59 resultados para Erythroleukemia Cell-differentiation

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A differentiation towards myoepithelial cells has been demonstrated in several types of lesions in the breast. These include multifocal myoepitheliomatosis, the rare mixed tumor or pleomorphic adenoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, adenomyoepithelioma and myoepithelial carcinoma (malignant myoepithelioma). Myoepithelial carcinoma is the only lesion purely composed of myoepithelial cells. All these tumors are benign and/or of low-grade malignancy, with the exception of malignant myoepithelioma. In contrast to the statement of the current World Health Organization (WHO), recent studies have reported that regional and distant metastases may occur in about 50% of pure myoepithelial carcinomas. The presented case of a breast carcinoma with dominant myoepithelial/spindle cell differentiation in a 58-year-old woman is an excellent example to document the highly aggressive biological behavior of this tumor phenotype. Despite an extensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the tumor was rapidly progressive, forming a finally exulcerating local tumor relapse and widespread metastases to the myocardium, lungs, liver, kidneys and skin. Similarities in morphology and biological behavior compared to patients with "triple-negative" (hormone receptor and Her2) monophasic sarcomatoid carcinomas and pure spindle cell sarcomas are discussed.


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Estrogen treatment exerts a protective effect on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and is under clinical trial for multiple sclerosis therapy. Estrogens have been suspected to protect from CNS autoimmunity through their capacity to exert anti-inflammatory as well as neuroprotective effects. Despite the obvious impacts of estrogens on the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis and EAE, the dominant cellular target that orchestrates the anti-inflammatory effect of 17β-estradiol (E2) in EAE is still ill defined. Using conditional estrogen receptor (ER) α-deficient mice and bone marrow chimera experiments, we show that expression of ERα is critical in hematopoietic cells but not in endothelial ones to mediate the E2 inhibitory effect on Th1 and Th17 cell priming, resulting in EAE protection. Furthermore, using newly created cell type-specific ERα-deficient mice, we demonstrate that ERα is required in T lymphocytes, but neither in macrophages nor dendritic cells, for E2-mediated inhibition of Th1/Th17 cell differentiation and protection from EAE. Lastly, in absence of ERα in host nonhematopoietic tissues, we further show that ERα signaling in T cells is necessary and sufficient to mediate the inhibitory effect of E2 on EAE development. These data uncover T lymphocytes as a major and nonredundant cellular target responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects of E2 in Th17 cell-driven CNS autoimmunity.


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The mammalian Cutl1 gene codes for the CCAAT displacement protein (CDP), which has been implicated as a transcriptional repressor in diverse processes such as terminal differentiation, cell cycle progression, and the control of nuclear matrix attachment regions. To investigate the in vivo function of Cutl1, we have replaced the C-terminal Cut repeat 3 and homeodomain exons with an in-frame lacZ gene by targeted mutagenesis in the mouse. The CDP-lacZ fusion protein is retained in the cytoplasm and fails to repress gene transcription, indicating that the Cutl1(lacZ) allele corresponds to a null mutation. Cutl1 mutant mice on inbred genetic backgrounds are born at Mendelian frequency, but die shortly after birth because of retarded differentiation of the lung epithelia, which indicates an essential role of CDP in lung maturation. A less pronounced delay in lung development allows Cutl1 mutant mice on an outbred background to survive beyond birth. These mice are growth-retarded and develop an abnormal pelage because of disrupted hair follicle morphogenesis. The inner root sheath (IRS) is reduced, and the transcription of Sonic hedgehog and IRS-specific genes is deregulated in Cutl1 mutant hair follicles, consistent with the specific expression of Cutl1 in the progenitors and cell lineages of the IRS. These data implicate CDP in cell-lineage specification during hair follicle morphogenesis, which resembles the role of the related Cut protein in specifying cell fates during Drosophila development.


