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With the purpose of rational design of optical materials, distributed atomic polarizabilities of amino acid molecules and their hydrogen-bonded aggregates are calculated in order to identify the most efficient functional groups, able to buildup larger electric susceptibilities in crystals. Moreover, we carefully analyze how the atomic polarizabilities depend on the one-electron basis set or the many-electron Hamiltonian, including both wave function and density functional theory methods. This is useful for selecting the level of theory that best combines high accuracy and low computational costs, very important in particular when using the cluster method to estimate susceptibilities of molecular-based materials.


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A combined spectroscopic and ab initio theoretical study of the doubly hydrogen-bonded complex of 2-pyridone (2PY) with NH3 has been performed. The S-1 <- S-0 spectrum extends up to approximate to 1200 cm(-1) above the 0(0)(0) band, close to twice the range observed for 2PY. The S-1 state nonradiative decay for vibrations above approximate to 300 cm(-1) in the NH3 complex is dramatically slowed down relative to bare 2PY. Also, the Delta v=2,4,... overtone bands of the v(1)' and v(2)' out-of-plane vibrations that dominate the low-energy spectral region of 2PY are much weaker or missing for 2PY center dot NH3, which implies that the bridging (2PY)NH center dot center dot center dot NH3 and H2NH center dot center dot center dot O=C H-bonds clamp the 2PY at a planar geometry in the S-1 state. The mass-resolved UV vibronic spectra of jet-cooled 2PY center dot NH3 and its H/D mixed isotopomers are measured using two-color resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy. The S-0 and S-1 equilibrium structures and normal-mode frequencies are calculated by density functional (B3LYP) and correlated ab initio methods (MP2 and approximate second-order coupled-cluster, CC2). The S-1 <- S-0 vibronic assignments are based on configuration interaction singles (CIS) and CC2 calculations. A doubly H-bonded bridged structure of C-S symmetry is predicted, in agreement with that of Held and Pratt [J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115, 9718]. While the B3LYP and MP2 calculated rotational constants are in very good agreement with experiment, the calculated H2NH center dot center dot center dot O=C H-bond distance is approximate to 0.7 angstrom shorter than that derived by Held and Pratt. On the other hand, this underlines their observation that ammonia can act as a strong H-bond donor when built into an H-bonded bridge. The CC2 calculations predict the H2NH center dot center dot center dot O distance to increase by 0.2 angstrom upon S-1 <- S-0 electronic excitation, while the (2PY)NH center dot center dot center dot NH3 H-bond remains nearly unchanged. Thus, the expansion of the doubly H-bonded bridge in the excited state is asymmetric and almost wholly due to the weakening of the interaction of ammonia with the keto acceptor group.


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NH···π hydrogen bonds occur frequently between the amino acid side groups in proteins and peptides. Data-mining studies of protein crystals find that ~80% of the T-shaped histidine···aromatic contacts are CH···π, and only ~20% are NH···π interactions. We investigated the infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) spectra of the supersonic-jet-cooled imidazole·benzene (Im·Bz) complex as a model for the NH···π interaction between histidine and phenylalanine. Ground- and excited-state dispersion-corrected density functional calculations and correlated methods (SCS-MP2 and SCS-CC2) predict that Im·Bz has a Cs-symmetric T-shaped minimum-energy structure with an NH···π hydrogen bond to the Bz ring; the NH bond is tilted 12° away from the Bz C₆ axis. IR depletion spectra support the T-shaped geometry: The NH stretch vibrational fundamental is red shifted by −73 cm⁻¹ relative to that of bare imidazole at 3518 cm⁻¹, indicating a moderately strong NH···π interaction. While the Sₒ(A1g) → S₁(B₂u) origin of benzene at 38 086 cm⁻¹ is forbidden in the gas phase, Im·Bz exhibits a moderately intense Sₒ → S₁ origin, which appears via the D₆h → Cs symmetry lowering of Bz by its interaction with imidazole. The NH···π ground-state hydrogen bond is strong, De=22.7 kJ/mol (1899 cm⁻¹). The combination of gas-phase UV and IR spectra confirms the theoretical predictions that the optimum Im·Bz geometry is T shaped and NH···π hydrogen bonded. We find no experimental evidence for a CH···π hydrogen-bonded ground-state isomer of Im·Bz. The optimum NH···π geometry of the Im·Bz complex is very different from the majority of the histidine·aromatic contact geometries found in protein database analyses, implying that the CH···π contacts observed in these searches do not arise from favorable binding interactions but merely from protein side-chain folding and crystal-packing constraints. The UV and IR spectra of the imidazole·(benzene)₂ cluster are observed via fragmentation into the Im·Bz+ mass channel. The spectra of Im·Bz and Im·Bz₂ are cleanly separable by IR hole burning. The UV spectrum of Im·Bz₂ exhibits two 000 bands corresponding to the Sₒ → S₁ excitations of the two inequivalent benzenes, which are symmetrically shifted by −86/+88 cm⁻¹ relative to the 000 band of benzene.


