16 resultados para Eosine Yellowish-(ys)

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Carotenoid-based yellowish to red plumage colors are widespread visual signals used in sexual and social communication. To understand their ultimate signaling functions, it is important to identify the proximate mechanism promoting variation in coloration. Carotenoid-based colors combine structural and pigmentary components, but the importance of the contribution of structural components to variation in pigment-based colors (i.e., carotenoid-based colors) has been undervalued. In a field experiment with great tits (Parus major), we combined a brood size manipulation with a simultaneous carotenoid supplementation in order to disentangle the effects of carotenoid availability and early growth condition on different components of the yellow breast feathers. By defining independent measures of feather carotenoid content (absolute carotenoid chroma) and background structure (background reflectance), we demonstrate that environmental factors experienced during the nestling period, namely, early growth conditions and carotenoid availability, contribute independently to variation in yellow plumage coloration. While early growth conditions affected the background reflectance of the plumage, the availability of carotenoids affected the absolute carotenoid chroma, the peak of maximum ultraviolet reflectance, and the overall shape, that is, chromatic information of the reflectance curves. These findings demonstrate that environment-induced variation in background structure contributes significantly to intraspecific variation in yellow carotenoid-based plumage coloration.


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The WHO fracture risk assessment tool FRAX® is a computer based algorithm that provides models for the assessment of fracture probability in men and women. The approach uses easily obtained clinical risk factors (CRFs) to estimate 10-year probability of a major osteoporotic fracture (hip, clinical spine, humerus or wrist fracture) and the 10-year probability of a hip fracture. The estimate can be used alone or with femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD) to enhance fracture risk prediction. FRAX® is the only risk engine which takes into account the hazard of death as well as that of fracture. Probability of fracture is calculated in men and women from age, body mass index, and dichotomized variables that comprise a prior fragility fracture, parental history of hip fracture, current tobacco smoking, ever long-term use of oral glucocorticoids, rheumatoid arthritis, other causes of secondary osteoporosis, daily alcohol consumption of 3 or more units daily. The relationship between risk factors and fracture probability was constructed using information of nine population-based cohorts from around the world. CRFs for fracture had been identified that provided independent information on fracture risk based on a series of meta-analyses. The FRAX® algorithm was validated in 11 independent cohorts with in excess of 1 million patient-years, including the Swiss SEMOF cohort. Since fracture risk varies markedly in different regions of the world, FRAX® models need to be calibrated to those countries where the epidemiology of fracture and death is known. Models are currently available for 31 countries across the world. The Swiss-specific FRAX® model was developed very soon after the first release of FRAX® in 2008 and was published in 2009, using Swiss epidemiological data, integrating fracture risk and death hazard of our country. Two FRAX®-based approaches may be used to explore intervention thresholds. They have recently been investigated in the Swiss setting. In the first approach the guideline that individuals with a fracture probability equal to or exceeding that of women with a prior fragility fracture should be considered for treatment is translated into thresholds using 10-year fracture probabilities. In that case the threshold is age-dependent and increases from 16 % at the age of 60 ys to 40 % at the age of 80 ys. The second approach is a cost-effectiveness approach. Using a FRAX®-based intervention threshold of 15 % for both, women and men 50 years and older, should permit cost-effective access to therapy to patients at high fracture probability in our country and thereby contribute to further reduce the growing burden of osteoporotic fractures.


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The intraoral lipoma is a benign, slowly growing, painless soft tissue neoplasia, which can cause esthetic or functional problems for the patient, depending on its size. All parts of the body can be affected, whereas the oral cavity is rarely involved. Clinically, the tumour often exhibits an exophytic growth pattern, a soft consistency, a broad base connected to the underlying tissue, and frequently has a reddish-yellowish colour. Instead of a superficial mucosal involvement, a deep localization in the soft tissues is also possible. Depending on the localization of the tumour, the diagnosis and the resulting therapy can turn out to be a challenge for the clinician. A clear differentiation to malign neoplasias of the fat tissues and other soft tissue expansions is essential. The following case report presents a female patient who is affected by a lipoma in the proximity of the mental nerve. The diagnostic work-up and resulting therapy including a review of the current literature are presented and discussed.


