42 resultados para Crystal-Growth Process

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Determining the formation temperature of minerals using fluid inclusions is a crucial step in understanding rock-forming scenarios. Unfortunately, fluid inclusions in minerals formed at low temperature, such as gypsum, are commonly in a metastable monophase liquid state. To overcome this problem, ultra-short laser pulses can be used to induce vapor bubble nucleation, thus creating a stable two-phase fluid inclusion appropriate for subsequent measurements of the liquid-vapor homogenization temperature, T-h. In this study we evaluate the applicability of T-h data to accurately determine gypsum formation temperatures. We used fluid inclusions in synthetic gypsum crystals grown in the laboratory at different temperatures between 40 degrees C and 80 degrees C under atmospheric pressure conditions. We found an asymmetric distribution of the T-h values, which are systematically lower than the actual crystal growth temperatures, T-g; this is due to (1) the effect of surface tension on liquid-vapor homogenization, and (2) plastic deformation of the inclusion walls due to internal tensile stress occurring in the metastable state of the inclusions. Based on this understanding, we have determined growth temperatures of natural giant gypsum crystals from Naica (Mexico), yielding 47 +/- 1.5 degrees C for crystals grown in the Cave of Swords (120 m below surface) and 54.5 +/- 2 degrees C for giant crystals grown in the Cave of Crystals (290 m below surface). These results support the earlier hypothesis that the population and the size of the Naica crystals were controlled by temperature. In addition, this experimental method opens a door to determining the growth temperature of minerals forming in low-temperature environments.


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We have recently developed a method to obtain distributed atomic polarizabilities adopting a partitioning of the molecular electron density (for example, the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules, [1]), calculated with or without an applied electric field. The procedure [2] allows to obtained atomic polarizability tensors, which are perfectly exportable, because quite representative of an atom in a given functional group. Among the many applications of this idea, the calculation of crystal susceptibility is easily available, either from a rough estimation (the polarizability of the isolated molecule is used) or from a more precise estimation (the polarizability of a molecule embedded in a cluster representing the first coordination sphere is used). Lorentz factor is applied to include the long range effect of packing, which is enhancing the molecular polarizability. Simple properties like linear refractive index or the gyration tensor can be calculated at relatively low costs and with good precision. This approach is particularly useful within the field of crystal engineering of organic/organometallic materials, because it would allow a relatively easy prediction of a property as a function of the packing, thus allowing "reverse crystal engineering". Examples of some amino acid crystals and salts of amino acids [3] will be illustrated, together with other crystallographic or non-crystallographic applications. For example, the induction and dispersion energies of intermolecular interactions could be calculated with superior precision (allowing anisotropic van der Waals interactions). This could allow revision of some commonly misunderstood intermolecular interactions, like the halogen bonding (see for example the recent remarks by Stone or Gilli [4]). Moreover, the chemical reactivity of coordination complexes could be reinvestigated, by coupling the conventional analysis of the electrostatic potential (useful only in the circumstances of hard nucleophilic/electrophilic interaction) with the distributed atomic polarizability. The enhanced reactivity of coordinated organic ligands would be better appreciated. [1] R. F. W. Bader, Atoms in Molecules: A Quantum Theory. Oxford Univ. Press, 1990. [2] A. Krawczuk-Pantula, D. Pérez, K. Stadnicka, P. Macchi, Trans. Amer. Cryst. Ass. 2011, 1-25 [3] A. S. Chimpri1, M. Gryl, L. H.R. Dos Santos1, A. Krawczuk, P. Macchi Crystal Growth & Design, in the press. [4] a) A. J. Stone, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 7005−7009; b) V. Bertolasi, P. Gilli, G. Gilli Crystal Growth & Design, 2013, 12, 4758-4770.