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The excitonic splitting between the S-1 and S-2 electronic states of the doubly hydrogen-bonded dimer 2-pyridone center dot 6-methyl-2-pyridone (2PY center dot 6M2PY) is studied in a supersonic jet, applying two-color resonant two-photon ionization (2C-R2PI), UV-UV depletion, and dispersed fluorescence spectroscopies. In contrast to the C-2h symmetric (2-pyridone) 2 homodimer, in which the S-1 <- S-0 transition is symmetry-forbidden but the S-2 <- S-0 transition is allowed, the symmetry-breaking by the additional methyl group in 2PY center dot 6M2PY leads to the appearance of both the S-1 and S-2 origins, which are separated by Delta(exp) = 154 cm(-1). When combined with the separation of the S-1 <- S-0 excitations of 6M2PY and 2PY, which is delta = 102 cm(-1), one obtains an S-1/S-2 exciton coupling matrix element of V-AB, el = 57 cm(-1) in a Frenkel-Davydov exciton model. The vibronic couplings in the S-1/S-2 <- S-0 spectrum of 2PY center dot 6M2PY are treated by the Fulton-Gouterman single-mode model. We consider independent couplings to the intramolecular 6a' vibration and to the intermolecular sigma' stretch, and obtain a semi-quantitative fit to the observed spectrum. The dimensionless excitonic couplings are C(6a') = 0.15 and C(sigma') = 0.05, which places this dimer in the weak-coupling limit. However, the S-1/S-2 state exciton splittings Delta(calc) calculated by the configuration interaction singles method (CIS), time-dependent Hartree-Fock (TD-HF), and approximate second-order coupled-cluster method (CC2) are between 1100 and 1450 cm(-1), or seven to nine times larger than observed. These huge errors result from the neglect of the coupling to the optically active intra-and intermolecular vibrations of the dimer, which lead to vibronic quenching of the purely electronic excitonic splitting. For 2PY center dot 6M2PY the electronic splitting is quenched by a factor of similar to 30 (i.e., the vibronic quenching factor is Gamma(exp) = 0.035), which brings the calculated splittings into close agreement with the experimentally observed value. The 2C-R2PI and fluorescence spectra of the tautomeric species 2-hydroxypyridine center dot 6-methyl-2-pyridone (2HP center dot 6M2PY) are also observed and assigned. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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T cell receptors (TCR) containing Vβ20-1 have been implicated in a wide range of T cell mediated disease and allergic reactions, making it a target for understanding these. Mechanics of T cell receptors are largely unexplained by static structures available from x-ray crystallographic studies. A small number of molecular dynamic simulations have been conducted on TCR, however are currently lacking either portions of the receptor or explanations for differences between binding and non-binding TCR recognition of respective peptide-HLA. We performed molecular dynamic simulations of a TCR containing variable domain Vβ20-1, sequenced from drug responsive T cells. These were initially from a patient showing maculopapular eruptions in response to the sulfanilamide-antibiotic sulfamethoxazole (SMX). The CDR2β domain of this TCR was found to dock SMX with high affinity. Using this compound as a perturbation, overall mechanisms involved in responses mediated by this receptor were explored, showing a chemical action on the TCR free from HLA or peptide interaction. Our simulations show two completely separate modes of binding cognate peptide-HLA complexes, with an increased affinity induced by SMX bound to the Vβ20-1. Overall binding of the TCR is mediated through a primary recognition by either the variable β or α domain, and a switch in recognition within these across TCR loops contacting the peptide and HLA occurs when SMX is present in the CDR2β loop. Large binding affinity differences are induced by summed small amino acid changes primarily by SMX modifying only three critical CDR2β loop amino acid positions. These residues, TYRβ57, ASPβ64, and LYSβ65 initially hold hydrogen bonds from the CDR2β to adjacent CDR loops. Effects from SMX binding are amplified and traverse longer distances through internal TCR hydrogen bonding networks, controlling the overall TCR conformation. Thus, the CDR2β of Vβ20-1 acts as a ligand controlled switch affecting overall TCR binding affinity.


