44 resultados para Drop-In Clinics

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Stem cells of various tissues are typically defined as multipotent cells with 'self-renewal' properties. Despite the increasing interest in stem cells, surprisingly little is known about the number of times stem cells can or do divide over a lifetime. Based on telomere-length measurements of hematopoietic cells, we previously proposed that the self-renewal capacity of hematopoietic stem cells is limited by progressive telomere attrition and that such cells divide very rapidly during the first year of life. Recent studies of patients with aplastic anemia resulting from inherited mutations in telomerase genes support the notion that the replicative potential of hematopoietic stem cells is directly related to telomere length, which is indirectly related to telomerase levels. To revisit conclusions about stem cell turnover based on cross-sectional studies of telomere length, we performed a longitudinal study of telomere length in leukocytes from newborn baboons. All four individual animals studied showed a rapid decline in telomere length (approximately 2-3 kb) in granulocytes and lymphocytes in the first year after birth. After 50-70 weeks the telomere length appeared to stabilize in all cell types. These observations suggest that hematopoietic stem cells, after an initial phase of rapid expansion, switch at around 1 year of age to a different functional mode characterized by a markedly decreased turnover rate.


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Glucocorticoids (GC) are lipophilic hormones commonly used as therapeutics in acute and chronic inflammatory disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease due to their attributed anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive actions. Although the adrenal glands are the major source of endogenous GC, there is increasing evidence for the production of extra-adrenal GC in the brain, thymus, skin, vasculature, and the intestine. However, the physiological relevance of extra-adrenal-produced GC remains still ambiguous. Therefore, this review attracts attention to discuss possible biological benefits of extra-adrenal-synthesized GC, especially focusing on the impact of locally synthesized GC in the regulation of intestinal immune responses.


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The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) experienced a confined rural outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) with 69 reported cases from July to October 2014. Understanding the transmission dynamics during the outbreak can provide important information for anticipating and controlling future EVD epidemics. I fitted an EVD transmission model to previously published data of this outbreak and estimated the basic reproduction number R 0 = 5.2 (95% CI [4.0-6.7]). The model suggests that the net reproduction number Rt fell below unity 28 days (95% CI [25-34] days) after the onset of symptoms in the index case. This study adds to previous epidemiological descriptions of the 2014 EVD outbreak in DRC, and is consistent with the notion that a rapid implementation of control interventions helped reduce further spread.


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To study the effects of a milking system that partially compensates for milk flow-dependent vacuum loss compared with a standard (high-line) milking unit in a tie-stall barn, milk flow and vacuum patterns were recorded in 10 cows during machine milking with 2 milking systems in a crossover design for 7 d each. Before and after each treatment period postmilking teat condition was recorded by ultrasound cross-sectioning. Additionally, 2 methods to measure teat tissue condition were compared: longitudinal teat ultrasound cross-sectioning and teat tissue density measurements with the spring-loaded caliper (cutimeter method). The partial compensation of milk flow-dependent vacuum loss caused an elevation of the peak flow rate (4.74+/-0.08 vs. 4.29+/-0.07 kg/min) and a shorter duration of plateau (1.57+/-0.06 vs. 1.96+/-0.07 min) compared with the standard milking system. Total milk yield, duration of incline and decline of milk flow, average milk flow, time until peak flow rate, main milking time, and total milking time did not differ between treatments (overall means: 13.75+/-0.17 kg; 0.65+/-0.01 min; 2.88+/-0.09 min; 2.82+/-0.05 kg/min; 1.65+/-0.03 min; 5.23+/-0.09 min, and 5.30+/-0.10 min, respectively). The vacuum drop in the short milk tube during periods of high milk flow was less in the compensating vacuum than in the standard milking system (11+/-1.1 vs. 15+/-0.7 kPa). Teat measures as determined by ultrasound remained unchanged over the entire experimental period with both milking systems. Postmilking teat tissue measures including their recovery within 20 min after the end of milking show a correlation (0.85 and 0.71, respectively) between the methods used (ultrasound and cutimeter method). In conclusion, a more constant vacuum at the teat tip (within the short milk tube) during periods of high milk flow affected milk flow patterns, mainly increasing peak flow rate. However, the reduced vacuum loss did not increase the overall speed of milking. In addition, effects of higher vacuum stability on teat condition and udder health were not obvious.


