57 resultados para Forest ecology

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Madagascar is currently developing a policy and strategies to enhance the sustainable management of its natural resources, encouraged by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and REDD. To set up a sustainable financing scheme methodologies have to be provided that estimate, prevent and mitigate leakage, develop national and regional baselines, and estimate carbon benefits. With this research study this challenge was tried to be addressed by analysing a lowland rainforest in the Analanjirofo region in the district of Soanierana Ivongo, North East of Madagascar. For two distinguished forest degradation stages: “low degraded forest” and “degraded forest” aboveground biomass and carbon stock was assessed. The corresponding rates of carbon within those two classes were calculated and linked to a multi-temporal set of SPOT satellite data acquired in 1991, 2004 and 2009. Deforestation and particularly degradation and the related carbon stock developments were analysed. With the assessed data for the 3 years 1991, 2004 and 2009 it was possible to model a baseline and to develop a forest prediction for 2020 for Analanjirofo region in the district of Soanierana Ivongo. These results, developed applying robust methods, may provide important spatial information regarding the priorities in planning and implementation of future REDD+ activities in the area.


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Land use and land use change affect deadwood amount, quality and associated biodiversity in forest ecosystems. Old growth or virgin forests, which are exceptionally rare in temperate Europe harbor more deadwood and associated fungal species than managed forests. Whether and how more recent abandonment of management, to reestablish more natural forests, affects deadwood amount and fungal diversity on deadwood is unknown. Our main aim was to compare deadwood amount, characteristics and deadwood inhabiting fungi in differently managed forest types typical for large areas of Central Europe. We sampled deadwood inhabiting fungi on 27 forest plots of 400 m2 each in three geographically distant regions in Germany. Three forest management types, namely managed coniferous, managed deciduous and unmanaged deciduous forests, were represented by nine plots each. In autumn 2008 we collected all fungal fruiting bodies on deadwood >7 cm of diameter. We found deadwood amounts and fungal species numbers in unmanaged forests to be lower than in managed forests, which we attributed to the lack of natural tree death during the short time since management abandonment of usually 10–30 years. However, rarefaction analysis among deadwood items in forest plots indicated a slightly higher species density in unmanaged forests, which may be the first signal of a positive effect on fungal species richness on deadwood after management was abandoned. Although the three study regions span a large geographical gradient, we did not detect differences in the fungal species composition or in deadwood amounts and patterns, which reflects the wide distribution of this group of organisms and points to consistent management procedures among study regions. A very clear composition difference however occurred between deciduous and coniferous wood showing species substrate specialization. We conclude that the amount of deadwood is the main driver of deadwood fungal species richness, and substrate diversity in terms of various decay degrees, deadwood tree species and deadwood size are also important. Thus, to promote species richness of deadwood fungi it is vital to enhance deadwood amounts and diversity


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Determining the impact of insect herbivores on forest tree seedlings and saplings is difficult without experimentation in the field. Moreover, this impact may be heterogeneous in time and space because of seasonal rainfall and canopy disturbances, or ‘gaps’, which can influence both insect abundance and plant performance. In this study we used fine netting to individually protect seedlings of Microberlinia bisulcata, Tetraberlinia bifoliolata and Tetraberlinia korupensis trees (Fabaceae = Leguminosae) from insects in 41 paired gap-understorey locations across 80 ha of primary rain forest (Korup, Cameroon). For all species, growth in height and leaf numbers was negligible in the understorey, where M. bisulcata had the lowest survival after c. 2 years. In gaps, however, all species responded positively with pronounced above-ground growth across seasons. When exposed to herbivores their seedling height growth was similar, but in the absence of herbivores, M. bisulcata significantly outgrew both Tetraberlinia species and matched their leaf numbers. This result suggests that insect herbivores might play an important role in maintaining species coexistence by mitigating sapling abundance of the more palatable M. bisulcata, which in gaps was eaten the most severely. The higher ratio in static leaf damage of control-to-caged M. bisulcata seedlings in gaps than understorey locations was consistent with the Plant Vigour Hypothesis. This result, however, did not apply to either Tetraberlinia species. For M. bisulcata and T. korupensis, but not T. bifoliolata (the most shade-tolerant species), caging improved relative seedling survival in the understory locations compared to gaps, providing restricted support for the Limiting Resource Model. Approximately 2.25 years after treatments were removed, the caged seedlings were taller and had more leaves than controls in all three species, and the effect remained strongest for M. bisulcata. We conclude that in this community the impact of leaf herbivory on seedling growth in gaps is strong for the dominant M. bisulcata, which coupled to a very low shade-tolerance contributes to limiting its regeneration. However, because gaps are common to most forests, insect herbivores may be having impacts upon functionally similar tree species that are also characterized by low sapling recruitment much more widely than currently appreciated. An implication for the restoration and management of M. bisulcata populations in forests outside of Korup is that physical protection from herbivores of new seedlings where the canopy is opened by gaps, or by harvesting, should substantially increase its subcanopy regeneration, and thus, too, its opportunities for adult recruitment.


