13 resultados para Aligned corpora

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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We report the first observation of protons in the near-lunar (100-200 km from the surface) and deeper (near anti-subsolar point) plasma wake when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and solar wind velocity (vsw) are parallel (aligned flow; angle between IMF and vsw≤10°). More than 98% of the observations during aligned flow condition showed the presence of protons in the wake. These observations are obtained by the Solar Wind Monitor sensor of the Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyser experiment on Chandrayaan-1. The observation cannot be explained by the conventional fluid models for aligned flow. Back tracing of the observed protons suggests that their source is the solar wind. The larger gyroradii of the wake protons compared to that of solar wind suggest that they were part of the tail of the solar wind velocity distribution function. Such protons could enter the wake due to their large gyroradii even when the flow is aligned to IMF. However, the wake boundary electric field may also play a role in the entry of the protons into the wake.


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Las nuevas tecnologías y el procesamiento digital han facilitado considerablemente la lingüística de corpus, por ejemplo Internet es una herramienta fácil y barata para recopilar corpus. Internet es cada vez más popular y más importante para la comunicación a causa de la enorme influencia de los nuevos medios y ha afectado la vida y la sociedad de muchas maneras y en parte, de manera fundamental. No sorprende por eso que la lengua y la comunicación misma se vean afectadas. Uno de los fenómenos más interesantes dentro de la comunicación mediada por ordenadores (CMC) son las redes sociales en línea, que en pocos años se han convertido en un medio de comunicación muy difundido y en expansión continua. Su estudio es particularmente interesante porque debido al desarrollo constante de la tecnología las redes sociales en línea no son una entidad estática, sino que cambian incesantemente, introduciéndose frecuentemente novedades para su uso. Estas novedades están condicionadas por el medio electrónico que a su vez influye decisivamente en el estilo de comunicación empleado en redes sociales como Facebook y Tuenti. Al ser un nuevo medio de interacción social, las redes sociales en línea producen un estilo de comunicación propio. El objetivo de análisis de mi tesis es cómo los usuarios de Facebook y Tuenti de la ciudad de Málaga crean este estilo mediante el uso de rasgos fónicos propios de la variedad andaluza y de qué manera la actitud lingüística de los usuarios influye en el uso de dichos rasgos fónicos. Este estudio se basa en un corpus elaborado a partir de enunciados de informantes en Facebook y Tuenti. Un corpus constituido por transcripciones amplias de grabaciones de hablantes malagueños me sirve de corpus de comparación. Otra herramienta metodológica empleada para recopilar datos será la encuesta: un tipo de encuesta estará destinada a captar las actitudes de los participantes frente a diversos rasgos del habla andaluza/malagueña y otro a examinar por qué la gente utiliza estos rasgos en Facebook y Tuenti. Este estudio se apoya en los resultados de un estudio piloto que muestran que los factores sociales y lingüísticos analizados funcionan de manera distinta en el habla real y virtual. Debido a estos usos diferentes podemos considerar la comunicación electrónica de Facebook y Tuenti como un estilo condicionado por el tipo de espacio virtual. Se trata de un estilo que sirve a los usuarios para crear significado social y para expresar sus identidades a partir de la lengua.


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Das Internet wird ein immer populäreres und wichtigeres Kommunikationsmittel, besonders die sogenannten Social-Networking-Sites. In dieser Studie wird untersucht wie die Social-Networking-Sites, Facebook und Tuenti, die Kommunikation beeinflussen. In einem Korpus von Usern aus Málaga, wurde der Gebrauch von nicht-Standard Merkmalen analysiert und mit dem in der gesprochenen Sprache verglichen. Aus diesem Vergleich lässt sich schließen, dass die untersuchten sozialen und linguistischen Faktoren in der virtuellen und der reellen Sprache unterschiedlich funktionieren. Aufgrund dieses unterschiedlichen Gebrauchs kann die elektronische Kommunikation Facebook und Tuenti’s als Stil betrachtet werden, welcher den Usern dazu dient, soziale Bedeutung zu kreieren und ihre sprachliche Identität auszudrücken.


