10 resultados para (A. Schmidt) G. Fryxell and T. P. Watkins

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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BACKGROUND: Caring for a spouse with Alzheimer's disease is associated with increased psychological distress, impaired immunity, and heightened cardiovascular risk. Hyperreactivity of sympathetic and platelet activation responses to acute psychological stress, or the failure to recover quickly from stressful events, may constitute an important pathway linking stress and negative affect with cardiovascular disease (CVD). OBJECTIVES: (1) To evaluate associations between negative affect (i.e., depressive and anxious symptoms) with increased norepinephrine and P-selectin responses to an acute psychological stress task. (2) To establish whether these associations are augmented among elderly spousal caregivers (CG) compared to non-caregivers (NC). METHODS: Depressive (DEP) and anxious (ANX) symptoms from the Brief Symptom Inventory were assessed among 39 CG and 31 NC. Plasma norepinephrine levels (NE) and percent platelet P-selectin (PSEL) expression were assayed at three time-points: rest, immediately following a laboratory speech test (reactivity), and after 14 min of recovery. Results: Among CG, but not NC, increased symptoms of depression and anxiety were associated with delayed NE recovery (DEP: beta=.460, p=.008; ANX: beta=.361, p=.034), increased PSEL reactivity (DEP: beta=.703, p<.001; ANX: beta=.526, p=.002), and delayed PSEL recovery (DEP: beta=.372, p=.039; ANX: beta=.295, p=.092), while controlling for age, gender, aspirin use, antidepressant use, and preexisting CVD. Bivariate correlations showed delayed NE recovery was also associated with increased PSEL reactivity (r=.416) and delayed PSEL recovery (r=.372; all ps<.05) among CG but not NC. DISCUSSION: Among chronically stressed caregivers, increased levels of depressive and anxious symptoms are associated with prolonged sympathetic activation and pronounced platelet activation. These changes may represent one pathway linking caregiving stress to cardiovascular risk.


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The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the deposition of cartilage-specific extracellular matrix components and cellular organization in scaffold-free neocartilage produced in microgravity and simulated microgravity.


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Hematopoietic cells uniquely express G(alpha16), a G protein alpha-subunit of the G(q)-type. G(alpha16) is obligatory for P2Y2 receptor-dependent Ca2+-mobilization in human erythroleukemia cells and induces hematopoietic cell differentiation. We tested whether P2Y2 receptors physically interact with G(alpha16). Receptor and G protein were fused to cyan (CFP) and yellow (YFP) variants of the green fluorescent protein (GFP), respectively. When expressed in K562 leukemia cells, the fusion proteins were capable of triggering a Ca2+-signal upon receptor stimulation, demonstrating their functional integrity. In fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements using confocal microscopy, a strong FRET signal from the plasma membrane region of fixed, resting cells was detected when the receptor was co-expressed with the G protein as the FRET acceptor, as well as when the CFP-tagged receptor was co-expressed with receptor fused to YFP. We conclude that, under resting conditions, G(alpha16) and P2Y2 receptors form constitutive complexes, and that the P2Y2 receptor is present as an oligomer.


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The objective of this study was to compare the effects of 3 different fluid types for resuscitation after experimentally induced hemorrhagic shock in anesthetized chickens and to evaluate partial pressures of carbon dioxide measured in arterial blood (Paco2), with a transcutaneous monitor (TcPco2), with a gastric intraluminal monitor (GiPco2), and by end tidal measurements (Etco2) under stable conditions and after induced hemorrhagic shock. Hemorrhagic shock was induced in 40 white leghorn chickens by removing 50% of blood volume by phlebotomy under general anesthesia. Birds were divided into 4 groups: untreated (control group) and treated with intravenous hetastarch (haes group), with a hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier (hemospan group), or by autotransfusion (blood group). Respiratory rates, heart rates, and systolic arterial blood pressure (SAP) were compared at 8 time points (baseline [T0]; at the loss of 10% [T10%], 20% [T20%], 30% [T30%], 40% [T40%], and 50% [T50%] of blood volume; at the end of resuscitation [RES]; and at the end of anesthesia [END]). Packed cell volume (PCV) and blood hemoglobin content were compared at 6 time points (T0, T50%, RES, and 1, 3, and 7 days after induced hemorrhagic shock). Measurements of Paco2, TcPco2, GiPco2, and Etco2 were evaluated at 2 time points (T0 and T50%), and venous lactic acid concentrations were evaluated at 3 time points (T0, T50%, and END). No significant differences were found in mortality, respiratory rate, heart rate, PCV, or hemoglobin values among the 4 groups. Birds given fluid resuscitation had significantly higher SAPs after fluid administration than did birds in the control group. In all groups, PCV and hemoglobin concentrations began to rise by day 3 after phlebotomy, and baseline values were reached 7 days after blood removal. At T0, TcPco2 did not differ significantly from Paco2, but GiPco2 and Etco2 differed significantly from Paco2. After hemorrhagic shock, GiPco2 and TcPco2 differed significantly from Paco2. The TcPco2 or GiPco2 values did not differ significantly at any time point in birds that survived or died in any of the groups and across all groups. These results showed no difference in mortality in leghorn chickens treated with fluid resuscitation after hemorrhagic shock and that the PCV and hemoglobin concentrations increased by 3 days after acute hemorrhage with or without treatment. The different CO2 measurements document changes in CO2-values consistent with poor perfusion and may prove useful for serial evaluation of responses to shock and shock treatment.


