em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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The tubulin-binding mode of C3- and C15-modified analogues of epothilone A (Epo A) was determined by NMR spectroscopy and computational methods and compared with the existing structural models of tubulin-bound natural Epo A. Only minor differences were observed in the conformation of the macrocycle between Epo A and the C3-modified analogues investigated. In particular, 3-deoxy- (compound 2) and 3-deoxy-2,3-didehydro-Epo A (3) were found to adopt similar conformations in the tubulin-binding cleft as Epo A, thus indicating that the 3-OH group is not essential for epothilones to assume their bioactive conformation. None of the available models of the tubulin-epothilone complex is able to fully recapitulate the differences in tubulin-polymerizing activity and microtubule-binding affinity between C20-modified epothilones 6 (C20-propyl), 7 (C20-butyl), and 8 (C20-hydroxypropyl). Based on the results of transferred NOE experiments in the presence of tubulin, the isomeric C15 quinoline-based Epo B analogues 4 and 5 show very similar orientations of the side chain, irrespective of the position of the nitrogen atom in the quinoline ring. The quinoline side chain stacks on the imidazole moiety of beta-His227 with equal efficiency in both cases, thus suggesting that the aromatic side chain moiety in epothilones contributes to tubulin binding through strong van der Waals interactions with the protein rather than hydrogen bonding involving the heteroaromatic nitrogen atom. These conclusions are in line with existing tubulin polymerization and microtubule-binding data for 4, 5, and Epo B.


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Lorazepam (LOR) is a 3-hydroxy-1,4-benzodiazepine that is chiral and undergoes enantiomerization at room temperature. In humans, about 75% of the administered dose of LOR is excreted in the urine as its 30-glucuronide. CE-MS with negative ESI was used to confirm the presence of LOR-30-glucuronide in urines that stemmed from a healthy individual who ingested 1 or 2 mg LOR, whereas free LOR could be detected in extracts prepared from enzymatically hydrolyzed urines. As the 30-glucuronidation reaction occurs at the chiral center of the molecule, two diastereoisomers can theoretically be formed, molecules that can no longer interconvert. The stereoselective formation of LOR glucuronides in humans and in vitro was investigated. MEKC analysis of extracts of the nonhydrolyzed urines suggested the presence of the two different LOR glucuronides in the urine. The formation of the same two diastereoisomers was also observed in vitro employing incubations of LOR with human liver microsomes in the presence of uridine 5'-diphospho-glucuronic acid as coenzyme. The absence of other coenzymes excluded the formation of phase I or other phase II metabolites of LOR. Both results revealed a stereoselectivity, one diastereoisomer being formed in a higher amount than the other. After enzymatic hydrolysis using beta-glucuronidase, these peaks could not be detected any more. Instead, LOR was monitored. Analysis of the extracts prepared from enzymatically hydrolyzed urines by MEKC in the presence of 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-CD revealed the enantiomerization process of LOR (observation of two peaks of equal magnitude connected with a plateau zone). The data presented provide for the first time the evidence of the stereoselectivity of the LOR glucuronidation in humans.


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The development of electrophoretic computer models and their use for simulation of electrophoretic processes has increased significantly during the last few years. Recently, GENTRANS and SIMUL5 were extended with algorithms that describe chemical equilibria between solutes and a buffer additive in a fast 1:1 interaction process, an approach that enables simulation of the electrophoretic separation of enantiomers. For acidic cationic systems with sodium and H3 0(+) as leading and terminating components, respectively, acetic acid as counter component, charged weak bases as samples, and a neutral CD as chiral selector, the new codes were used to investigate the dynamics of isotachophoretic adjustment of enantiomers, enantiomer separation, boundaries between enantiomers and between an enantiomer and a buffer constituent of like charge, and zone stability. The impact of leader pH, selector concentration, free mobility of the weak base, mobilities of the formed complexes and complexation constants could thereby be elucidated. For selected examples with methadone enantiomers as analytes and (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-CD as selector, simulated zone patterns were found to compare well with those monitored experimentally in capillary setups with two conductivity detectors or an absorbance and a conductivity detector. Simulation represents an elegant way to provide insight into the formation of isotachophoretic boundaries and zone stability in presence of complexation equilibria in a hitherto inaccessible way.


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Threo-methylphenidate is a chiral psychostimulant drug widely prescribed to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents. An enantioselective CE-based assay with head-column field-amplified sample stacking for analysis of threo-methylphenidate enantiomers in liquid/liquid extracts of oral fluid is described. Analytes are electrokinetically injected across a short water plug placed at the capillary inlet and become stacked at the interface between plug and buffer. Enantiomeric separation occurs within a few minutes in a pH 3.0 phosphate/triethanolamine buffer containing 20 mg/mL (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-CD as chiral selector. The assay with six point multilevel internal calibration provides a linear response for each enantiomer in the 10-200 ng/mL concentration range, is simple, inexpensive, and reproducible, and has an LOQ of 5 ng/mL. It was applied to oral fluid patient samples that were collected up to 12 h after intake of an immediate release tablet and two different extended release formulations with racemic methylphenidate. Drug profiles could thereby be assessed in a stereoselective way. Almost no levorotary threo-methylphenidate enantiomer was detected after intake of the two extended release formulations, whereas this enantiomer was detected during the first 2.5 h after intake of the immediate release preparation. The noninvasive collection of oral fluid is an attractive alternative to plasma for the monitoring of methylphenidate exposure in the pediatric community.