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Forest ecosystems worldwide are heavily influenced by human activities. Information on these human activities are key for understanding ecosystem dynamics, especially as some of these human activities have long-term consequences, i.e. legacy effects. We assessed the diversity of forest uses across the Swiss Alps and the respective traditional forest-related knowledge (TFRK) by conducting 56 oral history interviews in five regions. As TFRK tends to be underrepresented in written records, oral history proves to be a very valuable approach. We classified the information gathered in 61 specific forest use practices, characterized by activity, product and use, in order to gain a comprehensive picture of the regional variability but also cross-regional ubiquity of certain forest uses. Based on these results we are able to name the ecologically most relevant forest uses which were most likely, or potentially occurring in Central European forests. We suggest a simple, systematic historical assessment of these relevant forest uses to be applied in all studies on forest ecosystems. This procedure will enable scientists to better evaluate to what degree human activities had an impact on forest ecosystem dynamics in their study area.


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We hypothesized that biodiversity improves ecosystem functioning and services such as nutrient cycling because of increased complementarity. We examined N canopy budgets of 27 Central European forests of varying dominant tree species, stand density, and tree and shrub species diversity (Shannon index) in three study regions by quantifying bulk and fine particulate dry deposition and dissolved below canopy N fluxes. Average regional canopy N retention ranged from 16% to 51%, because of differences in the N status of the ecosystems. Canopy N budgets of coniferous forests differed from deciduous forest which we attribute to differences in biogeochemical N cycling, tree functional traits and canopy surface area. The canopy budgets of N were related to the Shannon index which explained 14% of the variance of the canopy budgets of N, suggesting complementary aboveground N use of trees and diverse understorey vegetation. The relationship between plant diversity and canopy N retention varied among regional site conditions and forest types. Our results suggest that the traditional view of belowground complementarity of nutrient uptake by roots in diverse plant communities can be transferred to foliar uptake in forest canopies.


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Although accumulating evidence indicates that local intraspecific density-dependent effects are not as rare in species-rich communities as previously suspected, there are still very few detailed and systematic neighborhood analyses of species-rich communities. Here, we provide such an analysis with the overall goal of quantifying the relative importance of inter- and intraspecific interaction strength in a primary, lowland dipterocarp forest located at Danum, Sabah, Malaysia. Using data on 10 abundant overstory dipterocarp species from two 4-ha permanent plots, we evaluated the effects of neighbors on the absolute growth rate of focal trees (from 1986 to 1996) over increasing neighborhood radii (from 1 to 20 m) with multiple regressions. Only trees 10 cm to < 100 cm girth at breast height in 1986 were considered as focal trees. Among neighborhood models with one neighbor term, models including only conspecific larger trees performed best in five out of 10 species. Negative effects of conspecific larger neighbors were most apparent in large overstory species such as those of the genus Shorea. However, neighborhood models with separate terms and radii for heterospecific and conspecific neighbors accounted for more variability in absolute growth rates than did neighborhood models with one neighbor term. The conspecific term was significant for nine out of 10 species. Moreover, in five out of 10 species, trees without conspecific neighbors had significantly higher absolute growth rates than trees with conspecific neighbors. Averaged over the 10 species, trees without conspecific neighbors grew 32.4 cm(2) in basal area from 1986 to 1996, whereas trees with conspecific neighbors only grew 14.7 cm(2) in basal area, although there was no difference in initial basal area between trees in the two groups. Averaged across the six species of the genus Shorea, negative effects of conspecific larger trees were significantly stronger than for heterospecific larger neighbors. Thus, high local densities within neighborhoods of 20 m may lead to strong intraspecific negative and, hence, density-dependent, effects even in species rich communities with low overall densities at larger spatial scales. We conjecture that the strength of conspecific effects may be correlated with the degree of host specificity of ectomycorrhizae.