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OBJECTIVES The generation of learning goals (LGs) that are aligned with learning needs (LNs) is one of the main purposes of formative workplace-based assessment. In this study, we aimed to analyse how often trainer–student pairs identified corresponding LNs in mini-clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX) encounters and to what degree these LNs aligned with recorded LGs, taking into account the social environment (e.g. clinic size) in which the mini-CEX was conducted. METHODS Retrospective analyses of adapted mini-CEX forms (trainers’ and students’ assessments) completed by all Year 4 medical students during clerkships were performed. Learning needs were defined by the lowest score(s) assigned to one or more of the mini-CEX domains. Learning goals were categorised qualitatively according to their correspondence with the six mini-CEX domains (e.g. history taking, professionalism). Following descriptive analyses of LNs and LGs, multi-level logistic regression models were used to predict LGs by identified LNs and social context variables. RESULTS A total of 512 trainers and 165 students conducted 1783 mini-CEXs (98% completion rate). Concordantly, trainer–student pairs most often identified LNs in the domains of ‘clinical reasoning’ (23% of 1167 complete forms), ‘organisation/efficiency’ (20%) and ‘physical examination’ (20%). At least one ‘defined’ LG was noted on 313 student forms (18% of 1710). Of the 446 LGs noted in total, the most frequently noted were ‘physical examination’ (49%) and ‘history taking’ (21%). Corresponding LNs as well as social context factors (e.g. clinic size) were found to be predictors of these LGs. CONCLUSIONS Although trainer–student pairs often agreed in the LNs they identified, many assessments did not result in aligned LGs. The sparseness of LGs, their dependency on social context and their partial non-alignment with students’ LNs raise questions about how the full potential of the mini-CEX as not only a ‘diagnostic’ but also an ‘educational’ tool can be exploited.


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Software corpora facilitate reproducibility of analyses, however, static analysis for an entire corpus still requires considerable effort, often duplicated unnecessarily by multiple users. Moreover, most corpora are designed for single languages increasing the effort for cross-language analysis. To address these aspects we propose Pangea, an infrastructure allowing fast development of static analyses on multi-language corpora. Pangea uses language-independent meta-models stored as object model snapshots that can be directly loaded into memory and queried without any parsing overhead. To reduce the effort of performing static analyses, Pangea provides out-of-the box support for: creating and refining analyses in a dedicated environment, deploying an analysis on an entire corpus, using a runner that supports parallel execution, and exporting results in various formats. In this tool demonstration we introduce Pangea and provide several usage scenarios that illustrate how it reduces the cost of analysis.


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Discourse connectives are lexical items indicating coherence relations between discourse segments. Even though many languages possess a whole range of connectives, important divergences exist cross-linguistically in the number of connectives that are used to express a given relation. For this reason, connectives are not easily paired with a univocal translation equivalent across languages. This paper is a first attempt to design a reliable method to annotate the meaning of discourse connectives cross-linguistically using corpus data. We present the methodological choices made to reach this aim and report three annotation experiments using the framework of the Penn Discourse Tree Bank.


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In this paper, we question the homogeneity of a large parallel corpus by measuring the similarity between various sub-parts. We compare results obtained using a general measure of lexical similarity based on χ2 and by counting the number of discourse connectives. We argue that discourse connectives provide a more sensitive measure, revealing differences that are not visible with the general measure. We also provide evidence for the existence of specific characteristics defining translated texts as opposed to non-translated ones, due to a universal tendency for explicitation.


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When analysing software metrics, users find that visualisation tools lack support for (1) the detection of patterns within metrics; and (2) enabling analysis of software corpora. In this paper we present Explora, a visualisation tool designed for the simultaneous analysis of multiple metrics of systems in software corpora. Explora incorporates a novel lightweight visualisation technique called PolyGrid that promotes the detection of graphical patterns. We present an example where we analyse the relation of subtype polymorphism with inheritance and invocation in corpora of Smalltalk and Java systems and find that (1) subtype polymorphism is more likely to be found in large hierarchies; (2) as class hierarchies grow horizontally, they also do so vertically; and (3) in polymorphic hierarchies the length of the name of the classes is orthogonal to the cardinality of the call sites.


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Visualisation provides good support for software analysis. It copes with the intangible nature of software by providing concrete representations of it. By reducing the complexity of software, visualisations are especially useful when dealing with large amounts of code. One domain that usually deals with large amounts of source code data is empirical analysis. Although there are many tools for analysis and visualisation, they do not cope well software corpora. In this paper we present Explora, an infrastructure that is specifically targeted at visualising corpora. We report on early results when conducting a sample analysis on Smalltalk and Java corpora.