10 resultados para Comply-or-explain
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
In most species, some individuals delay reproduction or occupy inferior breeding positions. The queue hypothesis tries to explain both patterns by proposing that individuals strategically delay breeding (queue) to acquire better breeding or social positions. In 1995, Ens, Weissing, and Drent addressed evolutionarily stable queuing strategies in situations with habitat heterogeneity. However, their model did not consider the non - mutually exclusive individual quality hypothesis, which suggests that some individuals delay breeding or occupy inferior breeding positions because they are poor competitors. Here we extend their model with individual differences in competitive abilities, which are probably plentiful in nature. We show that including even the smallest competitive asymmetries will result in individuals using queuing strategies completely different from those in models that assume equal competitors. Subsequently, we investigate how well our models can explain settlement patterns in the wild, using a long-term study on oystercatchers. This long-lived shorebird exhibits strong variation in age of first reproduction and territory quality. We show that only models that include competitive asymmetries can explain why oystercatchers' settlement patterns depend on natal origin. We conclude that predictions from queuing models are very sensitive to assumptions about competitive asymmetries, while detecting such differences in the wild is often problematic.
BACKGROUND: Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare recessive hereditary disorder characterized by dysmotility to immotility of ciliated and flagellated structures. Its main symptoms are respiratory, caused by defective ciliary beating in the epithelium of the upper airways (nose, bronchi and paranasal sinuses). Impairing the drainage of inhaled microorganisms and particles leads to recurrent infections and pulmonary complications. To date, 5 genes encoding 3 dynein protein arm subunits (DNAI1, DNAH5 and DNAH11), the kinase TXNDC3 and the X-linked RPGR have been found to be mutated in PCD. OBJECTIVES: We proposed to determine the impact of the DNAI1 gene on a cohort of unrelated PCD patients (n = 104) recruited without any phenotypic preselection. METHODS: We used denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography and sequencing to screen for mutations in the coding and splicing site sequences of the gene DNAI1. RESULTS: Three mutations were identified: a novel missense variant (p.Glu174Lys) was found in 1 patient and 2 previously reported variants were identified (p.Trp568Ser in 1 patient and IVS1+2_3insT in 3 patients). Overall, mutations on both alleles of gene DNAI1 were identified in only 2% of our clinically heterogeneous cohort of patients. CONCLUSION: We conclude that DNAI1 gene mutation is not a common cause of PCD, and that major or several additional disease gene(s) still remain to be identified before a sensitive molecular diagnostic test can be developed for PCD.
Volunteering rates in Switzerland vary substantially across language regions. In this article, we investigate the cultural roots of this variation by presenting and empirically testing two different conceptualizations of how linguistic culture is related to individual volunteering. Whereas the first perspective perceives the individual as belonging to a particular language community and its norms and values as crucial for individual volunteering, the other sees the linguistic culture mainly as an important context in which an individual lives and which therefore influences individual volunteering. Empirically, we base our analysis on new survey data from 60 Swiss communes and apply a Bayesian multi-level analysis in order to disentangle the linguistic group from contextual effects. Our analysis supports the view that cultural patterns of civic self-organization can indeed explain regional volunteering behaviour in Switzerland. Whereas the propensity to volunteer is generally highest in German-speaking Switzerland, our findings reveal that it is the group of French speakers that exhibits the highest propensity to volunteer when controlling for language region.
Monte Carlo simulation is a powerful method in many natural and social sciences. But what sort of method is it? And where does its power come from? Are Monte Carlo simulations experiments, theories or something else? The aim of this talk is to answer these questions and to explain the power of Monte Carlo simulations. I provide a classification of Monte Carlo techniques and defend the claim that Monte Carlo simulation is a sort of inference.
Objective We evaluated whether regional differences in physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) existed along language boundaries within Switzerland and whether potential differences would be explained by socio-demographics or environmental characteristics. Methods We combined data of 611 children aged 4 to 7 years from four regional studies. PA and SB were assessed by accelerometers. Information about the socio-demographic background was obtained by questionnaires. Objective neighbourhood attributes could be linked to home addresses. Multivariate regression models were used to test associations between PA and SB and socio-demographic characteristics and neighbourhood attributes. Results Children from the German compared to the French-speaking region were more physically active and less sedentary (by 10–15 %, p < 0.01). Although German-speaking children lived in a more favourable environment and a higher socioeconomic neighbourhood (differences p < 0.001), these characteristics did not explain the differences in PA behaviour between French and German speaking. Conclusions Factors related to the language region, which might be culturally rooted were among the strongest correlates of PA and SB among Swiss children, independent of individual, social and environmental factors.
It has been repeatedly demonstrated that athletes often choke in high pressure situations because anxiety can affect attention regulation and in turn performance. There are two competing theoretical approaches to explain the negative anxiety-performance relationship. According to skillfocus theories, anxious athletes’ attention is directed at how to execute the sport-specific movements which interrupts execution of already automatized movements in expert performers. According to distraction theories, anxious athletes are distractible and focus less on the relevant stimuli. We tested these competing assumptions in a between-subject design, as semi-professional tennis players were either assigned to an anxiety group (n = 25) or a neutral group (n = 28), and performed a series of second tennis serves into predefined target areas. As expected, anxiety was negatively related to serve accuracy. However, mediation analyses with the bootstrapping method revealed that this relationship was fully mediated by self-reported distraction and not by skill-focus.
