26 resultados para Dalton

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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The response of atmospheric chemistry and dynamics to volcanic eruptions and to a decrease in solar activity during the Dalton Minimum is investigated with the fully coupled atmosphere–ocean chemistry general circulation model SOCOL-MPIOM (modeling tools for studies of SOlar Climate Ozone Links-Max Planck Institute Ocean Model) covering the time period 1780 to 1840 AD. We carried out several sensitivity ensemble experiments to separate the effects of (i) reduced solar ultra-violet (UV) irradiance, (ii) reduced solar visible and near infrared irradiance, (iii) enhanced galactic cosmic ray intensity as well as less intensive solar energetic proton events and auroral electron precipitation, and (iv) volcanic aerosols. The introduced changes of UV irradiance and volcanic aerosols significantly influence stratospheric dynamics in the early 19th century, whereas changes in the visible part of the spectrum and energetic particles have smaller effects. A reduction of UV irradiance by 15%, which represents the presently discussed highest estimate of UV irradiance change caused by solar activity changes, causes global ozone decrease below the stratopause reaching as much as 8% in the midlatitudes at 5 hPa and a significant stratospheric cooling of up to 2 °C in the mid-stratosphere and to 6 °C in the lower mesosphere. Changes in energetic particle precipitation lead only to minor changes in the yearly averaged temperature fields in the stratosphere. Volcanic aerosols heat the tropical lower stratosphere, allowing more water vapour to enter the tropical stratosphere, which, via HOx reactions, decreases upper stratospheric and mesospheric ozone by roughly 4%. Conversely, heterogeneous chemistry on aerosols reduces stratospheric NOx, leading to a 12% ozone increase in the tropics, whereas a decrease in ozone of up to 5% is found over Antarctica in boreal winter. The linear superposition of the different contributions is not equivalent to the response obtained in a simulation when all forcing factors are applied during the Dalton Minimum (DM) – this effect is especially well visible for NOx/NOy. Thus, this study also shows the non-linear behaviour of the coupled chemistry-climate system. Finally, we conclude that especially UV and volcanic eruptions dominate the changes in the ozone, temperature and dynamics while the NOx field is dominated by the energetic particle precipitation. Visible radiation changes have only very minor effects on both stratospheric dynamics and chemistry.


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The aim of this work is to elucidate the impact of changes in solar irradiance and energetic particles versus volcanic eruptions on tropospheric global climate during the Dalton Minimum (DM, AD 1780–1840). Separate variations in the (i) solar irradiance in the UV-C with wavelengths λ < 250 nm, (ii) irradiance at wavelengths λ > 250 nm, (iii) in energetic particle spectrum, and (iv) volcanic aerosol forcing were analyzed separately, and (v) in combination, by means of small ensemble calculations using a coupled atmosphere–ocean chemistry–climate model. Global and hemispheric mean surface temperatures show a significant dependence on solar irradiance at λ > 250 nm. Also, powerful volcanic eruptions in 1809, 1815, 1831 and 1835 significantly decreased global mean temperature by up to 0.5 K for 2–3 years after the eruption. However, while the volcanic effect is clearly discernible in the Southern Hemispheric mean temperature, it is less significant in the Northern Hemisphere, partly because the two largest volcanic eruptions occurred in the SH tropics and during seasons when the aerosols were mainly transported southward, partly because of the higher northern internal variability. In the simulation including all forcings, temperatures are in reasonable agreement with the tree ring-based temperature anomalies of the Northern Hemisphere. Interestingly, the model suggests that solar irradiance changes at λ < 250 nm and in energetic particle spectra have only an insignificant impact on the climate during the Dalton Minimum. This downscales the importance of top–down processes (stemming from changes at λ < 250 nm) relative to bottom–up processes (from λ > 250 nm). Reduction of irradiance at λ > 250 nm leads to a significant (up to 2%) decrease in the ocean heat content (OHC) between 0 and 300 m in depth, whereas the changes in irradiance at λ < 250 nm or in energetic particles have virtually no effect. Also, volcanic aerosol yields a very strong response, reducing the OHC of the upper ocean by up to 1.5%. In the simulation with all forcings, the OHC of the uppermost levels recovers after 8–15 years after volcanic eruption, while the solar signal and the different volcanic eruptions dominate the OHC changes in the deeper ocean and prevent its recovery during the DM. Finally, the simulations suggest that the volcanic eruptions during the DM had a significant impact on the precipitation patterns caused by a widening of the Hadley cell and a shift in the intertropical convergence zone.


