66 resultados para Experimental intragastric infection
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Scoring schemes for clinical, ultrasonographic and radiographic findings in pigs were developed based upon a standardized animal model for Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae infection.The results of these methods were compared to each other as well as with the corresponding pathomorphological findings during necropsy. Altogether 69 pigs of different breeding lines (Hampshire, Pietrain and German Landrace were examined. Positive correlations were found between the results of all three methods as well as with the necropsy scores (p <0.0001). Different pathomorphological findings were detected either by radiographic or by ultrasonographic examination dependent upon the type of lung tissue alterations: Alterations of the pleura as well as sequestration of lung tissue on the lung surface could be clearly identified during the ultrasonographic examination while deep tissue alterations with no contact to the lung surface could be detected reliably by radiographic examination. Both methods complement each other, and the application of a combined ultrasonographic and radiographic examination of the thorax allows a comprehensive inspection of the lung condition. Particularly during the acute phase of the disease the extent of lung tissue damage can be estimated more precisely than by clinical examination alone.
Intrathecal injections of 50 to 100 micro g of (N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine) muramyl dipeptide (MDP)/rabbit dose-dependently triggered tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) secretion (12 to 40,000 pg/ml) preceding the influx of leukocytes in the subarachnoid space of rabbits. Intrathecal instillation of heat-killed unencapsulated R6 pneumococci produced a comparable leukocyte influx but only a minimal level of preceding TNF-alpha secretion. The stereochemistry of the first amino acid (L-alanine) of the MDP played a crucial role with regard to its inflammatory potential. Isomers harboring D-alanine in first position did not induce TNF-alpha secretion and influx of leukocytes. This stereospecificity of MDPs was also confirmed by measuring TNF-alpha release from human peripheral mononuclear blood cells stimulated in vitro. These data show that the inflammatory potential of MDPs depends on the stereochemistry of the first amino acid of the peptide side chain and suggest that intact pneumococci and MDPs induce inflammation by different pathways.
Feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) infection in felids results mainly from oronasal exposure to infectious saliva and nasal secretions, but the potential for viral transmission through faeces and urine has not been completely characterized. In order to assess and compare potential FeLV transmission routes, we determined the viral kinetics in plasma, saliva, faeces and urine during early experimental FeLV infection (up to week 15 post-exposure) in specific pathogen-free cats. In addition to monitoring p27 antigen levels measured by ELISA, we evaluated the presence of infectious particles by cell culture assays and quantified viral RNA loads by a quantitative real-time TaqMan polymerase chain reaction. RNA load was associated with infection outcome (high load-progressive infection; low load-regressive infection) not only in plasma, but also in saliva, faeces and urine. Infectious virus was isolated from the saliva, faeces and urine of infected cats with progressive infection as early as 3-6 weeks post-infection, but usually not in cats with regressive infection. In cats with progressive infection, therefore, not only saliva but also faeces and to some extent urine might represent potential FeLV transmission routes. These results should be taken into account when modelling FeLV-host interactions and assessing FeLV transmission risk. Moreover, during early FeLV infection, detection of viral RNA in saliva may be used as an indicator of recent virus exposure, even in cats without detectable antigenaemia/viraemia. To determine the clinically relevant outcome of FeLV infection in exposed cats, however, p27 antigen levels in the peripheral blood should be measured.
Free-living amoebae (FLA) belonging to Acanthamoeba spp., Naegleria fowleri, Balamuthia mandrillaris, and Sappinia pedata are known to cause infections in humans and animals leading to severe brain pathologies. Worldwide, warm aquatic environments have been found to be suitable habitats for pathogenic FLA. The present study reports on screening for potentially pathogenic FLA in four hot spring resorts in Switzerland. Water samples were taken from water filtration units and from the pools, respectively. Amoebae isolated from samples taken during, or before, the filtration process were demonstrated to be morphologically and phylogenetically related to Stenoamoeba sp., Hartmannella vermiformis, Echinamoeba exundans, and Acanthamoeba healyi. With regard to the swimming pools, FLA were isolated only in one resort, and the isolate was identified as non-pathogenic and as related to E. exundans. Further investigations showed that the isolates morphologically and phylogenetically related to A. healyi displayed a pronounced thermotolerance, and exhibited a marked in vitro cytotoxicity upon 5-day exposure to murine L929 fibroblasts. Experimental intranasal infection of Rag2-immunodeficient mice with these isolates led to severe brain pathologies, and viable trophozoites were isolated from the nasal mucosa, brain tissue, and lungs post mortem. In summary, isolates related to A. healyi were suggestive of being potentially pathogenic to immunocompromised persons. However, the presence of these isolates was limited to the filtration units, and an effective threat for health can therefore be excluded.
