14 resultados para Convex optimization problem
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
We consider the problem of fitting a union of subspaces to a collection of data points drawn from one or more subspaces and corrupted by noise and/or gross errors. We pose this problem as a non-convex optimization problem, where the goal is to decompose the corrupted data matrix as the sum of a clean and self-expressive dictionary plus a matrix of noise and/or gross errors. By self-expressive we mean a dictionary whose atoms can be expressed as linear combinations of themselves with low-rank coefficients. In the case of noisy data, our key contribution is to show that this non-convex matrix decomposition problem can be solved in closed form from the SVD of the noisy data matrix. The solution involves a novel polynomial thresholding operator on the singular values of the data matrix, which requires minimal shrinkage. For one subspace, a particular case of our framework leads to classical PCA, which requires no shrinkage. For multiple subspaces, the low-rank coefficients obtained by our framework can be used to construct a data affinity matrix from which the clustering of the data according to the subspaces can be obtained by spectral clustering. In the case of data corrupted by gross errors, we solve the problem using an alternating minimization approach, which combines our polynomial thresholding operator with the more traditional shrinkage-thresholding operator. Experiments on motion segmentation and face clustering show that our framework performs on par with state-of-the-art techniques at a reduced computational cost.
In this paper, we propose a new method for fully-automatic landmark detection and shape segmentation in X-ray images. To detect landmarks, we estimate the displacements from some randomly sampled image patches to the (unknown) landmark positions, and then we integrate these predictions via a voting scheme. Our key contribution is a new algorithm for estimating these displacements. Different from other methods where each image patch independently predicts its displacement, we jointly estimate the displacements from all patches together in a data driven way, by considering not only the training data but also geometric constraints on the test image. The displacements estimation is formulated as a convex optimization problem that can be solved efficiently. Finally, we use the sparse shape composition model as the a priori information to regularize the landmark positions and thus generate the segmented shape contour. We validate our method on X-ray image datasets of three different anatomical structures: complete femur, proximal femur and pelvis. Experiments show that our method is accurate and robust in landmark detection, and, combined with the shape model, gives a better or comparable performance in shape segmentation compared to state-of-the art methods. Finally, a preliminary study using CT data shows the extensibility of our method to 3D data.
In this work, we propose a distributed rate allocation algorithm that minimizes the average decoding delay for multimedia clients in inter-session network coding systems. We consider a scenario where the users are organized in a mesh network and each user requests the content of one of the available sources. We propose a novel distributed algorithm where network users determine the coding operations and the packet rates to be requested from the parent nodes, such that the decoding delay is minimized for all clients. A rate allocation problem is solved by every user, which seeks the rates that minimize the average decoding delay for its children and for itself. Since this optimization problem is a priori non-convex, we introduce the concept of equivalent packet flows, which permits to estimate the expected number of packets that every user needs to collect for decoding. We then decompose our original rate allocation problem into a set of convex subproblems, which are eventually combined to obtain an effective approximate solution to the delay minimization problem. The results demonstrate that the proposed scheme eliminates the bottlenecks and reduces the decoding delay experienced by users with limited bandwidth resources. We validate the performance of our distributed rate allocation algorithm in different video streaming scenarios using the NS-3 network simulator. We show that our system is able to take benefit of inter-session network coding for simultaneous delivery of video sessions in networks with path diversity.
Currently several thousands of objects are being tracked in the MEO and GEO regions through optical means. The problem faced in this framework is that of Multiple Target Tracking (MTT). In this context both, the correct associations among the observations and the orbits of the objects have to be determined. The complexity of the MTT problem is defined by its dimension S. The number S corresponds to the number of fences involved in the problem. Each fence consists of a set of observations where each observation belongs to a different object. The S ≥ 3 MTT problem is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. There are two general ways to solve this. One way is to seek the optimum solution, this can be achieved by applying a branch-and- bound algorithm. When using these algorithms the problem has to be greatly simplified to keep the computational cost at a reasonable level. Another option is to approximate the solution by using meta-heuristic methods. These methods aim to efficiently explore the different possible combinations so that a reasonable result can be obtained with a reasonable computational effort. To this end several population-based meta-heuristic methods are implemented and tested on simulated optical measurements. With the advent of improved sensors and a heightened interest in the problem of space debris, it is expected that the number of tracked objects will grow by an order of magnitude in the near future. This research aims to provide a method that can treat the correlation and orbit determination problems simultaneously, and is able to efficiently process large data sets with minimal manual intervention.
