155 resultados para Glioblastoma,. ABC transporters, hypoxia, Doxorubicin, Temozolomide, Pgp

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters play a pivotal role in human physiology, and mutations in these genes often result in severe hereditary diseases. ABC transporters are expressed in the bovine mammary gland but their physiological role in this organ remains elusive. Based on findings in the context of human disorders we speculated that candidate ABC transporters are implicated in lipid and cholesterol transport in the mammary gland. Therefore we investigated the expression pattern of selected genes that are associated with sterol transport in lactating and nonlactating mammary glands of dairy cows. mRNA levels from mammary gland biopsies taken during lactation and in the first and second week of the dry period were analysed using quantitative PCR. Five ABC transporter genes, namely ABCA1, ABCA7, ABCG1, ABCG2 and ABCG5, their regulating genes LXRalpha, PPARgamma, SREBP1 and the milk proteins lactoferrin and alpha-lactalbumin were assessed. A significantly enhanced expression in the dry period was observed for ABCA1 while a significant decrease of expression in this period was detected for ABCA7, ABCG2, SREBP1 and alpha-lactalbumin. ABCG1, ABCG5, LXRalpha, PPARgamma and lactoferrin expression was not altered between lactation and dry period. These results indicate that candidate ABC transporters involved in lipid and cholesterol transport show differential mRNA expression between lactation and the dry period. This may be due to physiological changes in the mammary gland such as immigration of macrophages or the accumulation of fat due to the loss of liquid in the involuting mammary gland. The current mRNA expression analysis of transporters in the mammary gland is the prerequisite for elucidating novel molecular mechanisms underlying cholesterol and lipid transfer into milk.


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As a nontolerant plant to a large number of toxic compounds, Arabidopsis thaliana is a suitable model to study regulation of genes involved in response to heavy metals. Using a cDNA-microarray approach, we identified some ABC transporters that are differentially regulated after cadmium treatments, making them putative candidates for being involved in Cd sequestration and redistribution in plants. Regarding yeast and fission yeast, in which Cd is able to form complexes either with glutathione (GSH) or phytochelatins (PC) subsequently transported into vacuoles via ABC transporters, it is also very likely that some plant ABC transporters are able to transport GS2–Cd or PC–Cd complexes into subcellular compartments or outside of the cell. The characterization of such transporters is of great interest for developing molecular biology approaches in phytoremediation.


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Members of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters play a pivotal role in cellular lipid efflux. To identify candidate cholesterol transporters implicated in lipid homeostasis and mammary gland (MG) physiology, we compared expression and localization of ABCA1, ABCG1, and ABCA7 and their regulatory genes in mammary tissues of different species during the pregnancy-lactation cycle. Murine and bovine mammary glands (MGs) were investigated during different functional stages. The abundance of mRNAs was determined by quantitative RT-PCR. Furthermore, transporter proteins were localized in murine, bovine, and human MGs by immunohistochemistry. In the murine MG, ABCA1 mRNA abundance was elevated during nonlactating compared with lactating stages, whereas ABCA7 and ABCA1 mRNA profiles were not altered. In the bovine MG, ABCA1, ABCG1, and ABCA7 mRNAs abundances were increased during nonlactating stages compared with lactation. Furthermore, associations between mRNA levels of transporters and their regulatory genes LXRalpha, PPARgamma, and SREBPs were found. ABCA1, ABCG1, and ABCA7 proteins were localized in glandular MG epithelial cells (MEC) during lactation, whereas during nonlactating stages, depending on species, the proteins showed distinct localization patterns in MEC and adipocytes. Our results demonstrate that ABCA1, ABCG1, and ABCA7 are differentially expressed between lactation and nonlactating stages and in association with regulatory genes. Combined expression and localization data suggest that the selected cholesterol transporters are universal MG transporters involved in transport and storage of cholesterol and in lipid homeostasis of MEC. Because of the species-specific expression patterns of transporters in mammary tissue, mechanisms of cholesterol homeostasis seem to be differentially regulated between species.