In the resolution of inflammatory responses, neutrophils rapidly undergo apoptosis. We describe a new proapoptotic pathway in which cathepsin D directly activates caspase-8. Cathepsin D is released from azurophilic granules in neutrophils in a caspase-independent but reactive oxygen species-dependent manner. Under inflammatory conditions, the translocation of cathepsin D in the cytosol is blocked. Pharmacological or genetic inhibition of cathepsin D resulted in delayed caspase activation and reduced neutrophil apoptosis. Cathepsin D deficiency or lack of its translocation in the cytosol prolongs innate immune responses in experimental bacterial infection and in septic shock. Thus, we identified a new function of azurophilic granules that is in addition to their role in bacterial defense mechanisms: to regulate the life span of neutrophils and, therefore, the duration of innate immune responses through the release of cathepsin D.
Currently there are no effective vaccines for the control of bovine neosporosis. During the last years several subunit vaccines based on immunodominant antigens and other proteins involved in adhesion, invasion and intracellular proliferation of Neospora caninum have been evaluated as targets for vaccine development in experimental mouse infection models. Among them, the rhoptry antigen NcROP2 and the immunodominant NcGRA7 protein have been assessed with varying results. Recent studies have shown that another rhoptry component, NcROP40, and NcNTPase, a putative dense granule antigen, exhibit higher expression levels in tachyzoites of virulent N. caninum isolates, suggesting that these could be potential vaccine candidates to limit the effects of infection. In the present work, the safety and efficacy of these recombinant antigens formulated in Quil-A adjuvant as monovalent vaccines or pair-wise combinations (rNcROP40+rNcROP2 and rNcGRA7+rNcNTPase) were evaluated in a pregnant mouse model of neosporosis. All the vaccine formulations elicited a specific immune response against their respective native proteins after immunization. Mice vaccinated with rNcROP40 and rNcROP2 alone or in combination produced the highest levels of IFN-γ and exhibited low parasite burdens and low IgG antibody levels after the challenge. In addition, most of the vaccine formulations were able to increase the median survival time in the offspring. However, pup survival only ensued in the groups vaccinated with rNcROP40+rNcROP2 (16.2%) and rNcROP2 (6.3%). Interestingly, vertical transmission was not observed in those survivor pups immunized with rNcROP40+rNcROP2, as shown by PCR analyses. These results show a partial protection against N. caninum infection after vaccination with rNcROP40+rNcROP2, suggesting a synergistic effect of the two recombinant rhoptry antigens.
Transferrin (TF)-mediated provision of iron is essential for a productive infection by many bacterial pathogens, and iron-depletion of TF is a first line defence against bacterial infections. Therefore, the transferrin (TF) gene can be considered a candidate gene for disease resistance. We obtained the complete DNA sequence of the porcine TF gene, which spans 40 kb and contains 17 exons. We identified polymorphisms on a panel of 10 different pig breeds. Comparative intra- and interbreed sequence analysis revealed 62 polymorphisms in the TF gene including one microsatellite. Ten polymorphisms were located in the coding sequence of the TF gene. Four SNPs (c.902A>T, c.980G>A, c.1417A>G, c.1810A>C) were predicted to cause amino acid exchanges (p.Lys301Ile, p.Arg327Lys, p.Lys473Glu, p.Asn604His). We performed association analyses using six selected TF markers and 116 pigs experimentally infected with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 7. The analysis showed breed-specific TF allele frequencies. In German Landrace, we found evidence for a possible association of the severity of A. pleuropneumoniae infection with TF genotypes.
BACKGROUND: Dogs experimentally inoculated with Angiostrongylus vasorum develop severe pulmonary parenchymal lesions and arterial thrombosis at the time of patency. HYPOTHESIS: A. vasorum-induced thrombosis results in arterial hypoxemia, pulmonary hypertension (PH), and altered cardiac morphology and function. ANIMALS: Six healthy Beagles experimentally inoculated with A. vasorum. METHODS: Thoracic radiographs and arterial blood gas analyses were performed 8 and 13 weeks postinoculation (wpi) and 9 weeks posttherapy (wpt). Echocardiography was done before and 2, 5, 8, 13 wpi and 9 wpt. Invasive pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) measurements were obtained 8 wpi. Two untreated dogs were necropsied 13 wpi and 4 treated dogs 9 wpt. RESULTS: All dogs had patent infections at 7 wpi and clinical respiratory signs at 8 wpi. Moderate hypoxemia (median PaO2 of 73 and 74 mmHg) present at 8 and 13 wpi had resolved by 9 wpt. Echocardiographically, no evidence of PH and no abnormalities in cardiac size and function were discernible at any time point. PAP invasively measured at 8 wpi was not different from that of control dogs. Severe radiographic pulmonary parenchymal and suspected thrombotic lesions at 13 wpi were corroborated by necropsy. Most histopathologic changes had resolved at 9 wpt, but focal inflammatory, thrombotic, and fibrotic changes still were present in all dogs. CONCLUSION: In experimentally infected Beagles, pulmonary and vascular changes induced by A. vasorum are reflected by marked radiographic changes and arterial hypoxemia. These did not result in PH and echocardiographic changes in cardiac size and function.