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We performed mRNA in situ hybridization for TNF-alpha and IL-1beta from infant rats with group B streptococcal meningitis. Induction of both cytokines was seen in the ependyma and the meninges at 4 h. Both cytokines were expressed in the brain parenchyma at 12 h. Induction of IL-1beta mRNA was seen in vessels within the brain cortex. Neutrophilic infiltrate at all time points examined was minimal and could not account for the observed cytokine expression.


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The new fluoroquinolone trovafloxacin was tested against a ciprofloxacin-sensitive, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strain in the rabbit model of endocarditis. Trovafloxacin was more effective than vancomycin (CFU/g of vegetation, 2.65 +/- 1.87 versus 4.54 +/- 2.80 [mean +/- standard deviation]; P < 0.05) or ampicillin-sulbactam plus rifampin (4.9 +/- 1.1 CFU/g). The addition of ampicillin-sulbactam to trovafloxacin tended to reduce titers further.


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The fluoroquinolone trovafloxacin was bactericidal (0.47 +/- 0.23 delta log10 CFU/ml x h after 10 mg/kg of body weight and 0.78 +/- 0.15 delta log10 CFU/ml x h after 30 mg/kg) in the treatment of experimental meningitis caused by a highly penicillin-resistant (MIC and minimum bactericidal concentration = 4 and 4 microg/ml) strain of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Combinations with ampicillin and rifampin were indifferent compared to single drugs.


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The present study examined the mechanism by which bacterial cell walls from two gram-positive meningeal pathogens, Streptococcus pneumoniae and the group B streptococcus, induced neuronal injury in primary cultures of rat brain cells. Cell walls from both organisms produced cellular injury to similar degrees in pure astrocyte cultures but not in pure neuronal cultures. Cell walls also induced nitric oxide production in cultures of astrocytes or microglia. When neurons were cultured together with astrocytes or microglia, the cell walls of both organisms became toxic to neurons. L-NAME, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, protected neurons from cell wall-induced toxicity in mixed cultures with glia, as did dexamethasone. In contrast, an excitatory amino acid antagonist (MK801) had no effect. Low concentrations of cell walls from either gram-positive pathogen added together with the excitatory amino acid glutamate resulted in synergistic neurotoxicity that was inhibited by L-NAME. The induction of nitric oxide production and neurotoxicity by cell walls was independent of the presence of serum, whereas endotoxin exhibited these effects only in the presence of serum. We conclude that gram-positive cell walls can cause toxicity in neurons by inducing the production of nitric oxide in astrocytes and microglia.


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Sustained high-level exposure to glutamate, an excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter, leads to neuronal death. Kynurenic acid attenuates the toxic effects of glutamate by inhibition of neuronal excitatory amino acid receptors, including the N-methyl-D-aspartate subtype. To evaluate the role of glutamate in causing neuronal injury in a rat model of meningitis due to group B streptococci, animals were treated with kynurenic acid (300 mg/kg subcutaneously once daily) or saline beginning at the time of infection. Histopathologic examination after 24-72 h showed two distinct forms of neuronal injury, areas of neuronal necrosis in the cortex and injury of dentate granule cells in the hippocampus. Animals treated with kynurenic acid showed significantly less neuronal injury (P < .03) in the cortex and the hippocampus than did untreated controls. These results suggest an important contribution of glutamate to neurotoxicity in this animal model of neonatal meningitis.


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We have characterized the pattern of brain injury in a rat model of meningitis caused by group B streptococci (GBS). Infant rats (12-14 days old; n = 69) were infected intracisternally with 10 microliters of GBS (log10(2.3) to 4.5 colony-forming units). Twenty hours later, illness was assessed clinically and cerebrospinal fluid was cultured. Animals were either immediately euthanized for brain histopathology or treated with antibiotics and examined later. Early GBS meningitis was characterized clinically by severe obtundation and seizures, and histopathologically by acute inflammation in the subarachnoid space and ventricles, a vasculopathy characterized by vascular engorgement, and neuronal injury that was most prominent in the cortex and often followed a vascular pattern. Incidence of seizures, vasculopathy and neuronal injury correlated with the inoculum size (p < 0.01). Early injury was almost completely prevented by treatment with dexamethasone. Within days after meningitis, injured areas became well demarcated and showed new cellular infiltrates. Thirty days post-infection, brain weights of infected animals treated with antibiotics were decreased compared to uninfected controls (1.39 +/- 0.18 vs 1.64 +/- 0.1 g; p < 0.05). Thus, GBS meningitis in this model caused extensive cortical neuronal injury resembling severe neonatal meningitis in humans.


