12 resultados para FLUX MEASUREMENTS

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Long-term measurements of CO2 flux can be obtained using the eddy covariance technique, but these datasets are affected by gaps which hinder the estimation of robust long-term means and annual ecosystem exchanges. We compare results obtained using three gap-fill techniques: multiple regression (MR), multiple imputation (MI), and artificial neural networks (ANNs), applied to a one-year dataset of hourly CO2 flux measurements collected in Lutjewad, over a flat agriculture area near the Wadden Sea dike in the north of the Netherlands. The dataset was separated in two subsets: a learning and a validation set. The performances of gap-filling techniques were analysed by calculating statistical criteria: coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), maximum absolute error (MaxAE), and mean square bias (MSB). The gap-fill accuracy is seasonally dependent, with better results in cold seasons. The highest accuracy is obtained using ANN technique which is also less sensitive to environmental/seasonal conditions. We argue that filling gaps directly on measured CO2 fluxes is more advantageous than the common method of filling gaps on calculated net ecosystem change, because ANN is an empirical method and smaller scatter is expected when gap filling is applied directly to measurements.


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The understanding of the continental carbon budget is essential to predict future climate change. In order to quantify CO₂ and CH₄ fluxes at the regional scale, a measurement system was installed at the former radio tower in Beromünster as part of the Swiss greenhouse gas monitoring network (CarboCount CH). We have been measuring the mixing ratios of CO₂, CH₄ and CO on this tower with sample inlets at 12.5, 44.6, 71.5, 131.6 and 212.5 m above ground level using a cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS) analyzer. The first 2-year (December 2012–December 2014) continuous atmospheric record was analyzed for seasonal and diurnal variations and interspecies correlations. In addition, storage fluxes were calculated from the hourly profiles along the tower. The atmospheric growth rates from 2013 to 2014 determined from this 2-year data set were 1.78 ppm yr⁻¹, 9.66 ppb yr⁻¹ and and -1.27 ppb yr⁻¹ for CO₂, CH₄ and CO, respectively. After detrending, clear seasonal cycles were detected for CO₂ and CO, whereas CH₄ showed a stable baseline suggesting a net balance between sources and sinks over the course of the year. CO and CO₂ were strongly correlated (r² > 0.75) in winter (DJF), but almost uncorrelated in summer. In winter, anthropogenic emissions dominate the biospheric CO₂ fluxes and the variations in mixing ratios are large due to reduced vertical mixing. The diurnal variations of all species showed distinct cycles in spring and summer, with the lowest sampling level showing the most pronounced diurnal amplitudes. The storage flux estimates exhibited reasonable diurnal shapes for CO₂, but underestimated the strength of the surface sinks during daytime. This seems plausible, keeping in mind that we were only able to calculate the storage fluxes along the profile of the tower but not the flux into or out of this profile, since no Eddy covariance flux measurements were taken at the top of the tower.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the pulp sensitivity and vitality of mandibular incisors and canines before and after bone harvesting in the symphysis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 20 patients requiring bone grafts from the symphysis, pulp sensitivity (carbon dioxide [CO2]) and pulpal blood flow (laser Doppler flowmetry [LDF]) of mandibular incisors and canines were evaluated preoperatively, postoperatively, and 6 months after surgery. Teeth were allocated to 1 of 3 groups according to their initial and final reaction to CO2 (group A = teeth with a positive reaction throughout the study, group B = teeth that exhibited a sensitivity change from positive to negative, and group C = teeth with a negative reaction throughout the study). RESULTS: Preoperative flux measurements (LDF) did not differ between groups A, B, and C. Teeth with sensitivity changes (group B) showed the greatest decrease (a statistically significant decrease) of pulpal blood flow over time, whereas teeth in groups A and C demonstrated an insignificant reduction of flux over time. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: LDF was purely used as an experimental tool in the present study. Pulpal blood flow measurements using LDF demonstrated a decrease of flux over time in anterior mandibular teeth following bone harvesting in the symphysis. A significant change of flux, however, was only observed for teeth that also demonstrated a loss of pulp sensitivity during the same study period. Loss of pulp sensitivity appeared to be correlated to a significant decrease of blood flow assessed by LDF.