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Interleukin 4 (IL-4) is a pleotropic cytokine affecting a wide range of cell types in both the mouse and the human. These activities include regulation of the growth and differentiation of both T and B lymphocytes. The activities of IL-4 in nonprimate, nonmurine systems are not well established. Herein, we demonstrate in the bovine system that IL-4 upregulates production of IgM, IgG1, and IgE in the presence of a variety of costimulators including anti-IgM, Staphylococcus aureus cowan strain I, and pokeweed mitogen. IgE responses are potentiated by the addition of IL-2 to IL-4. Culture of bovine B lymphocytes with IL-4 in the absence of additional costimulators resulted in the increased surface expression of CD23 (low-affinity Fc epsilon RII), IgM, IL-2R, and MHC class II in a dose-dependent manner. IL-4 alone increased basal levels of proliferation of bulk peripheral blood mononuclear cells but in the presence of Con A inhibited proliferation. In contrast to the activities of IL-4 in the murine system, proliferation of TH1- and TH2-like clones was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner as assessed by antigen-or IL-2-driven in vitro proliferative responses. These observations are consistent with the role of IL-4 as a key player in regulation of both T and B cell responses.


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IRT1 and IRT2 are members of the Arabidopsis ZIP metal transporter family that are specifically induced by iron deprivation in roots and act as heterologous suppressors of yeast mutations inhibiting iron and zinc uptake. Although IRT1 and IRT2 are thought to perform redundant functions as root-specific metal transporters, insertional inactivation of the IRT1 gene alone results in typical symptoms of iron deficiency causing severe leaf chlorosis and lethality in soil. The irt1 mutation is characterized by specific developmental defects, including a drastic reduction of chloroplast thylakoid stacking into grana and lack of palisade parenchyma differentiation in leaves, reduced number of vascular bundles in stems, and irregular patterns of enlarged endodermal and cortex cells in roots. Pulse labeling with 59Fe through the root system shows that the irt1 mutation reduces iron accumulation in the shoots. Short-term labeling with 65Zn reveals no alteration in spatial distribution of zinc, but indicates a lower level of zinc accumulation. In comparison to wild-type, the irt1 mutant responds to iron and zinc deprivation by altered expression of certain zinc and iron transporter genes, which results in the activation of ZIP1 in shoots, reduction of ZIP2 transcript levels in roots, and enhanced expression of IRT2 in roots. These data support the conclusion that IRT1 is an essential metal transporter required for proper development and regulation of iron and zinc homeostasis in Arabidopsis.


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Current methods to characterize mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are limited to CD marker expression, plastic adherence and their ability to differentiate into adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic precursors. It seems evident that stem cells undergoing differentiation should differ in many aspects, such as morphology and possibly also behaviour; however, such a correlation has not yet been exploited for fate prediction of MSCs. Primary human MSCs from bone marrow were expanded and pelleted to form high-density cultures and were then randomly divided into four groups to differentiate into adipogenic, osteogenic chondrogenic and myogenic progenitor cells. The cells were expanded as heterogeneous and tracked with time-lapse microscopy to record cell shape, using phase-contrast microscopy. The cells were segmented using a custom-made image-processing pipeline. Seven morphological features were extracted for each of the segmented cells. Statistical analysis was performed on the seven-dimensional feature vectors, using a tree-like classification method. Differentiation of cells was monitored with key marker genes and histology. Cells in differentiation media were expressing the key genes for each of the three pathways after 21 days, i.e. adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic, which was also confirmed by histological staining. Time-lapse microscopy data were obtained and contained new evidence that two cell shape features, eccentricity and filopodia (= 'fingers') are highly informative to classify myogenic differentiation from all others. However, no robust classifiers could be identified for the other cell differentiation paths. The results suggest that non-invasive automated time-lapse microscopy could potentially be used to predict the stem cell fate of hMSCs for clinical application, based on morphology for earlier time-points. The classification is challenged by cell density, proliferation and possible unknown donor-specific factors, which affect the performance of morphology-based approaches. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Hematopoietic cells uniquely express G(alpha16), a G protein alpha-subunit of the G(q)-type. G(alpha16) is obligatory for P2Y2 receptor-dependent Ca2+-mobilization in human erythroleukemia cells and induces hematopoietic cell differentiation. We tested whether P2Y2 receptors physically interact with G(alpha16). Receptor and G protein were fused to cyan (CFP) and yellow (YFP) variants of the green fluorescent protein (GFP), respectively. When expressed in K562 leukemia cells, the fusion proteins were capable of triggering a Ca2+-signal upon receptor stimulation, demonstrating their functional integrity. In fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements using confocal microscopy, a strong FRET signal from the plasma membrane region of fixed, resting cells was detected when the receptor was co-expressed with the G protein as the FRET acceptor, as well as when the CFP-tagged receptor was co-expressed with receptor fused to YFP. We conclude that, under resting conditions, G(alpha16) and P2Y2 receptors form constitutive complexes, and that the P2Y2 receptor is present as an oligomer.


