24 resultados para Amazonian craton

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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The Bodélé Depression (Chad) in the central Sahara/Sahel region of Northern Africa is the most important source of mineral dust to the atmosphere globally. The Bodélé Depression is purportedly the largest source of Saharan dust reaching the Amazon Basin by transatlantic transport. Here, we have undertaken a comprehensive study of surface sediments from the Bodélé Depression and dust deposits (Chad, Niger) in order to characterize geochemically and isotopically (Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes) this dust source, and evaluate its importance in present and past African dust records. We similarly analyzed sedimentary deposits from the Amazonian lowlands in order to assess postulated accumulation of African mineral dust in the Amazon Basin, as well as its possible impact in fertilizing the Amazon rainforest. Our results identify distinct sources of different ages and provenance in the Bodélé Depression versus the Amazon Basin, effectively ruling out an origin for the Amazonian deposits, such as the Belterra Clay Layer, by long-term deposition of Bodélé Depression material. Similarly, no evidence for contributions from other potential source areas is provided by existing isotope data (Sr, Nd) on Saharan dusts. Instead, the composition of these Amazonian deposits is entirely consistent with derivation from in-situ weathering and erosion of the Precambrian Amazonian craton, with little, if any, Andean contribution. In the Amazon Basin, the mass accumulation rate of eolian dust is only around one-third of the vertical erosion rate in shield areas, suggesting that Saharan dust is “consumed” by tropical weathering, contributing nutrients and stimulating plant growth, but never accumulates as such in the Amazon Basin. The chemical and isotope compositions found in the Bodélé Depression are varied at the local scale, and have contrasting signatures in the “silica-rich” dry lake-bed sediments and in the “calcium-rich” mixed diatomites and surrounding sand material. This unexpected finding implies that the Bodélé Depression material is not “pre-mixed” at the source to provide a homogeneous source of dust. Rather, different isotope signatures can be emitted depending on subtle vagaries of dust-producing events. Our characterization of the Bodélé Depression components indicate that the Bodélé “calcium-rich” component, identified here, is most likely released via eolian processes of sand grain saltation and abrasion and may be significant in the overall global budget of dusts carried out by the Harmattan low-level jet during the winter.


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Diamonds of eclogitic assemblages are dominant in the placer diamond deposits of the northeastern Siberian platform. In this study we present new trace elements and stable isotopes (δ13C and δ18O) data for alluvial diamonds and their garnet inclusions from this locality. Cr-rich garnets of peridotitic affinity in the studied diamonds have a narrow range of δ18O values from 5.7‰ to 6.2‰, which is largely overlapping with the accepted mantle range. This narrow range suggests that the garnet inclusions showing different REE patterns and little variations in oxygen isotopes may have formed by different processes involving fluid/melts that, however, were in oxygen isotopic equilibrium with the mantle. The trace element composition of the eclogitic garnet inclusions supports a crustal origin for at least the high-Ca garnets, which show flat HREE patterns and in some cases a positive Eu-anomaly. High-Ca eclogitic garnets generally show heavier oxygen isotope compositions (δ18O 6.5–9.6‰) than what is observed in low-Ca garnets (δ18O 5.7–7.4‰). The variability in oxygen isotopes and trace elements is suggested to be inherited from contrasting crustal protoliths. The relationship between the high δ18O values of inclusions and the low δ13C values of the host diamonds implies that the high-Ca garnet inclusions were derived from intensely hydrated (e.g., δ18O > 7‰) and typically oxidised basaltic rock close to the seawater interface, and that the carbon for diamonds was closely associated with this protolith.


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The Janzen–Connell hypothesis proposes that specialized herbivores maintain high numbers of tree species in tropical forests by restricting adult recruitment so that host populations remain at low densities. We tested this prediction for the large timber tree species, Swietenia macrophylla, whose seeds and seedlings are preyed upon by small mammals and a host-specific moth caterpillar Steniscadia poliophaea, respectively. At a primary forest site, experimental seed additions to gaps – canopy-disturbed areas that enhance seedling growth into saplings – over three years revealed lower survival and seedling recruitment closer to conspecific trees and in higher basal area neighborhoods, as well as reduced subsequent seedling survival and height growth. When we included these Janzen–Connell effects in a spatially explicit individual-based population model, the caterpillar's impact was critical to limiting Swietenia's adult tree density, with a > 10-fold reduction estimated at 300 years. Our research demonstrates the crucial but oft-ignored linkage between Janzen–Connell effects on offspring and population-level consequences for a long-lived, potentially dominant tree species.


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The study forest regulates nutrient cycles as a supporting ecosystem service mainly via retention in the biosphere and the soil organic layer. How tight the nutrient cycles are depends on environmental conditions. In this chapter, we focus on the roles of (1) deposition from the atmosphere, (2) soil moisture regime, and (3) conversion to pasture in the nutrient cycle. Between 1998 and 2010, there were a seasonal deposition of salpetric acid, an episodic deposition of Ca and Mg from Sahara dusts, and a continuous increase in reactive N inputs related to Amazonian forest fires, the El Niño Southern Oscillation cycle, and the economic development, respectively. Simultaneously, soils became increasingly drier enhancing nutrient release by mineralization. An increasing number of rain storms could considerably increase the export of N and base metals (K, Ca, Mg) via fast surface-near lateral transport in soil. Land-use change from forest to pasture introduces alkaline ashes and grass-derived organic matter. The resulting increases in soil pH and nutrient and substrate supply increase nutrient cycling rates because of enhanced microbial activity.


