228 resultados para Yesilova, Katja


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Background: The pore-forming subunit of the cardiac sodium channel, Na v1.5, has been previously found to be mutated in genetically determined arrhythmias. Na v1.5 associates with many proteins that regulate its function and cellular localisation. In order to identify more in situ Na v1.5 interacting proteins, genetically-modified mice with a high-affinity epitope in the sequence of Na v1.5 can be generated. Methods: In this short study, we (1) compared the biophysical properties of the sodium current (I Na) generated by the mouse Na v1.5 (mNa v1.5) and human Na v1.5 (hNa v1.5) constructs that were expressed in HEK293 cells, and (2) investigated the possible alterations of the biophysical properties of the human Na v1.5 construct that was modified with specific epitopes. Results: The biophysical properties of mNa v1.5 were similar to the human homolog. Addition of epitopes either up-stream of the N-terminus of hNa v1.5 or in the extracellular loop between the S5 and S6 transmembrane segments of domain 1, significantly decreased the amount of I Na and slightly altered its biophysical properties. Adding green fluorescent protein (GFP) to the N-terminus did not modify any of the measured biophysical properties of hNa v1.5. Conclusions: These findings have to be taken into account when planning to generate genetically-modified mouse models that harbour specific epitopes in the gene encoding mNa v1.5.


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Energie ist eine der wichtigsten Ressourcen der Gegenwart. Wir nutzen sie täglich zum Heizen, Kochen, Beleuchten, Fortbewegen, Arbeiten. Neben der Endlichkeit der fossilen Energieträger rückten in den letzten Jahren auch die mit den Energieregimen verbundenen Risiken (wieder) vermehrt ins Bewusstsein. Gerade deshalb erlebte besonders die Energiegeschichte zum 20. Jahrhundert jüngst einen Aufschwung. Die einzelnen Beiträge zeichnen dabei nicht nur den ungestillten Energiehunger während des Wirtschaftsbooms nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg nach, sondern gehen auch den Wurzeln des heutigen Energieregimes im 19. Jahrhundert nach. Thematisiert werden die wichtigsten Triebkräfte der Innovationen in der Wasserkraft, die Entwicklungslinien der Energieverwendung und des Energieverbrauchs im Verkehr und in der Landwirtschaft sowie die Auswirkungen eines mehrtägigen Stromausfalls auf die Gesellschaft.


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Background & Aims: HLA-B⁄27 is associated with spontaneous HCV genotype 1 clearance. HLA-B⁄27-restricted CD8+ T cells target three NS5B epitopes. Two of these epitopes are dominantly targeted in the majority of HLA-B⁄27+ patients. In chronic infection, viral escape occurs consistently in these two epitopes. The third epitope (NS5B2820) was dominantly targeted in an acutely infected patient. This was in contrast, however, to the lack of recognition and viral escape in the large majority of HLA-B⁄27+ patients. Here, we set out to determine the host factors contributing to selective targeting of this epitope. Methods: Four-digit HLA class I typing and viral sequence analyses were performed in 78 HLA-B⁄27+ patients with chronic HCV genotype 1 infection. CD8+ T cell analyses were performed in a subset of patients. In addition, HLA/peptide affinity was compared for HLA-B⁄27:02 and 05. Results: The NS5B2820 epitope is only restricted by the HLA-B⁄27 subtype HLA-B⁄27:02 (that is frequent in Mediterranean populations), but not by the prototype HLA-B⁄27 subtype B⁄27:05. Indeed, the epitope is very dominant in HLA-B⁄27:02+ patients and is associated with viral escape mutations at the anchor position for HLA-binding in 12 out of 13 HLA-B⁄27:02+ chronically infected patients. Conclusions: The NS5B2820 epitope is immunodominant in the context of HLA-B⁄27:02, but is not restricted by other HLA-B⁄27 subtypes. This finding suggests an important role of HLA subtypes in the restriction of HCV-specific CD8+ responses. With minor HLA subtypes covering up to 39% of specific populations, these findings may have important implications for the selection of epitopes for global vaccines.