This work deals with parallel optimization of expensive objective functions which are modelled as sample realizations of Gaussian processes. The study is formalized as a Bayesian optimization problem, or continuous multi-armed bandit problem, where a batch of q > 0 arms is pulled in parallel at each iteration. Several algorithms have been developed for choosing batches by trading off exploitation and exploration. As of today, the maximum Expected Improvement (EI) and Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) selection rules appear as the most prominent approaches for batch selection. Here, we build upon recent work on the multipoint Expected Improvement criterion, for which an analytic expansion relying on Tallis’ formula was recently established. The computational burden of this selection rule being still an issue in application, we derive a closed-form expression for the gradient of the multipoint Expected Improvement, which aims at facilitating its maximization using gradient-based ascent algorithms. Substantial computational savings are shown in application. In addition, our algorithms are tested numerically and compared to state-of-the-art UCB-based batchsequential algorithms. Combining starting designs relying on UCB with gradient-based EI local optimization finally appears as a sound option for batch design in distributed Gaussian Process optimization.
Laser tissue soldering (LTS) is a promising technique for tissue fusion based on a heat-denaturation process of proteins. Thermal damage of the fused tissue during the laser procedure has always been an important and challenging problem. Particularly in LTS of arterial blood vessels strong heating of the endothelium should be avoided to minimize the risk of thrombosis. A precise knowledge of the temperature distribution within the vessel wall during laser irradiation is inevitable. The authors developed a finite element model (FEM) to simulate the temperature distribution within blood vessels during LTS. Temperature measurements were used to verify and calibrate the model. Different parameters such as laser power, solder absorption coefficient, thickness of the solder layer, cooling of the vessel and continuous vs. pulsed energy deposition were tested to elucidate their impact on the temperature distribution within the soldering joint in order to reduce the amount of further animal experiments. A pulsed irradiation with high laser power and high absorbing solder yields the best results.
Since 2010, the client base of online-trading service providers has grown significantly. Such companies enable small investors to access the stock market at advantageous rates. Because small investors buy and sell stocks in moderate amounts, they should consider fixed transaction costs, integral transaction units, and dividends when selecting their portfolio. In this paper, we consider the small investor’s problem of investing capital in stocks in a way that maximizes the expected portfolio return and guarantees that the portfolio risk does not exceed a prescribed risk level. Portfolio-optimization models known from the literature are in general designed for institutional investors and do not consider the specific constraints of small investors. We therefore extend four well-known portfolio-optimization models to make them applicable for small investors. We consider one nonlinear model that uses variance as a risk measure and three linear models that use the mean absolute deviation from the portfolio return, the maximum loss, and the conditional value-at-risk as risk measures. We extend all models to consider piecewise-constant transaction costs, integral transaction units, and dividends. In an out-of-sample experiment based on Swiss stock-market data and the cost structure of the online-trading service provider Swissquote, we apply both the basic models and the extended models; the former represent the perspective of an institutional investor, and the latter the perspective of a small investor. The basic models compute portfolios that yield on average a slightly higher return than the portfolios computed with the extended models. However, all generated portfolios yield on average a higher return than the Swiss performance index. There are considerable differences between the four risk measures with respect to the mean realized portfolio return and the standard deviation of the realized portfolio return.
Responses of many real-world problems can only be evaluated perturbed by noise. In order to make an efficient optimization of these problems possible, intelligent optimization strategies successfully coping with noisy evaluations are required. In this article, a comprehensive review of existing kriging-based methods for the optimization of noisy functions is provided. In summary, ten methods for choosing the sequential samples are described using a unified formalism. They are compared on analytical benchmark problems, whereby the usual assumption of homoscedastic Gaussian noise made in the underlying models is meet. Different problem configurations (noise level, maximum number of observations, initial number of observations) and setups (covariance functions, budget, initial sample size) are considered. It is found that the choices of the initial sample size and the covariance function are not critical. The choice of the method, however, can result in significant differences in the performance. In particular, the three most intuitive criteria are found as poor alternatives. Although no criterion is found consistently more efficient than the others, two specialized methods appear more robust on average.
