branching of the vertebrate lineage from the other invertebrates (Beyeler and Trueb, 2006). RESULTS: We identified the gene for FGFRL1 also in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and cloned its mRNA. The deduced amino acid sequence shares 62% sequence similarity with the human protein and shows conservation of all disulfides and N-linked carbohydrate attachment sites. Similar to the human protein, the S. purpuratus protein contains a histidine-rich motif at the C-terminus, but this motif is much shorter than the human counterpart. To analyze the function of the novel motif, recombinant fusion proteins were prepared in a bacterial expression system. The human fusion protein bound to nickel and zinc affinity columns, whereas the sea urchin protein barely interacted with such columns. Direct determination of metal ions by atomic absorption revealed 2.6 mole zinc/mole protein for human FGFRL1 and 1.7 mole zinc/mole protein for sea urchin FGFRL1. CONCLUSION: The FGFRL1 gene has evolved much earlier than previously assumed. A comparison of the intracellular domain between sea urchin and human FGFRL1 provides interesting insights into the shaping of a novel zinc binding domain.


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Inefficient alveolar wound repair contributes to the development of pulmonary fibrosis. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a potent growth factor for alveolar type II epithelial cells (AECII) and may improve repair and reduce fibrosis. We studied whether targeted gene transfer of HGF specifically to AECII improves lung fibrosis in bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis. A plasmid encoding human HGF expressed from the human surfactant protein C promoter (pSpC-hHGF) was designed, and extracorporeal electroporation-mediated gene transfer of HGF specifically to AECII was performed 7 days after bleomycin-induced lung injury in the rat. Animals were killed 7 days after hHGF gene transfer. Electroporation-mediated HGF gene transfer resulted in HGF expression specifically in AECII at biologically relevant levels. HGF gene transfer reduced pulmonary fibrosis as assessed by histology, hydroxyproline determination, and design-based stereology compared with controls. Our results indicate that the antifibrotic effect of HGF is due in part to a reduction of transforming growth factor-β(1), modulation of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and reduction of extravascular fibrin deposition. We conclude that targeted HGF gene transfer specifically to AECII decreases bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis and may therefore represent a novel cell-specific gene transfer technology to treat pulmonary fibrosis.


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Endometriosis is a gynaecological condition with an associated chronic inflammatory response. The ectopic growth of 'lesions', consisting of endometrial cells outside the uterine cavity, stimulates an inflammatory response initiating the activation of macrophages, and resulting in increased cytokine and growth factor concentrations in the peritoneal fluid (PF). Endometriosis‑associated inflammation is chronic and long lasting. In patients with endometriosis, the risk of developing ovarian cancer within 10 years, particularly of the endometrioid or clear cell subtype, is increased 2.5‑4 times. Endometriosis creates a peritoneal environment that exposes the affected endometriotic and the normal ovarian surface epithelial cells to agents that have been suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of cancer. Concentrations of several cytokines and growth factors were increased in the PF of patients with endometriosis. The ovarian cancer marker, CA125, was one such growth factor; however, this remains to be confirmed. Human epididymis protein 4 (HE4) was detected at high concentrations in patients with ovarian cancer and was identified as the best biomarker for the detection of ovarian cancer. The present study determined the levels of HE4 and CA125 in the peritoneal fluid of 258 patients with and 100 control individuals without endometriosis attending the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Berne (Berne, Switzerland) between 2007 and 2014. The cases were subdivided into groups without hormonal treatment (n=107), or treated with combined oral contraceptives (n=45), continuous gestagens (n=56) or GnRH agonists (n=50). Both of these markers were significantly increased in the non‑treated endometriosis samples compared with the control group. Hormone treatment with either of the three agents mentioned resulted in the concentration of CA125 returning to the control levels and the concentration of HE4 decreasing to below the control levels. CA125, however not HE4, significantly differed between the proliferative and secretory cycle phases. Since HE4 is sensitive to hormonal treatment and robust towards menstrual cycle variation, HE4 is potentially superior to CA125 as an endometriosis marker and therefore has greater potential as a marker for the identification of women at risk of developing ovarian cancer.