It is not sufficiently understood why some lineages of cichlid fishes have proliferated in the Great Lakes of East Africa much more than anywhere else in the world, and much faster than other cichlid lineages or any other group of freshwater fish. Recent field and experimental work on Lake Victoria haplochromines suggests that mate choice-mediated disruptive sexual selection on coloration, that can cause speciation even in the absence of geographical isolation, may explain it. We summarize the evidence and propose a hypothesis for the genetics of coloration that may help understand the phenomenon. By detl ning colour patterns by hue and arrangement of hues on the body, we could assign almost all observed phenotypes of Lake Victoria cichlids to one of three female («plain», «orange blotched», «black and white») and three male («blue», «red-ventrum», «reddorsum») colour patterns. These patterns diagnose species but frequently eo-occur also as morphs within the same population, where they are associated with variation in mate preferences, and appear to be transient stages in speciation. Particularly the male patterns occur in almost every genus of the species flock. We propose that the patterns and their association into polymorphisms express an ancestral trait that is retained across speciation. Our model for male colour pattern assumes two structural loci. When both are switched off, the body is blue. When switched on by a cascade of polymorphic regulatory genes, one expresses a yellow to red ventrum, the other one a yellow to red dorsum. The expression of colour variation initiates speciation. The blue daughter species will inherit the variation at the regulatory genes that can, without new mutational events, purely by recombination, again expose the colour polymorphism, starting the process anew. Very similar colour patterns also dominate among the Mbuna of Lake Malawi. In contrast, similar colour polymorphisms do not exist in the lineages that have not proliferated in the Great Lakes. The colour pattern polymorphism may be an ancient trait in the lineage (or lineages) that gave rise to the two large haplochromine radiations. We propose two tests of our hypothesis.
We review alternative hypotheses and associated mechanisms to explain Lake Victoria’s Nile perch takeover and concurrent reduction in haplochromines through a (re)analysis of long term climate, limnological and stock observations in comparison with size-spectrum model predictions of co-existence, extinction and demographic change. The empirical observations are in agreement with the outcomes of the model containing two interacting species with life-histories matching Nile perch and a generalized haplochromine. The dynamic interactions may have depended on size related differences in early juvenile mortality: mouth-brooding haplochromines escape predation mortality in early life stages, unlike Nile perch that have miniscule planktonic eggs and larvae. In our model predation on the latter by planktivorous haplochromine fry act as a stabilizing factor for co-existence, but external mortality on the haplochromines would disrupt this balance in favor of Nile perch. To explain the observed switch, mortality on haplochromines would need to be much higher than the fishing mortality that can be realistically re-constructed from observations. Abrupt concomitant changes in algal and zooplankton composition, decreased water column transparency, and widespread hypoxia from increased eutrophication most likely caused haplochromine biomass decline. We hypothesize that the shift to Nile perch was a consequence of an externally caused, climate triggered, decrease in haplochromine biomass and associated recruitment failure rather than a direct cause of the introduction.
Nearly 10 years ago the usefulness of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors to kill BRCA1 or BRCA2-deficient cells was reported, and this finding has served as a prime example of the concept of synthetic lethality in the context of anticancer therapy. The clinical translation of this finding has undergone several ups and downs, however. Despite spectacular responses seen in some patients with BRCA-deficient breast or ovarian cancers, other patients did not show the expected benefit from PARP inhibitor therapy. Thus, like for all novel tailored anti-cancer drugs, upfront and secondary resistance remain major hurdles in the implementation of the initial preclinical finding. We know at least one clinically relevant mechanism of PARP inhibitor resistance: the reversion of BRCA function by secondary mutations. Nevertheless, it is also clear that this mechanism does not explain all cases of resistance. At the moment, we only have a poor understanding of BRCA reversion-independent resistance mechanisms. Preclinical data have pointed in several directions, e.g. increased drug efflux, reduced drug target levels, or alternative DNA repair. Here, we discuss these mechanisms with a focus on potential DNA repair adaptations.
MAMLD1 is thought to cause disordered sex development in 46,XY patients. But its role is controversial because some MAMLD1 variants are also detected in normal individuals, several MAMLD1 mutations have wild-type activity in functional tests, and the male Mamld1-knockout mouse has normal genitalia and reproduction. Our aim was to search for MAMLD1 variations in 108 46,XY patients with disordered sex development, and to test them functionally. We detected MAMDL1 variations and compared SNP frequencies in controls and patients. We tested MAMLD1 transcriptional activity on promoters involved in sex development and assessed the effect of MAMLD1 on androgen production. MAMLD1 expression in normal steroid-producing tissues and mutant MAMLD1 protein expression were also assessed. Nine MAMLD1 mutations (7 novel) were characterized. In vitro, most MAMLD1 variants acted similarly to wild type. Only the L210X mutation showed loss of function in all tests. We detected no effect of wild-type or MAMLD1 variants on CYP17A1 enzyme activity in our cell experiments, and Western blots revealed no significant differences for MAMLD1 protein expression. MAMLD1 was expressed in human adult testes and adrenals. In conclusion, our data support the notion that MAMLD1 sequence variations may not suffice to explain the phenotype in carriers and that MAMLD1 may also have a role in adult life.