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This study presents an integrated mineralogical-geochemical data base on fine-grained sediments transported by all major rivers of southern Africa, including the Zambezi, Okavango, Limpopo, Olifants, Orange and Kunene. Clay mineralogy, bulk geochemistry, Sr and Nd isotopic signatures of river mud, considered as proxy of suspended load, are used to investigate the influence of source-rock lithology and weathering intensity on the composition of clay and silt produced in subequatorial to subtropical latitudes. Depletion in mobile alkali and alkaline-earth metals, minor in arid Namibia, is strong in the Okavango, Kwando and Upper Zambezi catchments, where recycling is also extensive. Element removal is most significant for Na, and to a lesser extent for Sr. Depletion in K, Ca and other elements, negligible in Namibia, is moderate elsewhere. The most widespread clay minerals are smectite, dominant in muds derived from Karoo or Etendeka flood basalts, or illite and chlorite, dominant in muds derived from metasedimentary rocks of the Damara Orogen or Zimbabwe Craton. Kaolinite represents 30-40% of clay minerals only in Okavango and Upper Zambezi sediments sourced in humid subequatorial Angola and Zambia. After subtracting the effects of recycling and of local accumulation of authigenic carbonates in soils, the regional distribution of clay minerals and chemical indices consistently reflect weathering intensity primarily controlled by climate. Bulk geochemistry identifies most clearly volcaniclastic sediments and mafic sources in general, but cannot discriminate the other sources of detritus in detail. Instead, Sr and Nd isotopic fingerprints are insensitive to weathering, and thus mirror faithfully the tectonic structure of the southern African continent. Isotopic tools thus represent a much firmer basis than bulk geochemistry or clay mineralogy in the provenance study of mudrocks.


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The 146Sm–142Nd system plays a central role in tracing the silicate differentiation of the Earth prior to 4.1 Ga. After this time, given its initial abundance, the 146Sm can be considered to be extinct. Upadhyay et al. (2009) reported unexpected negative 142Nd anomalies in 1.48 Ga rocks of the Khariar nepheline syenite complex (India) and inferred that an early enriched, low-Sm/Nd reservoir must have contributed to the mantle source rocks of the Khariar complex. As 146Sm had been effectively extinct for about 2.6 billion years before the crystallisation of the Khariar samples, this Nd signature should have remained isolated from the convective mantle for at least that long. It was thus suggested that the source rock of Khariar samples had been sequestered in the lithospheric root of the Indian craton. Using a different chemical separation method, and a different Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) analysis protocol, the present study attempted to replicate these negative 142Nd anomalies, but none were found. To determine which data set is correct, we investigated three possible sources of bias between them: imperfect cancellation of Faraday collector efficiencies during multidynamic TIMS analysis, rapid sample fractionation between the sequential measurement of 146Nd/144Nd and 142Nd/144Nd, and non-exponential law behaviour resulting from so-called “domain mixing.” Incomplete cancellation of collector efficiencies was found unlikely to cause resolvable biases at the estimated level of variation among collector efficiencies. Even in the case of highly variable efficiency and resolvable biases, there is no reason to suspect that they would reproducibly affect only four rocks out of 10 analysed by Upadhyay et al. (2009). Although domain mixing may explain apparent “reverse” fractionation trends observed in some TIMS analyses, it cannot be the cause of the apparent negative anomalies in the study of Upadhyay et al. (2009). It was determined that rapid mass fractionation during the course of a multidynamic TIMS analysis can bias all measured Nd ratios. After applying an approximate correction for this effect, only one rock from Upadhyay et al. (2009) retained an apparent negative 142Nd anomaly. This, in conjunction with our new, anomaly-free data set measured at fractionation rates too low to cause bias, leads to the conclusion that the anomalies reported by Upadhyay et al. (2009) are a subtle and reproducible analytical artefact. The absence of negative 142Nd anomalies in these rocks relaxes the need for a mechanism (other than crust formation) that can isolate a Nd reservoir from the convective mantle for billions of years.


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Hellas basin is a large impact basin situated in the southern highlands of Mars. The north-western part of the basin has the lowest elevation (-7.5 km) on the planet and contains a possibly unique terrain type, which we informally call “banded terrain”. The banded terrain is made up of smooth-looking banded deposits that display signs of viscous behavior and a paucity of superimposed impact craters. In this study, we use newly acquired high spatial resolution images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) in addition to existing datasets to characterize the geomorphology, the morphometry and the architecture of the banded terrain. The banded terrain is generally confined to the NW edge of the Alpheus Colles plateau. The individual bands are ~3–15 km-long, ~0.3 km-wide and are separated by narrow inter-band depressions, which are ~65 m-wide and ~10 m-deep. The bands display several morphologies that vary from linear to concentric forms. Morphometric analysis reveals that the slopes along a given linear or lobate band ranges from 0.5° to 15° (average~6°), whereas the concentric bands are located on flatter terrain (average slope~2–3°). Crater-size frequency analysis yields an Amazonian-Hesperian boundary crater retention age for the terrain (~3 Gyr), which together, with the presence of very few degraded craters, either implies a recent emplacement, resurfacing, or intense erosion. The apparent sensitivity to local topography and preference for concentrating in localized depressions is compatible with deformation as a viscous fluid. In addition, the bands display clear signs of degradation and slumping at their margins along with a suite of other features that include fractured mounds, polygonal cracks at variable size-scales, and knobby/hummocky textures. Together, these features suggest an ice-rich composition for at least the upper layers of the terrain, which is currently being heavily modified through loss of ice and intense weathering, possibly by wind.