Offset printing is a common method to produce large amounts of printed matter. We consider a real-world offset printing process that is used to imprint customer-specific designs on napkin pouches. The print- ing technology used yields a number of specific constraints. The planning problem consists of allocating designs to printing-plate slots such that the given customer demand for each design is fulfilled, all technologi- cal and organizational constraints are met and the total overproduction and setup costs are minimized. We formulate this planning problem as a mixed-binary linear program, and we develop a multi-pass matching-based savings heuristic. We report computational results for a set of problem instances devised from real-world data.
Since 2010, the client base of online-trading service providers has grown significantly. Such companies enable small investors to access the stock market at advantageous rates. Because small investors buy and sell stocks in moderate amounts, they should consider fixed transaction costs, integral transaction units, and dividends when selecting their portfolio. In this paper, we consider the small investor’s problem of investing capital in stocks in a way that maximizes the expected portfolio return and guarantees that the portfolio risk does not exceed a prescribed risk level. Portfolio-optimization models known from the literature are in general designed for institutional investors and do not consider the specific constraints of small investors. We therefore extend four well-known portfolio-optimization models to make them applicable for small investors. We consider one nonlinear model that uses variance as a risk measure and three linear models that use the mean absolute deviation from the portfolio return, the maximum loss, and the conditional value-at-risk as risk measures. We extend all models to consider piecewise-constant transaction costs, integral transaction units, and dividends. In an out-of-sample experiment based on Swiss stock-market data and the cost structure of the online-trading service provider Swissquote, we apply both the basic models and the extended models; the former represent the perspective of an institutional investor, and the latter the perspective of a small investor. The basic models compute portfolios that yield on average a slightly higher return than the portfolios computed with the extended models. However, all generated portfolios yield on average a higher return than the Swiss performance index. There are considerable differences between the four risk measures with respect to the mean realized portfolio return and the standard deviation of the realized portfolio return.
This paper deals with “The Enchanted Journey,” which is a daily event tour booked by Bollywood-film fans. During the tour, the participants visit original sites of famous Bollywood films at various locations in Switzerland; moreover, the tour includes stops for lunch and shopping. Each day, up to five buses operate the tour. For operational reasons, however, two or more buses cannot stay at the same location simultaneously. Further operative constraints include time windows for all activities and precedence constraints between some activities. The planning problem is how to compute a feasible schedule for each bus. We implement a two-step hierarchical approach. In the first step, we minimize the total waiting time; in the second step, we minimize the total travel time of all buses. We present a basic formulation of this problem as a mixed-integer linear program. We enhance this basic formulation by symmetry-breaking constraints, which reduces the search space without loss of generality. We report on computational results obtained with the Gurobi Solver. Our numerical results show that all relevant problem instances can be solved using the basic formulation within reasonable CPU time, and that the symmetry-breaking constraints reduce that CPU time considerably.
We present a novel approach to the reconstruction of depth from light field data. Our method uses dictionary representations and group sparsity constraints to derive a convex formulation. Although our solution results in an increase of the problem dimensionality, we keep numerical complexity at bay by restricting the space of solutions and by exploiting an efficient Primal-Dual formulation. Comparisons with state of the art techniques, on both synthetic and real data, show promising performances.
The intensity of long-range correlations observed with the classical HMBC pulse sequence using static optimization of the long-range coupling delay is directly related to the size of the coupling constant and is often set as a compromise. As such, some long-range correlations might appear with a reduced intensity or might even be completely absent from the spectra. After a short introduction, this third manuscript will give a detailed review of some selected HMBC variants dedicated to improve the detection of long-range correlations, such as the ACCORD-HMBC, CIGAR-HMBC, and Broadband HMBC experiments. Practical details about the accordion optimization, which affords a substantial improvement in both the number and intensity of the long-range correlations observed, but introduces a modulation in F1, will be discussed. The incorporation of the so-called constant time variable delay in the CIGAR-HMBC experiment, which can trigger or even completely suppress 1H–1H coupling modulation inherent to the utilization of the accordion principle, will be also discussed. The broadband HMBC scheme, which consists of recording a series of HMBC spectra with different delays set as a function of the long-range heteronuclear coupling constant ranges and transverse relaxation times T2, is also examined.