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We report a detailed physical analysis on a family of isolated, antiferro-magnetically (AF) coupled, chromium(III) finite chains, of general formula (Cr(RCO(2))(2)F)(n) where the chain length n = 6 or 7. Additionally, the chains are capped with a selection of possible terminating ligands, including hfac (= 1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoropentane-2,4-dionate(1-)), acac (= pentane-2,4-dionate(1-)) or (F)(3). Measurements by inelastic neutron scattering (INS), magnetometery and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy have been used to study how the electronic properties are affected by n and capping ligand type. These comparisons allowed the subtle electronic effects the choice of capping ligand makes for odd member spin 3/2 ground state and even membered spin 0 ground state chains to be investigated. For this investigation full characterisation of physical properties have been performed with spin Hamiltonian parameterisation, including the determination of Heisenberg exchange coupling constants and single ion axial and rhombic anisotropy. We reveal how the quantum spin energy levels of odd or even membered chains can be modified by the type of capping ligand terminating the chain. Choice of capping ligands enables Cr-Cr exchange coupling to be adjusted by 0, 4 or 24%, relative to Cr-Cr exchange coupling within the body of the chain, by the substitution of hfac, acac or (F)(3) capping ligands to the ends of the chain, respectively. The manipulation of quantum spin levels via ligands which play no role in super-exchange, is of general interest to the practise of spin Hamilton modelling, where such second order effects are generally not considered of relevance to magnetic properties.


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An investigation into the physical consequences of including a Jahn-Teller distorted Cu(II) ion within an antiferromagnetically coupled ring, [R(2)NH(2)][Cr(7)CuF(8)((O(2)C(t)Bu)(16))] is reported. Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic data are simulated using a microscopic spin Hamiltonian, and show that the two Cr-Cu exchange interactions must be inequivalent. One Cr-Cu exchange is found to be antiferromagnetic and the other ferromagnetic. The geometry of the Jahn-Teller elongation is deduced from these results, and shows that a Jahn-Teller elongation axis must lie in the plane of the Cr(7)Cu wheel; the elongation is not observed by X-ray crystallography, due to positional disorder of the Cu site within the wheel. An electronic structure calculation confirms the structural distortion of the Cu site.


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The explorative coordination chemistry of the bridging ligand TTF-PPB is presented. Its strong binding ability to Co(II) and then to Ni(II) or Cu(II) in the presence of hexafluoroacetylacetonate (hfac(-)), forming new mono-and dinuclear complexes 1-3, is described. X-ray crystallographic studies have been conducted in the case of the free ligand TTF-PPB as well as its complexes [Co(TTF-PPB)(hfac)(2)] (1) and [Co(hfac)(2)(mu-TTF-PPB)Ni(hfac)(2)] (2). Each metal ion is bonded to two bidentate hfac-anions through their oxygen atoms and two nitrogen atoms of the PPB moiety with a distorted octahedral coordination geometry. Specifically, nitrogen donor atoms of TTF-PPB adopt a cis-coordination but not in the equatorial plane, which is quite rare. Electronic absorption, photoinduced intraligand charge transfer ((1)ILCT), and electrochemical behaviour of 1-3 have been investigated. UV-Vis spectroscopy shows very strong bands in the UV region consistent with ligand centred pi-pi* transitions and an intense broad band in the visible region corresponding to a spin-allowed pi-pi* (1)ILCT transition. Upon coordination, the (1)ILCT band is bathochromically shifted by 3100, 6100 and 5900 cm(-1) on going from 1 to 3. The electrochemical studies reveal that all of them undergo two reversible oxidation and one reversible reduction processes, ascribed to the successive oxidations of the TTF moiety and the reduction of the PPB unit, respectively.


