19 resultados para Anorexia nerviosa restrictiva
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
OBJECTIVE Anorexia nervosa is associated with several serious medical complications related to malnutrition, severe weight loss, and low levels of micronutrients. The refeeding phase of these high-risk patients bears a further threat to health and potentially fatal complications. The objective of this study was to examine complications due to refeeding of patients with anorexia nervosa, as well as their mortality rate after the implementation of guidelines from the European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. METHODS We analyzed retrospective, observational data of a consecutive, unselected anorexia nervosa cohort during a 5-y period. The sample consisted of 65 inpatients, 14 were admitted more than once within the study period, resulting in 86 analyzed cases. RESULTS Minor complications associated with refeeding during the first 10 d (replenishing phase) were recorded in nine cases (10.5%), four with transient pretibial edemas and three with organ dysfunction. In two cases, a severe hypokalemia occurred. During the observational phase of 30 d, 16 minor complications occurred in 14 cases (16.3%). Six infectious and 10 non-infectious complications occurred. None of the patients with anorexia nervosa died within a follow-up period of 3 mo. CONCLUSIONS Our data demonstrate that the seriousness and rate of complications during the replenishment phase in this high-risk population can be kept to a minimum. The findings indicate that evidence-based refeeding regimens, such as our guidelines are able to reduce complications and prevent mortality. Despite anorexia nervosa, our sample were affected by serious comorbidities, no case met the full diagnostic criteria for refeeding syndrome.
Adrenocortical tumors are rare in children and present with variable signs depending on the type of hormone excess. We herein describe the unusual presentation of a child with adrenocortical tumor and introduce the concept of in vitro chemosensitivity testing. CASE REPORT: A 10.5-year-old girl presented with hypertrichosis/hirsutism and weight loss. The weight loss and behavioral problems, associated with halted puberty and growth, led to the initial diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. However, subsequent weight gain but persisting arrest in growth and puberty and the appearance of central fat distribution prompted further evaluation. RESULTS AND FOLLOW-UP: 24h-urine free cortisol was elevated. Morning plasma ACTH was undetectable, while cortisol was elevated and circadian rhythmicity was absent. Thus a hormonally active adrenal cortical tumor (ACT) was suspected. On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) a unilateral, encapsulated tumor was found which was subsequently removed surgically. Tissue was investigated histologically and for chemosensitivity in primary cell cultures. Although there were some risk factors for malignancy, the tumor was found to be a typical adenoma. Despite this histology, tumor cells survived in culture and were sensitive to cisplatin in combination with gemcitabine or paclitaxel. At surgery, the patient was started on hydrocortisone replacement which was unsuccessfully tapered over 3 months. Full recovery of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis occurred only after 3 years. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of a hormonally active adrenocortical tumor is often delayed because of atypical presentation. Cortisol replacement following unilateral tumor excision is mandatory and may be required for months or years. Individualized chemosensitivity studies carried out on primary cultures established from the tumor tissue itself may provide a tool in evaluating the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic drugs in the event that the adrenocortical tumor may prove to be carcinoma.
Background Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive and fatal lung disease with inevitable loss of lung function. The CAPACITY programme (studies 004 and 006) was designed to confirm the results of a phase 2 study that suggested that pirfenidone, a novel antifibrotic and anti-inflammatory drug, reduces deterioration in lung function in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Methods In two concurrent trials (004 and 006), patients (aged 40–80 years) with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis were randomly assigned to oral pirfenidone or placebo for a minimum of 72 weeks in 110 centres in Australia, Europe, and North America. In study 004, patients were assigned in a 2:1:2 ratio to pirfenidone 2403 mg/day, pirfenidone 1197 mg/day, or placebo; in study 006, patients were assigned in a 1:1 ratio to pirfenidone 2403 mg/day or placebo. The randomisation code (permuted block design) was computer generated and stratified by region. All study personnel were masked to treatment group assignment until after final database lock. Treatments were administered orally, 801 mg or 399 mg three times a day. The primary endpoint was change in percentage predicted forced vital capacity (FVC) at week 72. Analysis was by intention to treat. The studies are registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, numbers NCT00287729 and NCT00287716. Findings In study 004, 174 of 435 patients were assigned to pirfenidone 2403 mg/day, 87 to pirfenidone 1197 mg/day, and 174 to placebo. In study 006, 171 of 344 patients were assigned to pirfenidone 2403 