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Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may be used in biodiversity studies and commercial tasks like traceability, paternity testing and selection for suitable genotypes. Twenty-seven SNPs were characterized and genotyped on 250 individuals belonging to eight Italian goat breeds. Multilocus genotype data were used to infer population structure and assign individuals to populations. To estimate the number of groups (K) to test in population structure analysis we used likelihood values and variance of the bootstrap samples, deriving optimal K from a drop in the likelihood and a rise in the variance plots against K.


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Low-intensity concentric (CET) and eccentric (EET) endurance-type training induce specific structural adaptations in skeletal muscle. We evaluated to which extent steady-state adaptations in transcript levels are involved in the compensatory alterations of muscle mitochondria and myofibrils with CET versus EET at a matched metabolic exercise intensity of medicated, stable coronary patients (CAD). Biopsies were obtained from vastus lateralis muscle before and after 8 weeks of CET (n=6) or EET (n=6). Transcript levels for factors involved in mitochondrial biogenesis (PGC-1alpha, Tfam), mitochondrial function (COX-1, COX-4), control of contractile phenotype (MyHC I, IIa, IIx) as well as mechanical stress marker (IGF-I) were quantified using an reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction approach. After 8 weeks of EET, a reduction of the COX-4 mRNA level by 41% and a tendency for a drop in Tfam transcript concentration (-33%, P=0.06) was noted. This down-regulation corresponded to a drop in total mitochondrial volume density. MyHC-IIa transcript levels were specifically decreased after EET, and MyHC-I mRNA showed a trend towards a reduction (P=0.08). Total fiber cross-sectional area was not altered. After CET and EET, the IGF-I mRNA level was significantly increased. The PGC-1alpha significantly correlated with Tfam, and both PGC-1alpha and Tfam significantly correlated with COX-1 and COX-4 mRNAs. Post-hoc analysis identified significant interactions between the concurrent medication and muscular transcript levels as well as fiber size. Our findings support the concept that specific transcriptional adaptations mediate the divergent mitochondrial response of muscle cells to endurance training under different load condition and indicate a mismatch of processes related to muscle hypertrophy in medicated CAD patients.


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Introduction: Myotonia congenita (MC) is caused by congenital defects in the muscle chloride channel CLC-1. This study used muscle velocity recovery cycles (MVRCs) to investigate how membrane function is affected. Methods: MVRCs and responses to repetitive stimulation were compared between 18 patients with genetically confirmed MC (13 recessive, 7 dominant) and 30 age-matched normal controls. Results: MC patients exhibited increased early supernormality, but treatment with sodium channel blockers prevented this. After multiple conditioning stimuli, late supernormality was enhanced in all MC patients, indicating delayed repolarization. These abnormalities were similar between the MC subtypes, but recessive patients showed a greater drop in amplitude during repetitive stimulation. Discussion: MVRCs indicate that chloride conductance only becomes important when muscle fibers are depolarized. The differential responses to repetitive stimulation suggest that in dominant MC the affected chloride channels are activated by strong depolarization, consistent with a positive shift of the CLC-1 activation curve. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Arguably, job satisfaction is one of the most important variables with regard to work. When explaining job satisfaction, research usually focuses on predictor variables in terms of levels but neglects growth rates. Therefore it remains unclear how potential predictors evolve over time and how their development affects job satisfaction. Using multivariate latent growth modeling in a study with 1145 young workers over five years, we analyzed how well job satisfaction is predicted a) by levels of situational (i.e., job control) and dispositional (i.e., Core Self-Evaluations (CSE)) factors and b) by growth per year of these predictors. Results showed both intercepts and slopes to be related to each other, suggesting a joint growth of job control and CSE during early careers. Job satisfaction after five years was best predicted by the slopes of job control (β = .31, p < .001) and CSE (β = .34, p < .01). These findings provide further longitudinal evidence for the role of situational as well as dispositional factors for predicting job satisfaction. In addition, growth rates per year were better predictors than initial levels. Furthermore, a lack of change in job control or CSE went along with a drop in job satisfaction, implying that young workers need to perceive things to be improving in order to increase, or at least maintain, their level of job satisfaction. In terms of theory, the relative importance of levels versus changes deserves more attention. In terms of practical implications, our results suggest a double emphasis on job design (i.e., granting sufficient, and increasing, control) and on personal development (e.g., through training) so that people experience a match between both. Finally, negative associations between initial levels and growth rates suggest that people are quite successful in achieving a reasonable fit between their job characteristics and their needs and goals.