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Screening, Identification and Preliminary Investigation of Target Transporters in Pregnancy Pathologies. INTRODUCTION: Pre-eclampsia (PE), intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) are major sources of clinical morbidity and mortality in pregnant women worldwide. The mechanisms underlying these gestational diseases are complex and not yet fully understood, but one factor contributing to their development is impaired maternal-fetal nutrient transport. Therefore, we aimed to identify candidate membrane transporters involved in transplacental nutrient transfer associated with PE/IUGR or GDM. METHODS: Using in silico strategies, we analysed various gene expression data sets generated on different platforms focusing on solute carriers, ABC transporters and TRP channels in order to identify transporters that are differently expressed between patients and gestational age-matched controls. These bioinformatic analyses were combined with literature data to define a catalogue of target transporters that could be involved in the development of PE/IUGR or GDM. Transporters of interest were then analysed for gene expression using qRT-PCR in placental tissues of patients and controls. For validating the results on protein and functional level, we started to establish an in vitro assay using freshly isolated primary cytotrophoblast cells polarized on the Transwell® system. RESULTS: Using bioinformatics approaches, we initially identified 37 target membrane proteins which were mainly associated with the transport of amino acids, vitamins, and trace elements. At the current state of analysis, the amino acid transporters SLC7A7, SLC38A2, SLC38A5, and the thiamine transporter SLC19A3 showed significant differences in placental mRNA expression between controls and patients affected by PE and/or IUGR. Subsequent gene expression analysis in our in-house GDM placental tissue bank is still ongoing. CONCLUSIONS: Based on our in silico analyses, literature data and first follow-up in vitro validations, we were able to define potentially interesting candidate transporters implicated in PE/IUGR or GDM. To date, additional newly defined candidate targets are being analysed on mRNA level in PE/IUGR and GDM. Subsequent analyses on protein and functional level will reveal whether these targets could be of diagnostic or therapeutical interest in these pregnancy pathologies.


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Membrane transporters are essential during pregnancy, being a core component of the exchange of nutrients, gases, and metabolic products between the mother and the developing fetus. Important compounds to be transported include vitamins and minerals, amino acids, glucose, as well as cholesterol. Cholesterol transport across the plasma membrane is mediated mainly by members of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter family. Cholesterol is present in every cell of the body, where it helps maintain the integrity of cell membranes and also plays an important role in cell signaling events. Cholesterol also acts as a precursor for the biosynthesis of steroids that include sex hormones, glucocorticoids, mineralcorticoids, as well as bile acids and oxysterols. Cholesterol transport is therefore crucial for a host of different physiological processes. The following chapter addresses the involvement and importance of ABC transporters in these different processes. The critical role that ABC transporters Play for a successful pregnancy outcome is highlighted by pathological processes that result malfunction of cholesterol transport during pregnancy. Avenues of future research are also described, which may help to further delineate the function and mechanism of action of ABC transporters.


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The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters ABCA1 and ABCG1 play an important role in cellular cholesterol homeostasis, but their function in mammary gland (MG) tissue remains elusive. A bovine MG model that allows repeated MG sampling in identical animals at different functional stages was used to test whether 1) ABCA1 and ABCG1 protein expression and subcellular localization in mammary epithelial cells (MEC) change during the pregnancy-lactation cycle, and 2) these 2 proteins were present in milk fat globules (MFG). Expression and localization in MEC were investigated in bovine MG tissues at the end of lactation, during the dry period (DP), and early lactation using immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence approaches. The presence of ABCA1 and ABCG1 in MFG isolated from fresh milk was determined by immunofluorescence. The ABCA1 protein expression in MEC, expressed as arbitrary units, was higher during the end of lactation (12.2±0.24) and the DP (12.5±0.22) as compared with during early lactation (10.2±0.65). In contrast, no significant change in ABCG1 expression existed between the stages. Throughout the cycle, ABCA1 and ABCG1 were detected in the apical (41.9±24.8 and 49.0±4.96% of cows, respectively), basal (56.2±28.1 and 54.6±7.78% of cows, respectively), or entire cytoplasm (56.8±13.4 and 61.6±14.4% of cows, respectively) of MEC, or showed combined localization. Unlike ABCG1, ABCA1 was absent at the apical aspect of MEC during early lactation. Immunolabeling experiments revealed the presence of ABCA1 and ABCG1 in MFG membranes. Findings suggest a differential, functional stage-dependent role of ABCA1 and ABCG1 in cholesterol homeostasis of the MG epithelium. The presence of ABCA1 and ABCG1 in MFG membranes suggests that these proteins are involved in cholesterol exchange between MEC and alveolar milk.


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The genomic sequence of Clostridium chauvoei, the etiological agent of blackleg, a severe disease of ruminants with high mortality specified by a myonecrosis reveals a chromosome of 2.8 million base-pairs and a cryptic plasmid of 5.5 kilo base-pairs. The chromosome contains the main pathways like glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, sugar metabolism, purine and pyrimidine metabolisms, but the notable absence of genes of the citric acid cycle and deficient or partially deficient amino acid metabolism for Histidine, Tyrosine, Phenylalanine, and Tryptophan. These essential amino acids might be acquired from host tissue damage caused by various toxins and by protein metabolism that includes 57 genes for peptidases, and several ABC transporters for amino acids import.