mg/day, and 173 to placebo. All patients in both studies were analysed. In study 004, pirfenidone reduced decline in FVC (p=0·001). Mean FVC change at week 72 was −8·0% (SD 16·5) in the pirfenidone 2403 mg/day group and −12·4% (18·5) in the placebo group (difference 4·4%, 95% CI 0·7 to 9·1); 35 (20%) of 174 versus 60 (35%) of 174 patients, respectively, had a decline of at least 10%. A significant treatment effect was noted at all timepoints from week 24 and in an analysis over all study timepoints (p=0·0007). Mean change in percentage FVC in the pirfenidone 1197 mg/day group was intermediate to that in the pirfenidone 2403 mg/day and placebo groups. In study 006, the difference between groups in FVC change at week 72 was not significant (p=0·501). Mean change in FVC at week 72 was −9·0% (SD 19·6) in the pirfenidone group and −9·6% (19·1) in the placebo group, and the difference between groups in predicted FVC change at week 72 was not significant (0·6%, −3·5 to 4·7); however, a consistent pirfenidone effect was apparent until week 48 (p=0·005) and in an analysis of all study timepoints (p=0·007). Patients in the pirfenidone 2403 mg/day group had higher incidences of nausea (125 [36%] of 345 vs 60 [17%] of 347), dyspepsia (66 [19%] vs 26 [7%]), vomiting (47 [14%] vs 15 [4%]), anorexia (37 [11%] vs 13 [4%]), photosensitivity (42 [12%] vs 6 [2%]), rash (111 [32%] vs 40 [12%]), and dizziness (63 [18%] vs 35 [10%]) than did those in the placebo group. Fewer overall deaths (19 [6%] vs 29 [8%]) and fewer deaths related to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (12 [3%] vs 25 [7%]) occurred in the pirfenidone 2403 mg/day groups than in the placebo groups. Interpretation The data show pirfenidone has a favourable benefit risk profile and represents an appropriate treatment option for patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Because of the typical localisation of erosions in anorectic/bulimic patients, the dentist is frequently the first medical person to discern this general illness (anorexia and bulimia nervosa). From the dental viewpoint, the aim should be to preserve sound dental tissue and to prevent further toothwear. A restorative treatment is to be carried out only after causal therapy and after resolving the basic disease. By means of this procedure a good long-term prognosis can be expected. Considering the patient's young age, dentistry should be preservative using the adhesive technique. This case report documents the systematic procedure of the functional and esthetic rehabilitation of an eroded dentition and shows factors essential to the treatment.
A 10-year-old male, neutered domestic shorthair cat was presented with fever, anorexia, vomiting, and diarrhea. Serologic testing for Feline immunodeficiency virus and Feline leukemia virus were negative. Fine-needle aspirates of mesenteric lymph nodes revealed the presence of banana-shaped apicomplexan parasites. The cat died after 4 days of hospitalization. Postmortem polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis confirmed the presence of Toxoplasma gondii in all examined organs. Parasites were ex vivo isolated in outbred mice and subsequently transferred into cell culture. Genotyping, using genetic markers for SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1, and Apico for PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism, revealed infection with type II T. gondii displaying type II alleles at all loci except Apico, which exhibited a type I allele. This is the most frequently identified genotype among cats acting as definitive hosts in central Europe, but to the authors' knowledge, it has never been associated with systemic toxoplasmosis in an adult, immunocompetent cat.
A 15-year-old domestic shorthair cat was presented with severe haematuria, stranguria, anorexia and lethargy of 10 days' duration. Physical examination revealed a large painful urinary bladder and pain in the cranial abdomen. Abdominal ultrasound revealed severe generalised mural thickening of both the gall bladder and the urinary bladder. Lymphoma was diagnosed on cytology of urine sediment and fine-needle aspirates of the gall bladder. Despite a transitory clinical improvement and partial remission following chemotherapy, the cat was euthanased six weeks after initial presentation due to recurrent clinical signs. Post-mortem examination confirmed a B-cell lymphoma in the urinary bladder. This report is the first description of gall bladder and bladder lymphoma in a cat.
Patientinnen und Patienten mit einer schweren Essstörung (Anorexie, Bulimie, weitere) finden einerseits selten Eingang in systematische Studien, sind andererseits aber häufig auf ein stationäres Behandlungssetting in einem tertiären Zentrum angewiesen. Die kürzlich veröffentlichte S3-Leitlinie zur Behandlung von Essstörungen erlaubt eine klarere Einschätzung der Hospitalisationsbedürftigkeit schwer Essgestörter als bisher. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden 26 Patientinnen und Patienten mit einer schweren Essstörung, die konsekutiv auf einer spezialisierten psychosomatisch/internistischen universitären Einrichtung hospitalisiert wurden, retrospektiv hinsichtlich ihrer biologischen, psychologischen und sozialen Merkmale charakterisiert und in Bezug zur S3-Leitlinie gestellt. Die biopsychosozialen Charakteristika der untersuchten Population zeigen, dass die Hospitalisierung schwer Essgestörter im tertiärmedizinischen Setting mit einem multiprofessionellen Behandlungsteam evidenzbasiert erfolgt.