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One-dimensional dynamic computer simulation was employed to investigate the separation and migration order change of ketoconazole enantiomers at low pH in presence of increasing amounts of (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-cyclodextrin (OHP-β-CD). The 1:1 interaction of ketoconazole with the neutral cyclodextrin was simulated under real experimental conditions and by varying input parameters for complex mobilities and complexation constants. Simulation results obtained with experimentally determined apparent ionic mobilities, complex mobilities, and complexation constants were found to compare well with the calculated separation selectivity and experimental data. Simulation data revealed that the migration order of the ketoconazole enantiomers at low (OHP-β-CD) concentrations (i.e. below migration order inversion) is essentially determined by the difference in complexation constants and at high (OHP-β-CD) concentrations (i.e. above migration order inversion) by the difference in complex mobilities. Furthermore, simulations with complex mobilities set to zero provided data that mimic migration order and separation with the chiral selector being immobilized. For the studied CEC configuration, no migration order inversion is predicted and separations are shown to be quicker and electrophoretic transport reduced in comparison to migration in free solution. The presented data illustrate that dynamic computer simulation is a valuable tool to study electrokinetic migration and separations of enantiomers in presence of a complexing agent.


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Question: The intervertebral disc (IVD) has a limited regenerative potential and low back pain represents a leading cause of disability [1]. IVD repair strategies require an appropriate cell source that is able to regenerate the damaged tissue such as progenitor stem cells. Recently, progenitor cells that are positive for the angiopoietin re- ceptor (Tie2) in the nucleus pulposus were identified [2]. Here we isolated primary cells from bovine IVD and sorted bovine nucleus pulposus progenitor cells (NPPC) for the marker Tie2. Furthermorewe tested whether Tie2 expressing cells can differentiate into os- teogenic and adipogenic lineages in vitro. Methods: NP cells were obtained from 1 year old bovine tails by sequential digestion with pronase for 1 h and collagenase over- night. Sorted Tie2- and Tie2+ cells were cultured in osteogenic and adipogenic medium for 3 weeks. The formed cell layers from both subpopulations were stained for calcium deposition and fat droplets. Colony forming units were prepared for both cell sus- pensions in methylcellulose-based medium and formed colonies ([10 cells) were analyzed macroscopically after 8 days. Results: After 3 weeks of culture, sorted Tie2+ cells were able to differentiate into osteocytes and adipocytes as characterized by cal- cium deposition and fat droplet formation. By contrast, Tie2- cells generated a weak staining for calcium and no fat droplets were ob- tained (Fig. 1). Sorted Tie2- and Tie2+ subpopulations of cells both formed colonies, however with different morphologies. The colonies formed from Tie2+ cells were spheroid in shape whereas those from Tie2- cells were spread and fibroblastic. Conclusion: Our data showed that Tie2+ cells of the nucleus pul- posus cells are progenitor-like cells that are able to differentiate into osteogenic and adipogenic lineages. Sorting of NPPC for Tie2 may represent a promising strategy with the potential to be used in the clinics for treatment of intervertebral disc damage. References 1. Freemont AJ (2009) The cellular pathobiology of the degenerate intervertebral disc and discogenic back pain. Rheumatology (Oxford) 48:5–10 2. Sakai D, Nakamura Y, Nakai T et al (2012) Exhaustion of nucleus pulposus progenitor cells with ageing and degeneration of the intervertebral disc. Nat Commun 3:1264 Acknowledgments: This project was funded by two projects of the Swiss National Science Foundation grant number #IZK0Z3_154384 and #310030_153411.


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A computer simulation study describing the electrophoretic separation and migration of methadone enantiomers in presence of free and immobilized (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-CD is presented. The 1:1 interaction of methadone with the neutral CD was simulated by using experimentally determined mobilities and complexation constants for the complexes in a low-pH BGE comprising phosphoric acid and KOH. The use of complex mobilities represents free solution conditions with the chiral selector being a buffer additive, whereas complex mobilities set to zero provide data that mimic migration and separation with the chiral selector being immobilized, that is CEC conditions in absence of unspecific interaction between analytes and the chiral stationary phase. Simulation data reveal that separations are quicker, electrophoretic displacement rates are reduced, and sensitivity is enhanced in CEC with on-column detection in comparison to free solution conditions. Simulation is used to study electrophoretic analyte behavior at the interface between sample and the CEC column with the chiral selector (analyte stacking) and at the rear end when analytes leave the environment with complexation (analyte destacking). The latter aspect is relevant for off-column analyte detection in CEC and is described here for the first time via the dynamics of migrating analyte zones. Simulation provides insight into means to counteract analyte dilution at the column end via use of a BGE with higher conductivity. Furthermore, the impact of EOF on analyte migration, separation, and detection for configurations with the selector zone being displaced or remaining immobilized under buffer flow is simulated. In all cases, the data reveal that detection should occur within or immediately after the selector zone.