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The homeodomain-only protein (HOP) contains an atypical homeodomain which is unable to bind to DNA due to mutations in residues important for DNA binding. Recently, HOP was reported to regulate proliferation/differentiation homeostasis in different cell types. In the present study, we performed transcriptional profiling of cultured primary human keratinocytes and noted a robust induction of HOP upon calcium-induced cell differentiation. Immunohistochemistry of human skin localized HOP to the granular layer in the epidermis. Overexpression of HOP using a lentiviral vector up-regulated FLG and LOR expression during keratinocyte differentiation. Conversely, decreasing HOP expression using small interfering RNA markedly reduced the calcium-induced expression of late markers of differentiation in vitro, with the most prominent effect on profilaggrin (FLG) mRNA. Moreover, mRNA levels of profilaggrin and loricrin were downregulated in the epidermis of HOP knockout mice. Analysis of skin disorders revealed altered HOP expression in lichen planus, psoriasis and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Our data indicate that HOP is a novel modulator of late terminal differentiation in keratinocytes.


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The central nervous system (CNS) has long been regarded as an immune privileged organ implying that the immune system avoids the CNS to not disturb its homeostasis, which is critical for proper function of neurons. Meanwhile, it is accepted that immune cells do in fact gain access to the CNS and that immune responses can be mounted within this tissue. However, the unique CNS microenvironment strictly controls these immune reactions starting with tightly controlling immune cell entry into the tissue. The endothelial blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the epithelial blood-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier, which protect the CNS from the constantly changing milieu within the bloodstream, also strictly control immune cell entry into the CNS. Under physiological conditions, immune cell migration into the CNS is kept at a very low level. In contrast, during a variety of pathological conditions of the CNS such as viral or bacterial infections, or during inflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis, immunocompetent cells readily traverse the BBB and likely also the choroid plexus and subsequently enter the CNS parenchyma or CSF spaces. This chapter summarizes our current knowledge of immune cell entry across the blood CNS barriers. A large body of the currently available information on immune cell entry into the CNS has been derived from studying experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model for multiple sclerosis. Therefore, most of this chapter discussing immune cell entry during CNS pathogenesis refers to observations in the EAE model, allowing for the possibility that other mechanisms of immune cell entry into the CNS might apply under different pathological conditions such as bacterial meningitis or stroke.


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In this study, we investigated if monolayer expansion of adult human articular chondrocytes (AHAC) on specific substrates regulates cell phenotype and post-expansion multilineage differentiation ability. AHAC isolated from cartilage biopsies of five donors were expanded on plastic dishes (PL), on dishes coated with collagen type II (COL), or on slides coated with a ceramic material (Osteologic, OS). The phenotype of expanded chondrocytes was assessed by flow cytometry and real-time RT-PCR. Cells were then cultured in previously established conditions promoting differentiation toward the chondrogenic or osteogenic lineage. AHAC differentiation was assessed histologically, biochemically, and by real-time RT-PCR. As compared to PL-expanded AHAC, those expanded on COL did not exhibit major phenotypic changes, whereas OS-expanded cells expressed (i) higher bone sialoprotein (BSP) (22.6-fold) and lower collagen type II (9.3-fold) mRNA levels, and (ii) lower CD26, CD90 and CD140 surface protein levels (1.4-11.1-fold). Following chondrogenic differentiation, COL-expanded AHAC expressed higher mRNA levels of collagen type II (2.3-fold) and formed tissues with higher glycosaminoglycan (GAG) contents (1.7-fold), whereas OS-expanded cells expressed 16.5-fold lower collagen type II and generated pellets with 2.0-fold lower GAG contents. Following osteogenic differentiation, OS-expanded cells expressed higher levels of BSP (3.9-fold) and collagen type I (2.8-fold) mRNA. In summary, AHAC expansion on COL or OS modulated the de-differentiated cell phenotype and improved the cell differentiation capacity respectively toward the chondrogenic or osteogenic lineage. Phenotypic changes induced by AHAC expansion on specific substrates may mimic pathophysiological events occurring at different stages of osteoarthritis and may be relevant for the engineering of osteochondral tissues.


