3 resultados para Foie, tumeur maligne
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
The literature on malignant lymphomas has grown to an extent which is hardly palatable for general practitioners and non-lymphoma aficionados. Nevertheless some lymphomas exhibit typical clinical and radiological features which permit to suspect the correct histopathological diagnosis even before a pathology report becomes available. The present article points out such "case vignettes" of particular types of malignant lymphoma.
A 12 year old German sheperd dog was examined because of polyuria-polydipsia and polyphagia for the last month. Hemogram and biochemistry profile being compatible with hypercorticism, functional test were undertaken and allow to emit a suspicion of primary adrenocortical tumor-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. Diagnosis was confirmed with CT-scan examination and at surgery, an adrenocortical carcinoma was found. Diagnostic evaluation of Cushing syndrom in the dog is discussed.
Because of the large number of different tissues making up the distal phalanx of fingers and toes, a large variety of malignant tumors can be found in and around the nail apparatus. Bowen disease is probably the most frequent nail malignancy. It is usually seen as a verrucous plaque of the nail fold and nail bed in persons above the age of 40 years. It slowly grows over a period of years or even decades before degenerating to an invasive squamous cell carcinoma. The latter may also occur primarily often as a weeping onycholysis. The next most frequent nail malignancy is ungual melanoma. Those arising from the matrix are usually pigmented and often start with a longitudinal melanonychia whereas those originating from the nail bed remain amelanotic, are often nodular and mistaken for an ingrown nail in an elderly person. The treatment of choice for in situ and early invasive subungual melanomas is generous extirpation of the nail apparatus whereas distal amputation is only indicated for advanced melanomas. In addition to these frequent nail malignancies, nail-specific carcinomas, malignant vascular and osseous tumors, other sarcomas, nail involvement in malignant systemic disorders and metastases may occur. In most cases, they cannot be diagnosed accurately on clinical grounds. Therefore, a high degree of suspicion is necessary in all isolated or single-digit proliferations that do not respond to conservative treatment.