A 13-month-old, neutered female domestic shorthaired cat was evaluated for vomiting, anorexia, and lethargy. The cat was icteric and hyperbilirubinemic. Radiographically a partially radiolucent proximal duodenal foreign body was suspected. Ultrasonographically, there was a foreign body at the level of the duodenal papilla and dilation of the common bile duct and cystic duct; a diagnosis of extrahepatic biliary tract obstruction secondary to a duodenal foreign body was made. Sonographic findings were confirmed at surgery and a duodenal foreign body was removed. This information defines duodenal foreign body as a cause of extrahepatic biliary obstruction in cats.
BACKGROUND: Infection with Mycobacterium microti can cause chronic disease in animals and threaten human health through its zoonotic potential. OBJECTIVE: To describe clinical findings, diagnostic investigations, necropsy, and epidemiology results in South American camelids (SAC) infected with M. microti, member of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. ANIMALS: Eleven SAC with tuberculous lesions. METHODS: Description of 10 llamas and 1 alpaca, aged 4-18 years, from 6 herds with a history of wasting and weakness admitted to the Vetsuisse-Faculty of Berne over 8 years. RESULTS: Clinical signs included weight loss, recumbency, and anorexia in late stages of the disease. Respiratory problems were seen in 6 animals of 11. No consistent hematologic abnormalities were identified. Suspect animals were examined in detail by abdominal ultrasonography and thoracic radiology. Abnormal findings such as enlarged mediastinal, mesenteric, or hepatic lymph nodes were seen only in animals with advanced disease. Single comparative intradermal tuberculin test with bovine protein purified derivate (PPD) and avian PPD was negative in all animals. At necropsy, typical tuberculous lesions were found, and confirmed by bacteriological smear and culture, molecular methods, or both. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Infection caused by M. microti should be considered a differential diagnosis in chronic debilitating disease with or without respiratory signs in SAC. Antemortem confirmation of the diagnosis remains challenging at any stage of infection. Because cases of M. microti infection have been reported in immunocompromized human patients, the zoonotic potential of the organism should be kept in mind when dealing with this disease in SAC.
BACKGROUND: Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is caused by the larval stage (metacestode) of Echinococcus multilocularis. The domestic dog can act as a definitive host and harbor adult cestodes in its small intestine or become an aberrant intermediate host carrying larval stages that may cause severe lesions in the liver, lungs and other organs with clinical signs similar to AE in humans. CASE PRESENTATION: A case of canine AE, affecting the liver and prostate with development of multilocular hydatid paraprostatic cysts and possible lung involvement is described in an 8-year-old neutered male Labrador retriever dog.The dog presented with progressive weight loss, acute constipation, stranguria and a suspected soft tissue mass in the sublumbar region. Further evaluation included computed tomography of the thorax and abdomen, which revealed cystic changes in the prostate, a paraprostatic cyst, as well as lesions in the liver and lungs. Cytological examination of fine-needle aspirates of the liver, prostate and paraprostatic cyst revealed parasitic hyaline membranes typical of an Echinococcus infection and the presence of E. multilocularis-DNA was confirmed by PCR. The dog was treated with albendazole and debulking surgery was considered in case there was a good response to antiparasitic treatment. Constipation and stranguria resolved completely. Six months after the definitive diagnosis, the dog was euthanized due to treatment-resistant ascites and acute anorexia and lethargy. CONCLUSIONS: To the authors' knowledge, this is the first publication of an E. multilocularis infection in a dog causing prostatic and paraprostatic cysts. Although rare, E. multilocularis infection should be considered as an extended differential diagnosis in dogs presenting with prostatic and paraprostatic disease, especially in areas where E. multilocularis is endemic.