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Associations between the central serotonergic and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) systems play key roles in the prefrontal cortical regulation of emotion and cognition and in the pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy of highly prevalent psychiatric disorders. The goal of this study was to test the effects of common variants of the tryptophan hydroxylase isoform 2 (TPH2) gene on GABA concentration in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In this study involving 64 individuals, we examined the associations between prefrontal cortical GABA concentration and 12 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) spanning the TPH2 gene, including rs4570625 (−703 G/T SNP), a potentially functional TPH2 polymorphism that has been associated with decreased TPH2 mRNA expression and panic disorder. Our results revealed a significant association between increased GABA concentration in the PFC and the T-allele frequencies of two TPH2 SNPs, namely rs4570625 (−703 G/T) and rs2129575 (‰¤0.0004) and the C-allele frequency of one TPH2 SNP, namely rs1386491 (p = 0.0003) in female subjects. We concluded that rs4570625 (−703 G/T), rs2129575 and rs1386491 play a significant role in GABAergic neurotransmission and may contribute to the sex-specific dysfunction of the GABAergic system in the PFC.


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T-cell migration across the blood-brain barrier is a crucial step in the pathogenesis of EAE, an animal model for MS. Live cell imaging studies demonstrated that P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) and its endothelial ligands E- and P-selectin mediate the initial rolling of T cells in brain vessels during EAE. As functional absence of PSGL-1 or E/P-selectins does not result in ameliorated EAE, we speculated that T-cell entry into the spinal cord is independent of PSGL-1 and E/P-selectin. Performing intravital microscopy, we observed the interaction of WT or PSGL-1(-/-) proteolipid protein-specific T cells in inflamed spinal cord microvessels of WT or E/P-selectin(-/-) SJL/J mice during EAE. T-cell rolling but not T-cell capture was completely abrogated in the absence of either PSGL-1 or E- and P-selectin, resulting in a significantly reduced number of T cells able to firmly adhere in the inflamed spinal cord microvessels, but did not lead to reduced T-cell invasion into the CNS parenchyma. Thus, PSGL-1 interaction with E/P-selectin is essential for T-cell rolling in inflamed spinal cord microvessels during EAE. Taken together with previous observations, our findings show that T-cell rolling is not required for successful T-cell entry into the CNS and initiation of EAE.


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Several studies have shown that HER-2/neu (erbB-2) blocking therapy strategies can cause tumor remission. However, the responsible molecular mechanisms are not yet known. Both ERK1/2 and Akt/PKB are critical for HER-2-mediated signal transduction. Therefore, we used a mouse tumor model that allows downregulation of HER-2 in tumor tissue by administration of anhydrotetracycline (ATc). Switching-off HER-2 caused a rapid tumor remission by more than 95% within 7 d of ATc administration compared to the volume before switching-off HER-2. Interestingly, HER-2 downregulation caused a dephosphorylation of p-ERK1/2 by more than 80% already before tumor remission occurred. Levels of total ERK protein were not influenced. In contrast, dephosphorylation of p-Akt occurred later, when the tumor was already in remission. These data suggest that in our HER-2 tumor model dephosphorylation of p-ERK1/2 may be more critical for tumor remission than dephosphorylation of p-Akt. To test this hypothesis we used a second mouse tumor model that allows ATc controlled expression of BXB-Raf1 because the latter constitutively signals to ERK1/2, but cannot activate Akt/PKB. As expected, downregulation of BXB-Raf1 in tumor tissue caused a strong dephosphorylation of p-ERK1/2, but did not decrease levels of p-Akt. Interestingly, tumor remission after switching-off BXB-Raf1 was similarly efficient as the effect of HER-2 downregulation, despite the lack of p-Akt dephosphorylation. In conclusion, two lines of evidence strongly suggest that dephosphorylation of p-ERK1/2 and not that of p-Akt is critical for the rapid tumor remission after downregulation of HER-2 or BXB-Raf1 in our tumor model: (i) dephosphorylation of p-ERK1/2 but not that of p-Akt precedes tumor remission after switching-off HER-2 and (ii) downregulation of BXB-Raf1 leads to a similarly efficient tumor remission as downregulation of HER-2, although no p-Akt dephosphorylation was observed after switching-off BXB-Raf1.


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This review of late-Holocene palaeoclimatology represents the results from a PAGES/CLIVAR Intersection Panel meeting that took place in June 2006. The review is in three parts: the principal high-resolution proxy disciplines (trees, corals, ice cores and documentary evidence), emphasizing current issues in their use for climate reconstruction; the various approaches that have been adopted to combine multiple climate proxy records to provide estimates of past annual-to-decadal timescale Northern Hemisphere surface temperatures and other climate variables, such as large-scale circulation indices; and the forcing histories used in climate model simulations of the past millennium. We discuss the need to develop a framework through which current and new approaches to interpreting these proxy data may be rigorously assessed using pseudo-proxies derived from climate model runs, where the `answer' is known. The article concludes with a list of recommendations. First, more raw proxy data are required from the diverse disciplines and from more locations, as well as replication, for all proxy sources, of the basic raw measurements to improve absolute dating, and to better distinguish the proxy climate signal from noise. Second, more effort is required to improve the understanding of what individual proxies respond to, supported by more site measurements and process studies. These activities should also be mindful of the correlation structure of instrumental data, indicating which adjacent proxy records ought to be in agreement and which not. Third, large-scale climate reconstructions should be attempted using a wide variety of techniques, emphasizing those for which quantified errors can be estimated at specified timescales. Fourth, a greater use of climate model simulations is needed to guide the choice of reconstruction techniques (the pseudo-proxy concept) and possibly help determine where, given limited resources, future sampling should be concentrated.