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BACKGROUND: Stem cells with the ability to form clonal floating colonies (spheres) were recently isolated from the neonatal murine spiral ganglion. To further examine the features of inner ear-derived neural stem cells and their derivatives, we investigated the effects of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a neurokine that has been shown to promote self-renewal of other neural stem cells and to affect neural and glial cell differentiation. RESULTS: LIF-treatment led to a dose-dependent increase of the number of neurons and glial cells in cultures of sphere-derived cells. Based on the detection of developmental and progenitor cell markers that are maintained in LIF-treated cultures and the increase of cycling nestin-positive progenitors, we propose that LIF maintains a pool of neural progenitor cells. We further provide evidence that LIF increases the number of nestin-positive progenitor cells directly in a cell cycle-independent fashion, which we interpret as an acceleration of neurogenesis in sphere-derived progenitors. This effect is further enhanced by an anti-apoptotic action of LIF. Finally, LIF and the neurotrophins BDNF and NT3 additively promote survival of stem cell-derived neurons. CONCLUSION: Our results implicate LIF as a powerful tool to control neural differentiation and maintenance of stem cell-derived murine spiral ganglion neuron precursors. This finding could be relevant in cell replacement studies with animal models featuring spiral ganglion neuron degeneration. The additive effect of the combination of LIF and BDNF/NT3 on stem cell-derived neuronal survival is similar to their effect on primary spiral ganglion neurons, which puts forward spiral ganglion-derived neurospheres as an in vitro model system to study aspects of auditory neuron development.


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PURPOSE: We examined the role of annexins in bladder urothelium. We characterized expression and distribution in normal bladders, biopsies from patients with bladder pain syndrome, cultured human urothelium and urothelial TEU-2 cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Annexin expression in bladder layers was analyzed by quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and immunofluorescence. We assessed cell survival after exposure to the pore forming bacterial toxin streptolysin O by microscopy and alamarBlue® assay. Bladder dome biopsies were obtained from 8 asymptomatic controls and 28 patients with symptoms of bladder pain syndrome. RESULTS: Annexin A1, A2, A5 and A6 were differentially distributed in bladder layers. Annexin A6 was abundant in detrusor smooth muscle and low in urothelium, while annexin A1 was the highest in urothelium. Annexin A2 was localized to the lateral membrane of umbrella cells but excluded from tight junctions. TEU-2 cell differentiation caused up-regulation of annexin A1 and A2 and down-regulation of annexin A6 mRNA. Mature urothelium dedifferentiation during culture caused the opposite effect, decreasing annexin A1 and increasing annexin A6. Annexin A2 influenced TEU-2 cell epithelial permeability. siRNA mediated knockdown of annexin A1 in TEU-2 cells caused significantly decreased cell survival after streptolysin O exposure. Annexin A1 was significantly reduced in biopsies from patients with bladder pain syndrome. CONCLUSIONS: Several annexins are expressed in human bladder and TEU-2 cells, in which levels are regulated during urothelial differentiation. Annexin A1 down-regulation in patients with bladder pain syndrome might decrease cell survival and contribute to compromised urothelial function.


