5 resultados para AK32-3336

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Patients with orthostatic hypotension may experience neck pain radiating to the occipital region of the skull and the shoulders while standing (so-called coat-hanger ache). This study assessed muscle membrane potential in the trapezius muscle of patients with orthostatic hypotension and healthy subjects during head-up tilt (HUT), by measuring velocity recovery cycles (VRCs) of muscle action potentials as an indicator of muscle membrane potential.


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Ebenso wie in anderen Bereichen können sich Menschen auch in Bezug auf ihre Gesundheit unterschiedlich verhalten. Solches Gesundheitsverhalten kann sich positiv oder negativ auf die Gesundheit auswirken. Selbst Verhaltensweisen, die nicht direkt auf die Gesundheit eines Menschen ausgerichtet sind, können die Gesundheit beeinflussen: So kann sich Stress z. B. entscheidend auf die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität eines Menschen auswirken. Der Erwerb von Gesundheitskompetenz, d. h. von individuellen Fähigkeiten, die es ermöglichen, förderlich mit der eigenen Gesundheit und der Gesundheit Anderer umzugehen, kann zu einem persönlichen Gesundheitsgewinn und einer Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen für Gesundheit führen. In diesem Abschnitt definieren wir zuerst den Begriff des Gesundheitsverhaltens und betrachten drei Public Health-relevante Erklärungsmodelle für Gesundheitsverhalten. Wir beschäftigen uns mit einem häufig verwendeten Stressmodell, gehen den möglichen Ursachen von Stress nach, erfahren etwas über die durch Stress entstehenden volkswirtschaftlichen Kosten und über Methoden zum adäquaten Umgang mit Stress. Abschließend gehen wir näher auf das Konzept des gesundheitsrelevanten Lebensstils ein und beschäftigen uns mit den verschiedenen Formen von Gesundheitskompetenz. Schweizerische Lernziele: CPH 1, CPH 33–36, CPH 65


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Systematic reviews and meta-analyses allow for a more transparent and objective appraisal of the evidence. They may decrease the number of false-negative results and prevent delays in the introduction of effective interventions into clinical practice. However, as for any other tool, their misuse can result in severely misleading results. In this article, we discuss the main steps that should be taken when conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses, namely the preparation of a review protocol, identification of eligible trials, and data extraction, pooling of treatment effects across trials, investigation of potential reasons for differences in treatment effects across trials, and complete reporting of the review methods and findings. We also discuss common pitfalls that should be avoided, including the use of quality assessment tools to derive summary quality scores, pooling of data across trials as if they belonged to a single large trial, and inappropriate uses of meta-regression that could result in misleading estimates of treatment effects because of regression to the mean or the ecological fallacy. If conducted and reported properly, systematic reviews and meta-analyses will increase our understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the available evidence, which may eventually facilitate clinical decision making.


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PURPOSE Fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy is a technique to measure decay times of endogenous retinal fluorophores. The purpose of this study was to investigate fluorescence lifetimes in eyes with central and branch retinal artery occlusion. METHODS Twenty-four patients with central or branch retinal artery occlusion were included in this study. The contralateral unaffected fellow eye was used as control. Measurements were performed using a fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscope based on a HRA Spectralis system. Fluorescence excitation wavelength was 473 nm, and mean lifetimes were measured in a short (498-560 nm) and in a long (560-720 nm) spectral channel. Fluorescence lifetimes in the area of retinal artery occlusion were measured and compared to corresponding areas in contralateral unaffected eyes. Additionally, findings were correlated to optical coherence tomography measurements. RESULTS Retinal lifetime images of 24 patients with retinal artery occlusion were analyzed. Mean retinal fluorescence lifetimes were prolonged by 50% in the short and 20% in the long spectral channel in ischemic retinal areas up to 3 days after retinal artery occlusion compared to the contralateral unaffected eyes. In the postacute disease stage there was no difference between the lifetimes of affected areas and unaffected fellow eyes. CONCLUSIONS Retinal artery occlusion leads to significantly longer fluorescence lifetimes of the retina in the acute phase and may serve as a useful indicator for acute ischemic retinal damage.