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In yeasts, the ABC-type transporters are involved in vacuolar sequestration of cadmium. In plants, transport experiments with isolated vacuoles indicate that this is also true. In order to know more about the response of AtMRPs, a subclass of Arabidopsis ABC transporters, to cadmium, their expression pattern was analysed using the microchip technology and semi-quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. From 15 putative sequences coding for AtMRPs, transcript levels were detected for 14. All were expressed in the roots as well as in the shoots, although at a different level. In 4-week-old Arabidopsis, transcript levels of four AtMRPs were up-regulated after cadmium treatment. In all cases up-regulation was exclusively observed in the roots. The increase of transcript levels was most pronounced for AtMRP3. A more detailed analysis revealed that induction of AtMRP3 could also be observed in the shoot when leaves were cut and cadmium allowed to be taken up in the shoot. In young plantlets, a far higher portion of Cd2+ was translocated in the aerial part compared with adult plants. Consequently, AtMRP3 transcript levels increased in both root and shoot of young plants. This suggests that 7-day-old seedlings do not exhibit such a strict root–shoot barrier as 4-week-old plants. Expression analysis with mutant plants for glutathione and phytochelatin synthesis as well as with compounds producing oxidative stress indicate that induction of AtMRP3 is likely due to the heavy metal itself.


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Invasion and migration are key processes of glioblastoma and are tightly linked to tumor recurrence. Integrin inhibition using cilengitide has shown synergy with chemotherapy and radiotherapy in vitro and promising activity in recurrent glioblastoma. This multicenter, phase I/IIa study investigated the efficacy and safety of cilengitide in combination with standard chemoradiotherapy in newly diagnosed glioblastoma.


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INTRODUCTION The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter A1 (ABCA1) and ABCG1 are highly expressed in the placenta in various compartments, including the villous syncytiotrophoblast (V-STB) and foetal endothelial cells. Among other not yet characterized functions, they play a role in the foeto-maternal transport of cholesterol and other lipophilic molecules. In humans, preliminary data suggest expressional changes of ABCA1 and ABCG1 in pathologic gestation, particularly under hypoxic conditions, but a systematic expression analysis in common human pregnancy diseases has never been performed. OBJECTIVES The aim of the present study was to characterize ABCA1 and ABCG1 expression in a large series of pathologic placentas, in particular from preeclampsia (PE) and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) which are associated with placental hypoxia. METHODS Placentas from 152 pathological pregnancies, including PE and/or HELLP (n=24) and IUGR (n=21), and 20 normal control placentas were assessed for their ABCA1 and ABCG1 mRNA and protein expression with quantitative RT-PCR and semi-quantitative immunohistochemical analysis, respectively. RESULTS ABCA1 protein expression in the V-STB was significantly less extensive in PE compared with normal controls (<10% of V-STB stained for ABCA1 in 58% PE placentas vs. 25% controls; p=0.035). Conversely, it was significantly more wide-spread in IUGR (>75% of V-STB stained in 57% IUGR placentas vs. 15% controls; p=0.009). Moreover, there was an insignificant trend for increased ABCA1 expression in fetal endothelial cells of stem villi in PE (p=0.0588). ABCA1 staining levels in V-STB were significantly associated with placental histopathological features related with hypoxia: they were decreased in placentas exhibiting syncytial knotting (p=0.033) and decidual vasculopathy (p=0.0437) and increased in low weight placentas (p=0.015). The significant and specific alterations in ABCA1 protein expression found at a specific cellular level were not paralleled by changes in ABCA1 mRNA abundance of total placental tissue. ABCG1 staining was universally extensive in the V-STB of normal placentas, always affecting more than 90% of V-STB surface. In comparison, ABCG1 staining of the V-STB was generally often reduced in pregnancy diseases. In particular, less than 90% of V-STB exhibited ABCG1 staining in 26% of PE placentas (p=0.022) and 35% of IUGR placentas (p=0.003). Similarly to ABCA1, ABCG1 mRNA expression in total placental tissue was not significantly different between controls and PE or IUGR. CONCLUSION ABCA1 and ABCG1 proteins are differentially expressed, with either down- or up-regulation, in the V-STB of placentas exhibiting features of chronic hypoxia, such as in PE and IUGR. This suggests that other factors in addition to hypoxia regulate the expression of placental lipid transporters. The specific changes on a cellular level were masked when only total tissue mRNA was analysed underlining the importance of cell specific expression analysis. The potential effects of decreased placental ABCA1 and ABCG1 expression on foetal nutrition and development remain to be elucidated.


