177 resultados para Urinary Bladder Calculi.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a common entity among the aging male population. Its prevalence is increasing with age and is around 80% in the over 80-years old. The androgen-estrogen ratio changes in favor of the estrogens, which leads to a growth of prostatic tissue, presenting histologically as hyperplasia. BPH can cause irritative or obstructive symptoms or both. Nowadays we speak of bladder storage or bladder voiding symptoms, summarised as LUTS (Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms). LUTS has a structural and a functional component, the structural being caused by the size of the adenoma itself the functional depending on the muscle tone of the bladder neck and the prostatic urethra. To investigate LUTS, we use validated symptom scores, sonography for residual urine and eventually a urodynamic evaluation. There are 3 grades of BPH. The indication for an interventional therapy is relative in BPH II, and absolute in BPH III. Prior to treatment, other diseases mimicking the same symptoms, have to be ruled out and adequatly treated. Electro-resection of the prostate (TUR-P) remains the standard therapy and the benchmark any new technology has to compete with. TUR-P has good short- and longterm results, but can be associated with a considerable perioperative morbidity, and the learning curve for the operator is long. The most promising of the newer techniques is the Holmium-Laser-Enucleation of the prostate (Laser-TUR-P), showing at least identical short- and median-term results, but a lower perioperative morbidity than TUR-P For several minimally-invasive techniques, indications are limited. TUMT TUNA, WIT and laser-coagulation all produce a coagulation necrosis of the prostatic tissue by thermic damage with secondary tissue shrinking. Urodynamic results however, are not comparable to TUR-P or Laser-TUR-P, and significantly more secondary interventions within 2 to 5 years are required. Minimal-invasive techniques present a favorable alternative for younger patients without complications of BPH, and for older patients with relevant comorbidities, and can usually be performed under local anaesthesia. The morbidity is low and further therapies remain possible later, if necessary.
Urinary hormone analysis is applied to detect an altered steroid hormone metabolism, an elevated production of biogenic amines and to non-invasively determine the protein hormone human beta-choriogonadotropin indicating a pregnancy. Occasionally, these determinations need to be complemented by plasma- or serum hormone analysis. Clinical data including current drug therapy and urinary creatinine as reference are required to interpret any urine analysis. Diseases to be investigated by steroid hormone analysis are excess production of a typical or atypical mineralocorticoid active steroid hormones, the hormonal activity of adrenal or ovarian tumors, acne of unknown origin, hirsutism, a PCO-, an adrenogenital or a suspected Cushing syndrome. Biogenic amines should be determined in suspected secondary or refractory arterial hypertension, in case of pheochromocytoma- or paraganglioma-associated symptoms or if a serotonin-producing tumor is suspected. In children genetically determined diseases are the primary background to perform an analysis.
BACKGROUND: In view of the obvious practical advantages, the most common test for hematuria is currently a reagent strip. METHODS: A standardized microscopic examination of the sediment was performed in 20 asymptomatic children referred for evaluation of chronic isolated microhematuria detected by means of a reagent strip. RESULTS: In 6 of the 20 children the microscopic examination failed to confirm the result of the dipstick test. CONCLUSIONS: Confirmation for the presence of hematuria by microscopy is the most important step in children with a positive dipstick for urinary blood.
OBJECTIVE: Transsexualism occurs with an estimated prevalence of 2.4:100,000 male-to-female (MTF) and 1:100,000 female-to-male (FTM) transsexuals. As sex reassignment surgery involves surgery of the urethra and transsexuals are substituted life-long with the cross gender hormones there could possibly arise micturition disorders. Aim of the study was to determine if transsexuals have an increased risk of micturition disorders and if so which. STUDY DESIGN: Between January and July 2003 we examined 25 transsexuals whereof 18 were MTF and 7 were FTM transsexuals using King's Health Questionnaire, visual analogue scale for patient's well being, perineal and transabdominal ultrasound, urine dipstick and uroflow measurement. RESULTS: 17 out of 25 patients considered themselves very happy. In MTF transsexuals, a diverted stream, overactive bladder and stress urinary incontinence was a common problem. Prostate volume was small with 20 g and palpation did not confirm and solid or suspicious lesions. None of the patients had significant residual urine but MTF transsexuals had a reduced urinary flow. We could not detect a current urinary tract infections in any of the patients. CONCLUSION: Transsexuals have an increased risk for the development of micturition disorders including stress urinary incontinence and overactive bladder compared to age-matched control groups and should be counselled preoperatively. Reasons for the development of incontinence might be surgery including pudendal nerve damage, hormonal reasons and ageing.
The aim of this study was to compare the maximum urethral closure pressure (MUCP) measures with two different techniques: water perfused catheter and microtip transducer catheters with respect to reproducibility and comparability for urethral pressure measurements. Eighteen women with stress urinary incontinence had repeat static urethral pressure profilometry on a different day using a dual microtip transducer and water perfused catheter (Brown and Wickham). The investigators were blinded to the results of the other. The microtip measurements were taken in the 45 degrees upright sitting position with the patient at rest at a bladder capacity of 250 ml using an 8 Fr Gaeltec(R) double microtip transducer withdrawn at 1 mm/s, and the transducer was orientated in the three o'clock position. Three different measures were taken for each patient. Three water perfusion measurements were performed with the patient at rest in the 45 degrees upright position at a bladder capacity of 250 ml using an 8 Fr BARD dual lumen catheter withdrawn at 1 mm/s. The mean water perfusion MUCP measure was 26.1 cm H(2)0, significantly lower than the mean microtip measure of 35.7 cm H(2)0. The correlation coefficient comparing each water perfusion measurement with the other water perfusion measures in the same patient was excellent, at 0.95 (p = 0.01). Correlation coefficient comparing each microtip measure with the other microtip measure in the same patient was also good, ranging from 0.70 to 0.80. This study confirms that both water perfusion catheters and microtip transducers have excellent or very good reproducibility with an acceptable intraindividual variation for both methods.
Endometriosis corresponds to ectopic endometrial glands and stroma outside the uterine cavity. Clinical symptoms include dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia, infertility, painful defecation or cyclic urinary symptoms. Pelvic ultrasound is the primary imaging modality to identify and differentiate locations to the ovary (endometriomas) and the bladder wall. Characteristic sonographic features of endometriomas are diffuse low-level internal echos, multilocularity and hyperchoic foci in the wall. Differential diagnoses include corpus luteum, teratoma, cystadenoma, fibroma, tubo-ovarian abscess and carcinoma. Repeated ultrasound is highly recommended for unilocular cysts with low-level internal echoes to differentiate functional corpus luteum from endometriomas. Posterior locations of endometriosis include utero-sacral ligaments, torus uterinus, vagina and recto-sigmoid. Sonographic and MRI features are discussed for each location. Although ultrasound is able to diagnose most locations, its limited sensitivity for posterior lesions does not allow management decision in all patients. MRI has shown high accuracies for both anterior and posterior endometriosis and enables complete lesion mapping before surgery. Posterior locations demonstrate abnormal T2-hypointense, nodules with occasional T1-hyperintense spots and are easier to identify when peristaltic inhibitors and intravenous contrast media are used. Anterior locations benefit from the possibility of MRI urography sequences within the same examination. Rare locations and possible transformation into malignancy are discussed.