12 resultados para CYCLODEXTRIN

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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The forces required for the detachment of ferrocene (Fc) from β-cyclodextrin (βCD) in a single host (βCD)–guest (Fc) complex were investigated using force spectroscopy under electrochemical conditions. The redox state of the guest Fc moiety as well as the structure of the supporting matrix was found to decisively affect the nanomechanical properties of the complex.


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One-dimensional dynamic computer simulation was employed to investigate the separation and migration order change of ketoconazole enantiomers at low pH in presence of increasing amounts of (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-cyclodextrin (OHP-β-CD). The 1:1 interaction of ketoconazole with the neutral cyclodextrin was simulated under real experimental conditions and by varying input parameters for complex mobilities and complexation constants. Simulation results obtained with experimentally determined apparent ionic mobilities, complex mobilities, and complexation constants were found to compare well with the calculated separation selectivity and experimental data. Simulation data revealed that the migration order of the ketoconazole enantiomers at low (OHP-β-CD) concentrations (i.e. below migration order inversion) is essentially determined by the difference in complexation constants and at high (OHP-β-CD) concentrations (i.e. above migration order inversion) by the difference in complex mobilities. Furthermore, simulations with complex mobilities set to zero provided data that mimic migration order and separation with the chiral selector being immobilized. For the studied CEC configuration, no migration order inversion is predicted and separations are shown to be quicker and electrophoretic transport reduced in comparison to migration in free solution. The presented data illustrate that dynamic computer simulation is a valuable tool to study electrokinetic migration and separations of enantiomers in presence of a complexing agent.


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Ketamine, a phencyclidine derivative, is used for induction of anesthesia, as an anesthetic drug for short term surgical interventions and in subanesthetic doses for postoperative pain relief. Ketamine undergoes extensive hepatic first-pass metabolism. Enantioselective capillary electrophoresis with multiple isomer sulfated -cyclodextrin as chiral selector was used to identify cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in hepatic ketamine and norketamine biotransformation in vitro. The N-demethylation of ketamine to norketamine and subsequently the biotransformation of norketamine to other metabolites were studied via analysis of alkaline extracts of in vitro incubations of racemic ketamine and racemic norketamine with nine recombinantly expressed human cytochrome P450 enzymes and human liver microsomes. Norketamine was formed by CYP3A4, CYP2C19, CYP2B6, CYP2A6, CYP2D6 and CYP2C9, whereas CYP2B6 and CYP2A6 were identified to be the only enzymes which enable the hydroxylation of norketamine. The latter two enzymes produced metabolic patterns similar to those found in incubations with human liver microsomes. The kinetic data of ketamine N-demethylation with CYP3A4 and CYP2B6 were best described with the Michaelis-Menten model and the Hill equation, respectively. This is the first study elucidating the individual enzymes responsible for hydroxylation of norketamine. The obtained data suggest that in vitro biotransformation of ketamine and norketamine is stereoselective.


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This study addresses the cellular uptake and intracellular trafficking of 15-nm gold nanoparticles (NPs), either plain (i.e., stabilized with citrate) or coated with polyethylene glycol (PEG), exposed to human alveolar epithelial cells (A549) at the air-liquid interface for 1, 4, and 24 h. Quantitative analysis by stereology on transmission electron microscopy images reveals a significant, nonrandom intracellular distribution for both NP types. No particles are observed in the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, or golgi. The cytosol is not a preferred cellular compartment for both NP types, although significantly more PEG-coated than citrate-stabilized NPs are present there. The preferred particle localizations are vesicles of different sizes (<150, 150-1000, >1000 nm). This is observed for both NP types and indicates a predominant uptake by endocytosis. Subsequent inhibition of caveolin- and clathrin-mediated endocytosis by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MbetaCD) results in a significant reduction of intracellular NPs. The inhibition, however, is more pronounced for PEG-coated than citrate-stabilized NPs. The latter are mostly found in larger vesicles; therefore, they are potentially taken up by macropinocytosis, which is not inhibited by MbetaCD. With prolonged exposure times, both NPs are preferentially localized in larger-sized intracellular vesicles such as lysosomes, thus indicating intracellular particle trafficking. This quantitative evaluation reveals that NP surface coatings modulate endocytotic uptake pathways and cellular NP trafficking. Other nonendocytotic entry mechanisms are found to be involved as well, as indicated by localization of a minority of PEG-coated NPs in the cytosol.


