32 resultados para Auditory-evoked-potentials
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
Avoidance of excessively deep sedation levels is problematic in intensive care patients. Electrophysiologic monitoring may offer an approach to solving this problem. Since electroencephalogram (EEG) responses to different sedation regimens vary, we assessed electrophysiologic responses to two sedative drug regimens in 10 healthy volunteers. Dexmedetomidine/remifentanil (dex/remi group) and midazolam/remifentanil (mida/remi group) were infused 7 days apart. Each combination of medications was given at stepwise intervals to reach Ramsay scores (RS) 2, 3, and 4. Resting EEG, bispectral index (BIS), and the N100 amplitudes of long-latency auditory-evoked potentials (ERP) were recorded at each level of sedation. During dex/remi, resting EEG was characterized by a recurrent high-power low-frequency pattern which became more pronounced at deeper levels of sedation. BIS Index decreased uniformly in only the dex/remi group (from 94 +/- 3 at baseline to 58 +/- 14 at RS 4) compared to the mida/remi group (from 94 +/- 2 to 76 +/- 10; P = 0.029 between groups). The ERP amplitudes decreased from 5.3 +/- 1.3 at baseline to 0.4 +/- 1.1 at RS 4 (P = 0.003) in only the mida/remi group. We conclude that ERPs in volunteers sedated with dex/remi, in contrast to mida/remi, indicate a cortical response to acoustic stimuli, even when sedation reaches deeper levels. Consequently, ERP can monitor sedation with midazolam but not with dexmedetomidine. The reverse is true for BIS.
RATIONALE: Olanzapine is an atypical antipsychotic drug with a more favourable safety profile than typical antipsychotics with a hitherto unknown topographic quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) profile. OBJECTIVES: We investigated electrical brain activity (QEEG and cognitive event related potentials, ERPs) in healthy subjects who received olanzapine. METHODS: Vigilance-controlled, 19-channel EEG and ERP in an auditory odd-ball paradigm were recorded before and 3 h, 6 h and 9 h after administration of either a single dose of placebo or olanzapine (2.5 mg and 5 mg) in ten healthy subjects. QEEG was analysed by spectral analysis and evaluated in nine frequency bands. For the P300 component in the odd-ball ERP, the amplitude and latency was analysed. Statistical effects were tested using a repeated-measurement analysis of variance. RESULTS: For the interaction between time and treatment, significant effects were observed for theta, alpha-2, beta-2 and beta-4 frequency bands. The amplitude of the activity in the theta band increased most significantly 6 h after the 5-mg administration of olanzapine. A pronounced decrease of the alpha-2 activity especially 9 h after 5 mg olanzapine administration could be observed. In most beta frequency bands, and most significantly in the beta-4 band, a dose-dependent decrease of the activity beginning 6 h after drug administration was demonstrated. Topographic effects could be observed for the beta-2 band (occipital decrease) and a tendency for the alpha-2 band (frontal increase and occipital decrease), both indicating a frontal shift of brain electrical activity. There were no significant changes in P300 amplitude or latency after drug administration. Conclusion: QEEG alterations after olanzapine administration were similar to EEG effects gained by other atypical antipsychotic drugs, such as clozapine. The increase of theta activity is comparable to the frequency distribution observed for thymoleptics or antipsychotics for which treatment-emergent somnolence is commonly observed, whereas the decrease of beta activity observed after olanzapine administration is not characteristic for these drugs. There were no clear signs for an increased cerebral excitability after a single-dose administration of 2.5 mg and 5 mg olanzapine in healthy controls.
To measure the intra-individual distribution of the latencies of motor evoked potentials (MepL) using transcranial magnetic stimulation.