A die-off of passerine birds, mostly Eurasian siskins (Carduelis spinus), occurred in multiple areas of Switzerland between February and March 2010. Several of the dead birds were submitted for full necropsy. Bacteriological examination was carried out on multiple tissues of each bird. At gross examination, common findings were light-tan nodules, 1 to 4 mm in diameter, scattered through the esophagus/crop. Histologically, a necroulcerative transmural esophagitis/ingluvitis was observed. Bacterial cultures yielded Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium. At the same time, 2 pet clinics reported an unusual increase of domestic cats presented with fever, anorexia, occasionally dolent abdomen, and history of presumed consumption of passerine birds. Analysis of rectal swabs revealed the presence of S. Typhimurium in all tested cats. PFGE (pulsed field electrophoresis) analysis was performed to characterize and compare the bacterial isolates, and it revealed an indistinguishable pattern between all the avian and all but 1 of the feline isolates. Cloacal swabs collected from clinically healthy migrating Eurasian siskins (during autumn 2010) did not yield S. Typhimurium. The histological and bacteriological findings were consistent with a systemic infection caused by S. Typhimurium. Isolation of the same serovar from the dead birds and ill cats, along with the overlapping results of the PFGE analysis for all the animal species, confirmed a spillover from birds to cats through predation. The sudden increase of the number of siskins over the Swiss territory and their persistency during the whole winter of 2009-2010 is considered the most likely predisposing factor for the onset of the epidemic.
PURPOSE: We assessed the safety of the multikinase inhibitor regorafenib in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) that had progressed following first-line sorafenib. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirty-six patients with Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer stage B or C HCC and preserved to mildly impaired liver function (Child-Pugh class A) received regorafenib 160 mg once daily in cycles of 3 weeks on/1 week off treatment until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity, death or patient/physician decision to discontinue. The primary end-point was safety; secondary end-points included efficacy (including time to progression and overall survival). RESULTS: The median treatment duration was 19.5 weeks (range 2-103). At data cutoff, three patients remained on treatment. Reasons for discontinuation were adverse events (n=20), disease progression (n=10), consent withdrawal (n=2) and death (n=1). Seventeen patients required dose reductions (mostly for adverse events [n=15]); 35 patients had treatment interruption (mostly for adverse events [n=32] or patient error [n=11]). The most frequent treatment-related adverse events were hand-foot skin reaction (any grade n=19; grade ≥3 n=5), diarrhoea (n=19; n=2), fatigue (n=19; n=6), hypothyroidism (n=15; n=0), anorexia (n=13; n=0), hypertension (n=13; n=1), nausea (n=12; n=0) and voice changes (n=10; n=0). Disease control was achieved in 26 patients (partial response n=1; stable disease n=25). Median time to progression was 4.3 months. Median overall survival was 13.8 months. CONCLUSION: Regorafenib had acceptable tolerability and evidence of antitumour activity in patients with intermediate or advanced HCC that progressed following first-line sorafenib.
The importance of the cerebellum for non‐motor functions is becoming more and more evident. The influence on cognitive functions from acquired cerebellar lesions during childhood, however, is not well known. We present follow‐up data from 24 patients, who were operated upon during childhood for benign cerebellar tumours. The benign histology of these tumours required neither radiotherapy nor chemotherapy. Post‐operatively, these children were of normal intelligence with a mean IQ of 99.1, performance intelligence quotient (PIQ) of 101.3 and verbal intelligence quotient (VIQ) of 96.8. However, 57% of patients showed abnormalities in subtesting. In addition, more extensive neuropsychological testing revealed significant problems for attention, memory, processing speed and interference. Visuo‐constructive problems were marked for copying the Rey figure, but less pronounced for recall of the figure. Verbal fluency was more affected than design fluency. Behavioural deficits could be detected in 33% of patients. Attention deficit problems were marked in 12.5%, whereas others demonstrated psychiatric symptoms such as mutism, addiction problems, anorexia, uncontrolled temper tantrums and phobia. Age at tumour operation and size of tumour had no influence on outcome. Vermis involvement was related to an increase in neuropsychological and psychiatric problems. The observation that patients with left‐sided cerebellar tumours were more affected than patients with right‐sided tumours is probably also influenced by a more pronounced vermian involvement in the former group. In summary, this study confirms the importance of the cerebellum for cognitive development and points to the necessity of careful follow‐up for these children to provide them with the necessary help to achieve full integration into professional life.
A 7-year-old male intact Rottweiler was presented with a 1-week history of lethargy, anorexia, vomiting and multiple syncopal events. The results of the clinical examination and electrocardiography were consistent with a third degree atrioventricular block and an intermittent accelerated idioventricular rhythm. Haematology, serum biochemistry, serology for Borrelia burgdorferi, blood culture, total T4, thoracic radiography and echocardiography did not reveal the cause of the arrhythmia. Response to medical treatment with isoproterenol was poor. Pacemaker placement was declined by the owners and the dog was euthanized at their request. Histopathological examination of the heart revealed a chemodectoma at the base of the heart. There was no neoplastic infiltration of the conduction tissue. Potential mechanisms explaining the association of the arrhythmias and the tumour, such as vagal stimulation and neuroendocrine factors are discussed.