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The toxicity of pneumococci and endotoxin in primary cultures of rat neurons, astrocytes, and microglia and in a human astrocyte and two human glial cell lines was determined. Heat-inactivated, rough pneumococci (up to 10(8) cfu/mL) or their cell wall (up to 50 micrograms/mL) produced dose-dependent toxicity after 48 h in microglial cells and to a lesser extent in astrocytes but not in neurons. Toxicity was similar for equivalent doses of heat-inactivated organisms and pneumococcal cell wall, but time-course experiments showed significant differences between the two stimuli. Endotoxin at concentrations of up to 5 micrograms/mL did not induce significant toxicity in any of the cells. Thus, pneumococci can induce toxicity in two brain cell types, microglia and astrocytes, and the pneumococcal cell wall appears to mediate toxicity. Direct toxic effects of bacteria on brain cells may in part be responsible for brain injury during meningitis.


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The protozoon parasite Cryptosporidium parvum is an important cause of diarrhea in farm animals, but it can also infect other animals and humans. In this case report, oocysts of Cryptosporidium spp. were microscopically detected by modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining in the feces of a 9 day old Arabian colt presented with yellowish, foul smelling, diarrhea and fever of 40 degrees C. PCR and sequencing of the isolate revealed C. parvum (bovine genotype). Hemato-chemical analysis of the foals blood revealed a marked hypogammaglobulinaemia (IgG 108mg/dl). The colt responded well to a supportive therapy and administration of plasma (until a gammaglobulin-concentration of 620 mg/dl was reached) and was released in good health from the clinic after 10 days. Follow-up testing for Cryptosporidium oocycsts remained negative. Cryptosporidiosis with life-threatening diarrhea is a rare diagnosis in foals in Switzerland. Immunodeficiency increases the risk for cryptosporidiosis. We hypothesize that the low concentration of gammaglobulins together with the weak INF-gamma response normally observed in young foals may have favored the clinical manifestation with diarrhea. Foals with diarrhea should be screened for cryptosporidia with specific tests.


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Earlier investigations have shown that 'Haemophilus somnus', 'Haemophilus agni' and 'Histophilus ovis' represent the same species. In the present investigation, the taxonomic position of this species is explored further by sequencing the 16S rRNA and rpoB genes of strains that were investigated previously by DNA-DNA hybridization. These results clearly support the allocation of this species to a novel genus within the family PASTEURELLACEAE: The phenotypic separation of Histophilus somni gen. nov., sp. nov. from other members of the family can, for most strains, be based on capnophilia, yellowish pigmentation and indole production. However, due to phenotypic variation, the use of a species-specific PCR test based on the 16S rRNA gene is included in the species description. This is justified by the high sequence similarity of the 16S rRNA gene within the species and the fact that the highest sequence similarity to any other taxon within the family is 93.4 %. The type strain, 8025(T)=ATCC 43625(T)=CCUG 36157(T), was isolated in the USA from a bovine brain with lesions of thromboembolic meningoencephalitis.


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A 5-½-month-old female Holstein-Friesian calf was presented with a history of recurring ruminal tympany and poor development. The absence of lung sounds on the right hemithorax suggested a right-sided intrathoracic pathology. Radiography and computed tomography revealed a large thin-walled cavernous lesion with a gas-fluid interface which almost completely filled the right thoracic cavity. Fluid aspirated from the lesion was clear, yellowish and odorless. These findings led to the diagnosis of a bronchogenic cyst. Thoracotomy was performed under general anesthesia. The cyst strongly adhered to the adjacent lung tissue. After removal of the free wall, the adjacent lung tissue was sealed using surgical stapling instruments, and the non-removable part of the wall was curetted and rinsed. The intensive postoperative management included antibiotic therapy, oxygen supplementation and regional lidocaine infusion. Anti-inflammatory drugs were administered for further pain control. The calf recovered well and was released from the clinic on postoperative day 11. Intra- or extrathoracic bronchogenic cysts result from abnormal budding during the embryonic development of the tracheobronchial system. Successful treatment of this calf despite the size of the lesion and the invasive character of the surgical intervention indicates that resection of bronchogenic cysts in cattle may be an option for valuable animals.