The experiment investigated the impact of sleep restriction on pain perception and related evoked potential correlates (laser-evoked potentials, LEPs). Ten healthy subjects with good sleep quality were investigated in the morning twice, once after habitual sleep and once after partial sleep restriction. Additionally, we studied the impact of attentional focussing on pain and LEPs by directing attention to (intensity discrimination) or away from the stimulus (mental arithmetic). Laser stimuli directed to the hand dorsum were rated as 30% more painful after sleep restriction (49+/-7 mm) than after a night of habitual sleep (38+/-7 mm). A significant interaction between attentional focus and sleep condition suggested that attentional focusing was less distinctive under sleep restriction. Intensity discrimination was preserved. In contrast, the amplitude of the early parasylvian N1 of LEPs was significantly smaller after a night of partial sleep restriction (-36%, p<0.05). Likewise, the amplitude of the vertex N2-P2 was significantly reduced (-34%, p<0.01); also attentional modulation of the N2-P2 was reduced. Thus, objective (LEPs) and subjective (pain ratings) parameters of nociceptive processing were differentially modulated by partial sleep restriction. We propose, that sleep reduction leads to an impairment of activation in the ascending pathway (leading to reduced LEPs). In contradistinction, pain perception was boosted, which we attribute to lack of pain control distinct from classical descending inhibition, and thus not affecting the projection pathway. Sleep-restricted subjects exhibit reduced attentional modulation of pain stimuli and may thus have difficulties to readily attend to or disengage from pain.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the individual latency distributions of motor evoked potentials (MEP) in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) to the previously reported results in healthy subjects (Firmin et al., 2011). METHODS: We applied the previously reported method to measure the distribution of MEP latencies to 16 patients with MS. The method is based on transcranial magnetic stimulation and consists of a combination of the triple stimulation technique with a method originally developed to measure conduction velocity distributions in peripheral nerves. RESULTS: MEP latency distributions in MS typically showed two peaks. The individual MEP latency distributions were significantly wider in patients with MS than in healthy subjects. The mean triple stimulation delay extension at the 75% quantile, a proxy for MEP latency distribution width, was 7.3ms in healthy subjects and 10.7ms in patients with MS. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with MS, slow portions of the central motor pathway contribute more to the MEP than in healthy subjects. The bimodal distribution found in healthy subjects is preserved in MS. SIGNIFICANCE: Our method to measure the distribution of MEP latencies is suitable to detect alterations in the relative contribution of corticospinal tract portions with long MEP latencies to motor conduction.
Purpose: To assess possible association between intrinsic structural damage and clinical disability by correlating spinal cord diffusion-tensor (DT) imaging data with electrophysiological parameters in patients with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Materials and Methods: This study was approved by the local ethical committee according to the declaration of Helsinki and written informed consent was obtained. DT images and T1- and T2-weighted images of the spinal cord were acquired in 28 healthy volunteers and 41 MS patients. Fractional anisotropy (FA) and apparent diffusion coefficients were evaluated in normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) at the cervical level and were correlated with motor-evoked potentials (n = 34). Asymmetry index was calculated for FA values with corresponding left and right regions of interest as percentage of the absolute difference between these values relative to the sum of the respective FA values. Statistical analysis included Spearman rank correlations, Mann-Whitney test, and reliability analysis. Results: Healthy volunteers had low asymmetry index (1.5%-2.2%). In MS patients, structural abnormalities were reflected by asymmetric decrease of FA (asymmetry index: 3.6%; P = .15). Frequently asymmetrically affected among MS patients was left and right central motor conduction time (CMCT) to abductor digiti minimi muscle (ADMM) (asymmetry index, 15%-16%) and tibialis anterior muscle (TAM) (asymmetry index, 9.5%-14.1%). Statistically significant correlations of functional (ie, electrophysiological) and structural (ie, DT imaging) asymmetries were found (P = .005 for CMCT to ADMM; P = .007 for CMCT to TAM) for the cervical lateral funiculi, which comprise the crossed pyramidal tract. Interobserver reliability for DT imaging measurements was excellent (78%-87%). Conclusion: DT imaging revealed asymmetric anatomic changes in spinal cord NAWM, which corresponded to asymmetric electrophysiological deficits for both arms and legs, and reflected a specific structure-function relationship in the human spinal cord. © RSNA, 2013.
OBJECTIVE: In transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the motor cortex, the optimal orientation of the coil on the scalp is dependent on the muscle under investigation, but not yet known for facial muscles. METHODS: Using a figure-of-eight coil, we compared TMS induced motor evoked potentials (MEPs) from eight different coil orientations when recording from ipsi- and contralateral nasalis muscle. RESULTS: The MEPs from nasalis muscle revealed three components: The major ipsi- and contra-lateral middle latency responses of approximately 10 ms onset latency proved entirely dependent on voluntary pre-innervation. They were most easily obtained from a coil orientation with posterior inducing current direction, and in this respect resembled the intrinsic hand rather than the masseter muscles. Early short duration responses of around 6 ms onset latency were best elicited with an antero-lateral current direction and not pre-innervation dependent, and therefore most probably due to stimulation of the nerve roots. Late responses (>18 ms) could inconsistently be elicited with posterior coil orientations in pre-innervated condition. CONCLUSIONS: By using the appropriate coil orientation and both conditions relaxed and pre-innervated, cortically evoked MEP responses from nasalis muscle can reliably be separated from peripheral and reflex components and also from cross talk of masseter muscle activation.