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Intraductal papillary neoplasms of the bile duct are still poorly characterized regarding (1) their molecular alterations during the development to invasive carcinomas, (2) their subtype stratification and (3) their biological behavior. We performed a multicenter study that analyzed these issues in a large European cohort. Intraductal papillary neoplasms of the bile duct from 45 patients were graded and subtyped using mucin markers and CDX2. In addition, tumors were analyzed for common oncogenic pathways, and the findings were correlated with subtype and grade. Data were compared with those from 22 extra- and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas. Intraductal papillary neoplasms showed a development from preinvasive low- to high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia to invasive carcinoma. Molecular and immunohistochemical analysis revealed mutated KRAS, overexpression of TP53 and loss of p16 in low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, whereas loss of SMAD4 was found in late phases of tumor development. Alterations of HER2, EGFR, β-catenin and GNAS were rare events. Among the subtypes, pancreato-biliary (36%) and intestinal (29%) were the most common, followed by gastric (18%) and oncocytic (13%) subtypes. Patients with intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct showed a slightly better overall survival than patients with cholangiocarcinoma (hazard ratio (cholangiocarcinoma versus intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct): 1.40; 95% confidence interval: 0.46-4.30; P=0.552). The development of biliary intraductal papillary neoplasms of the bile duct follows an adenoma-carcinoma sequence that correlates with the stepwise activation of common oncogenic pathways. Further large trials are needed to investigate and verify the finding of a better prognosis of intraductal papillary neoplasms compared with conventional cholangiocarcinoma.


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BACKGROUND For esophageal adenocarcinoma treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy, postoperative staging classifications initially developed for non-pretreated tumors may not accurately predict prognosis. We tested whether a multifactorial TNM-based histopathologic prognostic score (PRSC), which additionally applies to tumor regression, may improve estimation of prognosis compared with the current Union for International Cancer Control/American Joint Committee on Cancer (UICC) staging system. PATIENTS AND METHODS We evaluated esophageal adenocarcinoma specimens following cis/oxaliplatin-based therapy from two separate centers (center 1: n = 280; and center 2: n = 80). For the PRSC, each factor was assigned a value from 1 to 2 (ypT0-2 = 1 point; ypT3-4 = 2 points; ypN0 = 1 point; ypN1-3 = 2 points; ≤50 % residual tumor/tumor bed = 1 point; >50 % residual tumor/tumor bed = 2 points). The three-tiered PRSC was based on the sum value of these factors (group A: 3; group B: 4-5; group C: 6) and was correlated with patients' overall survival (OS). RESULTS The PRSC groups showed significant differences with respect to OS (p < 0.0001; hazard ratio [HR] 2.2 [95 % CI 1.7-2.8]), which could also be demonstrated in both cohorts separately (center 1 p < 0.0001; HR 2.48 [95 % CI 1.8-3.3] and center 2 p = 0.015; HR 1.7 [95 % CI 1.1-2.6]). Moreover, the PRSC showed a more accurate prognostic discrimination than the current UICC staging system (p < 0.0001; HR 1.15 [95 % CI 1.1-1.2]), and assessment of two goodness-of-fit criteria (Akaike Information Criterion and Schwarz Bayesian Information Criterion) clearly supported the superiority of PRSC over the UICC staging. CONCLUSION The proposed PRSC clearly identifies three subgroups with different outcomes and may be more helpful for guiding further therapeutic decisions than the UICC staging system.


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BACKGROUND Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced gastric cancer leads to major histopathological response in less than 30 % of patients. Data on interim endoscopic response assessment do not exist. This exploratory prospective study evaluates early endoscopy after 50 % of the chemotherapy as predictor for later response and prognosis. METHODS Forty-seven consecutive patients were included (45 resected; 33 R0 resections). All patients received baseline endoscopy and CT scans, after 50 % of their chemotherapy (EGD-1, CT-1) and after completion of chemotherapy (EGD-2, CT-2). Interim endoscopic response (EGD-1) was assessed after having received 50 % (6 weeks) of the planned 12 weeks of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Post-chemotherapy response was clinically assessed by a combination of CT scan (CT-2) and endoscopy (EGD-2). Histopathological response was determined by a standardized scoring system (Becker criteria). Endoscopic response was defined as a reduction of >75 % of the tumor mass. RESULTS Twelve patients were responders at EGD-1 and 13 at EGD-2. Nine patients (19.1 %) were clinical responders and 7 patients (15.6 %) were histopathological responders after chemotherapy. Specificity, accuracy, and negative predictive value of the interim EGD-1 for subsequent histopathological response were 31/38 (82 %), 36/47 (76 %), and 31/33 (93 %); and for recurrence or death, 28/30 (93.3 %), 38/47 (80.9 %), and 28/35 (80.0 %). Response at EGD-1 was significantly associated with histopathological response (p = 0.010), survival (p < 0.001), and recurrence-free survival (p = 0.009). CONCLUSIONS Interim endoscopy after 6 weeks predicts response and prognosis. Therefore, tailoring treatment according to interim endoscopic assessment could be feasible, but the findings of this study should be validated in a larger patient cohort.