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The WHO announced diabetes mellitus as one of the main threats to human health in the 21st century. In children and adolescents the prevalence of both the autoimmune type 1 and the obesity-related type 2 diabetes is increasing. Common to all types of diabetes is an absolute or relative lack of insulin to keep glucose homeostasis under control. Thus children and adolescents with newly diagnosed diabetes present with hyperglycemia which is often accompanied by ketoacidosis bearing the risk of cerebral edema. Children and adolescents with known diabetes treated with insulin or orale antidiabetic agents may also suffer from hyperglycemia or even ketoacidosis during times of non-compliance with diet and drugs or during concomitant illnesses. Hyperglycemia with ketoacidosis is an emergency situation for which patients need to be admitted to the next hospital for administration of insulin, fluids and potassium. In contrast, insulin treatment in diabetic patients may also lead to a hypoglycemia, the sudden drop in blood glucose, at any moment. Thus recognition and correction of mild hypoglycemia should be familiar to every diabetic child and their caretaker. Severe hypoglycemia with or without seizures may bring the diabetic child in a sudden emergency situation for which the administration of glucagon intramuscularly or glucose intravenously is mandatory. After every severe hypoglycemia the insulin and diet regimen of the diabetic child or adolescent must be reviewed with the diabetes specialist. For unexplained hypoglycemia or major treatment adjustments the diabetic child or adolescent may need to be readmitted to the diabetic ward of a hospital to avoid repeat, potentially life-threatening hypoglycemia.


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Despite the fact that bone mineral density (BMD) is an important fracture risk predictor in human medicine, studies in equine orthopedic research are still lacking. We hypothesized that BMD correlates with bone failure and fatigue fractures of this bone. Thus, the objectives of this study were to measure the structural and mechanical properties of the proximal phalanx with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), to correlate the data obtained from DXA and computer tomography (CT) measurements to those obtained by loading pressure examination and to establish representative region of interest (ROI) for in vitro BMD measurements of the equine proximal phalanx for predicting bone failure force. DXA was used to measure the whole bone BMD and additional three ROI sites in 14 equine proximal phalanges. Following evaluation of the bone density, whole bone, cortical width and area in the mid-diaphyseal plane were measured on CT images. Bones were broken using a manually controlled universal bone crusher to measure bone failure force and reevaluated for the site of fractures on follow-up CT images. Compressive load was applied at a constant displacement rate of 2 mm/min until failure, defined as the first clear drop in the load measurement. The lowest BMD was measured at the trabecular region (mean +/- SD: 1.52 +/- 0.12 g/cm2; median: 1.48 g/cm2; range: 1.38-1.83 g/cm2). There was a significant positive linear correlation between trabelcular BMD and the breaking strength (P = 0.023, r = 0.62). The trabecular region of the proximal phalanx appears to be the only significant indicator of failure of strength in vitro. This finding should be reassessed to further reveal the prognostic value of trabecular BMD in an in vivo fracture risk model.