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Enantioselective CE with sulfated cyclodextrins as chiral selectors was used to determine the CYP3A4-catalyzed N-demethylation kinetics of ketamine to norketamine and its inhibition in the presence of ketoconazole in vitro. Ketamine, a chiral phencyclidine derivative, was incubated with recombinant human CYP3A4 from a baculovirus expression system as racemic mixture and as single enantiomer. Alkaline liquid/liquid extracts of the samples were analyzed with a pH 2.5 buffer comprising 50 mM Tris and phosphoric acid together with either multiple isomer sulfated β-cyclodextrin (10 mg/mL) or highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin (2%, w/v). Data obtained in the absence of ketoconazole revealed that the N-demethylation occurred stereoselectively with Michaelis-Menten (incubation of racemic ketamine) and Hill (separate incubation of single enantiomers) kinetics. Data generated in the presence of ketoconazole as the inhibitor could best be fitted to a one-site competitive model and inhibition constants were calculated using the equation of Cheng and Prusoff. No stereoselective difference was observed, but inhibition constants for the incubation of racemic ketamine were found to be larger compared with those obtained with the incubation of single ketamine enantiomers.


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Continuous changes in the length of smooth muscles require a highly organized sarcolemmal structure. Yet, smooth muscle cells also adapt rapidly to altered environmental cues. Their sarcolemmal plasticity must lead to profound changes which affect transmembrane signal transduction as well as contractility. We have established porcine vascular and human visceral smooth muscle cultures of epithelioid and spindle-shaped morphology and determined their plasma membrane properties. Epithelioid cells from both sources contain a higher ratio of cholesterol to glycerophospholipids, and express a less diverse range of lipid-associated annexins. These findings point to a reduction in efficiency of membrane segregation in epithelioid cells. Moreover, compared to spindle-shaped cells, cholesterol is more readily extracted from epithelioid cells with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin and its synthesis is more susceptible to inhibition with lovastatin. The inability of epithelioid cells to process vasoactive metabolites, such as angiotensin or nucleotides further indicates that contractile properties are impaired. Phenotypic plasticity extends beyond the loss of smooth muscle cell marker genes. The plasma membrane has undergone profound functional changes which are incompatible with cyclic foreshortening, but might be important in the development of vascular disease.


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Cannabinoids are implicated in the control of cell proliferation, but little is known about the role of the endocannabinoid system in human malignant melanoma. This study was aimed at characterizing the in vitro antitumor activity of anandamide (AEA) in A375 melanoma cells. The mRNA expression of genes that code for proteins involved in the metabolism and in the mechanism of AEA action was assessed by RT-PCR. Cell viability was tested using WST-1 assay and the apoptotic cell death was determined by measuring caspase 3/7 activities. A375 cells express high levels of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1), transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1) and G-protein-coupled receptor 55 (GPR55) genes. AEA induced a concentration-dependent cytotoxicity with an IC50 of 5.8±0.7 µM and such an effect was associated to a caspase-dependent apoptotic pathway. AEA cytotoxicity was potentiated by FAAH inhibition (2-fold increase, p<0.05) and mitigated by COX-2 or lipoxygenase (LOX) inhibition (5- and 3-fold decrease, respectively; p<0.01). Blocking CB1 receptors partially decreased AEA cytotoxicity, whereas selective antagonism on the TRPV1 barely affected the mechanism of AEA action. Finally, methyl-β-cyclodextrin, a membrane cholesterol depletory, completely reversed the cytotoxicity induced by the selective GPR55 agonist, O-1602, and AEA. Overall, these findings demonstrate that AEA induces cytotoxicity against human melanoma cells in the micromolar range of concentrations through a complex mechanism, which involves COX-2 and LOX-derived product synthesis and CB1 activation. Lipid raft modulation, probably linked to GPR55 activation, might also have a role.


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Aim: We examined cellular uptake mechanisms of fluorescently labeled polymer-coated gold nanoparticles (NPs) under different biological conditions by two quantitative, microscopic approaches. Materials & methods: Uptake mechanisms were evaluated using endocytotic inhibitors that were tested for specificity and cytotoxicity. Cellular uptake of gold NPs was analyzed either by laser scanning microscopy or transmission electron microscopy, and quantified by means of stereology using cells from the same experiment. Results: Optimal inhibitor conditions were only achieved with chlorpromazine (clathrin-mediated endocytosis) and methyl-β-cyclodextrin (caveolin-mediated endocytosis). A significant methyl-β-cyclodextrin-mediated inhibition (63-69%) and chlorpromazine-mediated increase (43-98%) of intracellular NPs was demonstrated with both imaging techniques, suggesting a predominant uptake via caveolin-medicated endocytois. Transmission electron microscopy imaging revealed more than 95% of NPs localized in intracellular vesicles and approximately 150-times more NP events/cell were detected than by laser scanning microscopy. Conclusion: We emphasize the importance of studying NP-cell interactions under controlled experimental conditions and at adequate microscopic resolution in combination with stereology. Original submitted 10 July 2012; Revised submitted 23 January 2013.


