125 resultados para TISSUE-ENGINEERED BONE
Biodegradable magnesium plate/screw osteosynthesis systems were implanted on the frontal bone of adult miniature pigs. The chosen implant geometries were based on existing titanium systems used for the treatment of facial fractures. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vivo degradation and tissue response of the magnesium alloy WE43 with and without a plasma electrolytic surface coating. Of 14 animals, 6 received magnesium implants with surface modification (coated), 6 without surface modification (uncoated), and 2 titanium implants. Radiological examination of the skull was performed at 1, 4, and 8 weeks post-implantation. After euthanasia at 12 and 24 weeks, X-ray, computed tomography, and microfocus computed tomography analyses and histological and histomorphological examinations of the bone/implant blocks were performed. The results showed a good tolerance of the plate/screw system without wound healing disturbance. In the radiological examination, gas pocket formation was found mainly around the uncoated plates 4 weeks after surgery. The micro-CT and histological analyses showed significantly lower corrosion rates and increased bone density and bone implant contact area around the coated screws compared to the uncoated screws at both endpoints. This study shows promising results for the further development of coated magnesium implants for the osteosynthesis of the facial skeleton.
This article proposes a combined technique including bone grafting, connective tissue graft, and coronally advanced flap to create some space for simultaneous bone regrowth and root coverage. A 23 year-old female was referred to our private clinic with a severe class II Miller recession and lack of attached gingiva. The suggested treatment plan comprised of root coverage combined with xenograft bone particles. The grafted area healed well and full coverage was achieved at 12-month follow-up visit. Bone-added periodontal plastic surgery can be considered as a practical procedure for management of deep gingival recession without buccal bone plate.
Osteal macrophages (OsteoMacs) are a special subtype of macrophage residing in bony tissues. Interesting findings from basic research have pointed to their vast and substantial roles in bone biology by demonstrating their key function in bone formation and remodeling. Despite these essential findings, much less information is available concerning their response to a variety of biomaterials used for bone regeneration with the majority of investigation primarily focused on their role during the foreign body reaction. With respect to biomaterials, it is well known that cells derived from the monocyte/macrophage lineage are one of the first cell types in contact with implanted biomaterials. Here they demonstrate extremely plastic phenotypes with the ability to differentiate towards classical M1 or M2 macrophages, or subsequently fuse into osteoclasts or multinucleated giant cells (MNGCs). These MNGCs have previously been characterized as foreign body giant cells and associated with biomaterial rejection, however more recently their phenotypes have been implicated with wound healing and tissue regeneration by studies demonstrating their expression of key M2 markers around biomaterials. With such contrasting hypotheses, it becomes essential to better understand their roles to improve the development of osteo-compatible and osteo-promotive biomaterials. This review article expresses the necessity to further study OsteoMacs and MNGCs to understand their function in bone biomaterial tissue integration including dental/orthopedic implants and bone grafting materials.
AIM To associate the dimension of the facial bone wall with clinical, radiological, and patient-centered outcomes at least 10 years after immediate implant placement with simultaneous guided bone regeneration in a retrospective study. MATERIAL AND METHODS Primary endpoint was the distance from the implant shoulder (IS) to the first bone-to-implant contact (IS-BIC10y ). Secondary endpoints included the facial bone thickness (BT10y ) 2, 4, and 6 mm apical to the IS, and the implant position. At baseline, the horizontal defect width (HDWBL ) from the implant surface to the alveolar wall was recorded. At recall, distance from the IS to the mucosal margin (IS-MM10y ), degree of soft tissue coverage of the mesial and distal aspects of the implants (PISm10y , PISd10y ; Papilla Index), pocket probing depth (PPD10y ), and patient-centered outcomes were determined. Width of the keratinized mucosa (KM), Full-Mouth Plaque and Bleeding Score (FMPS, FMBS) were available for both time points. RESULTS Of the 20 patients who underwent immediate implant placement with simultaneous guided bone regeneration and transmucosal healing, nine males and eight females with a median age of 62 years (42 min, 84 max) were followed up for a median period of 10.5 y (min 10.1 max 11.5). The 10-year implant survival rate was 100%. Multivariate regression analysis revealed a correlation of the IS-BIC10y , controlled for age and gender, with four parameters: HDWBL (P = 0.03), KMBL -10 (P = 0.02), BT10 4 mm (P = 0.01), and BT10 6 mm (P = 0.01). CONCLUSION Within the conditions of the present study, the horizontal defect width was the main indicator for the vertical dimension of the facial bone. The facial bone dimension was further associated with a reduction in the width of the keratinized mucosa and the dimension of the buccal bone.
INTRODUCTION: Around 80% of people are affected by low back pain at least once in their life, often caused by trauma provoking intervertebral disc (IVD) herniation and/or IVD degeneration. Apart from some promising approaches for nucleus pulposus repair, so far no treatment or repair is available for the outer fibrous tissue, annulus fibrosus (AF). We aimed for sealing and repairing an AF injury in a bovine IVD organ culture model in vitro over 14 days under different loading conditions. For this purpose, a silk fleece composite from Bombyx mori silk was combined with genipin-enhanced fibrin hydrogel [1]. METHODS: Bovine IVDs of 12-17 months old animals were isolated by first removing all surrounding tissue, followed by cutting out the IVDs [2]. Culturing of discs occurred in high glucose Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (HG-DMEM) supplemented with 5% serum as previously described. On the next day, injury was induced using a 2mm biopsy punch (Polymed, Switzerland). The formed cavity was filled with (0.4%) genipin-enhanced human based fibrin hydrogel (35- 55mg/mL human fibrinogen, Baxter, Austria) and sealed with a silk fleece-membrane composite (Spintec Engineering, Germany). Different culture conditions were applied: free swelling, static diurnal load of 0.2MPa for 8h/d and complex loading at 0.2MPa compression combined with ± 2° torsion at 0.2Hz for 8h/d. Complex loading was applied by a custom built 2 degree of freedom bioreactor [3]. After 14 days of culture cell activity was determined with resazurin assay. Additionally, glycosaminoglycan (dimethyl-methylene blue), DNA (Hoechst) and collagen content (hydroxy-proline) were determined. Finally, real-time qPCR of major IVD marker genes was performed. RESULTS: The silk seal closing the injury site could successfully withstand the forces of all three loading conditions with no misplacement over the two weeks’ culture. Nevertheless, disc height of the repaired discs did not significantly differ from the injured group. The disc phenotype could be maintained as demonstrated by biochemical analysis of gene expression, cell activity, DNA-, collagen- and GAG content. The silk itself was evaluated to be highly biocompatible for hMSC, as revealed by cytotoxicity assays. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS: The silk can be considered a highly-elastic and biocompatible material for AF closure and the genipin-enhanced fibrin hydrogel has also good biomechanical properties. However, the cyto-compatibility of genipin seems rather poor and other hydrogels and/or cross-linkers should be looked into. REFERENCES: 1 C.C. Guterl et al. (2014) Characterization of Mechanics and Cytocompatibility of Fibrin Genipin Annulus Fibrosus Sealant with the Addition of Cell Adhesion Molecules, Tissue Eng Part A 2 S.C. Chan, B. Gantenbein-Ritter (2012) Preparation of intact bovine tail intervertebral discs for organ culture, J Vis Exp 3 B Gantenbein et al. (2015) Organ Culture Bioreactors - Platforms to Study Human Intervertebral Disc Degeneration and Regenerative Therapy, Curr Stem Cell Res Ther [epub ahead of print] ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This project is supported by the Gebert Rüf Stiftung project # GRS-028/13.