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The contribution of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) to angiogenesis in human skeletal muscle after endurance exercise is controversially discussed. We therefore ascertained whether the expression of nNOS is associated with the capillary density in biopsies of the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle that had been derived from 10 sedentary male subjects before and after moderate training (four 30-min weekly jogging sessions for 6 months, with a heart-rate corresponding to 75% VO(2)max). In these biopsies, nNOS was predominantly expressed as alpha-isoform with exon-mu and to a lesser extent without exon-mu, as determined by RT-PCR. The mRNA levels of nNOS were quantified by real-time PCR and related to the capillary-to-fibre ratio and the numerical density of capillaries specified by light microscopy. If the VL biopsies of all subjects were co-analysed, mRNA levels of nNOS were non-significantly elevated after training (+34%; P > 0.05). However, only five of the ten subjects exhibited significant (P ≤ 0.05) elevations in the capillary-to-fibre ratio (+25%) and the numerical density of capillaries (+21%) and were thus undergoing angiogenesis. If the VL biopsies of these five subjects alone were evaluated, the mRNA levels of nNOS were significantly up-regulated (+128%; P ≤ 0.05) and correlated positively (r = 0.8; P ≤ 0.01) to angiogenesis. Accordingly, nNOS protein expression in VL biopsies quantified by immunoblotting was significantly increased (+82%; P ≤ 0.05) only in those subjects that underwent angiogenesis. In conclusion, the expression of nNOS at mRNA and protein levels was statistically linked to capillarity after exercise suggesting that nNOS is involved in the angiogenic response to training in human skeletal muscle.


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We investigated whether human articular chondrocytes can be labeled efficiently and for long-term with a green fluorescent protein (GFP) lentivirus and whether the viral transduction would influence cell proliferation and tissue-forming capacity. The method was then applied to track goat articular chondrocytes after autologous implantation in cartilage defects. Expression of GFP in transduced chondrocytes was detected cytofluorimetrically and immunohistochemically. Chondrogenic capacity of chondrocytes was assessed by Safranin-O staining, immunostaining for type II collagen, and glycosaminoglycan content. Human articular chondrocytes were efficiently transduced with GFP lentivirus (73.4 +/- 0.5% at passage 1) and maintained the expression of GFP up to 22 weeks of in vitro culture after transduction. Upon implantation in nude mice, 12 weeks after transduction, the percentage of labeled cells (73.6 +/- 3.3%) was similar to the initial one. Importantly, viral transduction of chondrocytes did not affect the cell proliferation rate, chondrogenic differentiation, or tissue-forming capacity, either in vitro or in vivo. Goat articular chondrocytes were also efficiently transduced with GFP lentivirus (78.3 +/- 3.2%) and maintained the expression of GFP in the reparative tissue after orthotopic implantation. This study demonstrates the feasibility of efficient and relatively long-term labeling of human chondrocytes for co-culture on integration studies, and indicates the potential of this stable labeling technique for tracking animal chondrocytes for in cartilage repair studies.


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Growth hormone insensitivity syndrome (GHIS) is a rare cause of growth retardation characterized by high serum GH levels, and low serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels associated with a genetic defect of the GH receptor (GHR) as well post-GHR signaling pathway. Based on clinical, as well as biochemical characteristics, GHIS can be genetically classified as classical/Laron's syndrome and nonclassical/atypical GHIS. Recombinant human IGF-I (rhIGF-I) treatment is effective in promoting growth in subjects who have GHIS. Further, pharmacological studies of a IGF-I compound containing a 1:1 molar complex of rhIGF-I and rhIGF-binding protein-3 (BP-3) demonstrated that the complex was effective in increasing levels of circulating total and free IGF-I and that the administration in patients with GHIS should be safe, well-tolerated and more effective than rhIGF-I on its own.


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To elucidate the local formation of angiotensin II (Ang II) in the neurons of sensory dorsal root ganglia (DRG), we studied the expression of angiotensinogen (Ang-N)-, renin-, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)- and cathepsin D-mRNA, and the presence of protein renin, Ang II, Substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the rat and human thoracic DRG. Quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR) studies revealed that rat DRG expressed substantial amounts of Ang-N- and ACE mRNA, while renin mRNA as well as the protein renin were untraceable. Cathepsin D-mRNA and cathepsin D-protein were detected in the rat DRG indicating the possibility of existence of pathways alternative to renin for Ang I formation. Angiotensin peptides were successfully detected with high performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay in human DRG extracts. In situ hybridization in rat DRG confirmed additionally expression of Ang-N mRNA in the cytoplasm of numerous neurons. Intracellular Ang II staining could be shown in number of neurons and their processes in both the rat and human DRG. Interestingly we observed neuronal processes with angiotensinergic synapses en passant, colocalized with synaptophysin, within the DRG. In the DRG, we also identified by qRT-PCR, expression of Ang II receptor AT(1A) and AT(2)-mRNA while AT(1B)-mRNA was not traceable. In some neurons Substance P and CGRP were found colocalized with Ang II. The intracellular localization and colocalization of Ang II with Substance P and CGRP in the DRG neurons may indicate a participation and function of Ang II in the regulation of nociception. In conclusion, these results suggest that Ang II may be produced locally in the neurons of rat and human DRG and act as a neurotransmitter.