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Traditionally, critical swimming speed has been defined as the speed when a fish can no longer propel itself forward, and is exhausted. To gain a better understanding of the metabolic processes at work during a U(crit) swim test, and that lead to fatigue, we developed a method using in vivo (31)P-NMR spectroscopy in combination with a Brett-type swim tunnel. Our data showed that a metabolic transition point is reached when the fish change from using steady state aerobic metabolism to non-steady state anaerobic metabolism, as indicated by a significant increase in inorganic phosphate levels from 0.3+/-0.3 to 9.5+/-3.4 mol g(-1), and a drop in intracellular pH from 7.48+/-0.03 to 6.81+/-0.05 in muscle. This coincides with the point when the fish change gait from subcarangiform swimming to kick-and-glide bursts. As the number of kicks increased, so too did the Pi concentration, and the pH(i) dropped. Both changes were maximal at U(crit). A significant drop in Gibbs free energy change of ATP hydrolysis from -55.6+/-1.4 to -49.8+/-0.7 kJ mol(-1) is argued to have been involved in fatigue. This confirms earlier findings that the traditional definition of U(crit), unlike other critical points that are typically marked by a transition from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism, is the point of complete exhaustion of both aerobic and anaerobic resources.


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Chapter 1 gives an overview about Streptococcus pneumoniae, its role as a human pathogen and its virulence factors. Additionally, biofilm development and its relevance in clinics are introduced, and the innate immune response to pneumococcus as well as bacterial-viral interactions in the upper respiratory tract are also discussed. Chapter 2 emphasizes the three main topics of this thesis: the role of capsule and pneumolysin in the immune response in the respiratory tract, biofilm formation of S. pneumoniae serotypes and commensal streptococci in vitro, and host innate immune responses to RSV and S. pneumoniae during in vitro co-infections. Aims and hypotheses are provided here. Chapter 3 is divided into two parts: First, the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokines CXCL8 and IL-6 from the human pharyngeal epithelial cell line Detroit 562 and from human bronchial epithelial cells (iHBEC) is described in response to S. pneumoniae. Capsule was shown to suppress the release of both cytokines in both cell lines tested, but release was much less from iHBEC cells. During intranasal colonization of mice, suppression of CXCL8 release by the capsule was also observed in vivo, but the effect was only measured in the absence of pneumolysin. Long term, stable nasopharyngeal carriage in a mouse model resulted in the dissemination of nonencapsulated pneumococci into the lungs, whereas encapsulated strains remained in the nasopharynx. The S. pneumoniae capsule thus plays a role in modulation of the pro-inflammatory immune response in the respiratory tract. Second, results on immunological cells and immune regulation in a long term, stable nasopharyngeal carriage mouse model are presented. Mice were infected with encapsulated or nonencapsulated pneumococcal strains, and after 1, 3, 8 and 15 days, were sacrificed to evaluate the numbers of CD45+ cells, neutrophils, macrophages, FoxP3+ regulatory T-cells and CD3+ T-cells in the nasal mucosa as well as the amount of secreted IL-10 in the nasopharynx. Nasopharyngeal colonization which is effectively silent resulted in the stimulation of FoxP3+ regulatory T-cells and IL-10 release associated with immune homeostasis, whereas lung infiltration was required to increase the number of neutrophils and macrophages resulting in a stronger innate immune response in the nasal mucosa. Chapter 4 contains results of mono- and co-stimulation using RSV and pneumococci or pneumococcal virulence factors on the human bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B. An increase in CXCL8 and IL-6 levels was measured for mixed stimulations of RSV and pneumococcus when encapsulated bacteria were used. Increasing pneumolysin concentrations resulted in enhanced CXCL8 levels. Priming of bronchial epithelial cells with RSV opens the door for more severe pneumococcal infections. Chapter 5 is composed of two parts: The first part describes initial biofilm formation of serotypes 6B and 7F in a static model in vitro. Biofilms of both serotypes contained SCVs, but only serotype 6B increased in SCV formation between 16 and 65h of incubation. SCV stability was tested by passaging clones in complex medium, where SCV production is not associated with advantages in growth. Serotype 6B lost the SCV phenotype indicating a fast adaptation to a changing nutritional environment. Limitations of our in vitro model are discussed. The second part is about initial biofilm formation of mixed culture growth of S. pneumoniae with commensal streptococci. Competition dominates this process. S. oralis and pneumococcus compete for nutrients, whereas mixed species growth of S. mitis or S. pseudopneumoniae with S. pneumoniae is mainly influenced by other factors. In Chapter 6 the findings of chapters 3, 4 and 5 are discussed and an outlook for further studies is provided. Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 contain the references, the acknowledgements, the curriculum vitae, the appendix and the declaration of originality.


