3 resultados para Educational models

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Weltweit ist eine Angleichung von Bildungsreformen zu beobachten, was im Begriff der globalen pädagogischen Reformbewegung zum Ausdruck kommt. Obwohl die Bedingungen, unter denen sich Nationalstaaten einer pädagogischen Weltkultur angleichen, in jüngster Zeit vermehrt untersucht wurden, ist über die politischen Mechanismen, die über die Rezeption globaler Modelle befinden, wenig bekannt. Anhand einer Fallstudie aus der Schweiz, deren System der direkten Demokratie besonders geeignet scheint, politische Transformationsprozesse zu untersuchen, wird die Auseinandersetzung um die Einführung der freien Schulwahl, wie sie durch verschiedene Volksinitiativen ausgelöst wurde, rekonstruiert. Die Studie zeigt, dass ein neoinstitutionalistischer Ansatz geeignet sein kann, die Rezeption globaler Reformmodelle zu erklären, sofern er um eine akteurtheoretische Perspektive ergänzt wird und die Besonderheiten des lokalen politischen Systems berücksichtigt werden. In methodischer Hinsicht ergibt sich, dass bei der Untersuchung globaler Angleichungsprozesse vier Referenzpunkte zu beachten sind, nämlich Staat, Markt, Öffentlichkeit und Wissenschaft


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Vascular surgical training currently has to cope with various challenges, including restrictions on work hours, significant reduction of open surgical training cases in many countries, an increasing diversity of open and endovascular procedures, and distinct expectations by trainees. Even more important, patients and the public no longer accept a "learning by doing" training philosophy that leaves the learning curve on the patient's side. The Vascular International (VI) Foundation and School aims to overcome these obstacles by training conventional vascular and endovascular techniques before they are applied on patients. To achieve largely realistic training conditions, lifelike pulsatile models with exchangeable synthetic arterial inlays were created to practice carotid endarterectomy and patch plasty, open abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery, and peripheral bypass surgery, as well as for endovascular procedures, including endovascular aneurysm repair, thoracic endovascular aortic repair, peripheral balloon dilatation, and stenting. All models are equipped with a small pressure pump inside to create pulsatile flow conditions with variable peak pressures of ~90 mm Hg. The VI course schedule consists of a series of 2-hour modules teaching different open or endovascular procedures step-by-step in a standardized fashion. Trainees practice in pairs with continuous supervision and intensive advice provided by highly experienced vascular surgical trainers (trainer-to-trainee ratio is 1:4). Several evaluations of these courses show that tutor-assisted training on lifelike models in an educational-centered and motivated environment is associated with a significant increase of general and specific vascular surgical technical competence within a short period of time. Future studies should evaluate whether these benefits positively influence the future learning curve of vascular surgical trainees and clarify to what extent sophisticated models are useful to assess the level of technical skills of vascular surgical residents at national or international board examinations. This article gives an overview of our experiences of >20 years of practical training of beginners and advanced vascular surgeons using lifelike pulsatile vascular surgical training models.


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The diversity of European culture is reflected in its healthcare training programs. In intensive care medicine (ICM), the differences in national training programs were so marked that it was unlikely that they could produce specialists of equivalent skills. The Competency-Based Training in Intensive Care Medicine in Europe (CoBaTrICE) program was established in 2003 as a Europe-based worldwide collaboration of national training organizations to create core competencies for ICM using consensus methodologies to establish common ground. The group's professional and research ethos created a social identity that facilitated change. The program was easily adaptable to different training structures and incorporated the voice of patients and relatives. The CoBaTrICE program has now been adopted by 15 European countries, with another 12 countries planning to adopt the training program, and is currently available in nine languages, including English. ICM is now recognized as a primary specialty in Spain, Switzerland, and the UK. There are still wide variations in structures and processes of training in ICM across Europe, although there has been agreement on a set of common program standards. The combination of a common "product specification" for an intensivist, combined with persisting variation in the educational context in which competencies are delivered, provides a rich source of research inquiry. Pedagogic research in ICM could usefully focus on the interplay between educational interventions, healthcare systems and delivery, and patient outcomes, such as including whether competency-based program are associated with lower error rates, whether communication skills training is associated with greater patient and family satisfaction, how multisource feedback might best be used to improve reflective learning and teamworking, or whether increasing the proportion of specialists trained in acute care in the hospital at weekends results in better patient outcomes.