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Execution of an enzymatic reaction performed in a capillary with subsequent electrophoretic analysis of the formed products is referred to as electrophoretically mediated microanalysis (EMMA). An EMMA method was developed to investigate the stereoselectivity of the CYP3A4-mediated N-demethylation of ketamine. Ketamine was incubated in a 50 μm id bare fused-silica capillary together with human CYP3A4 Supersomes using a 100 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) at 37°C. A plug containing racemic ketamine and the NADPH regenerating system including all required cofactors for the enzymatic reaction was injected, followed by a plug of the metabolizing enzyme CYP3A4 (500 nM). These two plugs were bracketed by plugs of incubation buffer to ensure proper conditions for the enzymatic reaction. The rest of the capillary was filled with a pH 2.5 running buffer comprising 50 mM Tris, phosphoric acid, and 2% w/v of highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin. Mixing of reaction plugs was enhanced via application of -10 kV for 10 s. After an incubation of 8 min at 37°C without power application (zero-potential amplification), the capillary was cooled to 25°C within 3 min followed by application of -10 kV for the separation and detection of the formed enantiomers of norketamine. Norketamine formation rates were fitted to the Michaelis-Menten model and the elucidated values for V(max) and K(m) were found to be comparable to those obtained from the off-line assay of a previous study.


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GENTRANS, a comprehensive one-dimensional dynamic simulator for electrophoretic separations and transport, was extended for handling electrokinetic chiral separations with a neutral ligand. The code can be employed to study the 1:1 interaction of monovalent weak and strong acids and bases with a single monovalent weak or strong acid or base additive, including a neutral cyclodextrin, under real experimental conditions. It is a tool to investigate the dynamics of chiral separations and to provide insight into the buffer systems used in chiral capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) and chiral isotachophoresis. Analyte stacking across conductivity and buffer additive gradients, changes of additive concentration, buffer component concentration, pH, and conductivity across migrating sample zones and peaks, and the formation and migration of system peaks can thereby be investigated in a hitherto inaccessible way. For model systems with charged weak bases and neutral modified β-cyclodextrins at acidic pH, for which complexation constants, ionic mobilities, and mobilities of selector-analyte complexes have been determined by CZE, simulated and experimentally determined electropherograms and isotachopherograms are shown to be in good agreement. Simulation data reveal that CZE separations of cationic enantiomers performed in phosphate buffers at low pH occur behind a fast cationic migrating system peak that has a small impact on the buffer composition under which enantiomeric separation takes place.


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Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of a chiral drug can significantly differ between application of the racemate and single enantiomers. During drug development, the characteristics of candidate compounds have to be assessed prior to clinical testing. Since biotransformation significantly influences drug actions in an organism, metabolism studies represent a crucial part of such tests. Hence, an optimized and economical capillary electrophoretic method for on-line studies of the enantioselective drug metabolism mediated by cytochrome P450 enzymes was developed. It comprises a diffusion-based procedure, which enables mixing of the enzyme with virtually any compound inside the nanoliter-scale capillary reactor and without the need of additional optimization of mixing conditions. For CYP3A4, ketamine as probe substrate and highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin as chiral selector, improved separation conditions for ketamine and norketamine enantiomers compared to a previously published electrophoretically mediated microanalysis method were elucidated. The new approach was thoroughly validated for the CYP3A4-mediated N-demethylation pathway of ketamine and applied to the determination of its kinetic parameters and the inhibition characteristics in presence of ketoconazole and dexmedetomidine. The determined parameters were found to be comparable to literature data obtained with different techniques. The presented method constitutes a miniaturized and cost-effective tool, which should be suitable for the assessment of the stereoselective aspects of kinetic and inhibition studies of cytochrome P450-mediated metabolic steps within early stages of the development of a new drug.


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Cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes catalyze the metabolism of both, the analgesic and anesthetic drug ketamine and the α2 -adrenergic receptor-agonist medetomidine that is used for sedation and analgesia. As racemic medetomidine or its active enantiomer dexmedetomidine are often coadministered with racemic or S-ketamine in animals and dexmedetomidine together with S- or racemic ketamine in humans, drug-drug interactions are likely to occur and have to be characterized. Enantioselective CE with highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin as chiral selector was employed for analyzing in vitro (i) the kinetics of the N-demethylation of ketamine mediated by canine CYP3A12 and (ii) interactions occurring with racemic medetomidine and dexmedetomidine during coincubation with ketamine and canine liver microsomes (CLM), canine CYP3A12, human liver microsomes (HLM), and human CYP3A4. For CYP3A12 without an inhibitor, Michaelis-Menten kinetics was determined for the single enantiomers of ketamine and substrate inhibition kinetics for racemic ketamine. Racemic medetomidine and dexmedetomidine showed an inhibition of the N-demethylation reaction in the studied canine enzyme systems. Racemic medetomidine is the stronger inhibitor for CLM, whereas there is no difference for CYP3A12. For CLM and CYP3A12, the inhibition of dexmedetomidine is stronger for the R- compared to the S-enantiomer of ketamine, a stereoselectivity that is not observed for CYP3A4. Induction is observed at a low dexmedetomidine concentration with CYP3A4 but not with CYP3A12, CLM, and HLM. Based on these results, S-ketamine combined with dexmedetomidine should be the best option for canines. The enantioselective CE assay with highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin as chiral selector is an effective tool for determining kinetic and inhibition parameters of metabolic pathways.