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Photopolymerized hydrogels are commonly used for a broad range of biomedical applications. As long as the polymer volume is accessible, gels can easily be hardened using light illumination. However, in clinics, especially for minimally invasive surgery, it becomes highly challenging to control photopolymerization. The ratios between polymerization- volume and radiating-surface-area are several orders of magnitude higher than for ex-vivo settings. Also tissue scattering occurs and influences the reaction. We developed a Monte Carlo model for photopolymerization, which takes into account the solid/liquid phase changes, moving solid/liquid-boundaries and refraction on these boundaries as well as tissue scattering in arbitrarily designable tissue cavities. The model provides a tool to tailor both the light probe and the scattering/absorption properties of the photopolymer for applications such as medical implants or tissue replacements. Based on the simulations, we have previously shown that by adding scattering additives to the liquid monomer, the photopolymerized volume was considerably increased. In this study, we have used bovine intervertebral disc cavities, as a model for spinal degeneration, to study photopolymerization in-vitro. The cavity is created by enzyme digestion. Using a custom designed probe, hydrogels were injected and photopolymerized. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and visual inspection tools were employed to investigate the successful photopolymerization outcomes. The results provide insights for the development of novel endoscopic light-scattering polymerization probes paving the way for a new generation of implantable hydrogels.


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Recent changes in sanitary policies within the European Union (EU) concerning disposal of carcasses of domestic animals and the increase of non-natural mortality factors, such as illegal poisoning, are threatening European vultures. However, the effects of anthropogenic activities on demographic parameters are poorly studied. Using a long-term study (1994–2011) of the threatened Pyrenean Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus population, we assess the variation in the proportion of breeding pairs, egg-laying dates, clutch size, breeding success, and survival following a sharp reduction in food availability in 2005 due to the application of restrictive sanitary policies decreasing livestock carcass availability. We found a delay in laying dates and a regressive trend in clutch size, breeding success, and survival following policy change. The maintenance of specific supplementary feeding stations for Bearded Vultures probably reduced the negative effects of illegal poisoning and food shortages, which mainly affected subadult survival. A drop in food availability may have produced changes in demographic parameters and an increase in mortality due to an increased exposure to contaminated food. As a result, supplementary feeding as a precautionary measure can be a useful tool to reduce illegal poisoning and declines in demographic parameters until previous food availability scenarios are achieved. This study shows how anthropogenic activities through human health regulations that affect habitat quality can suddenly modify demographic parameters in long-lived species, including those, such as survival, with high sensitivity to population growth rate.


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Cancer is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide and the variability in disease patterns calls for patient-specific treatment. Therefore, personalized treatment is expected to become a daily routine in prospective clinical tests. In addition to genetic mutation analysis, predictive chemosensitive assays using patient's cells will be carried out as a decision making tool. However, prior to their widespread application in clinics, several challenges linked to the establishment of such assays need to be addressed. To best predict the drug response in a patient, the cellular environment needs to resemble that of the tumor. Furthermore, the formation of homogeneous replicates from a scarce amount of patient's cells is essential to compare the responses under various conditions (compound and concentration). Here, we present a microfluidic device for homogeneous spheroid formation in eight replicates in a perfused microenvironment. Spheroid replicates from either a cell line or primary cells from adenocarcinoma patients were successfully created. To further mimic the tumor microenvironment, spheroid co-culture of primary lung cancer epithelial cells and primary pericytes were tested. A higher chemoresistance in primary co-culture spheroids compared to primary monoculture spheroids was found when both were constantly perfused with cisplatin. This result is thought to be due to the barrier created by the pericytes around the tumor spheroids. Thus, this device can be used for additional chemosensitivity assays (e.g. sequential treatment) of patient material to further approach the personalized oncology field.