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There is a need for accurate predictions of ecosystem carbon (C) and water fluxes in field conditions. Previous research has shown that ecosystem properties can be predicted from community abundance-weighted means (CWM) of plant functional traits and measures of trait variability within a community (FDvar). The capacity for traits to predict carbon (C) and water fluxes, and the seasonal dependency of these trait-function relationships has not been fully explored. Here we measured daytime C and water fluxes over four seasons in grasslands of a range of successional ages in southern England. In a model selection procedure, we related these fluxes to environmental covariates and plant biomass measures before adding CWM and FDvar plant trait measures that were scaled up from measures of individual plants grown in greenhouse conditions. Models describing fluxes in periods of low biological activity contained few predictors, which were usually abiotic factors. In more biologically active periods, models contained more predictors, including plant trait measures. Field-based plant biomass measures were generally better predictors of fluxes than CWM and FDvar traits. However, when these measures were used in combination traits accounted for additional variation. Where traits were significant predictors their identity often reflected seasonal vegetation dynamics. These results suggest that database derived trait measures can improve the prediction of ecosystem C and water fluxes. Controlled studies and those involving more detailed flux measurements are required to validate and explore these findings, a worthwhile effort given the potential for using simple vegetation measures to help predict landscape-scale fluxes.


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The gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPr) is an important molecular target for the visualization and therapy of tumors and can be targeted with radiolabeled bombesin derivatives. The present study aims to develop statine-based bombesin receptor antagonists suitable for labeling with 64Cu for imaging by positron emission tomography (PET). The potent GRPr antagonist D-Phe-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Sta-Leu-NH2 was conjugated to the sarcophagine (3,6,10,13,16,19-hexaazabicyclo[6.6.6] icosane=Sar) derivative 5-(8-methyl-3,6,10,13,16,19-hexaaza-bicyclo[6.6.6]icosan-1-ylamino)-5-oxopentanoic acid (MeCOSar) via PEG4 (LE1) and PEG2 (LE2) spacers and radiolabeled with 64Cu2+ with >95% yield and specific activities of about 100 MBq/nmol. Both Cu(II) conjugates have high affinity for GRPr (IC50: natCu-LE1, 1.4±0.1 nM; natCu-LE2, 3.8±0.6 nM). The antagonistic properties of both conjugates were confirmed by Ca2+-flux measurements. Biodistribution studies of Cu-64-LE1 exhibited specific targeting of the tumor (19.6±4.7% IA/g at 1 h p.i.) and GRPr-positive organs. Biodistribution and PET images at 4 and 24 h postinjection showed increasing tumor-to-background ratios with time. This was illustrated by the acquisition of PET images showing high tumor-to-normal tissue contrast. This study demonstrates the high affinity of the MeCOSar-PEGx-bombesin conjugates to GRPr. The stability of 64Cu complexes of MeCOSar, the long half-life of 64Cu, and the suitable biodistribution profile of the 64Cu-labeled peptides lead to PET images of high contrast suitable for potential translation into the clinic.


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Atmospheric ammonia (NH3) exchange during a single growing season was measured over two grass/clover fields managed by cutting and treated with different rates of mineral nitrogen (N) fertilizer. The aim was to quantify the total NH3 exchange of the two systems in relation to their N budget, the latter was split into N derived from symbiotic fixation, from fertilization, and from the soil. The experimental site was located in an intensively managed agricultural area on the Swiss plateau. Two adjacent fields with mixtures of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), cocks foot (Dactylis glomerata L.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) were used. These were treated with either 80 or 160 kg N ha−1 applied as NH4NO3 fertilizer in equal portions after each of four cuts. Continuous NH3 flux measurements were carried out by micrometeorological techniques. To determine the contribution of each species to the overall NH3 canopy compensation point, stomatal NH3 compensation points of the individual plant species were determined on the basis of NH4+ + NH3 (NHx) concentrations and pH in the apoplast. Symbiotic N2 fixation was measured by the 15N dilution method.


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The marine cycle of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is an important element of the carbon cycle and co-governs the distribution of carbon and alkalinity within the ocean. However, CaCO3 export fluxes and mechanisms governing CaCO3 dissolution are highly uncertain. We present an observationally constrained, probabilistic assessment of the global and regional CaCO3 budgets. Parameters governing pelagic CaCO3 export fluxes and dissolution rates are sampled using a Monte Carlo scheme to construct a 1000-member ensemble with the Bern3D ocean model. Ensemble results are constrained by comparing simulated and observation-based fields of excess dissolved calcium carbonate (TA*). The minerals calcite and aragonite are modelled explicitly and ocean–sediment fluxes are considered. For local dissolution rates, either a strong or a weak dependency on CaCO3 saturation is assumed. In addition, there is the option to have saturation-independent dissolution above the saturation horizon. The median (and 68 % confidence interval) of the constrained model ensemble for global biogenic CaCO3 export is 0.90 (0.72–1.05) Gt C yr−1, that is within the lower half of previously published estimates (0.4–1.8 Gt C yr−1). The spatial pattern of CaCO3 export is broadly consistent with earlier assessments. Export is large in the Southern Ocean, the tropical Indo–Pacific, the northern Pacific and relatively small in the Atlantic. The constrained results are robust across a range of diapycnal mixing coefficients and, thus, ocean circulation strengths. Modelled ocean circulation and transport timescales for the different set-ups were further evaluated with CFC11 and radiocarbon observations. Parameters and mechanisms governing dissolution are hardly constrained by either the TA* data or the current compilation of CaCO3 flux measurements such that model realisations with and without saturation-dependent dissolution achieve skill. We suggest applying saturation-independent dissolution rates in Earth system models to minimise computational costs.