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Cathodoluminescence (CL) studies have previously shown that some secondary fluid inclusions in luminescent quartz are surrounded by dark, non-luminescent patches, resulting from fracture-sealing by late, trace-element-poor quartz. This finding has led to the tacit generalization that all dark CL patches indicate influx of low temperature, late-stage fluids. In this study we have examined natural and synthetic hydrothermal quartz crystals using CL imaging supplemented by in-situ elemental analysis. The results lead us to propose that all natural, liquid-water-bearing inclusions in quartz, whether trapped on former crystal growth surfaces (i.e., of primary origin) or in healed fractures (i.e., of pseudosecondary or secondary origin), are surrounded by three-dimensional, non-luminescent patches. Cross-cutting relations show that the patches form after entrapment of the fluid inclusions and therefore they are not diagnostic of the timing of fluid entrapment. Instead, the dark patches reveal the mechanism by which fluid inclusions spontaneously approach morphological equilibrium and purify their host quartz over geological time. Fluid inclusions that contain solvent water perpetually dissolve and reprecipitate their walls, gradually adopting low-energy euhedral and equant shapes. Defects in the host quartz constitute solubility gradients that drive physical migration of the inclusions over distances of tens of μm (commonly) up to several mm (rarely). Inclusions thus sequester from their walls any trace elements (e.g., Li, Al, Na, Ti) present in excess of equilibrium concentrations, thereby chemically purifying their host crystals in a process analogous to industrial zone refining. Non-luminescent patches of quartz are left in their wake. Fluid inclusions that contain no liquid water as solvent (e.g., inclusions of low-density H2O vapor or other non-aqueous volatiles) do not undergo this process and therefore do not migrate, do not modify their shapes with time, and are not associated with dark-CL zone-refined patches. This new understanding has implications for the interpretation of solids within fluid inclusions (e.g., Ti- and Al-minerals) and for the elemental analysis of hydrothermal and metamorphic quartz and its fluid inclusions by microbeam methods such as LA-ICPMS and SIMS. As Ti is a common trace element in quartz, its sequestration by fluid inclusions and its depletion in zone-refined patches impacts on applications of the Ti-in-quartz geothermometer.


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The Greenland NGRIP ice core continuously covers the period from present day back to 123 ka before present, which includes several thousand years of ice from the previous interglacial period, MIS 5e or the Eemian. In the glacial part of the core, annual layers can be identified from impurity records and visual stratigraphy, and stratigraphic layer counting has been performed back to 60 ka. In the deepest part of the core, however, the ice is close to the pressure melting point, the visual stratigraphy is dominated by crystal boundaries, and annual layering is not visible to the naked eye. In this study, we apply a newly developed setup for high-resolution ice core impurity analysis to produce continuous records of dust, sodium and ammonium concentrations as well as conductivity of melt water. We analyzed three 2.2 m sections of ice from the Eemian and the glacial inception. In all of the analyzed ice, annual layers can clearly be recognized, most prominently in the dust and conductivity profiles. Part of the samples is, however, contaminated in dust, most likely from drill liquid. It is interesting that the annual layering is preserved despite a very active crystal growth and grain boundary migration in the deep and warm NGRIP ice. Based on annual layer counting of the new records, we determine a mean annual layer thickness close to 11 mm for all three sections, which, to first order, confirms the modeled NGRIP time scale (ss09sea). The counting does, however, suggest a longer duration of the climatically warmest part of the NGRIP record (MIS5e) of up to 1 ka as compared to the model estimate. Our results suggest that stratigraphic layer counting is possible basically throughout the entire NGRIP ice core, provided sufficiently highly-resolved profiles become available.


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A molecular, porous crystalline material constructed from neutral helical coordination polymers incorporating manganese(II) ions and two types of bridging ligands, namely the deprotonated form of 2-hydroxy-5-methoxy-3-nitrobenzaldehyde (HL) and isobutyrate (iB−), has been obtained and structurally characterized. Structural analysis reveals that within the coordination polymer each benzaldehyde derivative ligates two manganese ions in 6-membered chelating rings, and the isobutyrate ligands cooperatively chelate either two or three manganese ions. The solid state assembly of the resulting polymeric chains of formula [Mn4(L)2(iB)6]n (1), described in the polar space group R3c, is associated with tubular channels occupied by MeCN solvent molecules (1·xMeCN; x ≤ 9). TGA profiles and PXRD measurements demonstrate that the crystallinity of the solid remains intact in its fully desolvated form, and its stability and crystallinity are ensured up to a temperature of 190 °C. Gas adsorption properties of desolvated crystals were probed, but no remarkable sorption capacity of N2 and only a limited one for CO2 could be observed. Magnetic susceptibility data reveal an antiferromagnetic type of coupling between adjacent manganese(II) ions along the helical chains with energy parameters J1 = −5.9(6) cm−1 and J2 = −1.8(9) cm−1.