3 resultados para First Presbyterian Church (Bozeman, Mont.)

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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The diffusion of radionuclides is an important safety aspect for nuclear waste disposal in argillaceous host rocks. A long-term diffusion experiment, termed DI-A, is being carried out at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory in the Opalinus Clay formation. The aim of this experiment is the understanding of the migration and sorption behaviour of cationic and anionic species in consolidated clays. This study reports on the experimental layout and the first results obtained from the DI-A experiment, which include the investigation of HTO, Na-22(+), Cs+, and I- migration during a period of 1 year by analysing these tracers in the water circulating in the borehole. In addition, results obtained from through-diffusion experiments on small-sized samples with HTO, I-, and Cl-36(-) are presented. The decrease of tracer concentrations in the borehole is fastest for Cs+, followed by Na-22(+), HTO, and finally I-. The chemical composition of the artificial pore water in the borehole shows very little variation with time, thus indicating almost no chemical disturbance around the borehole. Through-diffusion experiments in the laboratory that were performed parallel to the bedding plane with two different methods yielded effective diffusion coefficients for HTO of 4-5 X 10(-11) m(2) s(-1) and significantly lower ones for anions Cl- and I- (0.7-1.6 X 10(-11) m(2) s(-1)). The results indicate the importance of anion exclusion effects arising from the negatively charged clay surfaces. Furthermore, they demonstrate the anisotropic diffusion properties of the clay formation with significantly increased diffusion rates parallel to bedding relative to the perpendicular direction. The tracer data of the in situ experiment were successfully described with 2D diffusion models using diffusion and sorption parameters obtained from the above mentioned and other laboratory studies. The modelling results indicate that HTO and I- diffused with no retardation. The retardation of Na+ and Cs+ could be described by empirical sorption expressions from previously derived batch sorption (Cs+) or diffusion (Na+) experiments. Overall, the obtained results demonstrate the feasibility of the technical concept to study the diffusion of nonsorbing and sorbing tracers in consolidated clays. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The diffusion properties of the Opalinus Clay were studied in the underground research laboratory at Mont Terri (Canton Jura, Switzerland) and the results were compared with diffusion data measured in the laboratory on small-scale samples. The diffusion of HTO, Na-22(+), Cs+ and I- were investigated for a period of 10 months. The diffusion equipment used in the field experiment was designed in such a way that a solution of tracers was circulated through a sintered metal screen placed at the end of a borehole drilled in the formation. The concentration decrease caused by the diffusion of tracers into the rock could be followed with time and allowed first estimations of the effective diffusion coefficient. After 10 months, the diffusion zone was over-cored and the tracer profiles measured. From these profiles, effective diffusion coefficients and rock capacity factors Could be extracted by applying a two-dimensional transport model including diffusion and sorption. The simulations were done with the reactive transport code CRUNCH. In addition, results obtained from through-diffusion experiments oil small-sized samples with HTO, Cl-36(-) and Na-22(+) are presented and compared with the in situ data. In all cases. excellent agreement between the two data sets exists. Results for Cs+ indicated five times higher diffusion rates relative to HTO. Corresponding laboratory diffusion measurements are still lacking. However. our Cs+ data are in qualitative agreement wish through-diffusion data for Callovo-Oxfordian argillite rock samples. which also indicate significantly higher effective diffusivities for Cs+ relative to HTO.


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This paper will focus on three episodes of contemporary church-state relations in Georgia, in particular, the conflicting interaction between law and religion in the public space. The first episode will be an open confrontation between the church and the state over the law on Registration of Religious Minority organizations (2011) which allowed the religious minorities to freely register; second: the Law on Self-governance (2013) which Georgian Orthodox Church considered “a threat to territorial integrity of Georgia”; and lastly: the Law on Anti-discrimination (2014) which was deemed “legitimization of Sodomic sin”. By reflecting on the three examples where for the first time after the collapse of Soviet Union, the Georgian state openly confronted the church and made a decision notwithstanding its position, I will attempt to argue that the role of the Orthodox Church in influencing the law making process is in gradual decline. However, on the other hand, by presenting the results of an ethnographic study conducted in 23 eparchies and perishes in 7 regions of Georgia in 2014, I will also show that church has adapted to its declining role over policy making, and to regain its political influence it gradually started to employ a civic rather than ethno nationalist discourse on matters of religious freedom while engaging with government. The paper will suggest that both unilateral decision-making of the state and civic shift in the discourse of the church constitute an important change in understanding church-state dynamics in the post-communist Orthodox Christianity dominated society.