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To track dehydration behavior of cavansite, Ca(VO)(Si4O10)·4H2O space group Pnma, a = 9.6329(2), b = 13.6606(2), c = 9.7949(2) Å, V = 1288.92(4) Å3 single-crystal X-ray diffraction data on a crystal from Wagholi quarry, Poona district (India) were collected up to 400 °C in steps of 25 °C up to 250 °C and in steps of 50 °C between 250 and 400 °C. The structure of cavansite is characterized by layers of silicate tetrahedra connected by V4+O5 square pyramids. This way a porous framework structure is formed with Ca and H2O as extraframework occupants. At room temperature, the hydrogen bond system was analyzed. Ca is eightfold coordinated by four bonds to O of the framework structure and four bonds to H2O molecules. H2O linked to Ca is hydrogen bonded to the framework and also to adjacent H2O molecules. The dehydration in cavansite proceeds in four steps.At 75 °C, H2O at O9 was completely expelled leading to 3 H2O pfu with only minor impact on framework distortion and contraction V = 1282.73(3) Å3. The Ca coordination declined from originally eightfold to sevenfold and H2O at O7 displayed positional disorder.At 175 °C, the split O7 sites approached the former O9 position. In addition, the sum of the three split positions O7, O7a, and O7b decreased to 50% occupancy yielding 2 H2O pfu accompanied by a strong decrease in volume V = 1206.89(8) Å3. The Ca coordination was further reduced from sevenfold to sixfold.At 350 °C, H2O at O8 was released leading to a formula with 1 H2O pfu causing additional structural contraction (V = 1156(11) Å3). At this temperature, Ca adopted fivefold coordination and O7 rearranged to disordered positions closer to the original O9 H2O site.At 400 °C, cavansite lost crystallinity but the VO2+ characteristic blue color was preserved. Stepwise removal of water is discussed on the basis of literature data reporting differential thermal analyses, differential thermo-gravimetry experiments and temperature dependent IR spectra in the range of OH stretching vibrations.


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The excitonic S1/S2 state splitting and the localization/delocalization of the S1 and S2 electronic states are investigated in the benzonitrile dimer (BN)2 and its 13C and d5 isotopomers by mass-resolved two-color resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy in a supersonic jet, complemented by calculations. The doubly hydrogen-bonded (BN-h5)2 and (BN-d5)2 dimers are C2h symmetric with equivalent BN moieties. Only the S0 → S2 electronic origin is observed, while the S0 → S1 excitonic component is electric-dipole forbidden. A single 12C/13C or 5-fold h5/d5 isotopic substitution reduce the dimer symmetry to Cs, so that the heteroisotopic dimers (BN)2-(h5 – h513C), (BN)2-(h5 – d5), and (BN)2-(h5 – h513C) exhibit both S0 → S1 and S0 → S2 origins. Isotope-dependent contributions Δiso to the excitonic splittings arise from the changes of the BN monomer zero-point vibrational energies; these range from Δiso(12C/13C) = 3.3 cm–1 to Δiso(h5/d5) = 155.6 cm–1. The analysis of the experimental S1/S2 splittings of six different isotopomeric dimers yields the S1/S2 exciton splitting Δexc = 2.1 ± 0.1 cm–1. Since Δiso(h5/d5) ≫ Δexc and Δiso(12C/13C) > Δexc, complete and near-complete exciton localization occurs upon 12C/13C and h5/d5 substitutions, respectively, as diagnosed by the relative S0 → S1 and S0 → S2 origin band intensities. The S1/S2 electronic energy gap of (BN)2 calculated by the spin-component scaled approximate second-order coupled-cluster (SCS-CC2) method is Δelcalc = 10 cm–1. This electronic splitting is reduced by the vibronic quenching factor Γ. The vibronically quenched exciton splitting Δelcalc·Γ = Δvibroncalc = 2.13 cm–1 is in excellent agreement with the observed splitting Δexc = 2.1 cm–1. The excitonic splittings can be converted to semiclassical exciton hopping times; the shortest hopping time is 8 ps for the homodimer (BN-h5)2, the longest is 600 ps for the (BN)2(h5 – d5) heterodimer.


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Three new coordination polymers [M(Pht)(1-MeIm)2]n (where M=Cu (1), Zn (2), Co (3); Pht2−=dianion of o-phthalic acid; 1-MeIm=1-methylimidazole) and two compounds [M(1-MeIm)6](HPht)2 · 2H2O (M=Co (4), Ni (5)) have been synthesized and characterized by X-ray crystallography. The structures of 1–3 (2 is isostructural to 3) consist of [M(1-MeIm)2] building units connected by 1,6-bridging phthalate ions to form infinite chains. In complex 1, each copper(II) center adopts a square coordination mode of N2O2 type by two O atoms from different phthalate ions and two N atoms of 1-MeIm, whereas in 3 two independent metal atoms are tetrahedrally (N2O2) coordinated to a pair of Pht ligands and a pair of 1-MeIm molecules. There are only van der Waals interactions between the chains in 1, while the three-dimensional network in 3 is assembled by C–H⋯O contacts. In contrast to polymers 1–3 the structures of 4 and 5 (complexes are also isostructural) are made up of the [M(1-MeIm)6]2+ cation, two hydrogen phthalate anions (HPht−) and two H2O solvate molecules. The coordination around each metal(II) atom is octahedral with six nitrogen atoms of 1-MeIm. Extended hydrogen bonding networks embracing the solvate water molecules and a phthalate residue as well as the weak C–H⋯O interactions stabilize the three-dimensional structures. Magnetic studies clearly show that the magnetic ions do not interact with each other. Furthermore, in compound 4 we have another example of a highly anisotropic Co2+ ion with a rhombic g-tensor and large zero-field-splitting. The complexes were also characterized by IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and all data are discussed in the terms of known structures.