OBJECTIVE: Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) after transcranial magnetic brain stimulation (TMS) are smaller than CMAPs after peripheral nerve stimulation, because desynchronization of the TMS-induced motor neurone discharges occurs (i.e. MEP desynchronization). This desynchronization effect can be eliminated by use of the triple stimulation technique (TST; Brain 121 (1998) 437). The objective of this paper is to study the effect of discharge desynchronization on MEPs by comparing the size of MEP and TST responses. METHODS: MEP and TST responses were obtained in 10 healthy subjects during isometric contractions of the abductor digiti minimi, during voluntary background contractions between 0% and 20% of maximal force, and using 3 different stimulus intensities. Additional data from other normals and from multiple sclerosis (MS) patients were obtained from previous studies. RESULTS: MEPs were smaller than TST responses in all subjects and under all stimulating conditions, confirming the marked influence of desynchronization on MEPs. There was a linear relation between the amplitudes of MEPs vs. TST responses, independent of the degree of voluntary contraction and stimulus intensity. The slope of the regression equation was 0.66 on average, indicating that desynchronization reduced the MEP amplitude on average by one third, with marked inter-individual variations. A similar average proportion was found in MS patients. CONCLUSIONS: The MEP size reduction induced by desynchronization is not influenced by the intensity of TMS and by the level of facilitatory voluntary background contractions. It is similar in healthy subjects and in MS patients, in whom increased desynchronization of central conduction was previously suggested to occur. Thus, the MEP size reduction observed may not parallel the actual amount of desynchronization.
Motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) vary in size from one stimulus to the next. The objective of this study was to determine the cause and source of trial-to-trial MEP size variability. In two experiments involving 10 and 14 subjects, the variability of MEPs to cortical stimulation (cortical-MEPs) in abductor digiti minimi (ADM) and abductor hallucis (AH) was compared to those responses obtained using the triple stimulation technique (cortical-TST). The TST eliminates the effects of motor neuron (MN) response desynchronization and of repetitive MN discharges. Submaximal stimuli were used in both techniques. In six subjects, cortical-MEP variability was compared to that of brainstem-MEP and brainstem-TST. Variability was greater for MEPs than that for TST responses, by approximately one-third. The variability was the same for cortical- and brainstem-MEPs and was similar in ADM and AH. Variability concerned at least 10-15% of the MN pool innervating the target muscle. With the stimulation parameters used, repetitive MN discharges did not influence variability. For submaximal stimuli, approximately two-third of the observed MEP size variability is caused by the variable number of recruited alpha-MNs and approximately one-third by changing synchronization of MN discharges. The source of variability is most likely localized at the spinal segmental level.
Although non-organic hearing losses are relatively rare, it is important to identify suspicious findings early to be able to administer specific tests, such as objective measurements and specific counseling. In this retrospective study, we searched for findings that were specific ti or typical for non-organic hearing losses. Patient records from a 6 year period (2003-2008) from the University ENT Department of Bern, Switzerland, were reviewed. In this period, 40 subjects were diagnosed with a non-organic hearing loss (22 children, ages 7-16, mean 10.6 years; 18 adults, ages 19-57, mean 39.7 years; 25 females and 15 males). Pure tone audiograms in children and adults showed predominantly sensorineural and frequency-independent hearing losses, mostly in the range of 40-60 dB. In all cases, objective measurements (otoacoustic emissions and/or auditory-evoked potentials) indicated normal or substantially better hearing thresholds than those found in pure tone audiometry. In nine subjects (22.5%; 2 children, 7 adults), hearing aids had been fitted before the first presentation at our center. Six children (27%) had a history of middle ear problems with a transient hearing loss and 11 (50%) knew a person with a hearing loss. Two new and hitherto unreported findings emerged from the analysis: it was observed that a small air-bone gap of 5-20 dB was typical for non-organic hearing losses and that speech audiometry might show considerably poorer results than expected from pure tone audiometry.
BACKGROUND: Hallucinations are perceptions in the absence of a corresponding external sensory stimulus. However, during auditory verbal hallucinations, activation of the primary auditory cortex has been described. AIMS: The objective of this study was to investigate whether this activation of the auditory cortex contributes essentially to the character of hallucinations and attributes them to alien sources, or whether the auditory activation is a sign of increased general auditory attention to external sounds. METHOD: The responsiveness of the auditory cortex was investigated by auditory evoked potentials (N100) during the simultaneous occurrence of hallucinations and external stimuli. Evoked potentials were computed separately for periods with and without hallucinations; N100 power, topography and brain electrical sources were analysed. RESULTS: Hallucinations lowered the N100 amplitudes and changed the topography, presumably due to a reduced left temporal responsivity. CONCLUSIONS: This finding indicates competition between auditory stimuli and hallucinations for physiological resources in the primary auditory cortex. The abnormal activation of the primary auditory cortex may thus be a constituent of auditory hallucinations.