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Nitrous oxide fluxes were measured at the Lägeren CarboEurope IP flux site over the multi-species mixed forest dominated by European beech and Norway spruce. Measurements were carried out during a four-week period in October–November 2005 during leaf senescence. Fluxes were measured with a standard ultrasonic anemometer in combination with a quantum cascade laser absorption spectrometer that measured N2O, CO2, and H2O mixing ratios simultaneously at 5 Hz time resolution. To distinguish insignificant fluxes from significant ones it is proposed to use a new approach based on the significance of the correlation coefficient between vertical wind speed and mixing ratio fluctuations. This procedure eliminated roughly 56% of our half-hourly fluxes. Based on the remaining, quality checked N2O fluxes we quantified the mean efflux at 0.8±0.4 μmol m−2 h−1 (mean ± standard error). Most of the contribution to the N2O flux occurred during a 6.5-h period starting 4.5 h before each precipitation event. No relation with precipitation amount could be found. Visibility data representing fog density and duration at the site indicate that wetting of the canopy may have as strong an effect on N2O effluxes as does below-ground microbial activity. It is speculated that above-ground N2O production from the senescing leaves at high moisture (fog, drizzle, onset of precipitation event) may be responsible for part of the measured flux.


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Spectra of K0S mesons and Λ hyperons were measured in p+C interactions at 31 GeV/c with the large acceptance NA61/SHINE spectrometer at the CERN SPS. The data were collected with an isotropic graphite target with a thickness of 4% of a nuclear interaction length. Interaction cross sections, charged pion spectra, and charged kaon spectra were previously measured using the same data set. Results on K0S and Λ production in p+C interactions serve as reference for the understanding of the enhancement of strangeness production in nucleus-nucleus collisions. Moreover, they provide important input for the improvement of neutrino flux predictions for the T2K long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan. Inclusive production cross sections for K0S and Λ are presented as a function of laboratory momentum in intervals of the laboratory polar angle covering the range from 0 up to 240 mrad. The results are compared with predictions of several hadron production models. The K0S mean multiplicity in production processes and the inclusive cross section for K0S production were measured and amount to 0.127 ± 0.005 (stat) ± 0.022 (sys) and 29.0 ± 1.6 (stat) ± 5.0 (sys) mb, respectively.


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67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P) is a Jupiter-family comet and the object of investigation of the European Space Agency mission Rosetta. This report presents the first full 3D simulation results of 67P’s neutral gas coma. In this study we include results from a direct simulation Monte Carlo method, a hydrodynamic code, and a purely geometric calculation which computes the total illuminated surface area on the nucleus. All models include the triangulated 3D shape model of 67P as well as realistic illumination and shadowing conditions. The basic concept is the assumption that these illumination conditions on the nucleus are the main driver for the gas activity of the comet. As a consequence, the total production rate of 67P varies as a function of solar insolation. The best agreement between the model and the data is achieved when gas fluxes on the night side are in the range of 7% to 10% of the maximum flux, accounting for contributions from the most volatile components. To validate the output of our numerical simulations we compare the results of all three models to in situ gas number density measurements from the ROSINA COPS instrument. We are able to reproduce the overall features of these local neutral number density measurements of ROSINA COPS for the time period between early August 2014 and January 1 2015 with all three models. Some details in the measurements are not reproduced and warrant further investigation and refinement of the models. However, the overall assumption that illumination conditions on the nucleus are at least an important driver of the gas activity is validated by the models. According to our simulation results we find the total production rate of 67P to be constant between August and November 2014 with a value of about 1 × 10²⁶ molecules s⁻¹.


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The Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) neutrino experiment measures neutrino oscillations by using an almost pure muon neutrino beam produced at the J-PARC accelerator facility. The T2K muon monitor was installed to measure the direction and stability of the muon beam which is produced together with the muon neutrino beam. The systematic error in the muon beam direction measurement was estimated, using data and MC simulation, to be 0.28 mrad. During beam operation, the proton beam has been controlled using measurements from the muon monitor and the direction of the neutrino beam has been tuned to within 0.3 mrad with respect to the designed beam-axis. In order to understand the muon beam properties, measurement of the absolute muon yield at the muon monitor was conducted with an emulsion detector. The number of muon tracks was measured to be (4.06 ± 0.05) × 10⁴ cm⁻² normalized with 4 × 10¹¹protons on target with 250 kA horn operation. The result is in agreement with the prediction which is corrected based on hadron production data.