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We investigate the effects of a recently proposed 21st century Dalton minimum like decline of solar activity on the evolution of Earth's climate and ozone layer. Three sets of two member ensemble simulations, radiatively forced by a midlevel emission scenario (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change RCP4.5), are performed with the atmosphere-ocean chemistry-climate model AOCCM SOCOL3-MPIOM, one with constant solar activity, the other two with reduced solar activity and different strength of the solar irradiance forcing. A future grand solar minimum will reduce the global mean surface warming of 2 K between 1986–2005 and 2081–2100 by 0.2 to 0.3 K. Furthermore, the decrease in solar UV radiation leads to a significant delay of stratospheric ozone recovery by 10 years and longer. Therefore, the effects of a solar activity minimum, should it occur, may interfere with international efforts for the protection of global climate and the ozone layer.


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The synthesis and characterisation of copper(I) complexes of chiral pyridine-containing macrocyclic ligands (Pc-L*) and their use as catalysts in asymmetric cyclopropanation reactions are reported. All ligands and metal complexes were fully characterised, including crystal structures of some species determined by X-ray diffraction on single crystals. This allowed characterising the very different conformations of the macrocycles which could be induced by different substituents or by metal complexation. The strategy adopted for the ligand synthesis is very flexible allowing several structural modifications. A small library of macrocyclic ligands possessing the same donor properties but with either C-1 or C-2 symmetry was synthesized. Cyclopropane products with both aromatic and aliphatic olefins were obtained in good yields and enantiomeric excesses up to 99%.


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The newly developed atmosphere–ocean-chemistry-climate model SOCOL-MPIOM is presented by demonstrating the influence of the interactive chemistry module on the climate state and the variability. Therefore, we compare pre-industrial control simulations with (CHEM) and without (NOCHEM) interactive chemistry. In general, the influence of the chemistry on the mean state and the variability is small and mainly restricted to the stratosphere and mesosphere. The largest differences are found for the atmospheric dynamics in the polar regions, with slightly stronger northern and southern winter polar vortices in CHEM. The strengthening of the vortex is related to larger stratospheric temperature gradients, which are attributed to a parametrization of the absorption of ozone and oxygen in the Lyman-alpha, Schumann–Runge, Hartley, and Higgins bands. This effect is parametrized in the version with interactive chemistry only. A second reason for the temperature differences between CHEM and NOCHEM is related to diurnal variations in the ozone concentrations in the higher atmosphere, which are missing in NOCHEM. Furthermore, stratospheric water vapour concentrations differ substantially between the two experiments, but their effect on the temperatures is small. In both setups, the simulated intensity and variability of the northern polar vortex is inside the range of present day observations. Sudden stratospheric warming events are well reproduced in terms of their frequency, but the distribution amongst the winter months is too uniform. Additionally, the performance of SOCOL-MPIOM under changing external forcings is assessed for the period 1600–2000 using an ensemble of simulations driven by a spectral solar forcing reconstruction. The amplitude of the reconstruction is large in comparison to other state-of-the-art reconstructions, providing an upper limit for the importance of the solar signal. In the pre-industrial period (1600–1850) the simulated surface temperature trends are in reasonable agreement with temperature reconstructions, although the multi-decadal variability is more pronounced. This enhanced variability can be attributed to the variability in the solar forcing. The simulated temperature reductions during the Maunder Minimum are in the lowest probability range of the proxy records. During the Dalton Minimum, when also volcanic forcing is an important driver of temperature variations, the agreement is better. In the industrial period from 1850 onward SOCOL-MPIOM overestimates the temperature increase in comparison to observational data sets. Sensitivity simulations show that this overestimation can be attributed to the increasing trend in the solar forcing reconstruction that is used in this study and an additional warming induced by the simulated ozone changes.