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To understand succession in dipterocarp rain forest after logging, the structure, species composition and dynamics of primary (PF) and secondary (SF) forest at Danum were compared. In 10 replicate 0.16-ha plots per forest type trees >= 10 cm gbh (3.2 cm dbh) were measured in 1995 and 2001. The SF had been logged in 1988, which allowed successional change to be recorded at 8 and 13 years. In 2001, saplings (1.0-3.1 cm dbh) were measured in nested quadrats. The forest types were similar in mean radiation at 2 m height, and in density, basal area and species number of all trees. Among small (10 <= 31.4) and large ( >= 31.4 cm gbh) trees, in both 1995 and 2001, there were 10- and 3-fold more dipterocarps in SF than PF respectively; and averaging over the two dates, there were correspondingly ca. 10- and 18-fold more pioneers. Mortality was ca. 60% higher in SF than PF, largely due to a seven-fold difference for pioneers: for dipterocarps there was little difference. Recruitment was similar in PF and SE Stem growth rates were 37% higher in SF than PF for all trees, although dipterocarps showed the opposite trend. Among saplings, dipterocarps dominated SF with a 10-fold higher density than in PF. For dipterocarps, the light (LH) and medium-heavy (MHH) canopy hardwoods, and the shade-tolerant, smaller-stature other (OTH) species (e.g. Hopea and Vatica) were in the ratios ca. 40:15:45 in SF and 85: < 1:15 in PF. LHs had higher mortality than OTHs in SE In PF ca. 80% of the saplings were LH: in SF ca. 70% were OTH. The predominance of OTHs in SF is explained by the logging of primary rain forest which was in a likely late stage of recovery from natural disturbance, plus the continuing shaded conditions in the understorey promoted by dense pioneer vegetation. At 13 years after logging succession appeared to be inhibited: LHs were being suppressed but MHHs and OTHs persisted. Succession in lowland dipterocarp, rain forests may therefore depend on the successional state of the primary forest when it is logged. A review of logged versus unlogged studies in Borneo highlights the need for more detailed ecological comparisons.


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Forest management is known to influence species diversity of various taxa but inconsistent or even contrasting effects are reported for arthropods. Regional differences in management as well as differences in regional species pools might be responsible for these inconsistencies, but, inter-regional replicated studies that account for regional variability are rare. We investigated the effect of forest type on the abundance, diversity, community structure and composition of two important ground-dwelling beetle families, Carabidae and Staphylinidae, in 149 forest stands distributed over three regions in Germany. In particular we focused on recent forestry history, stand age and dominant tree species, in addition to a number of environmental descriptors. Overall management effects on beetle communities were small and mainly mediated by structural habitat parameters such as the cover of forest canopy or the plant diversity on forest stands. The general response of both beetle taxa to forest management was similar in all regions: abundance and species richness of beetles was higher in older than in younger stands and species richness was lower in unmanaged than in managed stands. The abundance ratio of forest species-to-open habitat species differed between regions, but generally increased from young to old stands, from coniferous to deciduous stands and from managed to unmanaged stands. The response of both beetle families to dominant tree species was variable among regions and staphylinid richness varied in the response to recent forestry history. Our results suggest that current forest management practices change the composition of ground-dwelling beetle communities mainly by favoring generalists and open habitat species. To protect important forest beetle communities and thus the ecosystem functions and services provided by them, we suggest to shelter remaining ancient forests and to develop near-to-nature management strategies by prolonging rotation periods and increasing structural diversity of managed forests. Possible geographic variations in the response of beetle communities need to be considered in conservation-orientated forest management strategies.