BACKGROUND Buruli ulcer (BU) is a slowly progressing, necrotising disease of the skin caused by infection with Mycobacterium ulcerans. Non-ulcerative manifestations are nodules, plaques and oedema, which may progress to ulceration of large parts of the skin. Histopathologically, BU is characterized by coagulative necrosis, fat cell ghosts, epidermal hyperplasia, clusters of extracellular acid fast bacilli (AFB) in the subcutaneous tissue and lack of major inflammatory infiltration. The mode of transmission of BU is not clear and there is only limited information on the early pathogenesis of the disease available. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS For evaluating the potential of the pig as experimental infection model for BU, we infected pigs subcutaneously with different doses of M. ulcerans. The infected skin sites were excised 2.5 or 6.5 weeks after infection and processed for histopathological analysis. With doses of 2 × 10(7) and 2 × 10(6) colony forming units (CFU) we observed the development of nodular lesions that subsequently progressed to ulcerative or plaque-like lesions. At lower inoculation doses signs of infection found after 2.5 weeks had spontaneously resolved at 6.5 weeks. The observed macroscopic and histopathological changes closely resembled those found in M. ulcerans disease in humans. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE Our results demonstrate that the pig can be infected with M. ulcerans. Productive infection leads to the development of lesions that closely resemble human BU lesions. The pig infection model therefore has great potential for studying the early pathogenesis of BU and for the development of new therapeutic and prophylactic interventions.
Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is a serious respiratory disease of cattle caused by Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides. Current vaccines against CBPP induce short-lived immunity and can cause severe postvaccine reactions. Previous studies have identified the N terminus of the transmembrane lipoprotein Q (LppQ-N') of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides as the major antigen and a possible virulence factor. We therefore immunized cattle with purified recombinant LppQ-N' formulated in Freund's adjuvant and challenged them with M. mycoides subsp. mycoides. Vaccinated animals showed a strong seroconversion to LppQ, but they exhibited significantly enhanced postchallenge glomerulonephritis compared to the placebo group (P = 0.021). Glomerulonephritis was characterized by features that suggested the development of antigen-antibody immune complexes. Clinical signs and gross pathological scores did not significantly differ between vaccinated and placebo groups. These findings reveal for the first time the pathogenesis of enhanced disease as a result of antibodies against LppQ during challenge and also argue against inclusion of LppQ-N' in a future subunit vaccine for CBPP.
Pregnant BALB/c mice have been widely used as an in vivo model to study Neospora caninum infection biology and to provide proof-of-concept for assessments of drugs and vaccines against neosporosis. The fact that this model has been used with different isolates of variable virulence, varying infection routes and differing methods to prepare the parasites for infection, has rendered the comparison of results from different laboratories impossible. In most studies, mice were infected with similar number of parasites (2 × 10(6)) as employed in ruminant models (10(7) for cows and 10(6) for sheep), which seems inappropriate considering the enormous differences in the weight of these species. Thus, for achieving meaningful results in vaccination and drug efficacy experiments, a refinement and standardization of this experimental model is necessary. Thus, 2 × 10(6), 10(5), 10(4), 10(3) and 10(2) tachyzoites of the highly virulent and well-characterised Nc-Spain7 isolate were subcutaneously inoculated into mice at day 7 of pregnancy, and clinical outcome, vertical transmission, parasite burden and antibody responses were compared. Dams from all infected groups presented nervous signs and the percentage of surviving pups at day 30 postpartum was surprisingly low (24%) in mice infected with only 10(2) tachyzoites. Importantly, infection with 10(5) tachyzoites resulted in antibody levels, cerebral parasite burden in dams and 100% mortality rate in pups, which was identical to infection with 2 × 10(6) tachyzoites. Considering these results, it is reasonable to lower the challenge dose to 10(5) tachyzoites in further experiments when assessing drugs or vaccine candidates.