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This longitudinal study investigated whether cybervictimisation is an additional risk factor for depressive symptoms over and beyond traditional victimisation in adolescents. Furthermore, it explored whether certain coping strategies moderate the impact of cybervictimisation on depressive symptoms. A total of 765 Swiss seventh graders (mean age at time-point 1 (t1) = 13.18 years) reported on the frequency of traditional and cybervictimisation, and of depressive symptoms twice in six months. At time-point 2 (t2) students also completed a questionnaire on coping strategies in response to a hypothetical cyberbullying scenario. Analyses showed that both traditional and cybervictimisation were associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms. Cybervictimisation also predicted increases in depressive symptoms over time. Regarding coping strategies, it was found that helpless reactions were positively associated with depressive symptoms. Moreover, support seeking from peers and family showed a significant buffering effect: cybervictims who recommended seeking close support showed lower levels of depressive symptoms at t2. In contrast, cybervictims recommending assertive coping strategies showed higher levels of depressive symptoms at t2.


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Rhythm is a central characteristic of music and speech, the most important domains of human communication using acoustic signals. Here, we investigated how rhythmical patterns in music are processed in the human brain, and, in addition, evaluated the impact of musical training on rhythm processing. Using fMRI, we found that deviations from a rule-based regular rhythmic structure activated the left planum temporale together with Broca's area and its right-hemispheric homolog across subjects, that is, a network also crucially involved in the processing of harmonic structure in music and the syntactic analysis of language. Comparing the BOLD responses to rhythmic variations between professional jazz drummers and musical laypersons, we found that only highly trained rhythmic experts show additional activity in left-hemispheric supramarginal gyrus, a higher-order region involved in processing of linguistic syntax. This suggests an additional functional recruitment of brain areas usually dedicated to complex linguistic syntax processing for the analysis of rhythmical patterns only in professional jazz drummers, who are especially trained to use rhythmical cues for communication.


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Einleitung Die Annahme, dass Sport nicht nur positive Effekte auf die körperliche Gesundheit, sondern auch auf die kognitive Leistung haben kann, konnte anhand experimenteller Studien mit Erwachsenen weitgehend bestätigt werden. Ob dieselben Effekte auch bei Kindern und Jugendlichen vorzufinden sind, kann mit Blick auf die mangelnde empirische Evidenz in dieser Altersgruppe kaum zufriedenstellend beantwortet werden (Chang et al., 2012). Will man zudem der Frage nach den Wirkmechanismen nachgehen, sind Unter-suchungsdesigns angezeigt, die theoriegeleitet verschiedene Sportinterventionen mit unterschiedlichen Beanspruchungsmodalitäten kombinieren. So ist unter der Annahme der cardiovascular fitness hypothesis (Etnier et al., 2006) zur gezielten Förderung der kognitiven Leistungsfähigkeit ein systematisches Ausdauertraining sinnvoll, während theoretische Ansätze, die neurophysiologische Korrelate zur Erklärung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Sport und Kognition heranziehen (Diamond, 2000) eher kognitiv sowie koordinativ anspruchsvolle Sportangebote nahelegen würden. Daher geht der vorliegende Beitrag der Frage nach, ob spezifisch konzipierte langfristige Interventionen im Sportunterricht einen spezifischen Effekt auf die kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit von Primarschulkindern haben können. Methode Im Rahmen der quasiexperimentellen Längsschnittstudie „Sport und Kognition“ (SpuK_5.0) wurden insgesamt 250 Schülerinnen und Schüler von 16 fünften Klassen untersucht. Während knapp zwei Monaten absolvierten je vier Klassen während zwei Lektionen des obligatorischen Sportunterrichts entweder ein spielsportbezogenes EF-Training oder ein Ausdauertraining resp. ein kognitives oder kein spezifisches Training (Kontrollgruppe mit regulärem Sportunterricht). Durch die Konzeption dieser vier Experi-mentalbedingungen wurde sichergestellt, dass alle vier möglichen Kombinationen aus hoher resp. niedriger kognitiver und körperlicher Beanspruchung im Design repräsentiert waren. Ergebnisse und Diskussion Im Beitrag werden erste Ergebnisse der noch laufendenden SpuK_5.0-Studie vorgestellt und vor dem Hintergrund aktueller theoretischer Annahmen zu den zugrundeliegenden Wirkmechanismen diskutiert. Literatur Chang, Y. K., Labban, J. D., Gapin, J. I., & Etnier, J. L. (2012). The effects of acute exercise on cognitive performance: A meta-analysis. Brain Research, 1453, 87-101. Diamond, A. (2000). Close interrelation of motor development and cognitive development and of the cere-bellum and prefrontal cortex. Child Development, 71, 44-56. Etnier, J. L., Nowell, P. M., Landers, D. M., & Sibley, B. A. (2006). A meta-regression to examine the rela-tionship between aerobic fitness and cognitive performance. BRAIN RESEARCH, 52, 119-130.