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OBJECTIVES Recent studies suggest that a combination of enamel matrix derivative (EMD) with grafting material may improve periodontal wound healing/regeneration. Newly developed calcium phosphate (CaP) ceramics have been demonstrated a viable synthetic replacement option for bone grafting filler materials. AIMS This study aims to test the ability for EMD to adsorb to the surface of CaP particles and to determine the effect of EMD on downstream cellular pathways such as adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation of primary human osteoblasts and periodontal ligament (PDL) cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS EMD was adsorbed onto CaP particles and analyzed for protein adsorption patterns via scanning electron microscopy and high-resolution immunocytochemistry with an anti-EMD antibody. Cell attachment and cell proliferation were quantified using CellTiter 96 One Solution Cell Assay (MTS). Cell differentiation was analyzed using real-time PCR for genes encoding Runx2, alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, and collagen1α1, and mineralization was assessed using alizarin red staining. RESULTS Analysis of cell attachment revealed significantly higher number of cells attached to EMD-adsorbed CaP particles when compared to control and blood-adsorbed samples. EMD also significantly increased cell proliferation at 3 and 5 days post-seeding. Moreover, there were significantly higher mRNA levels of osteoblast differentiation markers including collagen1α1, alkaline phosphatase, and osteocalcin in osteoblasts and PDL cells cultured on EMD-adsorbed CaP particles at various time points. CONCLUSION The present study suggests that the addition of EMD to CaP grafting particles may influence periodontal regeneration by stimulating PDL cell and osteoblast attachment, proliferation, and differentiation. Future in vivo and clinical studies are required to confirm these findings. CLINICAL RELEVANCE The combination of EMD and CaP may represent an option for regenerative periodontal therapy in advanced intrabony defects.


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Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is characterized by the accumulation of immature blood cell precursors in the bone marrow. Pharmacologically overcoming the differentiation block in this condition is an attractive therapeutic avenue, which has achieved success only in a subtype of AML, acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Attempts to emulate this success in other AML subtypes have thus far been unsuccessful. Autophagy is a conserved protein degradation pathway with important roles in mammalian cell differentiation, particularly within the hematopoietic system. In the study described here, we investigated the functional importance of autophagy in APL cell differentiation. We found that autophagy is increased during all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA)-induced granulocytic differentiation of the APL cell line NB4 and that this is associated with increased expression of LC3II and GATE-16 proteins involved in autophagosome formation. Autophagy inhibition, using either drugs (chloroquine/3-methyladenine) or short-hairpin RNA targeting the essential autophagy gene ATG7, attenuates myeloid differentiation. Importantly, we found that enhancing autophagy promotes ATRA-induced granulocytic differentiation of an ATRA-resistant derivative of the non-APL AML HL60 cell line (HL60-Diff-R). These data support the development of strategies to stimulate autophagy as a novel approach to promote differentiation in AML.


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OBJECTIVES Bone replacement grafting materials play an important role in regenerative dentistry. Despite a large array of tested bone-grafting materials, little information is available comparing the effects of bone graft density on in vitro cell behavior. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to compare the effects of cells seeded on bone grafts at low and high density in vitro for osteoblast adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation. MATERIALS AND METHODS The response of osteoblasts to the presence of a growth factor (enamel matrix derivative, (EMD)) in combination with low (8 mg per well) or high (100 mg per well) bone grafts (BG; natural bone mineral, Bio-Oss®) density, was studied and compared for osteoblast cell adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation as assessed by real-time PCR. Standard tissue culture plastic was used as a control with and without EMD. RESULTS The present study demonstrates that in vitro testing of bone-grafting materials is largely influenced by bone graft seeding density. Osteoblast adhesion was up to 50 % lower when cells were seeded on high-density BG when compared to low-density BG and control tissue culture plastic. Furthermore, proliferation was affected in a similar manner whereby cell proliferation on high-density BG (100 mg/well) was significantly increased when compared to that on low-density BG (8 mg/well). In contrast, cell differentiation was significantly increased on high-density BG as assessed by real-time PCR for markers collagen 1 (Col 1), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and osteocalcin (OC) as well as alizarin red staining. The effects of EMD on osteoblast adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation further demonstrated that the bone graft seeding density largely controls in vitro results. EMD significantly increased cell attachment only on high-density BG, whereas EMD was able to further stimulate cell proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts on control culture plastic and low-density BG when compared to high-density BG. CONCLUSION The results from the present study demonstrate that the in vitro conditions largely influence cell behavior of osteoblasts seeded on bone grafts and in vitro testing. CLINICAL RELEVANCE These results also illustrate the necessity for careful selection of bone graft seeding density to optimize in vitro testing and provide the clinician with a more accurate description of the osteopromotive potential of bone grafts.