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The montane forests of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania have been subjected to a long history of selective logging. However, since 1984 logging of indigenous trees is prohibited. Today, these forests allow us to evaluate the long-term effects of selective logging. We mapped the height and diameter at breast height (DBH) of all trees >10 cm DBH on 10 sites of 0.25 ha. Five sites represent non-logged forests, another five selectively logged forests. We tested whether forests were still visibly affected 30–40 years after selective logging in terms of their forest structure and tree diversity. Additionally we compared tree densities of different species guilds, including disturbance-indicator species, late-successional species and main timber species. Furthermore, we specifically compared the community size distributions of selectively logged and non-logged forests, first across all species and then for the most important timber species, Ocotea usambarensis, alone. 30–40 years after selective logging forests still showed a higher overall stem density, mainly due to higher relative abundances of small trees (<50 cm DBH) in general, and higher densities of small size class stems of late-successional species specifically. For O. usambarensis, the selectively logged sites harboured higher relative abundances of small trees and lower relative abundances of harvestable trees. The higher relative abundance of small O. usambarensis-stems in selectively logged forests appears promising for future forest recovery. Thus, outside protected areas, selective logging may be a sustainable management option if logging cycles are considerably longer than 40 years, enough large source trees remain, and the recruiting O. usambarensis individuals find open space for their establishment.


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Seed production, seed dispersal, and seedling recruitment are integral to forest dynamics, especially in masting species. Often these are studied separately, yet scarcely ever for species with ballistic dispersal even though this mode of dispersal is common in legume trees of tropical African rain forests. Here, we studied two dominant main-canopy tree species, Microberlinia bisulcata and Tetraberlinia bifoliolata (Caesalpinioideae), in 25 ha of primary rain forest at Korup, Cameroon, during two successive masting events (2007/2010). In the vicinity of c. 100 and 130 trees of each species, 476/580 traps caught dispersed seeds and beneath their crowns c. 57,000 pod valves per species were inspected to estimate tree-level fecundity. Seed production of trees increased non-linearly and asymptotically with increasing stem diameters. It was unequal within the two species’ populations, and differed strongly between years to foster both spatial and temporal patchiness in seed rain. The M. bisulcata trees could begin seeding at 42–44 cm diameter: at a much larger size than could T. bifoliolata (25 cm). Nevertheless, per capita life-time reproductive capacity was c. five times greater in M. bisulcata than T. bifoliolata owing to former’s larger adult stature, lower mortality rate (despite a shorter life-time) and smaller seed mass. The two species displayed strong differences in their dispersal capabilities. Inverse modelling (IM) revealed that dispersal of M. bisulcata was best described by a lognormal kernel. Most seeds landed at 10–15 m from stems, with 1% of them going beyond 80 m (<100 m). The direct estimates of fecundity significantly improved the models fitted. The lognormal also described well the seedling recruitment distribution of this species in 121 ground plots. By contrast, the lower intensity of masting and more limited dispersal of the heavier-seeded T. bifoliolata prevented reliable IM. For this species, seed density as function of distance to traps suggested a maximum dispersal distance of 40–50 m, and a correspondingly more aggregated seedling recruitment pattern ensued than for M. bisulcata. From this integrated field study, we conclude that the reproductive traits of M. bisulcata give it a considerable advantage over T. bifoliolata by better dispersing more seeds per capita to reach more suitable establishment sites, and combined with other key traits they explain its local dominance in the forest. Understanding the linkages between size at onset of maturity, individual fecundity, and dispersal capability can better inform the life-history strategies, and hence management, of co-occurring tree species in tropical forests.