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Purpose: Results from previous studies indicate that children with brain tumors (BT) might present with cognitive problems at diagnosis and thus before the start of any medical treatment. The question remains whether these problems are due to the underlying tumor itself or due to the high level of emotional and physical stress which is involved at diagnosis of a malignant disorder. All children with a de novo oncological diagnosis not involving the central nervous systems (CNS) are usually exposed to a comparable level of distress. However, patients with cancer not involving the CNS are not expected to show disease-related cognitive problems. Thus they serve as a well-balanced control group (CG) to help distinguish between the probable causes of the effect. Method: In a pilot study we analyzed an array of cognitive functions in 16 children with BT and 17 control patients. In both groups, tests were administered in-patient at diagnosis before any therapeutic intervention such as surgery, chemotherapy od irradiation. Results: Performance of children with BT was comparable to that of CG patients in the areas of intelligence, perceptual reasoning, verbal comprehension, working memory, and processing speed. In contrast, however, BT patients performded significantly worse in verbal memory and attention. Conclusion: Memory and attention seem to be the most vulnerable funstions affected by BT, with other functions being preserved at the time of diagnosis. It ist to be expected that this vulnerability might exacerbate the cognitive decline after chemotherapy and radiation treatment - known to impair intellectual performance. The findings highlight the need of early cognitive assessments in children with BT in order to introduce cognitive training as early as possible to minimize or even prevent cognitive long-term sequelae. This might improve long-term academic and professional outcome of these children, but especially helps their return to school after hospitalization.


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Empathie ist ein Begriff, der in einer Vielzahl von Kontexten verwendet wird und daher auch sehr unterschiedlich verstanden werden kann. So wird in dieser Arbeit eine Definition von Empathie gesucht, die Empathie von ähnlichen Konstrukten abgrenzt und auch in der psychotherapeutischen Praxis angewandt werden kann. In der Psychotherapie spielt die Empathie des Therapeuten eine wichtige Rolle für den Verlauf und die Ergebnisse der Therapie. Seit dem Aufkommen neuer Forschungsmethoden mit Hilfe bildgebender Verfahren lassen sich die neuronalen Korrelate der Empathie genauer untersuchen. Dies lässt auch neue Erkenntnisse in Bezug auf die psychotherapeutische Praxis zu. Daher sollen hier einige neurowissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse aufgezeigt werden, woraus Implikationen für die psychotherapeutische Praxis abgeleitet werden. Ausserdem werden Modulationen und Grenzen der therapeutischen Empathie und Schwerpunkte eines möglichen Empathie-Trainings anhand ausgewählter wissenschaftlicher Literatur aufgezeigt.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Frage nach einer möglichen Verknüpfung der Bindungstheorie und der diagnostischen Kriterien einer Bindungsstörung nachgegangen. Dabei wurde untersucht, ob sich ein distinkter Einfluss der Bindungsqualität auf die Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung der Subtypen der Bindungsstörung aufzeigen lässt und inwiefern der Bindungstheorie in der Erklärung der Bindungsstörung Grenzen gesetzt sind. Die Bindungsstörung ( reactive attachment disorder nach DSM-IV) betrifft eine relativ neue Diagnose mit bisher nur vage formulierten Kriterien. In vielen empirischen Arbeiten wird implizit davon ausgegangen, dass sich die Ätiologie der Bindungsstörung hauptsächlich aus der Bindungstheorie ableiten lässt. Letztendlich bleibt jedoch unklar, wo die Berührungspunkte der beiden Konzepte bestehen, wo sie sich ergänzen und wo sie klar abgegrenzt werden müssen.


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Was versteht man unter Exekutiven Funktionen? Können diese bei Kinder zwischen 8-9 Jahren durch ein komplexes Arbeitsgedächtnistraining verbessert werden? Welche Rolle spielen verschiedene Arten der Stressverarbeitung in Bezug auf die Trainingsleistung? Gibt es überhaupt einen Zusammenhang zwischen der kognitiven und emotionalen Selbstregulation bei Kindern und wie äussert sich dieser? Nach einem theoretischen Überblick über die Konstrukte Arbeitsgedächtnis, Exekutive Funktionen und Stressverarbeitung befasst sich dieses Fachbuch mit den Ergebnissen einer empirischen Trainingsstudie, an welcher zweiundneunzig acht-bis neunjährige Kinder aus der Schweiz während vier Wochen teilnahmen. Die Resultate weisen auf eine Verbindung von kognitiven und emotionalen Verarbeitungs- und Kontrolltechniken hin, welche für die schulische Laufbahn und für die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung bedeutsam sind.