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PURPOSE: The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer and National Cancer Institute of Canada trial on temozolomide (TMZ) and radiotherapy (RT) in glioblastoma (GBM) has demonstrated that the combination of TMZ and RT conferred a significant and meaningful survival advantage compared with RT alone. We evaluated in this trial whether the recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) retains its overall prognostic value and what the benefit of the combined modality is in each RPA class. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Five hundred seventy-three patients with newly diagnosed GBM were randomly assigned to standard postoperative RT or to the same RT with concomitant TMZ followed by adjuvant TMZ. The primary end point was overall survival. The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer RPA used accounts for age, WHO performance status, extent of surgery, and the Mini-Mental Status Examination. RESULTS: Overall survival was statistically different among RPA classes III, IV, and V, with median survival times of 17, 15, and 10 months, respectively, and 2-year survival rates of 32%, 19%, and 11%, respectively (P < .0001). Survival with combined TMZ/RT was higher in RPA class III, with 21 months median survival time and a 43% 2-year survival rate, versus 15 months and 20% for RT alone (P = .006). In RPA class IV, the survival advantage remained significant, with median survival times of 16 v 13 months, respectively, and 2-year survival rates of 28% v 11%, respectively (P = .0001). In RPA class V, however, the survival advantage of RT/TMZ was of borderline significance (P = .054). CONCLUSION: RPA retains its prognostic significance overall as well as in patients receiving RT with or without TMZ for newly diagnosed GBM, particularly in classes III and IV.


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PURPOSE: Glioblastomas are notorious for resistance to therapy, which has been attributed to DNA-repair proficiency, a multitude of deregulated molecular pathways, and, more recently, to the particular biologic behavior of tumor stem-like cells. Here, we aimed to identify molecular profiles specific for treatment resistance to the current standard of care of concomitant chemoradiotherapy with the alkylating agent temozolomide. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Gene expression profiles of 80 glioblastomas were interrogated for associations with resistance to therapy. Patients were treated within clinical trials testing the addition of concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide to radiotherapy. RESULTS: An expression signature dominated by HOX genes, which comprises Prominin-1 (CD133), emerged as a predictor for poor survival in patients treated with concomitant chemoradiotherapy (n = 42; hazard ratio = 2.69; 95% CI, 1.38 to 5.26; P = .004). This association could be validated in an independent data set. Provocatively, the HOX cluster was reminiscent of a "self-renewal" signature (P = .008; Gene Set Enrichment Analysis) recently characterized in a mouse leukemia model. The HOX signature and EGFR expression were independent prognostic factors in multivariate analysis, adjusted for the O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) methylation status, a known predictive factor for benefit from temozolomide, and age. Better outcome was associated with gene clusters characterizing features of tumor-host interaction including tumor vascularization and cell adhesion, and innate immune response. CONCLUSION: This study provides first clinical evidence for the implication of a "glioma stem cell" or "self-renewal" phenotype in treatment resistance of glioblastoma. Biologic mechanisms identified here to be relevant for resistance will guide future targeted therapies and respective marker development for individualized treatment and patient selection.


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The integrin antagonist cilengitide has been explored as an adjunct with anti-angiogenic properties to standard of care temozolomide chemoradiotherapy (TMZ/RT → TMZ) in newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Preclinical data as well as anecdotal clinical observations indicate that anti-angiogenic treatment may result in altered patterns of tumor progression. Using a standardized approach, we analyzed patterns of progression on MRI in 21 patients enrolled onto a phase 2 trial of cilengitide added to TMZ/RT → TMZ in newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Thirty patients from the experimental treatment arm of the EORTC/NCIC pivotal TMZ trial served as a reference. MRIcro software was used to map location and extent of initial preoperative and recurrent tumors on MRI of both groups into the same stereotaxic space which were then analyzed using an automated tool of image analysis. Clinical and outcome data of the cilengitide-treated patients were similar to those of the EORTC/NCIC trial except for a higher proportion of patients with a methylated O(6)-methylguanyl-DNA-methyltransferase gene promoter. Analysis of recurrence pattern revealed neither a difference in the size of the recurrent tumor nor in the distance of the recurrences from the preoperative tumor location between groups. Overall frequencies of distant recurrences were 20 % in the reference group and 19 % (4/21 patients) in the cilengitide group. Compared with TMZ/RT → TMZ alone, the addition of cilengitide does not alter patterns of progression. This analysis does not support concerns that integrin antagonism by cilengitide may induce a more aggressive phenotype at progression, but also provides no evidence for an anti-invasive activity of cilengitide in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma.