em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
Pneumococcal meningitis causes apoptosis of developing neurons in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. The death of these cells is accompanied with long-term learning and memory deficits in meningitis survivors. Here, we studied the role of the PI3K/Akt (protein kinase B) survival pathway in hippocampal apoptosis in a well-characterized infant rat model of pneumococcal meningitis. Meningitis was accompanied by a significant decrease of the PI3K product phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP(3)) and of phosphorylated (i.e., activated) Akt in the hippocampus. At the cellular level, phosphorylated Akt was decreased in both the granular layer and the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus, the region where the developing neurons undergo apoptosis. Protein levels and activity of PTEN, the major antagonist of PI3K, were unaltered by infection, suggesting that the observed decrease in PIP(3) and Akt phosphorylation is a result of decreased PI3K signaling. Treatment with the PTEN inhibitor bpV(pic) restored Akt activity and significantly attenuated hippocampal apoptosis. Co-treatment with the specific PI3K inhibitor LY294002 reversed the restoration of Akt activity and attenuation of hippocampal apoptosis, while it had no significant effect on these parameters on its own. These results indicate that the inhibitory effect of bpV(pic) on apoptosis was mediated by PI3K-dependent activation of Akt, strongly suggesting that bpV(pic) acted on PTEN. Treatment with bpV(pic) also partially inhibited the concentration of bacteria and cytokines in the CSF, but this effect was not reversed by LY294002, indicating that the effect of bpV(pic) on apoptosis was independent of its effect on CSF bacterial burden and cytokine levels. These results indicate that the PI3K/Akt pathway plays an important role in the death and survival of developing hippocampal neurons during the acute phase of pneumococcal meningitis.
In vivo studies support selective neuronal vulnerability to hypoxia-ischemia (HI) in the developing brain. Since differences in intrinsic properties of neurons might be responsible, pure cultures containing immature neurons (6-8 days in vitro) isolated from mouse cortex and hippocampus, regions chosen for their marked vulnerability to oxidative stress, were studied under in vitro ischemic conditions-oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD). Twenty-four hours of reoxygenation after 2.5 h of OGD induced significantly greater cell death in hippocampal than in cortical neurons (67.8% vs. 33.4%, P = 0.0068). The expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) protein, production of nitric oxide (NO), and reactive oxygen species (ROS), as well as glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity and intracellular levels of reduced glutathione (GSH), were measured as indicators of oxidative stress. Hippocampal neurons had markedly higher nNOS expression than cortical neurons by 24 h of reoxygenation, which coincided with an increase in NO production, and significantly greater ROS accumulation. GPx activity declined significantly in hippocampal but not in cortical neurons at 4 and 24 h after OGD. The decrease in GSH level in hippocampal neurons correlated with the decline of GPx activity. Our data suggest that developing hippocampal neurons are more sensitive to OGD than cortical neurons. This finding supports our in vivo studies showing that mouse hippocampus is more vulnerable than cortex after neonatal HI. An imbalance between excess prooxidant production (increased nNOS expression, and NO and ROS production) and insufficient antioxidant defenses created by reduced GPx activity and GSH levels may, in part, explain the higher susceptibility to OGD of immature hippocampal neurons.
In the immature brain hydrogen peroxide accumulates after excitotoxic hypoxia-ischemia and is neurotoxic. Immature hippocampal neurons were exposed to N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), a glutamate agonist, and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and the effects of free radical scavenging and transition metal chelation on neurotoxicity were studied. alpha-Phenyl-N-tert.-butylnitrone (PBN), a known superoxide scavenger, attenuated both H(2)O(2) and NMDA mediated toxicity. Treatment with desferrioxamine (DFX), an iron chelator, at the time of exposure to H(2)O(2) was ineffective, but pretreatment was protective. DFX also protected against NMDA toxicity. TPEN, a metal chelator with higher affinities for a broad spectrum of transition metal ions, also protected against H(2)O(2) toxicity but was ineffective against NMDA induced toxicity. These data suggest that during exposure to free radical and glutamate agonists, the presence of iron and other free metal ions contribute to neuronal cell death. In the immature nervous system this neuronal injury can be attenuated by free radical scavengers and metal chelators.
To evaluate the role of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in neuronal injury in experimental group B streptococcal meningitis, infected neonatal rats were treated with a monoclonal antibody against TNF-alpha (20 mg/kg intraperitoneally) or saline given at the time of infection. Histopathology after 24 h showed necrosis in the cortex and apoptosis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Treated animals had significantly less hippocampal injury than did controls (P < .001) but had similar cortical injury and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) inflammation. The antibody was then administered directly intracisternally (170 microg) to test whether higher CSF concentrations reduced inflammation or cortical injury. Again, hippocampal apoptosis was significantly reduced (P < .01), while cortical injury and inflammation were not. Thus, TNF-alpha played a critical role in neuronal apoptosis in the hippocampus, while it was not essential for the development of inflammation and cortical injury in this model.
Neurons of the hippocampal dentate gyrus selectively undergo programmed cell death in patients suffering from bacterial meningitis and in experimental models of pneumococcal meningitis in infant rats. In the present study, a membrane-based organotypic slice culture system of rat hippocampus was used to test whether this selective vulnerability of neurons of the dentate gyrus could be reproduced in vitro. Apoptosis was assessed by nuclear morphology (condensed and fragmented nuclei), by immunochemistry for active caspase-3 and deltaC-APP, and by proteolytic caspase-3 activity. Co-incubation of the cultures with live pneumococci did not induce neuronal apoptosis unless cultures were kept in partially nutrient-deprived medium. Complete nutrient deprivation alone and staurosporine independently induced significant apoptosis, the latter in a dose-response way. In all experimental settings, apoptosis occurred preferentially in the dentate gyrus. Our data demonstrate that factors released by pneumococci per se failed to induce significant apoptosis in vitro. Thus, these factors appear to contribute to a multifactorial pathway, which ultimately leads to neuronal apoptosis in bacterial meningitis.
Synapses of hippocampal neurons play important roles in learning and memory processes and are involved in aberrant hippocampal function in temporal lobe epilepsy. Major neuronal types in the hippocampus as well as their input and output synapses are well known, but it has remained an open question to what extent conventional electron microscopy (EM) has provided us with the real appearance of synaptic fine structure under in vivo conditions. There is reason to assume that conventional aldehyde fixation and dehydration lead to protein denaturation and tissue shrinkage, likely associated with the occurrence of artifacts. However, realistic fine-structural data of synapses are required for our understanding of the transmission process and for its simulation. Here, we used high-pressure freezing and cryosubstitution of hippocampal tissue that was not subjected to aldehyde fixation and dehydration in ethanol to monitor the fine structure of an identified synapse in the hippocampal CA3 region, that is, the synapse between granule cell axons, the mossy fibers, and the proximal dendrites of CA3 pyramidal neurons. Our results showed that high-pressure freezing nicely preserved ultrastructural detail of this particular synapse and allowed us to study rapid structural changes associated with synaptic plasticity.
BACKGROUND: Excitotoxic neuronal injury by action of the glutamate receptors of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) subtype have been implicated in the pathogenesis of brain damage as a consequence of bacterial meningitis. The most potent and selective blocker of NMDA receptors containing the NR2B subunit is (R,S)-alpha-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-beta-methyl-4-(phenylmethyl)-1-piperid inepropanol (RO 25-6981). Here we evaluated the effect of RO 25-6981 on hippocampal neuronal apoptosis in an infant rat model of meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae. Animals were randomized for treatment with RO 25-6981 at a dosage of either 0.375 mg (15 mg/kg; n = 28) or 3.75 mg (150 mg/kg; n = 15) every 3 h or an equal volume of sterile saline (250 microl; n = 40) starting at 12 h after infection. Eighteen hours after infection, animals were assessed clinically and seizures were observed for a period of 2 h. At 24 h after infection animals were sacrificed and brains were examined for apoptotic injury to the dentate granule cell layer of the hippocampus. RESULTS: Treatment with RO 25-6981 had no effect on clinical scores, but the incidence of seizures was reduced (P < 0.05 for all RO 25-6981 treated animals combined). The extent of apoptosis was not affected by low or high doses of RO 25-6981. Number of apoptotic cells (median [range]) was 12.76 [3.16-25.3] in animals treated with low dose RO 25-6981 (control animals 13.8 [2.60-31.8]; (P = NS) and 9.8 [1.7-27.3] (controls: 10.5 [2.4-21.75]) in animals treated with high dose RO 25-6981 (P = NS). CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with a highly selective blocker of NMDA receptors containing the NR2B subunit failed to protect hippocampal neurons from injury in this model of pneumococcal meningitis, while it had some beneficial effect on the incidence of seizures.
Nitric oxide (NO) mediates a variety of physiological functions in the central nervous system and acts as an important developmental regulator. Striatal interneurons expressing neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) have been described to be relatively spared from the progressive cell loss in Huntington's disease (HD). We have recently shown that creatine, which supports the phosphagen energy system, induces the differentiation of GABAergic cells in cultured striatal tissue. Moreover, neurotrophin-4/5 (NT-4/5) has been found to promote the survival and differentiation of cultured striatal neurons. In the present study, we assessed the effects of creatine and NT-4/5 on nNOS-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons of E14 rat ganglionic eminences grown for 1 week in culture. Chronic administration of creatine [5mM], NT-4/5 [10ng/ml], or a combination of both factors significantly increased numbers of nNOS-ir neurons. NT-4/5 exposure also robustly increased levels of nNOS protein. Interestingly, only NT-4/5 and combined treatment significantly increased general viability but no effects were seen for creatine supplementation alone. In addition, NT-4/5 and combined treatment resulted in a significant larger soma size and number of primary neurites of nNOS-ir neurons while creatine administration alone exerted no effects. Double-immunolabeling studies revealed that all nNOS-ir cells co-localized with GABA. In summary, our findings suggest that creatine and NT-4/5 affect differentiation and/or survival of striatal nNOS-ir GABAergic interneurons. These findings provide novel insights into the biology of developing striatal neurons and highlight the potential of both creatine and NT-4/5 as therapeutics for HD.
Transplantation of fetal dopaminergic (DA) neurons offers an experimental therapy for Parkinson's disease (PD). The low availability and the poor survival and integration of transplanted cells in the host brain are major obstacles in this approach. Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a potent neurotrophic factor with growth- and survival-promoting capabilities for developing DA neurons. In the present study, we examined whether pretreatment of ventral mesencephalic (VM) free-floating roller tube (FFRT) cultures with GDNF would improve graft survival and function. For that purpose organotypic cultures of E14 rat VM were grown for 2, 4 or 8 days in the absence (control) or presence of GDNF [10 ng/ml] and transplanted into the striatum of 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats. While all groups of rats showed a significant reduction in d-amphetamine-induced rotations at 6 weeks posttransplantation a significantly improved graft function was observed only in the days in vitro (DIV) 4 GDNF pretreated group compared to the control group. In addition, no statistical significant differences between groups were found in the number of surviving tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir) neurons assessed at 9 weeks posttransplantation. However, a tendency for higher TH-ir fiber outgrowth from the transplants in the GDNF pretreated groups as compared to corresponding controls was observed. Furthermore, GDNF pretreatment showed a tendency for a higher number of GIRK2 positive neurons in the grafts. In sum, our findings demonstrate that GDNF pretreatment was not disadvantageous for transplants of embryonic rat VM with the FFRT culture technique but only marginally improved graft survival and function.
Neurons exploit local mRNA translation and retrograde transport of transcription factors to regulate gene expression in response to signaling events at distal neuronal ends. Whether epigenetic factors could also be involved in such regulation is not known. We report that the mRNA encoding the high-mobility group N5 (HMGN5) chromatin binding protein localizes to growth cones of both neuron-like cells and of hippocampal neurons, where it has the potential to be translated, and that HMGN5 can be retrogradely transported into the nucleus along neurites. Loss of HMGN5 function induces transcriptional changes and impairs neurite outgrowth, while HMGN5 overexpression induces neurite outgrowth and chromatin decompaction; these effects are dependent on growth cone localization of Hmgn5 mRNA. We suggest that the localization and local translation of transcripts coding for epigenetic factors couple the dynamic neuronal outgrowth process with chromatin regulation in the nucleus.
Brain trauma can disrupt synaptic connections, and this in turn can prompt axons to sprout and form new connections. If these new axonal connections are aberrant, hyperexcitability can result. It has been shown that ablating tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB), a receptor for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), can reduce axonal sprouting after hippocampal injury. However, it is unknown whether inhibiting BDNF-mediated axonal sprouting will reduce hyperexcitability. Given this, our purpose here was to determine whether pharmacologically blocking BDNF inhibits hyperexcitability after injury-induced axonal sprouting in the hippocampus. To induce injury, we made Schaffer collateral lesions in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. As reported by others, we observed a 50% reduction in axonal sprouting in cultures treated with a BDNF blocker (TrkB-Fc) 14 days after injury. Furthermore, lesioned cultures treated with TrkB-Fc were less hyperexcitable than lesioned untreated cultures. Using electrophysiology, we observed a two-fold decrease in the number of CA3 neurons that showed bursting responses after lesion with TrkB-Fc treatment, whereas we found no change in intrinsic neuronal firing properties. Finally, evoked field excitatory postsynaptic potential recordings indicated an increase in network activity within area CA3 after lesion, which was prevented with chronic TrkB-Fc treatment. Taken together, our results demonstrate that blocking BDNF attenuates injury-induced hyperexcitability of hippocampal CA3 neurons. Axonal sprouting has been found in patients with post-traumatic epilepsy. Therefore, our data suggest that blocking the BDNF-TrkB signaling cascade shortly after injury may be a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of post-traumatic epilepsy.
Bacterial meningitis causes persisting neurofunctional sequelae. Theoccurrence of apoptotic cell death in the hippocampal subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus characterizes the disease in patients and relates to deficits in learning and memory in corresponding experimental models. Here, we investigated why neurogenesis fails to regenerate the damage in the hippocampus associated with the persistence of neurofunctional deficits. In an infant rat model of bacterial meningitis, the capacity of hippocampal-derived cells to multiply and form neurospheres was significantly impaired comparedto that in uninfected littermates. In an in vitro model of differentiating hippocampal cells, challenges characteristic of bacterial meningitis (i.e. bacterial components, tumor necrosis factor [20 ng/mL], or growth factor deprivation) caused significantly more apoptosis in stem/progenitor cells and immature neurons than in mature neurons. These results demonstrate that bacterial meningitis injures hippocampal stem and progenitor cells, a finding that may explain the persistence of neurofunctional deficits after bacterial meningitis.
Calretinin (CR) and calbindin D-28k (CB) are cytosolic EF-hand Ca(2+)-binding proteins and function as Ca(2+) buffers affecting the spatiotemporal aspects of Ca(2+) transients and possibly also as Ca(2+) sensors modulating signaling cascades. In the adult hippocampal circuitry, CR and CB are expressed in specific principal neurons and subsets of interneurons. In addition, CR is transiently expressed within the neurogenic dentate gyrus (DG) niche. CR and CB expression during adult neurogenesis mark critical transition stages, onset of differentiation for CR, and the switch to adult-like connectivity for CB. Absence of either protein during these stages in null-mutant mice may have functional consequences and contribute to some aspects of the identified phenotypes. We report the impact of CR- and CB-deficiency on the proliferation and differentiation of progenitor cells within the subgranular zone (SGZ) neurogenic niche of the DG. Effects were evaluated (1) two and four weeks postnatally, during the transition period of the proliferative matrix to the adult state, and (2) in adult animals (3 months) to trace possible permanent changes in adult neurogenesis. The absence of CB from differentiated DG granule cells has no retrograde effect on the proliferative activity of progenitor cells, nor affects survival or migration/differentiation of newborn neurons in the adult DG including the SGZ. On the contrary, lack of CR from immature early postmitotic granule cells causes an early loss in proliferative capacity of the SGZ that is maintained into adult age, when it has a further impact on the migration/survival of newborn granule cells. The transient CR expression at the onset of adult neurogenesis differentiation may thus have two functions: (1) to serve as a self-maintenance signal for the pool of cells at the same stage of neurogenesis contributing to their survival/differentiation, and (2) it may contribute to retrograde signaling required for maintenance of the progenitor pool.
While having the highest vitamin C (VitC) concentrations in the body, specific functions of VitC in the brain have only recently been acknowledged. We have shown that postnatal VitC deficiency in guinea pigs causes impairment of hippocampal memory function and leads to 30% less neurons. This study investigates how prenatal VitC deficiency affects postnatal hippocampal development and if any such effect can be reversed by postnatal VitC repletion. Eighty pregnant Dunkin Hartley guinea pig dams were randomized into weight stratified groups receiving High (900 mg) or Low (100 mg) VitC per kg diet. Newborn pups (n = 157) were randomized into a total of four postnatal feeding regimens: High/High (Control); High/Low (Depleted), Low/Low (Deficient); and Low/High (Repleted). Proliferation and migration of newborn cells in the dentate gyrus was assessed by BrdU labeling and hippocampal volumes were determined by stereology. Prenatal VitC deficiency resulted in a significant reduction in postnatal hippocampal volume (P<0.001) which was not reversed by postnatal repletion. There was no difference in postnatal cellular proliferation and survival rates in the hippocampus between dietary groups, however, migration of newborn cells into the granular layer of the hippocampus dentate gyrus was significantly reduced in prenatally deficient animals (P<0.01). We conclude that a prenatal VitC deficiency in guinea pigs leads to persistent impairment of postnatal hippocampal development which is not alleviated by postnatal repletion. Our findings place attention on a yet unrecognized consequence of marginal VitC deficiency during pregnancy.
The canine distemper virus (CDV) belongs to the Morbillivirus genus which includes important human pathogens like the closely related measles virus. CDV infection can reach the nervous system where it causes serious malfunctions. Although this pathology is well described, the molecular events in brain infection are still poorly understood. Here we studied infection in vitro by CDV using a model of dissociated cell cultures from newborn rat hippocampus. We used a recombinant CDV closely related to the neurovirulent A75/17 which also expresses the enhanced green fluorescent protein. We found that infected neurons and astrocytes could be clearly detected, and that infection spreads only slowly to neighboring cells. Interestingly, this infection causes a massive cell death of neurons, which includes also non-infected neurons. Antagonists of NMDA-type or alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propinate (AMPA)-type glutamate receptors could slow down this neuron loss, indicating an involvement of the glutamatergic system in the induction of cell death in infected and non-infected cells. Finally, we show that, following CDV infection, there is a steady increase in extracellular glutamate in infected cultures. These results indicate that CDV infection induces excitotoxic insults on neurons via glutamatergic signaling.