7 resultados para Discriminations conditionelles
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
OBJECTIVES: To determine the clinical performance of a laser fluorescence device (DIAGNOdent pen, KaVo) to discriminate between different occlusal caries depths (D(0)-D(1-4); D(0-2)-D(3,4)) in permanent molars. METHODS: In this prospective, randomized two-centre-study 120 sound/uncavitated carious sites in 120 patients were measured after visual and radiographic caries assessment. In cases of operative intervention (n=86), the lesion depths after caries removal were recorded (reference). In cases of preventive intervention (n=34), the sites were reassessed visually/radiographically after 12 months to verify the status assessed before (reference). The discrimination performance was determined statistically (Mann-Whitney test, Spearman's rho coefficient, and areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUCs)). Sensitivities (SE) and specificities (SP) were plotted as a function of the measured values and cut-off values for the mentioned thresholds suggested. RESULTS: Sound sites (n=13) had significantly minor fluorescence values than carious sites (n=107) (P<0.0001) as had sites with no/enamel caries (n=63) compared to dentinal caries (n=57). The AUCs for the same discriminations were 0.92 and 0.78 (P<0.001). For the D(0)-D(1-4) threshold, a cut-off at a value of 12 (SE: 0.88, SP: 0.85) and for the D(0-2)-D(3,4) threshold at 25 (SE: 0.67, SP: 0.79) can be suggested. A moderate positive correlation between the measurements and the caries depths was calculated (rho=+0.57, P=0.01). CONCLUSION: Within this study, the device's discrimination performance for different caries depths was moderate to very good and it may be recommended as adjunct tool in the diagnosis of occlusal caries.
Aim of this paper is to evaluate the diagnostic contribution of various types of texture features in discrimination of hepatic tissue in abdominal non-enhanced Computed Tomography (CT) images. Regions of Interest (ROIs) corresponding to the classes: normal liver, cyst, hemangioma, and hepatocellular carcinoma were drawn by an experienced radiologist. For each ROI, five distinct sets of texture features are extracted using First Order Statistics (FOS), Spatial Gray Level Dependence Matrix (SGLDM), Gray Level Difference Method (GLDM), Laws' Texture Energy Measures (TEM), and Fractal Dimension Measurements (FDM). In order to evaluate the ability of the texture features to discriminate the various types of hepatic tissue, each set of texture features, or its reduced version after genetic algorithm based feature selection, was fed to a feed-forward Neural Network (NN) classifier. For each NN, the area under Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves (Az) was calculated for all one-vs-all discriminations of hepatic tissue. Additionally, the total Az for the multi-class discrimination task was estimated. The results show that features derived from FOS perform better than other texture features (total Az: 0.802+/-0.083) in the discrimination of hepatic tissue.
Depuis 2011, la crise syrienne et ses conséquences sur la population des quelque 500 000 réfugiés palestiniens qui y résident a fait rejaillir la vulnérabilité de cette population dans l’ensemble des pays du Moyen-Orient depuis son exode de 1948. Loin des discriminations sociales et économiques dont ils ont été les victimes dans certains pays voisins, comme au Liban, les réfugiés palestiniens se sont vus assurer en Syrie un accès sans entraves particulières à tous les secteurs de l’instruction publique ainsi qu’au marché du travail local. Mais la rébellion syrienne et la guerre civile qui s’en est suivie depuis 2011 les a ramenés à leur condition première : un peuple apatride, otage du conflit en cours, dépourvu d’une réelle protection étatique et exclu du système universel de protection des réfugiés mis en place par les Nations unies au début des années 1950.
Based on systematically prepared data and indicators, the Social Report 2012 informs about the current status and development trends in the Swiss society. This issue focuses on intergenerational relationships: How, for example, are intergenerational transfers carried out and what are they caused by? Does different cultural behaviour depend on the age group or do other social differences play a role? Do age-specific discriminations exist? Are young adults less politically involved than their parents? What impact has the demographic development of recent years had on the geographic structure? In addition to a selection of 75 indicators on these and other subjects, the Social Report contains five analytically oriented in-depth articles that are written from the perspective of the generational issue and which are dedicated to the following individual aspects: Equality of opportunities, cultural behaviour, age-specific discrimination, political involvement and the spatial reflection of the demographic changes. The Social Report 2012 is rooted in the tradition of the earlier issues of 2000, 2004 and 2008, which have been completely updated and supplemented with additional indicators. All the data are graphically presented and available in electronic form on this website. The five in-depth articles and all the short commentaries on the indicators were completely rewritten.
OBJECTIVES The objectives of the present study were to investigate temporal/spectral sound-feature processing in preschool children (4 to 7 years old) with peripheral hearing loss compared with age-matched controls. The results verified the presence of statistical learning, which was diminished in children with hearing impairments (HIs), and elucidated possible perceptual mediators of speech production. DESIGN Perception and production of the syllables /ba/, /da/, /ta/, and /na/ were recorded in 13 children with normal hearing and 13 children with HI. Perception was assessed physiologically through event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded by EEG in a multifeature mismatch negativity paradigm and behaviorally through a discrimination task. Temporal and spectral features of the ERPs during speech perception were analyzed, and speech production was quantitatively evaluated using speech motor maximum performance tasks. RESULTS Proximal to stimulus onset, children with HI displayed a difference in map topography, indicating diminished statistical learning. In later ERP components, children with HI exhibited reduced amplitudes in the N2 and early parts of the late disciminative negativity components specifically, which are associated with temporal and spectral control mechanisms. Abnormalities of speech perception were only subtly reflected in speech production, as the lone difference found in speech production studies was a mild delay in regulating speech intensity. CONCLUSIONS In addition to previously reported deficits of sound-feature discriminations, the present study results reflect diminished statistical learning in children with HI, which plays an early and important, but so far neglected, role in phonological processing. Furthermore, the lack of corresponding behavioral abnormalities in speech production implies that impaired perceptual capacities do not necessarily translate into productive deficits.