OBJECTIVES Objective evaluation of the impact of minimized extracorporeal circulation (MECC) on perioperative cognitive brain function in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) by electroencephalogram P300 wave event-related potentials and number connection test (NCT) as metrics of cognitive function. METHODS Cognitive brain function was assessed in 31 patients in 2013 with a mean age of 65 years [standard deviation (SD) 10] undergoing CABG by the use of MECC with P300 auditory evoked potentials (peak latencies in milliseconds) directly prior to intervention, 7 days after and 3 months later. Number connection test, serving as method of control, was performed simultaneously in all patients. RESULTS Seven days following CABG, cognitive P300 evoked potentials were comparable with preoperative baseline values [vertex (Cz) 376 (SD 11) ms vs 378 (18) ms, P = 0.39; frontal (Fz) 377 (11) vs 379 (21) ms, P = 0.53]. Cognitive brain function at 3 months was compared with baseline values [(Cz) 376 (11) ms vs 371 (14 ms) P = 0.09; (Fz) 377 (11) ms vs 371 (15) ms, P = 0.04]. Between the first postoperative measurement and 3 months later, significant improvement was observed [(Cz) 378 (18) ms vs 371 (14) ms, P = 0.03; (Fz) 379 (21) vs 371 (15) ms, P = 0.02]. Similar clearly corresponding patterns could be obtained via the number connection test. Results could be confirmed in repeated measures analysis of variance for Cz (P = 0.05) and (Fz) results (P = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS MECC does not adversely affect cognitive brain function after CABG. Additionally, these patients experience a substantial significant cognitive improvement after 3 months, evidentiary proving that the concept of MECC ensures safety and outcome in terms of brain function.
Gebiet: Chirurgie Abstract: Minimized Extracorporeal Circulation does not impair cognitive brain function after coronary artery bypass grafting – – Objectives – Objective evaluation of the impact of minimized extracorporeal circulation (MECC) on perioperative cognitive brain function in coronary bypass grafting (CABG) by Electroencephalogram (EEG) P 300 wave event related potentials (ERP) and number connection test ( NCT) as metrics of cognitive function. – – Methods – Cognitive brain function was assessed in 31 patients with a mean age of 65y (Standard Deviation/SD 10) undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) by the use of MECC with P300 auditory evoked potentials (peak latencies in milliseconds [ms]) directly prior to intervention, 7 days after and 3 month later. Number connection test (NCT), serving as method of control, was performed simultaneously in all patients. – – Results – Seven days following CABG, cognitive P300 evoked potentials were comparable to preoperative baseline values (vertex [Cz] 376 (SD 11) ms vs. 378 (18) ms, p=0.39, frontal [Fz] 377 (11) vs. 379 (21) ms, p=0.53). Cognitive brain function showed at 3 months compared to baseline values ([Cz] 376 (11) ms vs. 371 (14 ms) p=0.09, [Fz] 377 (11) ms vs. 371 (15) ms, p=0.04. Between the first postoperative measurement and 3 months later, significant improvement was observed ([Cz] 378 (18) ms vs. 371 (14) ms, p=0.03, [Fz] 379 (21) vs. 371 (15) ms, p=0.02). Similar clearly corresponding patterns could be obtained via number connection test. Results could be confirmed in repeated measures analysis of variance for Cz (p = 0.05) and (Fz) results (p = 0.04). – – Conclusions
Using transcranial magnetic stimulation and skin conductance responses, we sought to clarify if, and to what extent, emotional experiences of different valences and intensity activate the hand-motor system and the associated corticospinal tract. For that purpose, we applied a newly developed method to evoke strong emotional experiences by the simultaneous presentation of musical and pictorial stimuli of congruent emotional valence. We uncovered enhanced motor-evoked potentials, irrespective of valence, during the simultaneous presentation of emotional music and picture stimuli (Combined conditions) compared with the single presentation of the two modalities (Picture/Music conditions). In contrast, vegetative arousal was enhanced during both the Combined and Music conditions, compared with the Picture conditions, again irrespective of emotional valence. These findings strongly indicate that arousal is a necessary, but not sufficient, prerequisite for triggering the motor system of the brain. We offer a potential explanation for this discrepant, but intriguing, finding in the paper.