Besides its importance in cattle, Neospora caninum may also pose a high risk as abortifacient for small ruminants. We have recently demonstrated that the outcome of experimental infection of pregnant sheep with 10(6) Nc-Spain7 tachyzoites is strongly dependent on the time of gestation. In the current study, we assessed peripheral and local immune response in those animals. Serological analysis revealed earlier and higher IFN-γ and IgG responses in ewes infected at early (G1) and mid (G2) gestation, when abortion occurred. IL-4 was not detected in sera from any sheep. Inflammatory infiltrates in the placenta mainly consisted of CD8+ and, to a lesser extent, CD4+ T cells and macrophages (CD163+). The infiltrate was more intense in sheep infected at mid-gestation. In the foetal mesenchyme, mostly free tachyzoites were found in animals infected at G1, while those infected in G2 displayed predominantly particulate antigen, and parasitophorous vacuoles were detected in sheep infected at G3. A similar pattern of placental cytokine mRNA expression was found in all groups, displaying a strengthened upregulation of IFN-γ and IL-4 and milder increases of TNF-α and IL-10, reminiscent of a mixed Th1 and Th2 response. IL-12 and IL-6 were only slightly upregulated in G2, and TGF-β was downregulated in G1 and G2, suggestive of limited T regulatory (Treg) cell activity. No significant expression of TLR2 or TLR4 could be detected. In summary, this study confirms the pivotal role of systemic and local immune responses at different times of gestation during N. caninum infection in sheep.
Pneumococcal meningitis causes apoptosis of developing neurons in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. The death of these cells is accompanied with long-term learning and memory deficits in meningitis survivors. Here, we studied the role of the PI3K/Akt (protein kinase B) survival pathway in hippocampal apoptosis in a well-characterized infant rat model of pneumococcal meningitis. Meningitis was accompanied by a significant decrease of the PI3K product phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP(3)) and of phosphorylated (i.e., activated) Akt in the hippocampus. At the cellular level, phosphorylated Akt was decreased in both the granular layer and the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus, the region where the developing neurons undergo apoptosis. Protein levels and activity of PTEN, the major antagonist of PI3K, were unaltered by infection, suggesting that the observed decrease in PIP(3) and Akt phosphorylation is a result of decreased PI3K signaling. Treatment with the PTEN inhibitor bpV(pic) restored Akt activity and significantly attenuated hippocampal apoptosis. Co-treatment with the specific PI3K inhibitor LY294002 reversed the restoration of Akt activity and attenuation of hippocampal apoptosis, while it had no significant effect on these parameters on its own. These results indicate that the inhibitory effect of bpV(pic) on apoptosis was mediated by PI3K-dependent activation of Akt, strongly suggesting that bpV(pic) acted on PTEN. Treatment with bpV(pic) also partially inhibited the concentration of bacteria and cytokines in the CSF, but this effect was not reversed by LY294002, indicating that the effect of bpV(pic) on apoptosis was independent of its effect on CSF bacterial burden and cytokine levels. These results indicate that the PI3K/Akt pathway plays an important role in the death and survival of developing hippocampal neurons during the acute phase of pneumococcal meningitis.
In Crohn's disease (CD) the deficiency of mannan-binding lectin (MBL) is associated with an increased prevalence of anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA) and with complicated phenotypes of the disease. However, the role of MBL in intestinal inflammation is currently unclear. A study was undertaken to analyse local MBL expression in human intestine and the consequences of MBL deficiency in experimental colitis and yeast infection.
In order to achieve host cell entry, the apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum relies on the contents of distinct organelles, named micronemes, rhoptries and dense granules, which are secreted at defined timepoints during and after host cell entry. It was shown previously that a vaccine composed of a mixture of three recombinant antigens, corresponding to the two microneme antigens NcMIC1 and NcMIC3 and the rhoptry protein NcROP2, prevented disease and limited cerebral infection and transplacental transmission in mice. In this study, we selected predicted immunogenic domains of each of these proteins and created four different chimeric antigens, with the respective domains incorporated into these chimers in different orders. Following vaccination, mice were challenged intraperitoneally with 2 × 10(6)N. caninum tachzyoites and were then carefully monitored for clinical symptoms during 4 weeks post-infection. Of the four chimeric antigens, only recNcMIC3-1-R provided complete protection against disease with 100% survivors, compared to 40-80% of survivors in the other groups. Serology did not show any clear differences in total IgG, IgG1 and IgG2a levels between the different treatment groups. Vaccination with all four chimeric variants generated an IL-4 biased cytokine expression, which then shifted to an IFN-γ-dominated response following experimental infection. Sera of recNcMIC3-1-R vaccinated mice reacted with each individual recombinant antigen, as well as with three distinct bands in Neospora extracts with similar Mr as NcMIC1, NcMIC3 and NcROP2, and exhibited distinct apical labeling in tachyzoites. These results suggest that recNcMIC3-1-R is an interesting chimeric vaccine candidate and should be followed up in subsequent studies in a fetal infection model.